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Mass fractionation processes of transition metal isotopes

2005-01-25 16:50




Recent advances in mass spectrometry make it possible to utilise isotope variations of transition metals to address some important issues in solar system and biological sciences. Realisation of the potential offered by these new isotope systems however requires an adequate understanding of the factors controlling their isotope fractionation. Here we show the results of a broadly based study on copper and iron isotope fractionation during various inorganic and biological processes. These results demonstrate that: (1) naturally occurring inorganic processes can fractionate Fe isotope to a detectable level even at temperature V1000‡C, which challenges the previous view that Fe isotope variations in natural system are unique biosignatures; (2) multiple-step equilibrium processes at low temperatures may cause large mass fractionation of transition metal isotopes even when the fractionation per single step is small; (3) oxidation^reduction is an importation controlling factor of isotope fractionation of transition metal elements with multiple valences, which opens a wide range of applications of these new isotope systems, ranging from metal-silicate fractionation in the solar system to uptake pathways of these elements in biological systems; (4) organisms incorporate lighter isotopes of transition metals preferentially, and transition metal isotope fractionation occurs stepwise along their pathways within biological systems during their uptake. > 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.



The Millbrook MiniSIMS is the only instrument to provide a fast, comprehensive surface analysis capability in a convenient desktop size. Millbrook have now introduced a second, high-performance, version of the MiniSIMS incorporating a time of flight mass spectrometer (ToFSIMS).

医用PTFE材料有非常好的机械性能,但是材料的亲水性并不是非常理想,通过Ar, NH3,O2, N2等各种气体等离子表面改性可以提高材料亲水性。本文通过对各种条件改性后材料随时间变化其亲水性变化以及材料表面化学成分变化的研究,为医用材料表面改性条件的选择提出理论依据。

The development of a novel bench top SIMS instrument (Millbrook MiniSIMS) has brought routine SIMS analysis to many new users, for example museum conservators. This is a result of the simple operation and the relatively low capital cost of the instrument. We report here on the continued development of the system in terms of increasing performance and functionality and its use in museum conservation based applications where a mobile instrument for high throughput, rapid SIMS analysis has proven to be of great benefit to the user. The example we describe here is the application of the MiniSIMS to the analysis of silver thread woven into a silk dress before and after laser cleaning.






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