2021-03-30 13:30
C-Therm 新型三合一导热系数分析仪 Trident
型号: Trident
¥ 50万 - 80万
The PTR3 is a specialized system dedicated to the highly sensitive detection of ultra low traces of volatile organic compounds and their oxidation products that enables monitoring reactions from the first oxidation steps up to highly-oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) down to ppqV levels (Breitenlechner et al., 2017). The inlet system and the ionization chamber are especially designed to reduce surface interactions. This concept of contact free sampling allows for detecting organics of virtually all volatility classes ranging from volatile (VOC) to extremely low volatile (ELVOC). Recent results from the well-known CLOUD experiment very well illustrate the advantages of the PTR3 over a commonly used nitrate (NO3-) Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (CIMS). Both instruments show a similar detection efficiency towards ELVOCs, but the PTR3 clearly excels the CIMS when it comes to the detection of less oxidized VOCs. https://www.ionicon.com/technologies/details/ptr3
散热器是被动式热交换器,用于将设备产生的热量传递到流动介质中,例如液体冷却剂或空气。 • 散热器是电子和机械设备中热管理的关键
填充型聚合物通常作为电子产品中的灌封胶,以降低接触热阻并固定电子元器件。灌封胶设计为体或胶状材料,可为电子组件提供结构支撑和物理保护,同时还可置换热量和气体以防止诸如电晕放电之类的现象。 为了提高性能电子设备的散热效果,人们越来需要导热系数更高的灌封料。
Trident在动力电池热管理上的应用 电子设备和组件的热管理不当通常会导致产品性能下降、产品生命周期缩短以及给用户带来负面的使用体验。 电池的不良热管理会加速电池材料的老化,导致使用寿命缩短、循环效率降低以及存储容量降低,甚至有可能引起热失控,导致燃烧和爆炸。