DART®-OS 实时直接分析离子源
DART®-OS 实时直接分析离子源
DART®-OS 实时直接分析离子源
DART®-OS 实时直接分析离子源
DART®-OS 实时直接分析离子源
DART®-OS 实时直接分析离子源
DART®-OS 实时直接分析离子源
DART®-OS 实时直接分析离子源

¥100万 - 200万







  • 银牌
  • 第14年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

 DART®-OS为2012年美国匹兹堡会议上面世的第五代实时直接分析(DART)新产品,为当今常压敞开式原位电离质谱技术的典型代表,继承了DART技术的现场、直接、快速、原位分析的特点,但更经济、绿色、便捷和多样性。使用OpenSpot™ 样品卡,轻松将液体或固体样品滴蘸到目标筛网中央,插入DART®-OS卡槽,即可瞬间进行快速分析。DART®-OS原理是在常压条件下,载气(如氦气或氮气)经放电产生的激发态原子,在常温或至550摄氏度条件下解吸并离子化样品中的化合物,以质谱检测。由于溶剂、基质、盐类等对离子化过程不产生抑制效应,因而该技术不需要对样品基质进行冗繁的分离或制备。通过基于苹果iPod Touch 图形化的操作界面,DART®-OS与单级或多级质谱联机,利用其广谱的原位电离、简化的样品预处理、直接快速的进样分析和质谱仪的各种先进的扫描功能,实现样品中痕量、超痕量的有毒有害、营养和功能成分的快速筛选、快速鉴定和高通量定量分析。

DART® 的典型客户包括美国FDA、FBI、EPA等政府实验室,比如,DART用于特勤局的货币检查、国会图书馆的文档验证;美国食品药品管理局 (FDA) 物证鉴定中心研究发表了DART串联高分辨质谱快速筛选500多种农药的方法。FDA在海关配置DART,旨在快速鉴定蔬菜、水果的多种农药残留。在全美和世界各地的法医法检中心领域,DART的应用也很广泛。在著名药物研发机构如Merck、Pfizer、Roche、GSK等,都能看到DART的身影。国际知名的学术研究机构如Purdue,Rice,Harvard,北大、浙大、NIH、中科院等运用DART质谱做出了许多先进的发明和发现。近两年,中国食品药品检定研究院(sFDA)、北京市药品检验所、中国计量院、质检总局出入境检验检疫等国内顶尖药品、食品检验检测机构也陆续采纳了DART技术,运用在药品、食品、包材、化妆品等质量安全检验和检测分析。

(5)能同时、广谱离子化极性、中极性、和弱极性的活性化合物、药物、毒物、和残留有机物。对中性化合物如食用油中的甘油三酯、蜡、聚合物,以及螯合盐等同样灵敏有效,且不需像 LC-MS喷雾离子化(ESI)或MALDI那样必须先行溶解样品。
(10)图形化iPod Touch操作界面更轻松帮助实现全自动数据采集和样品分析。
(11)和众多主流质谱厂商(如AB SCIEX、Agilent、Bruker、ThermoFisher、Waters、Shimadzu、JEOL等)各种类型的质谱仪如飞行时间、离子阱、三级四极杆及各类混联质谱联用。

 生产商为IonSense Inc(美国);大中华区代理为华质泰科生物技术(北京)有限公司。

  • Direct analysis in real time (DART) ion source is a powerful ionising technique for the quick and easy detection of various organic molecules without any sample preparation steps, but the lack of quantitation capacity limits its extensive use in the field of phytochemical analysis. Objective – To improvise a new system which utilize DART-MS as a hyphenated detector for quantitation. Methodology – A total extract of Schisandra chinensis fruit was analyzed on a TLC plate and three major lignan compounds were quantitated by three different methods of UV densitometry, TLC-DART-MS and HPLC-UV to compare the efficiency of each method. To introduce the TLC plate into the DART ion source at a constant velocity, a syringe pump was employed. The DART-MS total ion current chromatogram was recorded for the entire TLC plate. The concentration of each lignan compound was calculated from the calibration curve established with standard compound. Results – Gomisin A, gomisin N and schisandrin were well separated on a silica-coated TLC plate and the specific ion current chromatograms were successfully acquired from the TLC-DART-MS system. The TLC-DART-MS system for the quantitation of natural products showed better linearity and specificity than TLC densitometry, and consumed less time and solvent than conventional HPLC method. Conclusion – A hyphenated system for the quantitation of phytochemicals from crude herbal drugs was successfully established. This system was shown to have a powerful analytical capacity for the prompt and efficient quantitation of natural products from crude drugs.

