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Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting时间相关单光子计数
Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy is a powerful analysis tool in fundamental physics as well as in the life sciences. Implementing it in the time domain requires recording the time dependent intensity profile of the emitted light upon excitation by a short flash of light, typically a laser pulse. While in principle, one could attempt to record the time decay profile of the signal from a single excitation-emission cycle, there are practical problems preventing such a simple solution in most cases.
Photon Counting and Timing
PicoQuant's wide range of products for photon counting and timing include several high-end modules for time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) and event timing, single photon sensitive detectors, and specialized analysis software for the evaluation of (time-resolved) fluorescence measurements. Time-resolved photon detection is a standard measurement method in today's research. It is an extraordinarily capable and versatile optical measurement technique, which by design and definition uses only single quanta of light and therefore matches the requirements of applications where the light emission to be observed is very weak. PicoQuant has paved the way to employ the time-resolved photon detection method in a constantly increasing number of applications by designing reliable and easy-to-use timing and detection modules. Our confidence in the quality of our products is especially emphasized by a 5-year warranty on all TCSPC and time tagging modules.