


TA 仪器





  • 白金
  • 第20年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核




  • 热机械分析分析在玻璃类材料中有着广泛的应用领域。 本文作者许炎山先生系TA仪器台湾办事处技术部经理,1985年毕业于台湾中央大学化学工程硕士班,主修高分子科学。曾先后任职于台湾台塑集团的南亚塑料公司第六轻油裂解计划ABS厂研发专员, 与台湾化学纤维公司的ABS建厂专员共七年有余, 台湾立源兴业公司负责精密分析仪器部门之业务经理超过十三年, 累积丰富的流变学与热分析技术在产业界与学术界之相关应用经验, 并且也拥有犀利的仪器操作实做能力。许经理由于长期与产业界有密切的合作关系, 因此对于工业技艺与仪器分析之间的连结能力特别专长, 颇为受到台湾各行各业用户的重视与欢迎。

    建材/家具 2017-10-14

  • 热机械分析仪(TMA)历来都是被用来测量固体材料的尺寸变化。然而,这项技术也可扩展到评估液体样品上,提供一种替代差示扫描量热仪(DSC)确定相变和玻璃化转变温度的方法。

    石油/化工 2016-04-05

  • In this study the tensile stress/strain behavior of various consumer plastic thin film materials was measured using a low mass mechanical analyzer. Film thicknesses varied from 19 mm to 66 mm (0.75 mil to 2.6 mil). In this study the force applied to the samples was ramped at 0.05 N/min from 0.05 N to 1 N and sample strain was followed. All measurements were made at ambient conditions. The tensile behavior of the consumer products were compared qualitatively and quantitatively. Three mechanical phenomena were observed in the materials: linear elastic behavior, a strengthening or increase in modulus, and yielding or rapid elongation with minimal changes in stress. In the linear elastic region modulus was measured as defined by the inverse of the slope of the stress versus strain curve. Modulus values of 87 MPa to 6 GPa were observed.

    石油/化工 2016-03-30

  • Manufactures have been listening. In growing numbers, they have been hearing the rising voices of dissatisfied customers, outspoken consumer advocates, government watchdogs, and litigious lawyers. The message: The public wants products that work, that last a reasonable length of time, and that are safe to use.?

    石油/化工 2016-03-29

  • 热机械分析仪(TMA)历来都是被用来测量固体材料的尺寸变化。然而,这项技术也可扩展到评估液体样品上,提供一种替代差示扫描量热仪(DSC)确定相变和玻璃化转变温度的方法。

    石油/化工 2016-04-05

  • In this study the tensile stress/strain behavior of various consumer plastic thin film materials was measured using a low mass mechanical analyzer. Film thicknesses varied from 19 mm to 66 mm (0.75 mil to 2.6 mil). In this study the force applied to the samples was ramped at 0.05 N/min from 0.05 N to 1 N and sample strain was followed. All measurements were made at ambient conditions. The tensile behavior of the consumer products were compared qualitatively and quantitatively. Three mechanical phenomena were observed in the materials: linear elastic behavior, a strengthening or increase in modulus, and yielding or rapid elongation with minimal changes in stress. In the linear elastic region modulus was measured as defined by the inverse of the slope of the stress versus strain curve. Modulus values of 87 MPa to 6 GPa were observed.

    石油/化工 2016-03-30

  • Manufactures have been listening. In growing numbers, they have been hearing the rising voices of dissatisfied customers, outspoken consumer advocates, government watchdogs, and litigious lawyers. The message: The public wants products that work, that last a reasonable length of time, and that are safe to use.?

    石油/化工 2016-03-29

  • The simple yet highly sophisticatd character of these instruments has a major drawback: their simplicity significantly increases the potential foor misinterpreting experimental results.

    石油/化工 2016-03-21

  • 热机械分析分析在玻璃类材料中有着广泛的应用领域。 本文作者许炎山先生系TA仪器台湾办事处技术部经理,1985年毕业于台湾中央大学化学工程硕士班,主修高分子科学。曾先后任职于台湾台塑集团的南亚塑料公司第六轻油裂解计划ABS厂研发专员, 与台湾化学纤维公司的ABS建厂专员共七年有余, 台湾立源兴业公司负责精密分析仪器部门之业务经理超过十三年, 累积丰富的流变学与热分析技术在产业界与学术界之相关应用经验, 并且也拥有犀利的仪器操作实做能力。许经理由于长期与产业界有密切的合作关系, 因此对于工业技艺与仪器分析之间的连结能力特别专长, 颇为受到台湾各行各业用户的重视与欢迎。

    建材/家具 2017-10-14



