牛津仪器C-Swift EBSD探测器
牛津仪器C-Swift EBSD探测器

¥50万 - 100万







  • 白金
  • 第23年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

产地类别: 进口

CCD相机分辨率: 1244×1024

极限速度: 870Hz

空间分辨率: 2nm



C-Swift速度高达1000pps,同时可获得高质量的花样分辨率(156x128像素)。这相当于基于CCD的探测器以相似速度运行时所采集花样像素数的4倍,确保所有类型样品的可靠标定和高命中率。无失真光学系统与AZtec软件中强大的标定算法结合,使C-Swift能够提供优于0.05°的高角度精度。对于需要更高质量花样的应用,  C-Swift可以以高达250pps的速度采集622x512像素的花样,使其成为复杂的多相样品和精细的相分析的理想选择。

这是专为快速、有效的样品表征而设计的探测器。系统的每个组件,从独特的接近传感器到可选的集成前置探测器,都经过设计, 旨在更大限度地提高性能和易用性, 并使EBSD成为每个实验室的标准工具。

  • 确保1000 点/秒的标定速度

  • 在250点/秒速度下,采集622x512像素的EBSD花样

  • 对低能量和低束流分析具有非常高的灵敏度

  • 无失真图像


  • 仅需要12nA的电子束流,就能保证1000pps的标定速度

  • 高速下的156x128像素的花样分辨率——同等速度下快速CCD探测器的4倍

  • 全分辨率花样(622x512像素)——精细的相分析和形变分析的理想选择

  • 低失真光学系统, 确保角度精度优于0.05°

  • 优化的高灵敏度荧光屏, 确保低剂量和低束流能量下的高质量的花样——实现更大的空间分辨率

  • 即使在快速下也能实现无缝的EDS集成

  • 波纹管SEM接口,保持SEM真空完整性

  • 独特的接近传感器——在可能发生的碰撞发生之前自动将探测器移动到安全位置

  • 简单直观的探测器设置,确保每次都能获得良好的效果

  • 五个集成的前置探测器, 提供全彩色通道衬度图像和原子序数衬度图像

  • Transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) is a relatively recent development in EBSD that allows high resolution analysis of electron transparent samples. Most applications in the literature have used TKD for targeted measurements of relatively small areas, on samples where conventional EBSD struggles to deliver the required resolution [1]. These samples are typically nanocrystalline metals and alloys, although increasingly the technique is also being used to characterise highly

    钢铁/金属 2020-06-15

  • Development and testing of semiconductor devices requires extensive knowledge of local structure and elemental composition. With feature sizes of <5 nm, it is often necessary to perform imaging and EDS analysis in a S / TEM. Once in the TEM, there are still many difficulties to be overcome to acquire accurate elemental maps. Elemental analysis of semiconductors is typically difficult due to strong overlaps of X-ray lines between commonly used elements and low concentrations of dopants. Not only are concentrations of dopants small but their X-ray lines often overlap with other materials used in semiconductor processing. This brief shows how AZtecTEM solves these overlaps to achieve an accurate elemental analysis. TEM Semiconductor Mapping in the TEM Solving peak overlaps in real-time Application Brief

    半导体 2018-01-08

  • Gunshot residue (GSR) is produced from the condensation of the vapour cloud which is generated from the primer and propellant when a bullet is fired from a gun. The condensing vapour from the primer will form particles which are typically spherical and range from potentially less than 0.5 μm up to significantly larger sizes and of a characteristic composition depending on the type of ammunition. These particles may land on the hands and body of the shooter or other persons present when the gun was fired. By collecting and identifying these particles it is possible to associate a person with a crime scene where a gun was used

    公安/司法 2018-01-08

  • Introduction Application Note As semiconductor devices continue to decrease in size to improve performance and take advantage of advances in fabrication techniques, there is a need to analyse both their structure and chemistry at ever increasing resolution. Typically this requires the use of TEM for metrology and failure analysis. Using ultrahigh resolution FEG-SEM, low kV imaging and the new X-Max® Extreme EDS detector we demonstrate the ability to retain some of this high resolution analysis in the SEM. This allows for better targeting of resources and increased throughput of analysis.

    半导体 2018-01-08

  • Development and testing of semiconductor devices requires extensive knowledge of local structure and elemental composition. With feature sizes of <5 nm, it is often necessary to perform imaging and EDS analysis in a S / TEM. Once in the TEM, there are still many difficulties to be overcome to acquire accurate elemental maps. Elemental analysis of semiconductors is typically difficult due to strong overlaps of X-ray lines between commonly used elements and low concentrations of dopants. Not only are concentrations of dopants small but their X-ray lines often overlap with other materials used in semiconductor processing. This brief shows how AZtecTEM solves these overlaps to achieve an accurate elemental analysis. TEM Semiconductor Mapping in the TEM Solving peak overlaps in real-time Application Brief

    半导体 2018-01-08

  • Introduction Application Note As semiconductor devices continue to decrease in size to improve performance and take advantage of advances in fabrication techniques, there is a need to analyse both their structure and chemistry at ever increasing resolution. Typically this requires the use of TEM for metrology and failure analysis. Using ultrahigh resolution FEG-SEM, low kV imaging and the new X-Max® Extreme EDS detector we demonstrate the ability to retain some of this high resolution analysis in the SEM. This allows for better targeting of resources and increased throughput of analysis.

    半导体 2018-01-08

  • Gunshot residue (GSR) is produced from the condensation of the vapour cloud which is generated from the primer and propellant when a bullet is fired from a gun. The condensing vapour from the primer will form particles which are typically spherical and range from potentially less than 0.5 μm up to significantly larger sizes and of a characteristic composition depending on the type of ammunition. These particles may land on the hands and body of the shooter or other persons present when the gun was fired. By collecting and identifying these particles it is possible to associate a person with a crime scene where a gun was used

    公安/司法 2018-01-08

  • Transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) is a relatively recent development in EBSD that allows high resolution analysis of electron transparent samples. Most applications in the literature have used TKD for targeted measurements of relatively small areas, on samples where conventional EBSD struggles to deliver the required resolution [1]. These samples are typically nanocrystalline metals and alloys, although increasingly the technique is also being used to characterise highly

    钢铁/金属 2020-06-15


保修期: 详询工程师



免费培训: 详询工程师

免费仪器保养: 详询工程师

保内维修承诺: 详询工程师

报修承诺: 详询工程师











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