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Abstract Recently, self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS) have been developed as a method to deliver lipophilic drugs. Gelucire® 44/14 is an excipient, from the lauroyl macrogolglycerides family, producing a fine oil-in-water emulsion when introduced into an aqueous phase under gentle agitation as SEDDS, improving thereby solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs and their bioavailability. The aims of this study were to process Gelucire® 44/14 into a powder by cryogenic grinding to produce solid oral dosage forms and to investigate influence of this process on different properties of a formulation made of Gelucire® 44/14 and ketoprofen (90/10). Cryogenic grinding produced Gelucire® 44/14 in a powder form and this process did not change its physical properties, emulsification capacities and dissolution performances of the formulation tested. However, interactions took place between ketoprofen and Gelucire® 44/14 with a decrease of the melting peak and a reduction of the droplet size of the formed emulsion. The influence of drug–Gelucire® 44/14 interactions must be investigated case by case in any formulations. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Lipid formulations; Self-emulsifying systems; Gelucire® 44/14; Ketoprofen; Bioavailability; Cryogenic grinding






Abstract Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α is produced by cells of the immune system and is a key mediator in immune and inflammatory reactions. Through interaction with widely expressed receptors (TNF receptor 1 and TNF receptor 2), TNF-α is able to orchestrate the expression of a range of downstream proinflammatory molecules. Over the past decade novel biologics that inhibit TNF-α have been developed as extremely effective treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. Structurally, these biologics are antibodies, or TNF receptors on an antibody backbone that bind TNF-α directly and are delivered to patients by repeated injection. Gene therapy offers an improved approach to delivering biologics as a single administration of their encoding genetic material. In the present study we demonstrate the therapeutic effect of a small molecular weight dimeric TNF receptor 2 (dTNFR) constitutively expressed from plasmid DNA, delivered intramuscularly with electroporation, after disease onset in a collagen-induced arthritis model. Regulated promoters that enable the production of a transgene to be controlled are more suited to the application of gene therapy in the clinic. Regulated expression of dTNFR from the plasmid pGTRTT was also therapeutic in the mouse collagen-induced arthritis model when the inducer doxycycline was also administered, whereas no therapeutic effect was observed in the absence of doxycycline. The therapeutic effect of dTNFR expressed from a constitutive or regulated plasmid was dependent on the degree of disease activity at the time of DNA injection. The observations of this study are considered with regard to the disease model, the magnitude of gene regulation, and the path to clinical application. Keywords: arthritis, doxycycline, gene therapy, regulated expression, tumour necrosis factor-α






Abstract An alternative method for measuring thiaminase I activity in complex samples is described. This assay is based on the selective consumption of the highly chromophoric 4-nitrothiophenolate by thiaminase I, resulting in a large decrease in absorbance at 411 nm. This new assay is simple and sensitive, and it requires only readily available chemicals and a visible region spectrophotometer. In addition, the assay is optimized for high-throughput analysis in a 96-well format with complex biological samples. Published by Elsevier Inc. Keywords: Thiaminase I; Thiaminase II; TenA; Vitamin B1; Thiamin; Early mortality syndrome; Salmon; Trout; Beriberi; Forage fish; Great Lakes; New York Finger Lakes


細胞破碎-從基因水平上研究裂殖酵母組蛋白脫甲基酶的作用 LSD1




1 Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2 Gurdon Institute and Department of Pathology, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3 Department of Biosciences/School of Life Science, Karolinska Institutet, University College Sodertorn, Huddinge, Sweden, 4 Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 5 Genome Damage and Stability Centre, School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex, Falmer, Sussex, United Kingdom






