仪器种类: 串联四极杆
产地类别: 进口
质量范围: -
灵敏度: -
分辨率: -
精确质量数: -
使用配备自动化在线 SPE 的 LC/MS/MS 分析水中的痕量有机污染物阿替洛尔
The Agilent 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube module has enabled a fully automated online SPE extraction LC/MS/MS method for ng/L level detection and quantitation of 34 trace organic compounds (pharmaceuticals, personal-care products, pesticides, perfluorinated compounds and so forth) in a wide variety of water sources. It requires only 1.7 mL of sample and provides a cycle time less than 15 minutes, enabled in part by the simultaneous positive and negative ionization feature of the Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS. The automated online sample preparation embodied in this method provides unparalleled throughput and reproducibility, as well as time, labor, and solvent savings.
使用配备自动化在线 SPE 的 LC/MS/MS 分析水中的痕量有机污染物卡马西平
The Agilent 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube module has enabled a fully automated online SPE extraction LC/MS/MS method for ng/L level detection and quantitation of 34 trace organic compounds (pharmaceuticals, personal-care products, pesticides, perfluorinated compounds and so forth) in a wide variety of water sources. It requires only 1.7 mL of sample and provides a cycle time less than 15 minutes, enabled in part by the simultaneous positive and negative ionization feature of the Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS. The automated online sample preparation embodied in this method provides unparalleled throughput and reproducibility, as well as time, labor, and solvent savings.
使用配备自动化在线 SPE 的 LC/MS/MS 分析水中的痕量有机污染物氯贝酸
The Agilent 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube module has enabled a fully automated online SPE extraction LC/MS/MS method for ng/L level detection and quantitation of 34 trace organic compounds (pharmaceuticals, personal-care products, pesticides, perfluorinated compounds and so forth) in a wide variety of water sources. It requires only 1.7 mL of sample and provides a cycle time less than 15 minutes, enabled in part by the simultaneous positive and negative ionization feature of the Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS. The automated online sample preparation embodied in this method provides unparalleled throughput and reproducibility, as well as time, labor, and solvent savings.
使用配备自动化在线 SPE 的 LC/MS/MS 分析水中的痕量有机污染物双氯芬酸
The Agilent 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube module has enabled a fully automated online SPE extraction LC/MS/MS method for ng/L level detection and quantitation of 34 trace organic compounds (pharmaceuticals, personal-care products, pesticides, perfluorinated compounds and so forth) in a wide variety of water sources. It requires only 1.7 mL of sample and provides a cycle time less than 15 minutes, enabled in part by the simultaneous positive and negative ionization feature of the Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS. The automated online sample preparation embodied in this method provides unparalleled throughput and reproducibility, as well as time, labor, and solvent savings.
使用配备自动化在线 SPE 的 LC/MS/MS 分析水中的痕量有机污染物苯那君
The Agilent 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube module has enabled a fully automated online SPE extraction LC/MS/MS method for ng/L level detection and quantitation of 34 trace organic compounds (pharmaceuticals, personal-care products, pesticides, perfluorinated compounds and so forth) in a wide variety of water sources. It requires only 1.7 mL of sample and provides a cycle time less than 15 minutes, enabled in part by the simultaneous positive and negative ionization feature of the Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS. The automated online sample preparation embodied in this method provides unparalleled throughput and reproducibility, as well as time, labor, and solvent savings.
使用配备自动化在线 SPE 的 LC/MS/MS 分析水中的痕量有机污染物地尔硫卓
The Agilent 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube module has enabled a fully automated online SPE extraction LC/MS/MS method for ng/L level detection and quantitation of 34 trace organic compounds (pharmaceuticals, personal-care products, pesticides, perfluorinated compounds and so forth) in a wide variety of water sources. It requires only 1.7 mL of sample and provides a cycle time less than 15 minutes, enabled in part by the simultaneous positive and negative ionization feature of the Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS. The automated online sample preparation embodied in this method provides unparalleled throughput and reproducibility, as well as time, labor, and solvent savings.
基于 Agilent 1200 Infinity 系列快速更换阀系统自动化解决方案
随着近年来色谱技术的不断发展,实验室拥有了更快、更强大的分析能力。现在,越来越多的实验室对整个工作流程的数据质量及工作效率提出了更高的要求,例如更好的分离效果、更灵活的使用方式、更低的运行成本、更高的自动化程度等等。 安捷伦“快速更换”阀系统可以通过各种灵活的组合实现多种高效的自动化功能,从而帮助实验室分析研究人员提供更快、更可靠的工作流程解决方案,以实现更高的工作效率和数据质量,从而提升工作流程的整体效率。
安捷伦针对 ADME/DMPK 的制药解决方案
安捷伦针对 ADME/DMPK 的制药解决方案 安捷伦为法规要求与非法规要求的 ADME 以及生物分析工作流程提供了经过测试的、可靠的解决方案,有助于提高通量并改善分析结果。 选择安捷伦作为您的合作伙伴,让我们帮助您从容应对分析难题,为您提供各种 ADME/DMPK 解决方案。
索取关于 Agilent 自动化液相色谱方法开发的信息
一个样品,上千种条件,一个结果。 Agilent 1200 Infinity 系列方法开发解决方案提供有上千种可快速自动访问的、独特的液相色谱分离条件,可以最大限度地提高仪器的效率和性能。
安捷伦为杂质分析难题提供支持和解决方案 安捷伦拥有卓越的 QC 解决方案及相关支持人员 — 因此,对于力求缩短产品生命周期、降低生产成本同时遵守法规要求的制药企业来说,安捷伦无疑是其优秀合作伙伴。
安捷伦加速生物药物及蛋白制剂的分析方法开发 安捷伦为生物制药领域科学家们提供了全面解决方案,帮助他们对产品稳定性和纯度作出可靠评估,以此为生物制药领域的发展提供支持。从容应对研发中的挑战—— 了解 更多来自安捷伦的生物制药解决方案。
针对生物制药方法开发的功能强大的新工具 安捷伦致力于为生物制药客户提供最佳解决方案,以改善生物制药研发过程中的鉴定结果以及提高工作效率。 最近更新的 《生物制药研发与质量控制应用指南》 包括安捷伦的一系列应用,涉及聚集体分析与大小测量、氨基酸分析、多聚糖分析等应用。 该文集提供印刷版、下载版,也可以在线获取。
信心十足地进行药物质量控制 安捷伦始终致力于提供最好的解决方案来支持制制药客户,使他们不仅遵从法规、有条不紊地进行药物开发,还能获得出色结果。 新版安捷伦药物质量控制文集包括一系列安捷伦在纯度和杂质分析领域中的最新应用简报。 它介绍了最先进的安捷伦仪器的使用方法,并提供了获取出色结果、降低成本和快速完成分析所需的技巧和工具。 本文集下载后可全文打印,或保存为包含所有资讯链接的电子文本。
安捷伦全新的解决方案—管理 开放式环境变得简单
安捷伦全新的解决方案—管理 开放式环境变得简单 适用于 LC/MS 的安捷伦 MassHunter Walkup 软件 以及适用于 NMR 的 VnmrJ 软件 为业内所有技术人员提供了简便管理和无与伦比的支持。