电镜专用微区成分分析---牛津仪器Ultim Max能谱仪
电镜专用微区成分分析---牛津仪器Ultim Max能谱仪

¥60万 - 100万




Ultim Max



  • 白金
  • 第23年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

产地类别: 进口

仪器种类: 斜插式

能量分辨率: 127eV

峰背比: 200000:1

最大计数率: 1,500,000cps

元素检测范围: Be-Cf

探测器面积: 40~170m㎡

窗口类型: SATW

Ultim Max系列能谱仪,有效晶体面积为 40mm2,65mm2,100mm2以及170mm2,是新一代硅漂移型探测器(SDD),配有大面积晶体和低噪音电子元器件,分析速度和探测灵敏性都有大幅提升。

速度 - 低噪音电子元器件和X4脉冲处理器的结合,使Ultim Max能够在1,500,000 cps的计数率下对样品进行面分析,并在400,000 cps计数率下进行精确定量。

灵敏度 - 晶体尺寸有着很大影响。使用Ultim Max的大面积晶体(100 mm2170 mm2),可大幅提高极端分析条件下的计数率

  • Introduction Historically energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy has been focused towards high energies where X-ray lines are well separated and the X-ray background is low. Recently the demand for higher spatial resolution, whether that is when analysing semiconductor devices or measuring precipitates in metals, has increased dramatically. To ensure maximum sensitivity when working under these demanding conditions the Ultim® range of EDS detectors combine the largest area SDD with optimised geometries to consistently deliver a higher count rate.

    电子/电气 2020-06-15

  • Development and testing of semiconductor devices requires extensive knowledge of local structure and elemental composition. With feature sizes of <5 nm, it is often necessary to perform imaging and EDS analysis in a S / TEM. Once in the TEM, there are still many difficulties to be overcome to acquire accurate elemental maps. Elemental analysis of semiconductors is typically difficult due to strong overlaps of X-ray lines between commonly used elements and low concentrations of dopants. Not only are concentrations of dopants small but their X-ray lines often overlap with other materials used in semiconductor processing. This brief shows how AZtecTEM solves these overlaps to achieve an accurate elemental analysis. TEM Semiconductor Mapping in the TEM Solving peak overlaps in real-time Application Brief

    半导体 2018-01-08

  • Development and testing of semiconductor devices requires extensive knowledge of local structure and elemental composition. With feature sizes of <5 nm, it is often necessary to perform imaging and EDS analysis in a S / TEM. Once in the TEM, there are still many difficulties to be overcome to acquire accurate elemental maps. Elemental analysis of semiconductors is typically difficult due to strong overlaps of X-ray lines between commonly used elements and low concentrations of dopants. Not only are concentrations of dopants small but their X-ray lines often overlap with other materials used in semiconductor processing. This brief shows how AZtecTEM solves these overlaps to achieve an accurate elemental analysis. TEM Semiconductor Mapping in the TEM Solving peak overlaps in real-time Application Brief

    半导体 2018-01-08

  • Introduction Historically energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy has been focused towards high energies where X-ray lines are well separated and the X-ray background is low. Recently the demand for higher spatial resolution, whether that is when analysing semiconductor devices or measuring precipitates in metals, has increased dramatically. To ensure maximum sensitivity when working under these demanding conditions the Ultim® range of EDS detectors combine the largest area SDD with optimised geometries to consistently deliver a higher count rate.

    电子/电气 2020-06-15


保修期: 详询工程师



免费培训: 详询工程师

免费仪器保养: 详询工程师

保内维修承诺: 详询工程师

报修承诺: 详询工程师

  • Ultim® Max Ultim Max是新一代硅漂移型探测器(SDD),配有大面积晶体和低噪音电子元器件,分析速度和探测灵敏性都有大幅提升。

    829MB 2020-07-14
  • AZtecLive是一种变革性的EDS分析方法,可以改变用户在SEM中进行样品筛选的方式。它将实时电子图像与实时X射线元素成像结合起来,为客户提供了一种更为直观的与样品互动的新方式。

    829MB 2020-06-11
  • AZtecFeature是一种自动颗粒物分析系统,专门针对适用性和高速输出进行了优化。它结合了Ultim Max硅漂移探测器的高效性、灵敏性和Aztec出色的分析性能和简便操作,创造了先进的全自动颗粒物分析平台。

    3164MB 2020-06-11

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牛津仪器Ultim Max的说明书有吗?

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牛津仪器Ultim Max有现货吗?

电镜专用微区成分分析---牛津仪器Ultim Max能谱仪信息由牛津仪器科技(上海)有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于电镜专用微区成分分析---牛津仪器Ultim Max能谱仪报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