Neste trabalho, um método simples, rápido e sensível, é proposto para determinação de manganês em amostras de fezes e rações de peixes por espectrometria de absorção atômica em forno de grafite (GFAAS) utilizando-se a introdução direta de suspensões das amostras no tubo de grafite. Os limites de detecção (LOD) e de quantificação (LOQ) calculados em relação a 20 leituras do branco das suspensões (0,50 % m/v de fezes ou ração isentas de manganês) foram de 28 e 92 μg kg–1 para as suspensões padrão de fezes e de 34 e 110 μg kg–1 para as suspensões padrão de ração. O método proposto foi aplicado em estudos de biodisponibilidade de manganês em diferentes amostras de rações de peixes e os resultados mostraram-se de acordo com os resultados obtidos utilizando-se amostras previamente mineralizadas por digestões ácidas em forno de microondas. This paper presents a simple, fast and sensitive method to determine manganese in samples of feces and fish feed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) by the direct introduction of slurries into the graphite tube. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) calculated for 20 readings of the blank of the standard slurries (0.50 % m/v of feces or feed devoid of manganese) were 28 and 92 μg kg-1 for the standard feces slurries and 34 and 110 μg kg-1 for the standard feed slurries. The proposed method was applied in bioavailability studies of manganese in different fish feeds and their results proved compatible with those obtained for samples mineralized by acid digestion using microwave oven.


RohS-Weee美国USA Today新闻




电子产品的有毒金属物质造成环境污染 新闻讨论样品前处理的重要性 采用ROHS指定SPEX真正冷冻研磨仪(机)电子塑料


FM Skyray Rohs-Weee




Energey dispersive X_rey fluorescene (ED-XRF) Instruments perform nondistructive analysis of a wild range of elements with accuracy and presicion.


指令规范要素 - X射线荧光法分析(分析电路板及电子连接器)




FM Analysis of Circuit Boards and Electrical Connectors for RoHS WEEE Regulated Elements Using XRF


RoHS WEEE法规要求-采用冷冻研磨机




The Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directives of the European Union were introduced to minimize the accumulation of hazardous waste in landfills from the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. The concentrations of hazardous substances such as lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium VI, polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs), and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) are restricted in electrical and electronic products and/or components.






Abstract It is well known that the preparation of metals and liquids for XRF analysis is fast, easy, and usually requires little strategy. The preparation of powder samples such as silicates, carbonates, slags, cements, ferro-alloys and other powdered materials however requires careful planning in the way of additives, lubricants, binders, dilution, backing and holders. The ratio of binder to sample must include forethought regarding the homogeneity of the briquette, the stability of the briquette, the cleaning and cleanliness of the grinding vessel, and the performance requirements of the analysis. The ideal situation would be to have one set of preparation materials, with only one sample to additive ratio suffice for all powder preparations. Various preparation materials and strategies are examined, and their usefulness toward achieving a universal preparation method considered.


杜邦Vertrel XF方法




Vertrel XF, a DuPont product, is finding increased acceptance as a grinding aid. A fluorocarbon fluid, it prevents sample caking during grinding, and quickly evaporates from an open grinding container without leaving any residue. (Users should of course consult the DuPont Material Safety Data Sheet to determine incompatibility with other materials.) Our experience is that the “grindability” of almost any sample is enhanced by the use of Vertrel XF, contamination is lowered, and the grinding container is easier to clean. Typical XRF samples such as cement, rock, clinker, and similar material can be routinely ground below 10 microns. The technique that follows was pioneered by John Anzelmo and colleagues at Bruker AXS,* and is here adapted for SPEX CertiPrep, Inc. equipment: in an 8501 Hardened Steel Grinding Container load together 10 grams of sample, 2.5 grams of 3644 Ultrabind binder, and 7 ml of Vertrel XF. Grind in an 8515 Shatterbox for 2.0 minutes, then open the grinding container in a hood until the Vertrel XF has evaporated. Prepare a 3614 40mm Pellet Die with a flared 3617 Spec-Cap, and transfer the ground sample/binder powder to the die. Press at 20 tons for 0.3 minutes in a 3630 X-Press. *Anzelmo, John; Seyfarth, Alexander; and Arias, Larry (2001).








The Correct Use of Platinum in the XRF




The use of crucibles and dishes made of platinum and its alloys in the preparation of samples has become an essential feature of XRF analysis. The broad application of platinum results from its near-perfect oxidation resistance and its excellent resistance to corrosive attack by metal oxide melts such as XRF Ñuxing agents. However, a few basic rules must be adhered to if platinum ware is to give satisfactory service. A number of “platinum poisons,Ï which are commonly encountered in samples, can cause destruction within a few sample preparation cycles. These “poisons,Ï the reasons for their corrosive e†ects and techniques for minimizing or eliminating their inÑuence are outlined. ( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. X-Ray Spectrom. 26, 132è140 (1997) No. of Figures : 15 No. of Tables: 0 No. of References : 8






