布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS
布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS
布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS
布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS
布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS
布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS
布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS
布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS
布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS
布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS

¥40万 - 50万







  • 金牌
  • 第7年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

产地类别: 进口

CCD相机分辨率: 640 x 480

极限速度: 最快移动速度可达 10mm/s

空间分辨率: 1.5 nm

角分辨率: 0.2°

QUANTAX EBSD 系统加上广受欢迎的 OPTIMUS TKD 探测器,是分析 SEM 中纳米材料的理想化解决方案。原因如下:

  • 提供 1.5 nm 的空间分辨率

  • 在不影响速度和/或数据质量的情况下以低测试电流进行测试

  • 在使用浸入式透镜模式的超高分辨 SEM 下工作的仅有的 TKD 解决方案

  • 全自动内置 ARGUS 成像系统


  • Using Bruker’s Hysitron PI 88 SEM PicoIndenter equipped with tilt and rotation stages in conjunction with the QUANTAX EBSD system enables a more robust characterization of metallic materials by combining high resolution phase and grain orientation mapping capabilities with targeted nanomechanical property measurements. This combination could also be used to extend the scope of research related to other advanced textured, anisotropic, or multi-phase materials.

    钢铁/金属 2021-09-02

  • Commercially available high speed steel was analyzed simultaneously using the EBSD and EDS techniques at a very high speed of more than 200 points/s. Thanks to its extremely fast reanalysis option the CrystAlign™ software permits the user to launch measurements without knowing all the phases present in the sample. This in turn significantly reduces the preparation time needed before launching the measurement. Thanks to these new hardware and software developments the SEM occupation time for acquiring a map of 480,000 points was drastically reduced to less than one hour i.e. 38 min for data acquisition, plus maximum 15 min for sample, electron beam, hardware and software setup.

    钢铁/金属 2021-09-02

  • Using Bruker’s Hysitron PI 88 SEM PicoIndenter equipped with tilt and rotation stages in conjunction with the QUANTAX EBSD system enables a more robust characterization of metallic materials by combining high resolution phase and grain orientation mapping capabilities with targeted nanomechanical property measurements. This combination could also be used to extend the scope of research related to other advanced textured, anisotropic, or multi-phase materials.

    钢铁/金属 2021-09-02

  • Commercially available high speed steel was analyzed simultaneously using the EBSD and EDS techniques at a very high speed of more than 200 points/s. Thanks to its extremely fast reanalysis option the CrystAlign™ software permits the user to launch measurements without knowing all the phases present in the sample. This in turn significantly reduces the preparation time needed before launching the measurement. Thanks to these new hardware and software developments the SEM occupation time for acquiring a map of 480,000 points was drastically reduced to less than one hour i.e. 38 min for data acquisition, plus maximum 15 min for sample, electron beam, hardware and software setup.

    钢铁/金属 2021-09-02


保修期: 1年



免费培训: 一次安装使用培训,不限次数应用培训

免费仪器保养: 基本仪器使用保养并现场服务

保内维修承诺: 所有服务及配件(人为损坏及消耗品除外)全部免费

报修承诺: 24小时内电话指导,48小时内现场服务


布鲁克EBSD系统QUANTAX EBSD eflash FS的工作原理介绍

EBSD系统QUANTAX EBSD eflash FS的使用方法?

布鲁克QUANTAX EBSD eflash FS多少钱一台?

EBSD系统QUANTAX EBSD eflash FS可以检测什么?

EBSD系统QUANTAX EBSD eflash FS使用的注意事项?

布鲁克QUANTAX EBSD eflash FS的说明书有吗?

布鲁克EBSD系统QUANTAX EBSD eflash FS的操作规程有吗?

布鲁克EBSD系统QUANTAX EBSD eflash FS报价含票含运吗?

布鲁克QUANTAX EBSD eflash FS有现货吗?

布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS信息由布鲁克电子显微纳米分析仪器部为您提供,如您想了解更多关于布鲁克 电子背散射衍射仪 EBSD eflash FS报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