    制药/生物制药 2017-11-16

  • Piper betle Linn. is a traditional plant associated with the Asian and southeast Asian cultures. Its use is also recorded in folk medicines in these regions. Several of its medicinal properties have recently been proven. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence ofmainly terpenes and phenols in betel leaves. These constituents vary in the different cultivars of Piper betle. In this paper we have attempted to profile eight locally available betel cultivars using the recently developed mass spectral ionization technique of direct analysis in real time (DART). Principal component analysis has also been employed to analyze the DART MS data of these betel cultivars. The results show that the cultivars of Piper betle could be differentiated using DART MS data.

    农/林/牧/渔 2017-11-16

  • 石膏墙板也叫石膏板、灰板或干墙(drywall)。最近关于“中国进口的石膏墙板质量纠纷”在美愈演愈烈。美国消费品安全委员会说,已经接到大约 1500个投诉报告,涉及数十亿美元的赔偿投诉。投诉者称,他们所居住新房子上的中国制石膏墙板散发出类似臭鸡蛋味儿的含硫气体,腐蚀电缆铜线和金属管 道,并且时常使人出现头痛、喉咙痛等症状。为此,美国太平洋大学的太平洋质谱实验室受委托应急检测了中美两国生产的石膏板,分析采用DART和精确质量 TOF质谱,TOF分辨率为7000。样品未经萃取或任何化学前处理,直接放置于DART源和质谱接口处。结果显示,在室温下,美国和中国生产的石膏板没 有显著区别,都没有含硫化合物离子存在。当DART快速升温至250℃时,中国产石膏板明显释放出臭味。质谱鉴定,中国石膏板含有的硫化物是美国产品的 46倍。其中含有的组分包括 S2-(63.9440 Da)、 SO2-(63.9615 Da)、 SO3-、S2O-、S3-、 S4-等。

    建材/家具 2017-11-15

  • 实时直接分析(DART®)与基于orbitrap(静电场轨道阱)技术的(超)高分辨质谱相结合,已在多种霉菌毒素的快速定量分析中得到应用,样品为经改良QuEChERS方法提取的小麦和玉米。 首先评价了几组霉菌毒素用DART技术所获得的离子化效率,然后优化样品提取方法和仪器参数设置,以使大部分强离子化的毒素得到灵敏、准确的测定,这些毒素包括脱氧萎镰菌醇、瓜萎镰菌醇、玉米赤霉烯酮、乙酰脱氧瓜萎镰菌醇、去环氧脱氧瓜萎镰菌醇、镰刀菌烯酮-X、互隔交链孢霉素、交链孢霉酚、交链孢霉甲基醚、蛇形霉素、杂色曲霉素。各分析物的最低校正限(LCL)在50到 150 [mu]g kg-1之间。用基质匹配标准样品或市售13C标记的内标(用于脱氧萎镰菌醇、瓜萎镰菌醇和玉米赤霉烯酮)进行定量分析。采用同位素稀释技术添加500 [mu]g kg-1时获得了良好的回收率(100-108%)和重现性(RSD 5.4-6.9%)。用基质匹配校正,回收率和重现性分别为84-118% 和7.9-12.0% (RSD)。通过分析小麦/玉米有证标准物质(CRM)验证了DART-orbitrapMS所得数据的准确性。所测结果与用超高效液相色谱-飞行时间质谱方法所得文献值完全一致。

    食品/农产品 2010-10-09

  • Direct analysis in real time (DART) ion source is a powerful ionising technique for the quick and easy detection of various organic molecules without any sample preparation steps, but the lack of quantitation capacity limits its extensive use in the field of phytochemical analysis. Objective – To improvise a new system which utilize DART-MS as a hyphenated detector for quantitation. Methodology – A total extract of Schisandra chinensis fruit was analyzed on a TLC plate and three major lignan compounds were quantitated by three different methods of UV densitometry, TLC-DART-MS and HPLC-UV to compare the efficiency of each method. To introduce the TLC plate into the DART ion source at a constant velocity, a syringe pump was employed. The DART-MS total ion current chromatogram was recorded for the entire TLC plate. The concentration of each lignan compound was calculated from the calibration curve established with standard compound. Results – Gomisin A, gomisin N and schisandrin were well separated on a silica-coated TLC plate and the specific ion current chromatograms were successfully acquired from the TLC-DART-MS system. The TLC-DART-MS system for the quantitation of natural products showed better linearity and specificity than TLC densitometry, and consumed less time and solvent than conventional HPLC method. Conclusion – A hyphenated system for the quantitation of phytochemicals from crude herbal drugs was successfully established. This system was shown to have a powerful analytical capacity for the prompt and efficient quantitation of natural products from crude drugs.

