









Alibaba and Suning Commerce Enter Into Strategic Alliance




分享: 2015/08/11 10:18:48
导读: Builds on Synergiesin Ecommerce, Logistics and O2O Initiatives


HANGZHOU, China--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Alibaba Group Holding Limited(NYSE:BABA) (“Alibaba”) and Suning Commerce Group Limited (SSE:002024)(“Suning”) today announced that Alibaba will invest approximately RMB28.3billion (US$4.63 billion) for a 19.99% stake in Suning, one of the largest consumerelectronics retail chains in China. After the closing of the investment inSuning, Alibaba will be the second-largest shareholder in the company.

“This alliance will benefitconsumers and merchants by cultivating an open and transparent integrated ecosystemthat will be the backbone of the future economy.”

Concurrent withAlibaba’s investment in Suning, Suning will invest up to RMB14 billion (US$2.28billion) to subscribe for up to 27.8 million newly issued ordinary shares ofAlibaba. After the investment, Suning will hold approximately a 1.1% interestin Alibaba’s enlarged issued and outstanding share capital.

The strategiccollaboration between Alibaba and Suning marks a milestone that signals thefurther integration of digital and offline retail. This strategic collaborationwill bring benefits to hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers who useAlibaba’s online platforms and Suning’s offline channels. By cooperating,Alibaba and Suning will be able to provide holistic and more convenient shoppingexperiences, as well as superior customer service to users looking to purchaseonline and through mobile devices.

As part of thetransaction, Alibaba and Suning have entered into a strategic collaborationagreement to build on synergies in e-commerce, logistics and incrementalbusiness through joint omni-channel initiatives. Under the collaboration,Suning will open a flagship store on Alibaba’s Tmall.com platform, focusing onconsumer electronics, home appliances and baby products. The store will offer high-qualityproduct offerings at attractive prices and an unparalleled superior shoppingexperience. Suning’s flagship store will be a major win for Tmall.com, andreflects Tmall’s status as the premiere platform for brands and retailers whowish to establish their online presence and direct engagement with customers.

In the area oflogistics, Suning will become a partner of Cainiao, Alibaba’s logisticsaffiliate and Suning’s logistics services cover almost all of the 2,800counties and districts in China. Suning boasts a nationwide logistics networkcovering over 90% of China’s counties including eight national distributioncenters, 57 regional distribution centers, 353 city forwarding centers and over1,700 last-mile delivery stations. With Cainiao’s intelligent deliverysolutions and Suning’s well-developed distribution network, customers canexpect to receive their orders in as fast as two hours in the near future.

This collaborationhighlights how Alibaba Group’s unrivaled leadership in mobile commerce andpayments makes it possible for offline retailers to have an aggressive andsuccessful omni-channel strategy. This collaboration brings together a strongbricks-and-mortar operation with an extensive online customer base andresources. Capitalizing on Suning’s extensive network of offline stores andleveraging Alibaba’s edge in data technology, both parties can exploreonline-to-offline and offline-to-online commerce opportunities that betterserve customer needs and preferences. The collaboration will provide manytangible benefits to consumers. For example, consumers will be able to have aphysical experience with the product in store, while at the same time beingable to operate other areas – such as ordering and payment – through their ownmobile device. Not only will customers be able to enjoy the tremendous amountof offerings and pay directly via the Alipay Wallet on their mobile device,they will also be able to experience the products and after-sale services inperson in Suning’s over 1,600 physical retail stores in 289 cities acrossChina. In addition, Suning’s retail stores, as well as its over 3,000after-sales service locations and over 5,000 affiliate servicing partners in320 cities across China will also be able to perform important after-salemaintenance or repair services to Tmall consumers.

Jack Ma, ExecutiveChairman of Alibaba Group, said, “Over the past two decades, e-commerce hasbecome an inextricable part of the lives of Chinese consumers, and this newalliance brings forth a new commerce model that fully integrates online andoffline.” Ma added, “This alliance will benefit consumers and merchants bycultivating an open and transparent integrated ecosystem that will be thebackbone of the future economy.”

Daniel Zhang, CEOof Alibaba Group, said, “We are seeing the integration of e-commerce withtraditional commerce where consumers are able to enjoy a more engaged,omni-channel and seamless shopping experience. Customers will be able to enjoythe vast online offerings while having convenient access to physical stores. Bymaximizing Suning’s bricks-and-mortar assets with Alibaba’s vibrant ecosystem,we are in the best position to provide the ultimate shopping experience for allour customers.”

Zhang Jindong,Suning’s Chairman, said: “The collaboration between Alibaba and Suning is amilestone in China’s retail industry and its influence on e-commerce andoffline retailing will be enormous. This collaboration signals a new trend inthe Internet age: Strengthening China’s traditional industries by leveragingthe power of Internet. It will also help transform China’s manufacturingindustry and broaden the global horizons of Chinese brands.”

Sun Weimin,Suning’s Vice Chairman, said, “We believe the strengths of Alibaba and Suningcomplement each other. By exploring standards and models in the O2O sector, wehope to bring real benefits to Chinese consumers.”

Consummation ofAlibaba’s investment in Suning and the investment by Suning in Alibaba aresubject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals and, inthe case of the investment by Alibaba in Suning, the approval of theshareholders of Suning.




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