6040脉冲发生器性能卓越,其频率精度达到0.01%,延迟和宽度精度为0.2%,触发抖动为25ps,且具有同步功能。只有最好的数字延迟系统才能达到这种水平。嵌入式模块解决你紧急需求的输出配置。 主机模块包括:单脉冲,双脉冲,推动,外部驱动,外部调制和CW,模块本身决定哪种性能可用。一些模块可以主机最大循环速率运行,其它模块的运行速率稍小于最大速率。
Internal Trigger 0.01Hz to 100 MHz, Accuracy: 0.01% of setting
Pulse Width 3 ns to 640 S, resolution of 1 ns or 5 digits, accuracy
0.2%, jitter 25 ps or 0.005%.
Delay 0 ns to 640 S, resolution of 1 ns or 5 digits, accuracy
0.2%, jitter 25 ps or 0.005%.
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Trig Out A 3 ns wide, 2V high T0 pulse into 50 ohms.
Pulse Out A positive 4V pulse into 50 ohms. 1 ns risetime, 1.5 falltime.
ECL Out An ECL level output into 50 ohms. 700 ps risetime.
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External Trigger 0 to 100 MHz, slope select and threshold adjust, 50 ohm
input impedance.
Single Cycle A push button initiates a single pulse cycle.
Double Pulse A pair of identical Width pulses separated by the Delay
for each event.
Impulse A sub-ns impulse is provided for each event. (optical
External Drive An incoming waveform drives a modules output between
two selected levels.
External Modulation Analog or digital signals modulate the output of an
optical module with high bandwidths. (optical only)
CW Constant light level outputs. (optical only)
635, 850, 904, 1064, 1300 和 1550 nm 波长