Technical Cost Modeling for the Mechanical Milling at Cryogenic Temperature(Cryomilling)






利用SPEX8000系列高能量球磨机进行机械合金化 机械合金化,也称为反应球磨,最初是为了开发氧化物弥散强化合金的产品的处理程序。机械合金化现在也常应用在固态粉末的处理技术,这种技术可以生成拥有特殊微型结构的粉末。高能量球磨可以达到这一目的。在过去几十年中,SPEX公司的SPEX研磨机已经成为机械合金化运用的工业标准。研磨过程高能动和发动机的耐久性都使得SPEX8000高能量球磨机可以长时间的运转。 多年来,大量科学期刊刊登的近100篇的文献中都推崇了SPEX研磨机和它的机械合金化。包括机械合金化技术、研磨罐物质的评估,以及大量的其它主题。一下列出的出版物清单中有更多我们最近关注的出版物,列出来的并不是所有全部出版物。如果您考虑使用SPEX研磨机来进行自主机械合金化运用,我们强烈建议您查阅那些出版物和文献。 SPEX 8000M高能量球磨机配备有一个计时器,出厂设定是一个100分钟的时间范围。然而,机械合金化要求更长的研磨时间。需要延长时间的话,可架构P/N39450芯片延长至1000或者是10000分钟。芯片可以由厂家来安装也可由用户自己安装。由于长时间运转可能会导致严重磨损,要安装这种芯片就需改变保修条款。为了防止研磨机过早损坏,我们建议按照预防性维护的时间表进行保养。


利用手套箱进行样品研磨 - 球磨机




3.1 Materials Used Borazane (H3BNH3), powder Company: Aldrich Purity: 90% CAS Number: 13774-81-7 Molecular Weight: 30.87 Appearance: white powder, flakes or crystalline solid and/or chunks Hazard: Heat may cause an explosion Titanium (Ti), powder Company: Strem Particle size −325 mesh (44micron) Purity: 98% CAS Number: 7440-32-6 Molecular Weight: 47.87 Appearance: grey powder Hazard: Spontaneously flammable in air. S. Haider 50


SPEX 8000球磨机纳米研磨




SPEX 8000球磨机纳米研磨 任何纳米研磨都需要研磨很久,并且需要借助液体的纳米研磨助磨剂。 8014玛瑙材质研磨罐和8003氧化铝研材质磨罐不适宜于纳米研磨,因为这两种研磨罐的两端都有盖子,这样的设计不能够承装液体。(装粉末用这两种罐子就很好,但是实际上,要装进去粉末和液体助磨剂的过程中又不漏就比较困难了。) 最好的纳米研磨的研磨罐是8001、8007、8009钢制研磨罐,因为这几种设计的研磨罐身和盖子是用螺纹连接,还有氟橡胶O型圈密封。8004碳化钨研磨罐研磨速度比钢制的更快,但是也容易造成污染,而且平垫圈的密封性也不如O型圈。如果想使用碳化钨材质的研磨罐机械合金和纳米研磨的话,我们建议使用8004SS研磨罐,因为这个型号研磨罐有钢制盖子和氟橡胶垫片。如果必须要避免碳化钨和钢研磨罐造成的污染,也可以采用8005氧化锆研磨罐或者是8008氮化硅研磨罐可以与Vertrel XF(SPEX独家技术的机械合金和纳米研磨的专用助磨剂)一起使用,同时能装液体:推荐选择使用氟橡胶垫圈,将研磨罐夹到研磨机上时用胶带加强固定盖子,但是一旦固定到位就会运转良好、不会漏。 (注意:氟橡胶O型圈和垫片吸收Vertrel XF膨胀,但是通常情况下只要研磨机夹具紧,这只会使得封口更加的紧密。研磨罐打开之后,O型圈和垫片都要风干几天,这是为了它们恢复到之前的尺寸大小,之后就可以再次使用了。客户要是连续研磨不同的样品最好还是购置一些多余的O型圈和垫片备用。) 根据我们的经验3650 Vertrel XF一种很好的助磨剂,不管是进行机械合金还是纳米研磨。Vertrel XF 一种惰性的化学物质,所以不会影响样品,而且当研磨罐开启之后这种物质就会完全蒸发,它也可以保持样品粒子能够研磨的很细而且不结块,同时减少研磨罐带进的污染






