
会议时间:07月22日 09:00 -- 07月22日 17:00


Mass spectrometry is a powerful tool in many fields such as chemistry, biology, medicine, materials, food, environment, and public safety. The proportion of female scientists in the field of mass spectrometry is also increasing, and they are playing an ever increasingly important role in their respective positions. 

Therefore, www.instrument.com.cn plans to co-organize with the Females in Mass Spectrometry (FeMS) to organize “The 1st International Virtual Symposium of Female Scientists and Supporters in Mass spectrometry” on July 22, 2021 in the Beijing time, aiming to create a network for females and their supporters in the field of mass spectrometry at all career stages and paths, and share inspiring career/personal experience or valuable advice with the audience. 


9 am July 22nd, 2021 in Beijing time

9 pm EDT/6 pm PDT July 21st,2021 in US



基于此,仪器信息网在Females in Mass Spectrometry(FeMS)组织的大力支持下,于2021年7月22日举办“第一届女性质谱学者国际研讨会”,旨在为质谱领域的女性学者从学业生活到个人心路历程等方面搭建沟通、交流的平台,激励质谱领域女性学者的工作热情、帮助领域内女性学者的事业发展。

主办单位:hosted by https://www.instrument.com.cn/webinar/


我要参会 07月22日 Multi-omics Enlighten Chemistry and Life Sciences (质谱在多组学研究的技术应用进展)
  • 09:00--09:30 看回放 Multidimensional Characteristics for Highly Confident Measurements and Scientists基于多维特征分析实现高可信度质谱检测 Erin S. Baker North Carolina State University[北卡罗莱纳州立大学] FeMS board member
  • 09:30--10:00 看回放 Single cell proteomics in neurons 单神经元蛋白组学 John R. Yates III Scripps Research[斯克利普斯研究所] Professor
  • 10:00--10:30 看回放 On-tissue Spatially Resolved Multiomics Analyses Enabled by MALDI MS Imaging Coupled with In-situ Chemical Reactions MALDI质谱成像辅助原位化学反应实现空间分辨的组织原位多组学分析 Lingjun Li[李灵军] School of Pharmacy University of Wisconsin[威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校] Professor
  • 10:30--11:00 看回放 Top-down Proteomics and Metabolomics for Precision Medicine 精准医学中的Topdown蛋白组学和代谢组学研究 Ying Ge[葛瑛] University of Wisconsin-Madison[威斯康星大学] Professor
  • 11:00--11:30 看回放 Community-building: Plasma Lipidomics and Beyond 搭建研究群体:血浆脂质组学 Anne K Bendt National University of Singapore [新加坡国立大学] FeMS co-founder[FeMS共同创始人]
  • 11:30--14:00 Lunch Break 午休
  • 14:00--14:30 看回放 In-depth urine and serum proteome maps immune responses associated with the COVID-19 disease 深度尿液和血清蛋白质组与新冠的免疫谱图 Catherine Wong [黄超兰] Peking University [北京大学医学部精准医疗多组学研究中心] Professor
  • 14:30--14:50 Chemical Proteomics:From Drug Target Discovery to Glycolytic Metabolites Targetome Mining 化学蛋白质组学:从药物靶标发现到解码糖酵解代谢靶标组 Hui Ye[叶慧] China Pharmaceutical University[中国药科大学] Associate Professor
  • 14:50--15:10 MS-based approaches for analysis of glycosylation and their application 蛋白质糖基化质谱分析新方法及应用 Ying Zhang [张莹] Fudan University [复旦大学] Professor
  • 15:10--15:30 看回放 安捷伦多组学分析方案及热点应用 胡 楠 安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司 LCMS应用科学家
  • 15:30--15:45 Fragment Ion-based Quantitation Methods enable accurate, precisive and dynamic proteome analysis 基于碎片离子的高精准蛋白质组动态分析新方法 Jianhui Liu[刘健慧] CAS[中科院大连化学物理研究所] Postdoctoral
  • 15:45--16:00 看回放 Redox Chemoproteomics氧化还原蛋白质组学 Ling Fu[付玲] National Proteome Center[国家蛋白质科学中心] Research assistant
  • 16:00--16:15 Deep-Profiling of Aminophospholipids from Biological Samples via Two Orthogonal Derivatizations 基于正交衍生的氨基磷脂组深度分析策略 Qiaohong Lin[林巧红] Tsinghua University[清华大学] Ph.D Candidate
  • 16:15--16:30 看回放 Microparticle assisted protein precipitation strategy for drug target screening基于微球辅助的蛋白质沉淀策略的药物靶点筛选研究 Jiawen Lyu[吕佳纹] CAS[中科院大连化学物理研究所] Doctor




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