HORIBA Ultima Expert高性能ICP光谱仪
HORIBA Ultima Expert高性能ICP光谱仪
HORIBA Ultima Expert高性能ICP光谱仪
HORIBA Ultima Expert高性能ICP光谱仪
HORIBA Ultima Expert高性能ICP光谱仪
HORIBA Ultima Expert高性能ICP光谱仪





Ultima Expert



  • 白金
  • 第22年
  • 生产商
  • 营业执照已审核

重复性: ≤1%

稳定性: ≤2%

波长范围: 160-800nm

光学分辨率: ≤0.005nm(在200nm处,且恒定分辨率)




· 金属(钢铁、有色金属)

· 地矿

· 生物、医药、食品

· 化学、药品、石油、树脂、陶瓷

· 环境(自来水、环境水、土壤、大气粉尘)


结合各类套装软件,简化及优化分析方法,整合了Jobin Yvon 高效光学系统的优势,在分析各类样品和基体时均具有非常优异的表现。高稳健性使Ultima Expert可以轻松运用于矿物、高盐、润滑油、冶金等各个领域,并能大程度满足您的应用要求。

· 冶金、地质和矿业:虽然铁、钨或者稀土等基体样品的光谱比较复杂,但是Ultima Expert依然具有佳性能。

· 贵金属:Ultima Expert 是目前市场上唯一一款能够精确分析贵金属中主量元素的ICP-OES。

· 环境、食品、农业、化工以及材料:Ultima Expert可提高各类样品测试准确度,同时分析痕量以及主量元素。


· 独特的等离子体矩管,专为精确分析及各类应用而设计

· 满足不同应用的可选配置

· 全光谱高光学分辨率

· 简便的操作设计


Ultima Expert 强大的软件功能除了能满足日常分析需求外,还能够提高用户的分析能力。


· 简化方法开发

· 多任务序列使分析更加灵活

· Image软件可全波长范围对未知样品进行定性、半定量分析

  • This application note describes the analysis of several elements(Ba,Be,Co,Cr,Cu,Nb,Ni,Rb,Sc,Sr,V,Y,Zn and Zr) in geological samples,with the Activa-M ICP-AES instrument.

    环保 2010-03-31

  • This Application Note examines the analysis of five different wastewater and soil samples, which are listed below. Sample 1: Distilled water Sample 2: Wastewater after treatment in wastewater plant (exit) Sample 3: Wastewater before treatment in the waste plant Sample 4: Industrial wastewater Sample 5: Dried soil from agriculture waste,digested with HNO3 and HClO4 Samples 1-4 contained dilute HNO3.

    环保 2010-03-31

  • A vitamin mineral sample was presented to this laboratory for trace and major element determination. The sample was previously digested by microwave heating. The assay required was Zn,Fe, Cu, Mn, I2 at % levels and Pb, Cd, Hg, Al at ppm levels in the solid sample. This report gives the best wavelengths for the determination of analytes in these matrices, as well as the operating conditions and the analytical results.

    食品/农产品 2010-03-31

  • ICP-OES is a multi-element technique that allows the determination of 75 elements in the periodic table. One element that is desirable to analyze at the same time as other elements is chlorine. However, until recently, the analysis of halogens,especially chlorine, was usually not undertaken by ICP. This was because the halogens are not easy to excite in a plasma source and their emission wavelengths are challenging for conventional optics. Chlorine wavelengths, which yield good sensitivity, are low (133 nm and 134 nm) and are not possible to measure with conventional solidstate detectors or photomultiplier tubes. This Application Note describes recent hardware improvements that allow the determination of Cl,Br and I by ICP-OES.

    环保 2010-03-31

  • ICP-OES is a multi-element technique that allows the determination of 75 elements in the periodic table. One element that is desirable to analyze at the same time as other elements is chlorine. However, until recently, the analysis of halogens,especially chlorine, was usually not undertaken by ICP. This was because the halogens are not easy to excite in a plasma source and their emission wavelengths are challenging for conventional optics. Chlorine wavelengths, which yield good sensitivity, are low (133 nm and 134 nm) and are not possible to measure with conventional solidstate detectors or photomultiplier tubes. This Application Note describes recent hardware improvements that allow the determination of Cl,Br and I by ICP-OES.

    环保 2017-12-25

  • ICP-OES is a multi-element technique that allows the determination of 75 elements in the periodic table. One element that is desirable to analyze at the same time as other elements is chlorine. However, until recently, the analysis of halogens,especially chlorine, was usually not undertaken by ICP. This was because the halogens are not easy to excite in a plasma source and their emission wavelengths are challenging for conventional optics. Chlorine wavelengths, which yield good sensitivity, are low (133 nm and 134 nm) and are not possible to measure with conventional solidstate detectors or photomultiplier tubes. This Application Note describes recent hardware improvements that allow the determination of Cl,Br and I by ICP-OES.

