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尹航 教授


个人简介:尹航,清华大学校学术委员会委员、校科技伦理委员会委员、药学院教授、原副院长。尹航教授现任Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters主编、Journal of Extracellular Vesicle责任主编、Cell Chemical Biology编委、国际细胞外囊泡协会资深顾问、中国细胞外囊泡学会顾问、中国生物医药产业链创新与转化联盟重大需求专委会主任委员、全国中药标准化技术委员会委员、中国药学会药物化学专委会委员。尹航教授团队在本领域一流期刊发表研究论文超过150篇(引用超2.5万次, H-Index>63);科研成果已申请专利20余项(授予中国、美国、欧盟、日本等专利十余项),首创的1.1类候选药物获得美国FDA和中国CDE临床试验IND批准。尹航教授先后获得中组部国家特聘专家及中国科协海智特聘专家称号、国家自然基金委杰出青年科学基金、北京市卓越青年科学家奖、吴阶平-保罗·杨森医学药学奖、中国药学会科学技术一等奖、教育部自然科学二等奖、美国化学学会大卫·罗伯特森杰出药物化学家奖、美国癌症研究学会格特魯德·埃利恩奖、霍华德·休斯医学研究院合作创新奖、以及美国国家卫生研究院的 NIDA 青年化学家奖等多个奖项。 查看更多


  • 报名中
    大会报告:Exploring the frontiers of EV research by bridging basic science and biomedical applications 第七届先进体外诊断技术网络会议(iCIVD 2024)

    2024.08.20 09:00-18:00

    We have been focusing on the mechanistic studies of extracellular vesicles (EVs) by investigating their roles in innate immunity and cell-cell communications. For example, we have found that transport of ODN and Cdc42 from TLR9-activated macrophages to naïve cells via EVs exerts synergetic effects in propagation of the intracellular immune response, suggesting a general mechanism of EV-mediated uptake of pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Furthermore, these EVs may render an emerging disease biomarker that possesses tremendous theranostic potential. Nonetheless, the secretion of EVs cannot be monitored using traditional detection methods due to their small sizes. We developed an innovative strategy to target and capture EVs from various metastatic cancers using rationally designed peptide probes that recognize highly curved surface of these disease related EVs. These peptide probes also provide tools to selectively target cancer cells with specific lipid compositions and distributions, laying the foundation for further development of the next-generation of diagnostics and prognostics.查看更多



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