Abstract The fat content of spices poses problems of temperature rise and sieve clogging during grinding. Due to this temperature rise, spices lose a signi®cant fraction of their volatile oil or ˉavouring components. Therefore, a cryogenic grinding system was designed and developed to cool the spices before feeding to the grinder and also maintain the cryogenic temperature in the grinding zone. The main components of the cryogenic grinding system are a precooler and grinder. The precooler consists of a screw conveyor assembly, a compressor, a liquid nitrogen dewar and power transmission unit. The design considerations, calculations and development of the precooler have been discussed in the paper. A commercially available grinder was adopted for this purpose. The tests conducted on grinding of cumin seed revealed that it could be successfully ground below the temperature of ÿ70°C. Above this temperature, sieve clogging took place. The increase in grinding temperature fromÿ160°C toÿ70°C resulted in a signi®cant increase in particle size of the product and speci®c energy consumption in grinding. A variation in volatile oil content was obtained in the range of 3.30±3.26 ml/100 g with increasing temperature from ÿ160°C to ÿ70°C, but this variation was found to be non-signi®cant at 5% level. ó 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved






Abstract The production of finest powders of viscoelastic and plastic materials is often very energy consumptive and therefore expensive or even not possible at ambient temperatures. At low temperatures, many materials become brittle so that they can be grinded more effectively. To achieve these temperatures, the materials are presently cooled with liquid nitrogen (lN2), which is followed by high operation costs. At Fraunhofer UMSICHT, a low-temperature fine-grinding plant in technical scale was erected for research. Investigations for optimisation of cooling equipment resulted in the development of an innovative technology based on cooling technology. With this technology, the usage of lN2 could be dramatically reduced. The contribution presents some results of our research in the fields mentioned above. A discussion of the new developments compared to the established techniques will complete the presentation. D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


RoHS应用指定SPEX冷凍研磨仪/机Freezer Mill




RoHS WEEE指令规范要素 - X射线荧光法分析(分析电路板及电子连接器) RoHS WEEE指令规范要素 - X射线荧光法分析(分析电路板及电子连接器) RoHS WEEE指令规范要素 - X射线荧光法分析(分析电路板及电子连接器)






Geno Vitamin B1-Induced Priming Is Dependent on Hydrogen Peroxide and the NPR1 Gene in Arabidopsis 拟南芥中维他命B1诱导的启动依赖于H2O2和NPR1基因–韩国国立农业生物技术学院 本实验中将大量不同的拟南芥叶片置于Geno高通量组织研磨机中同时进行研磨后用于提取叶片中的过氧化物






Geno A Linkage Map Reveals a Complex Basis for Segregation Distortion in an Interpopulation Cross in the Moss Ceratodon purpureus 研磨苔蘚提取dna - Biology Department, Duke University 杜克大学生物系 ABSTRACT We report the construction of a linkage map for the moss Ceratodon purpureus (n ¼ 13), based on a cross between geographically distant populations, and provide the first experimental confirmation of maternal chloroplast inheritance in bryophytes. From a mapping population of 288 recombinant haploid gametophytes, genotyped at 121 polymorphic AFLP loci, three gene-based nuclear loci, one chloroplast marker, and sex, we resolved 15 linkage groups resulting in a map length of 730 cM. We estimate that the map covers more than three-quarters of the C. purpureus genome. Approximately 35% of the loci were sex linked, not including those in recombining pseudoautosomal regions. Nearly 45% of the loci exhibited significant segregation distortion (a ¼ 0.05). Several pairs of unlinked distorted loci showed significant deviations from multiplicative genotypic frequencies, suggesting that distortion arises from genetic interactions among loci. The distorted autosomal loci all exhibited an excess of the maternal allele, suggesting that these interactions may involve nuclear–cytoplasmic factors. The sex ratio of the progeny was significantly male biased, and the pattern of nonrandom associations among loci indicates that this results from interactions between the sex chromosomes. These results suggest that even in interpopulation crosses, multiple mechanisms act to influence segregation ratios.






