True 3D Real-time Rendering LAS X 3D Visualization
True 3D Real-time Rendering LAS X 3D Visualization





True 3D Real-time Rendering LAS X 3D Visualization





True 3D Real-time Rendering LAS X 3D Visualization
The Leica Application Suite X (LAS X) software module visualizes samples in three dimensions. It offers a wide variety of brilliant real-time 3D rendering options.


LAS X 3D Visualization Basic Module

The LAS X 3D Visualization generates 3D images of brilliant quality – a highlight for your presentations. You can set the intensity, noise level, gamma and opacity for each channel individually and select the background color. Additionally, there are various projection modes at the users’ disposal: transparent, maximum intensity and depth coding. An automatic motion function emphasizes the spatial effect of the 3D volume. You can also create film sequences – the movie generator sports functions for preview, loop, yo-yo and play time definition. 

LAS X 3D Visualization Advanced Module

The LAS X 3D Visualization Advanced Module complements the Basic Module with further functions such as the rendering in isosurface mode. You can display orthogonal sections, crop and annotate the 3D images and clip channel-specific segmentations. To emphasize three-dimensional structures, users can define shadow projection interactively – a function that is available for all projection modes including transparent projection. Users can also define the viewing angle for better spatial perception. Furthermore, the Advanced Module offers stereo display mode for 3D monitors and shutter glasses, polarization goggles and display as anaglyph as well as a sophisticated movie editor to generate spectacular 3D movies. 

Real-time 3D rendering

You can move 3D volumes smoothly and fast in real-time. Images can be zoomed into, rotated, moved or spun easily with the mouse. Images can be displayed in 3D overlay and/or a channel-specific 3D split view.

Powerful Clipping Tool

You have gathered significant information but wish to focus on a specific segment of your 3D image? With the clipping tool, clipping planes and sectors can be selected easily and intuitively. You can define tilted clipping planes and oblique cut planes, apply different clipping functions to different clipping segments and extract the clipping planes you need.

Sophisticated Movie Editor

Movies often illustrate your results best, especially with 3D images at your disposal. With the movie editor of the LAS X 3D Visualization Advanced Module, you can use the key frame editor to move images within the movie, show different projection modes and clipping views within a single clip and morph between different movie sequences and display modes. 

Orthogonal Sections and 3D Crop Tool

Displaying the volume as orthogonal sections helps for example to visualize neuronal connections. Simply rotate the volume for optimal orientation. You also can define ranges in all three dimensions for 3D cropping. Orthogonal sections are ideal for identification of coordinates within the sample, for example for distance or angle measurements (optional 3D Analysis module).


保修期: 1年



免费培训: 2次使用技术培训

免费仪器保养: 一年2次以上仪器免费保养

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