    制药/生物制药 2017-11-16

  • Piper betle Linn. is a traditional plant associated with the Asian and southeast Asian cultures. Its use is also recorded in folk medicines in these regions. Several of its medicinal properties have recently been proven. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence ofmainly terpenes and phenols in betel leaves. These constituents vary in the different cultivars of Piper betle. In this paper we have attempted to profile eight locally available betel cultivars using the recently developed mass spectral ionization technique of direct analysis in real time (DART). Principal component analysis has also been employed to analyze the DART MS data of these betel cultivars. The results show that the cultivars of Piper betle could be differentiated using DART MS data.

    农/林/牧/渔 2017-11-16

  • 实时直接分析(DART®)与基于orbitrap(静电场轨道阱)技术的(超)高分辨质谱相结合,已在多种霉菌毒素的快速定量分析中得到应用,样品为经改良QuEChERS方法提取的小麦和玉米。 首先评价了几组霉菌毒素用DART技术所获得的离子化效率,然后优化样品提取方法和仪器参数设置,以使大部分强离子化的毒素得到灵敏、准确的测定,这些毒素包括脱氧萎镰菌醇、瓜萎镰菌醇、玉米赤霉烯酮、乙酰脱氧瓜萎镰菌醇、去环氧脱氧瓜萎镰菌醇、镰刀菌烯酮-X、互隔交链孢霉素、交链孢霉酚、交链孢霉甲基醚、蛇形霉素、杂色曲霉素。各分析物的最低校正限(LCL)在50到 150 [mu]g kg-1之间。用基质匹配标准样品或市售13C标记的内标(用于脱氧萎镰菌醇、瓜萎镰菌醇和玉米赤霉烯酮)进行定量分析。采用同位素稀释技术添加500 [mu]g kg-1时获得了良好的回收率(100-108%)和重现性(RSD 5.4-6.9%)。用基质匹配校正,回收率和重现性分别为84-118% 和7.9-12.0% (RSD)。通过分析小麦/玉米有证标准物质(CRM)验证了DART-orbitrapMS所得数据的准确性。所测结果与用超高效液相色谱-飞行时间质谱方法所得文献值完全一致。

    食品/农产品 2010-10-09

  • 石膏墙板也叫石膏板、灰板或干墙(drywall)。最近关于“中国进口的石膏墙板质量纠纷”在美愈演愈烈。美国消费品安全委员会说,已经接到大约 1500个投诉报告,涉及数十亿美元的赔偿投诉。投诉者称,他们所居住新房子上的中国制石膏墙板散发出类似臭鸡蛋味儿的含硫气体,腐蚀电缆铜线和金属管 道,并且时常使人出现头痛、喉咙痛等症状。为此,美国太平洋大学的太平洋质谱实验室受委托应急检测了中美两国生产的石膏板,分析采用DART和精确质量 TOF质谱,TOF分辨率为7000。样品未经萃取或任何化学前处理,直接放置于DART源和质谱接口处。结果显示,在室温下,美国和中国生产的石膏板没 有显著区别,都没有含硫化合物离子存在。当DART快速升温至250℃时,中国产石膏板明显释放出臭味。质谱鉴定,中国石膏板含有的硫化物是美国产品的 46倍。其中含有的组分包括 S2-(63.9440 Da)、 SO2-(63.9615 Da)、 SO3-、S2O-、S3-、 S4-等。

    建材/家具 2017-11-15

用户单位 采购时间
上海中医药大学 2012-12-18
上海出入境 2012-11-12
中国矿业大学 2012-12-06
北京药检所 2012-09-06
中科院有机所 2012-12-11
大连化物所 2012-11-08
南京工业大学 2012-10-11

保修期: 根据配置不同



免费培训: 2人

免费仪器保养: 按需

保内维修承诺: 免费维修

报修承诺: 48小时内给予处理反馈

DART®-OS 实时直接分析离子源信息由华质泰科生物技术(北京)有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于DART®-OS 实时直接分析离子源报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