Geno Transmission of cotton seed and boll rotting bacteria by the southern green stink bug (Nezara viridula L.) 关于昆虫在棉子和棉桃中传播细菌能力的研究-美国农业部棉花病理研究所 本实验中将棉花纤维、种子以及昆虫等样品分别置于GENO所得粉末即用于细菌培养等后续实验操作。 Conclusions: Nezara viridula readily ingested the opportunistic P. agglomerans strain Sc 1-R and transmitted it into unopened cotton bolls. Infections by the transmitted Sc 1-R strain caused rotting of the entire locule that masked internal carpel wounds incurred by insect feeding.


SPEX 高能量球磨机机械合金化 - 在惰性气氛下研磨样品的方法




以下是由SPEX公司所提供的机械合金化建议。 现在这些是我们建议在惰性气氛下研磨样品的方法: 最好的方法是在含有惰性气体手套箱内置放研磨罐和研磨机,这样整个操作是在惰性气氛中进行的。这应该采用一个比较大的手套箱,最好是有温度控制,这样研磨机才不会过热。如果无法使用大型手套箱,至少将研磨罐装卸在一个较小的手套箱,并按照这些建议进行: 使用有一个螺丝顶部和橡胶垫圈的研磨罐。 SPEX有四种符合此条件不同材质的有四个研磨罐,比如8001淬火钢研磨罐、8004SS碳化钨研磨罐、 8007不锈钢研磨罐和8009圆边缘淬火钢研磨罐。这些并非不透气设计,但可以适应于此。 (8004SS小瓶比8004瓶好,因为8004盖中间有个洞,但8004SS没有。 )我们建议测试几次,以确保这项技术可适用于特定的样本: 把研磨罐放在手套箱,在惰性气氛中进行,将螺丝帽紧密。 使用“水喉匠螺纹带” (或聚四氟乙烯薄膜铁氟龙胶带)的线程,当拧上瓶盖(县) 。 当把研磨罐中的钳,确保夹紧螺丝很紧,并锁定螺钉是收紧,所以钳不能在运行中松开。 (可选择性额外的步骤:在手套箱内把研磨罐置于密封塑料袋,但收紧钳,小心置放于研磨罐中心的钳,锋利的钳才不会切到塑料。 ) 经过5-10分钟的运行,停止研磨和检查,以确保研磨罐盖和该夹具仍然紧密。如有必要再收紧盖和夹具。在很长的运行,请检查盖和夹具的密封性(建议60分钟定期检查) 。 结束运行后立即由钳clamp中取出研磨罐,再将它放回手套箱。在运行中,研磨罐热量升高,所以研磨罐内产生正压,如果有任何渗漏,这将是惰性气体漏出研磨罐,除非粉状样品吸附的惰性气体。在任何情况下,一旦研磨后研磨罐开始降温,这可能会造成内部研磨罐负压和吸取大气气体进入研磨罐,所以在研磨运行后立即要把研磨罐放回手套箱,并总是在手套箱中打开研磨罐。


美国消费者产品安全委员会CPSIA标准作业程序测定( Pb )非金属儿童产品




UNITED STATES CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION DIRECTORATE FOR LABORATORY SCIENCES DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY 10901 DARNESTOWN RD GAITHERSBURG, MD 20878 Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1002-08 Standard Operating Procedure for Determination Total Lead (Pb) in Non-Metal Children’s Products February 1, 2009 I. Total Lead in Ceramics, Glass and Crystal and other Siliceous Materials – Digestion Should be ground in a cryogenic mill and II.Total Lead in Plastics, Polymers and other Non-Siliceous Materials 1.Cut the test specimen into small pieces and cryogenically mill. 美国 消费者产品安全委员会 实验室科学局 化学部 10901 DARNESTOWN RD GAITHERSBURG, MD 20878 测试方法:CPSC-CH-E1002-08 标准作业程序测定共计无铅( Pb )非金属儿童产品 2009年2月1日 Total Lead in Ceramics, Glass and Crystal and other Siliceous Materials – Digestion 一,陶瓷,玻璃和水晶和其他硅质原料的总铅測定-酸解 Should be ground in a cryogenic mill and III. 应采用冷冻研磨机研磨 Total Lead in Plastics, Polymers and other Non-Siliceous Materials 二。塑料,聚合物和其他非硅质原料的总铅測定 Cut the test specimen into small pieces and cryogenically mill. 1 。先把試樣切成小块然後采用冷冻研磨机研磨 非金属儿童产品-美国消费者产品安全委员会法規测定共计无铅( Pb )






