Narrow linewidth laser with FBG stabilized wavelength
Selection of lasing wavelength from 1260nm to 1670nm
High CW power up to 10mW
High pulsed power stability
A selection of wavelength are currently available for immediate evaluation
DenseLight offers rapid turnaround prototyping to meet your specific needs
Customizable performance items include
- - Lasing wavelength
- - Lasing linewidth
- - Output optical power level (CW or Pulse)
- - Direct modulation speed (standard or high)
- - SMF output pigtail or all- - PMF laser design
Ability to ramp to high volume
Fast and responsive customer support
B-OTDR Sensing and Strain Monitoring (n Brillouin Optical Time Domain eflectometry)
Optical Metrology and Instrumentation
Optical Gas and Chemical Sensing