

TA 仪器





  • 白金
  • 第20年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 差示扫描量热仪

Discovery DSC产品简介:

Discovery DSC™ 是来自美国TA仪器,在差示扫描量热仪领域的最新创新性产品,它重新定义了性能、质量和实用性。Discovery 差示扫描量热仪的特点采用了金属扩散熔合原理制造全新的热电偶该技术提供了无可比拟的高测量灵敏度、分辨率和精确性。TA的50位自动样品进样器的可靠性已经得到业界高度的认可,高度的自动化完全解放了劳动力。Discovery 最值得引以为荣的不同寻常的特色和兼容性,包括革命性的最新用户界面和强大的提供综合实验和数据管理创新的TRIOS软件。

Discovery 差示扫描量热仪重新定义了用户和仪器的互动。巨大的触摸屏代表了全新的革命性的客户界面。交互式的菜单指导用户进校正,常规控制自动样品进样器及装载和卸载样品。简单的试验可以通过全新的快捷菜单菜单编程和启动,而且试验进程可以用客制化的实时信号显示和监测。完全创新的TRIOS软件充分增强了用户使用Discovery DSC经验。TRIOS软件基于TA仪器久负盛名的的热分析软件之上,并且增加很多新的实验控制和数据管理的特点。利用电子表格式的程序设计,使得实验设计和日程安排更为简捷。数据管理通过“历史”进行流线记录,这就意味着每个实验数据都可以被快速搜索,同时保持单个数据文件的独立性。TRIOS数据分析软件包含了最新的数学分析,图形显示和演示功能。
在Discovery DSC中,获得最新技术专利的传感器采用了金属扩散熔合原理制造热流传感器,创造了持续的热敏感面。因此极大的提高了测量温度及热流的灵敏度和准确性,同时由于极短的时间常数实现了优异的信号分辨率。创新的气体传输模块保证了精确的气体控制和监测。(美国专利号 *. 7,470,057)
Discovery 差示量热扫描仪基线温度焓基线性能任何一款仪器,性能都是从基线开始的。Discovery DSC的基线具有是无与伦比的线性度、准确度和重复性。这样的基线是确保热流和热容量测量精确和重复的基础。扩散熔合传感器极低的内部噪音与优异的基线线性度并举,创造了当今世界上最高灵敏度的DSC。
精确度和准确性科学家都知道仪器的性能和准确度与重现性是一样重要的。美国TA仪器深知人们对数据准确度和精度的要求,Discovery DSC的专利技术为实现这一需求而开发设计,这一技术提供了无与伦比的温度和热焓测量的精度。在最广范围的的实验条件下,Discovery DSC都会提供正确的答案。

性能                                             值
温度范围                                       -180–7250C
温度准确度                                     ±0.025 0C
温度精确度                                     ±0.005 0C
焓值精密度                                     ±0.04%
热流噪声(rms)                                  ≤0.08μW
基线平直度(-50°–400 0C)                      ≤5 μW
基线准确度(-50°–4000C )                      ±20 μW
基线重复性(-50°–4000C)                       ±5 μW
测量时间常数                                  ≤0.8s
铟响应比                                      ≥90
直接Cp测量准确度(-50°–4000C)                ≤3%
直接Cp测量精密度(-50°–4000C)                ≤1%
直接Cp测量重复性(-50°–4000C)                ≤1%

  • 因为药物晶体具有很好的储存稳定性,药物公司在新药物配方中倾向采用结晶化合物。然而经常碰到的问题是药物存在多种结晶形式,即通常所说得多晶型。由于多晶型的每种晶型的物理性质、比如分散速率和生物活性有很大的不同,因此控制结晶的形势和含量显得十分重要。

    制药/生物制药 2015-08-25

  • TA仪器的调制DSC技术,是在传统DSC线性变温程序上叠加一个正弦变化,从而直接测量热流和比热。采用Fourier 转换,热流实时被分解为热容成份和动力学成份。在MDSC®中,DSC的热流称为总热流,热容成份为可逆热流,动力学成份为不可逆热流。总热流信号包含所有的热转化信息,与标准DSC的结果一样。可逆热流中包含玻璃化转变、熔融等信息,不可逆热流中包含动力学的现象,如固化、挥发、熔融和分解等。 *美国专利 Nos. 5,224,775; 5,248,199; 5,346,306 加拿大专利 No. 2,089,225 日本专利No. 2,966,691 MDSC®技术提供: • 将复杂转变分解为更容易理解的成份 • 检测弱转变和熔化时,提高灵敏度 • 在不损失灵敏度的前提下,提高分辨率 • 直接测量热容 • 更准确的结晶度测量