Geno Comparison of Methods for the Isolation of DNA from Soybeans 研磨大豆提取dna


X-ray Fluorescence Analysis of 水泥 Cements




X-ray Fluorescence Analysis of Cements 采用加拿大Katanax熔融机 The combination of a borate fusion and "Delta-Coefficient'' corrections for matrix effects is shown to yield a method for the analysis of cements in which high accuracy, rapidity, and slmpllcity are compatible. The features of the method are: (a) Counting statistics is nearly the only source of errors. (b) Weighing of flux and sample are nearly the only manipulations. (c) One standard only is required. (d) When cement composition is rather constant, the method described can be shortened significantly. The analysis of the six major elements In NBS-633-639 cements was performed with an average accuracy of 0.07 YO.


采用Katanax熔融机 X-ray




采用Katanax熔融机 X-ray fluorescence analysis of sludge ash from sewage Glass bead/x-ray fluorescence spectrometry of the sludge incineration ashes generated in sewage processing was developed for the determination of ten major components (Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, P2O5, K2O, CaO, TiO2, MnO, Fe2O3) and five minor elements (Zn, Cu, Cr, As, Pb). Sewage sludge ashes consisted of rockforming minerals and phosphate crystals that had been used for phosphorus removal. Ash samples were melted and molded with lithium tetraborate to 35 mm diameter glass disks in a Pt–Au crucible. Analytical results of ten major components and five minor elements agreed well with the recommended values of a phosphate rock standard reference material (NIST SRM 694). Elemental compositions of sewage sludge ash from seven sewage-processing plants in Japan were determined using this method. Concentrations of Fe2O3, SiO2, and CaO, along with loss of ignition in sewage sludge ash mutually differed among the sewage-processing plant products. Seasonal variations in concentrations of ten major components and five minor components of ash samples produced from October 2001 to September 2002 were determined using the proposed method. Concentrations of SiO2increased with the inflow of gravel by rainfall, thereby decreasing concentrations of P2O5 originating from excreta and microorganisms. Copyright  2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.






Geno AN SP001 (GG Cell Lysis fatty acid extraction from animal tissue) 从动物组织样品中以高通量机械破碎的方法萃取脂肪酸 Mechanical Disruption for High-Throughput Fatty Acid Extraction from Animal Tissue Samples With kind permission from Sanofi-Aventis Germany GmbH The mechanical homogenization for extraction of fatty acids is traditionally performed with an Ultra-Turrax in a buffer solution. However, both the purification and the slow sample preparation process in the analytical laboratory are labour-intensive. This method is no longer suitable for high sample throughput. Therefore it makes sense to combine the increased sample throughput with mechanical cell disruption. The use of 96-well micro titer plates and deep well plates is suitable for this process. The research in biotechnology/ gene technology also often demands the handling of a considerable number of samples. Sample preparation is often the bottleneck in the process of efficient analysis work. Up to now efforts to mechanically disrupt cells through grinding have been based on the modification of traditional ball or swing mills with an adapter for micro titer plates. The Geno/Grinder® 2000 is currently the first available mill specifically designed for cell disruption. The Geno/Grinder is a purpose-built ball mill that was originally conceived for the disruption of plant seeds but can also be used for animal and human samples.






Geno AN SP011 (Extraction of Nucleic Acids from Sugar Beet Leaves) 从甜菜叶萃取核酸 Extraction of Nucleic Acids from Sugar Beet Leaves With kind permission of the University of Kiel, Institute for Plant Cultivation and Plant Breeding Homogenization of sugar beet leaves for the purpose of extracting and isolating DNA for subsequent PCR amplification requires a sufficient amount of good quality nucleic acid yield (>1ng). With a basic grinding process of 2 x 1 minute grinds of dry leaf material and subsequent wet homogenization of 30 seconds only 2% of more than 2600 did not yield suitable DNA material. This demonstrates the excellent suitability of the Geno/Grinder 2000 for high throughput processing of sugar beet leaf material.







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公司地址: 上海市徐汇区襄阳南路500号1402室 联系人: 黄健玮 邮编: 200031

