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description of the inventive systems oil content monitors&alarms




The design approach of the Inventive Systems Oil in Water products is centered around solving the real world problems of oil in water detection: Reduction of inacurate measurements caused by non-oil turbidity. Eliminating the "plating out" of oil in the sample chamber by a self cleaning mechanism. Electrical design to extend the life of the light source. Mechanical desigh to withstand pH of 2 to 13. Online, unattended and completely automatic sampling. Full range of industrial temperatures and environments.


Strategy of manufacturing components with designed internal structure by selective laser melting of metallic powder




Application of selective laser melting for manufacturing three-dimensional objects represents one of the promising directions to solve Q1 challenging industrial problems. This approach permits to extend dramatically the freedom of design and manufacturing allowing, for example, to create an object with desired shape and internal structure in a single fabrication step. The design of the part can be tailored to meet specific functions and properties (e.g. physical, mechanical, chemical, biological, etc.) using different materials. Metallic objects were manufactured by Phenix PM 100 machine from Inconel 625 powder. The objective was to analyze the influence of the manufacturing strategy on the internal structure and mechanical properties of the components manufactured by selective laser melting technology. Anisotropy of the internal structure and mechanical properties of the fabricated objects were studied.


Parametric analysis of the selective laser melting process




Selective laser sintering/melting (SLS/SLM) technology is used for manufacturing net-shaped objects from commercial Inox 904L powder with 20 mm particle size. Experiments were carried out on PHENIX-PM100 machine equipped with a 50 W cw fiber laser. Powder is layered by a roller over the surface of a 100 mm-diameter build cylinder. Optimal parameters of layer thickness and power input per unit speed for SLM were determined. It was shown that the greater the value of P/V ratio is, the larger is the remelted line (called as ‘vector’). Influence of the shifting of consecutive single vectors on the process of forming the first layer was studied. Different strategies for forming objects with less than 1 mm-sized inner structures were tested, as, for example, forming a 20 mm  20 mm  5 mm box with 140 mm-thick inner compartment walls.


Accuracy size distributions obtained from single particle static digital image analysis




Image analysis has made decisive breakthrough in the recent years to become a reference technique in the field of combined size and shape analysis of particles. Thanks to full automation of the particle dispersion and the individual particle imaging process, productivity of the instrument is no longer a major drawback. However the question of representativity of analyses has not been discussed in statistical terms as should be. Because image analysis is based on the measurement of each individual particle, the accuracy of a size distribution has to be formulated in number of particles and not in terms of sample weight or duration of the analysis. The adequate particle number is linked to the shape of the distribution curve and its extension or range. In this paper, the accuracy of size distributions from image analysis is discussed from a theoretical and practical point of view.


Mixed Anionic Polysaccharides




Charged polysaccharides can improve the stability of protein-coated lipid droplets by forming a protective coating around them. Potentially, the interfacial characteristics of these coatings can be controlled by assembling them from mixed polysaccharides with different molecular characteristics. The purpose of this study was to examine the competitive adsorption of two anionic polysaccharides (carrageenan and pectin) to β-lactoglobulin coated-lipid droplets. Carrageenan has a higher charge density than pectin, and carrageenan has a linear backbone whereas pectin has a linear backbone with branches. Emulsions ( = 1 wt % oil, d43 = 0.40 ± 0.03 μm) were mixed with polysaccharide solutions (0 or 0.04 wt%) at pH 7, then the pH was decreased to promote polysaccharide adsorption. The adsorption of the polysaccharide molecules to the droplet surfaces occurred at a higher pH for carrageenan (pH ≈ 5.85) than for pectin (pH ≈ 5.45). When polysaccharide mixtures were added at pH 7, the carrageenan molecules preferentially adsorbed to the droplet surfaces when the pH was reduced. At pH 3.5, carrageenan coated droplets had a higher negative charge (ζ = - 38.5 ± 3.1 mV) than pectin-coated droplets (ζ = - 17.9 ± 2.0 mV). Carrageenan was much more effective at displacing pectin from the surfaces of pectin-coated droplets, than pectin was at displacing carrageenan from carrageenan-coated droplets. The stability of pectin-coated droplets was better than carrageenan-coated droplets, which was attributed to steric hindrance effects. These results have important implications for the design of delivery systems based on polysaccharide/protein-coated droplets.


electrokinetic properties of ceramic powders




The electrokinetic behaviour of compact ceramic surfaces is mainly characterised by streaming-potential measurement using flow parallel to the surface. For these measurements the electrokinetic analyser (EKA) is commercially available. Often this method shows experimental difficulties. In view of filtration-membranes characterisation the process determining effect derives not only from the surface. The open porosity of the membrane as a whole also influences the interaction with charged species to be filtrated. A new method was developed closely related to real filtration: A ‘flow-through’ potential measurement. Suspensions are nowadays characterised using an electroacoustic method. To link the electrokinetic results measured on suspensions to measurements on compact surfaces a new ‘electroacoustic-surface-potential’ measurement was tested. It is obvious that the electrokinetic behaviour of compact ceramic cannot be derived from suspension measurement. The properties of the electrically chargeable M–OH groups on the surface is changed during thermal treatment.


Electrokinetic properties of ceramics




使用德国PA高浓度粒度及Zeta电位仪分析了陶瓷胶体溶液的电动力学特性。 The electrokinetic behaviour of compact ceramic surfaces is mainly characterised by streaming-potential measurement using flow parallel to the surface. For these measurements the electrokinetic analyser (EKA) is commercially available. Often this method shows experimental difficulties. In view of filtration-membranes characterisation the process determining effect derives not only from the surface. The open porosity of the membrane as a whole also influences the interaction with charged species to be filtrated. A new method was developed closely related to real filtration: A ‘flow-through’ potential measurement. Suspensions are nowadays characterised using an electroacoustic method. To link the electrokinetic results measured on suspensions to measurements on compact surfaces a new ‘electroacoustic-surface-potential’ measurement was tested. It is obvious that the electrokinetic behaviour of compact ceramic cannot be derived from suspension measurement. The properties of the electrically chargeable M–OH groups on the surface is changed during thermal treatment.







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