Mapping the world in 3D-Lidar
Recent progress in the cartography market can only be described as radical. The time-consuming days of mapping by hand seem numbered, as geographic information system (GIS) experts, professional land surveyors (PLS) and others within the field of cartography awaken to the advantages of integrating light detecting and ranging (LIDAR) into their mobile mapping systems. LIDAR is similar to radar, except that the sensor sends out and receives....................
Veloview (开源免费)激光雷达数据重构软件 64bit(位)
VeloView可的HDL传感器(HDL-64E,HDL-32E,VLP-32,VLP-16,Puck,Puck Lite,Puck HiRes)实时捕捉3D LiDAR数据进行实时可视化和处理。 有关VeloView功能的介绍可以视频形式提供: VeloView可以播放存储在.pcap文件中的预先录制的数据,并可以将实时流录制为.pcap文件。 HDL传感器扫描360°的激光器阵列(16,32或64)和40°/ 20°的垂直视场,频率为5-20Hz,每秒捕获大约一百万点(HDL-32E:~700,000pt /秒; HDL-64E:~1.3万亿比特/秒)。 VeloView提供工具来显示,选择和测量有关从传感器捕获的点的信息。 VeloView将激光雷达的距离测量结果显示为点云数据,并支持多个变量的自定义颜色图,例如返回强度,时间,距离,方位角,双返回类型和激光ID。 数据可以CSV格式导出为XYZ数据,或者只需按一下按钮即可导出当前显示的点云的屏幕截图。 功能:可配置的侦听端口;收到的转发数据转发到另一个端口或/和IP地址;显示当前帧的每分钟转数;选择点的双重回报的工具 球形和盒形模式下的裁剪工具;支持HDL-64双模和即时校准数据 支持VLP-32a,VLP-32b,VLP-32c,Puck Hi-Res和Puck LITE 基于GPS和IMU数据进行地理配准的基础设施 用于执行基于SLAM的映射的基础设施,包括和不包含GPS / IMU。见下面的例子。此功能尚未完全可用。 可视化0距离返回,空帧,强度校正和原始数据的高级选项(无方位角调整) 用户可配置的播放速度;底层ParaView版本现在是版本5.1.2,提供了许多新工具;从实时传感器流或记录的.pcap文件输入 LiDAR的可视化以3D +时间返回,包括3D位置和属性数据,如时间戳,方位角,激光id等;LiDAR属性的电子表格检查器 从传感器记录到.pcap;导出为CSV或VTK格式;记录和导出GPS和IMU数据;标尺工具;可视化GPS数据的路径;同时显示多个数据帧&#823&#823 更多产品及资料,请关注誉荣官网:www.famouset.com
PuckHi-Res激光雷达Lidar宣传彩页-彩页-英文 2018-9月
PuckHi-Res激光雷达Lidar宣传彩页-彩页-英文 英文资料,官方原版。 更多产品及资料,请关注誉荣官网:www.famouset.com
HDL-64E 激光雷达Lidar宣传彩页-彩页-英文 2018-9月
HDL-64E S3激光雷达Lidar宣传彩页-彩页-英文 官方文件,附有参数,英文版 更多产品及资料,请关注誉荣官网:www.famouset.com
VLP-16激光雷达Lidar-操作手册-英- 2018-9月
VLP-16激光雷达Lidar-操作手册-英- 2018-9月 官方文件,随即手册,英文版,操作手册 更多产品及资料,请关注誉荣官网:www.famouset.com
HDL-64E激光雷达Lidar-操作手册-英- 2018-9月
HDL-64E激光雷达Lidar-操作手册-英- 2018-9月 操作手册,随机文件,英文版,Velodyne官方文件 更多产品及资料,请关注誉荣官网:www.famouset.com
HDL-64E 激光雷达 彩页
odyne HDL-64E Lidar,即Velodyne公司64线激光雷达是目前世界上最先进,体积最小,单位能量密度最高,采集数据最丰富的专业激光传感器。 集成了64束激光发射器和64个激光接收器。360度的旋转,最高15Hz的转动频率,每周4000个点的采集频率,让64E Lidar激光雷达当之无愧的成为当今世界不予伦比的激光雷达王者。 更多产品及资料,请关注誉荣官网:www.famouset.com
HDL 64E White Paper 白皮书
Velodyne has developed and produced a High Definition Lidar (HDL) sensor designed to satisfy the demands for autonomous vehicle navigation, stationary and mobile surveying, mapping, industrial use and other applications. The Velodyne HDL unit provides 360- degree azimuth field of view and 26.5-degree elevation field of view, up to 15 Hz frame refresh rate, and a rich point cloud populated at a rate of one million points per second. This White Paper first explores various technologies for 3-D lidar sensing, then discusses the design principals and construction of the Velodyne HDL-64E lidar sensor. 更多产品及资料,请关注誉荣官网:www.famouset.com
DSR 软件windows 7 补丁包
09年后随着电脑操作软件的不断更新。XP系统逐渐被最新的Windows 7操作系统大量取代。为此对于64线激光雷达,和32线激光雷达的DSR模拟三维成像软件也做了相应的升级。 为方便老用户下载,特此放置次软件包。 请下载用户留下正确信息,以便我们和您联系,解锁运行。
64E 激光雷达 操作手册
64E 激光雷达 操作手册 2011版 包括64E的尺寸,电压,控制方式,网口地址等详细参数 更多产品及资料,请关注誉荣官网:www.famouset.com
静态检测和分析 Static Calibration and Analysis HDL-64E S2
The static calibration and analysis of the Velodyne HDL-64E S2 scanning LiDAR system is presented and analyzed. The mathematical model for measurements for the HDL-64E S2 scanner is derived and discussed. A planar feature based least squares adjustment approach is presented and utilized in a minimally constrained network in order to derive an optimal solution for the laser’s internal calibration parameters. Finally, the results of the adjustment along with a detailed examination of the adjustment residuals are given. A three-fold improvement in the planar misclosure residual RMSE over the standard factory calibration model was achieved by the proposed calibration. Results also suggest that there may still be some unmodelled distortions in the range measurements from the scanner. However, despite this, the overall precision of the adjusted laser scanner data appears to make it a viable choice for high accuracy mobile scanning applications.
Mapping the world in 3D-Lidar
Recent progress in the cartography market can only be described as radical. The time-consuming days of mapping by hand seem numbered, as geographic information system (GIS) experts, professional land surveyors (PLS) and others within the field of cartography awaken to the advantages of integrating light detecting and ranging (LIDAR) into their mobile mapping systems. LIDAR is similar to radar, except that the sensor sends out and receives....................