    材料 2008-07-21

  • Modulated DSC (MDSC) can be easily understood by comparing it to its well-established precursor, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Conventional DSC is an analytical technique in which the difference in heat flow between a sample and an inert reference is measured as a function of time and temperature as both the sample and reference are subjected to a controlled environment of time, temperature, atmosphere and pressure. The schematic of a typical “heat flux” DSC cell is shown in Figure 1. In this design, a metallic disk (made of constantan alloy) is the primary means of heat transfer to and from the sample and reference. The sample, contained in a metal pan, and the reference (an empty pan) sit on raised platforms formed in the constantan disk. As heat is transferred through the disk, the differential heat flow to the sample and reference is measured by area thermocouples formed by the junction of the constantan disk and chromel wafers which cover the underside of the platforms. Chromel and alumel wires attached to the chromel wafers form thermocouples which directly measure sample temperature. Purge gas is admitted to the sample chamber through an orifice in the heating block wall midway between the raised platforms. The gas is preheated by circulation through the block before entering the sample chamber. The result is a uniform, stable thermal environment which assures excellent baseline flatness and exceptional sensitivity (signal-to-noise). In conventional DSC, the temperature regime seen by the sample and reference is linear heating or cooling at rates from as fast as 200°C/minute to rates as slow as 0°C/minute (isothermal).

    其他 2004-07-13

  • 因为药物晶体具有很好的储存稳定性,药物公司在新药物配方中倾向采用结晶化合物。然而经常碰到的问题是药物存在多种结晶形式,即通常所说得多晶型。由于多晶型的每种晶型的物理性质、比如分散速率和生物活性有很大的不同,因此控制结晶的形势和含量显得十分重要。

    制药/生物制药 2015-08-25

  • TA仪器的调制DSC技术,是在传统DSC线性变温程序上叠加一个正弦变化,从而直接测量热流和比热。采用Fourier 转换,热流实时被分解为热容成份和动力学成份。在MDSC®中,DSC的热流称为总热流,热容成份为可逆热流,动力学成份为不可逆热流。总热流信号包含所有的热转化信息,与标准DSC的结果一样。可逆热流中包含玻璃化转变、熔融等信息,不可逆热流中包含动力学的现象,如固化、挥发、熔融和分解等。 *美国专利 Nos. 5,224,775; 5,248,199; 5,346,306 加拿大专利 No. 2,089,225 日本专利No. 2,966,691 MDSC®技术提供: • 将复杂转变分解为更容易理解的成份 • 检测弱转变和熔化时,提高灵敏度 • 在不损失灵敏度的前提下,提高分辨率 • 直接测量热容 • 更准确的结晶度测量

    材料 2008-07-21

  • Modulated DSC (MDSC) can be easily understood by comparing it to its well-established precursor, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Conventional DSC is an analytical technique in which the difference in heat flow between a sample and an inert reference is measured as a function of time and temperature as both the sample and reference are subjected to a controlled environment of time, temperature, atmosphere and pressure. The schematic of a typical “heat flux” DSC cell is shown in Figure 1. In this design, a metallic disk (made of constantan alloy) is the primary means of heat transfer to and from the sample and reference. The sample, contained in a metal pan, and the reference (an empty pan) sit on raised platforms formed in the constantan disk. As heat is transferred through the disk, the differential heat flow to the sample and reference is measured by area thermocouples formed by the junction of the constantan disk and chromel wafers which cover the underside of the platforms. Chromel and alumel wires attached to the chromel wafers form thermocouples which directly measure sample temperature. Purge gas is admitted to the sample chamber through an orifice in the heating block wall midway between the raised platforms. The gas is preheated by circulation through the block before entering the sample chamber. The result is a uniform, stable thermal environment which assures excellent baseline flatness and exceptional sensitivity (signal-to-noise). In conventional DSC, the temperature regime seen by the sample and reference is linear heating or cooling at rates from as fast as 200°C/minute to rates as slow as 0°C/minute (isothermal).

    其他 2004-07-13

  • 为回馈广大消费者的厚爱,TA仪器年底推出促销活动,促销形式多种多样,包括:六折大优惠、买一送一、买仪器送配件等~详情请见附件~

    241MB 2014-11-06
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