    环保 2017-12-25

  • ICP-OES is a multi-element technique that allows the determination of 75 elements in the periodic table. One element that is desirable to analyze at the same time as other elements is chlorine. However, until recently, the analysis of halogens,especially chlorine, was usually not undertaken by ICP. This was because the halogens are not easy to excite in a plasma source and their emission wavelengths are challenging for conventional optics. Chlorine wavelengths, which yield good sensitivity, are low (133 nm and 134 nm) and are not possible to measure with conventional solidstate detectors or photomultiplier tubes. This Application Note describes recent hardware improvements that allow the determination of Cl,Br and I by ICP-OES.

    环保 2017-12-25

  • The analysis presented in this Application Note shows that the semi-quantitative program is accurate for many applications and has the advantage of speed. This mode could be used for screening purposes for a busy laboratory. The second point to note is that the reproducibility of the replicate analysis on 5 identical samples showed standard deviations similar to those achieved when determining the limit of detection. For example, the Pb result shows a deviation of 0.58 ppb over five determinations at 3.5 ppb. In a single run, both traces and high levels can be determined with good accuracy and precision.

    环保 2017-12-21

  • The torch configuration (vertical torch, radial observation, sheath gas) allows easy analysis of the incineration solvents mixture. There is no requirement for dilution, cooled spray chamber or additional gases. The optimization was done on the plasma conditions and the sample uptake. The plasma and acquisition parameters are fixed in the analytical method and automatically controlled by computer for an optimum reproducibility from one operator to the other.

    石油/化工 2017-12-21

  • The torch configuration (vertical torch, radial observation, sheath gas) allows easy analysis of the incineration solvents mixture. There is no requirement for dilution, cooled spray chamber or additional gases. The optimization was done on the plasma conditions and the sample uptake. The plasma and acquisition parameters are fixed in the analytical method and automatically controlled by computer for an optimum reproducibility from one operator to the other.

    石油/化工 2017-12-21

  • To achieve the lowest detection limits, dilution is undesirable. The results show the spectrometers are able to perform an excellent analysis, even with high dissolved solids. This enables the analysis to be performed to the best detection limits possible.

    石油/化工 2017-12-18

  • HORIBA Scientific ICPs have the ability to analyze very difficult samples, such as those with high salt content, in part due to the large 3 mm ID injector. In addition, the use of the sheath gas device, originally patented by HORIBA Scientific, enables analysis without clogging of the injector tube and provides the capability of running samples up to 300 g/L salt content. The flexibility of the ULTIMA configuration enables you to choose the gratings depending on the applications, such as the dual grating (4320 and 2400 gr/mm), which provides high resolution and low LOD, in the 200 - 400 nm region. This is particularly useful for the analysis of impurities in rare earths and precious metals.

    石油/化工 2017-12-18

  • In electronics, silver alloys are used because of their conductive, mechanic and contact properties. These properties are improved by treatment of silver with different metallic oxides.This Application Note examines the analysis of Ag and metal oxides, with impurities such as Cd, Cu, Fe,Mg Ni, Sn and Zn.

    材料 2010-03-31

  • This Application Note describes a method for the routine analysis of Stainless Steel samples.Fourteen trace elements, with a wide range of concentrations, were determined using one sample preparation method.

    材料 2010-03-31

  • The analysis of organometallics samples using an ICP-OES is not a simple proposition as digestion of the sample or dissolution in an adequate solvent is required. Digestion is a lengthy process and loss of analytes and contamination are severe problems. The dissolution method however requires an aromatic solvent, resulting in specific analysis conditions and special pump tubing, which are not easy problems for a typical laboratory to overcome. This Application Note presents the preparation,characterization and optimization of bitumen after emulsion in water.

    材料 2010-03-31

  • ICP-OES is a multi-element technique that allows the analysis of nearly all the elements of the periodic table. It is particularly suitable for the determination of trace elements in high salt content solutions. Here we present as an example the analysis of 42 elements in a 10 g/L Copper matrix.

    材料 2010-03-31

  • Eight samples from the Nuclear Division of a company were analyzed. These samples have complex matrices such as salt, concentratedacid, etc. and required high dilution factors when flame AAS is used. This application note will demonstrate the feasibility and simplicity of the ICP technique for this type of analysis.

    其他 2010-03-31

  • The analysis of impurities in Rhodium samples requires an instrument with high resolution to avoid inter-element correction and obtain low detection limits. For this reason the JY ULTIMA was used. This Application Note reports the wavelengths that were used in this difficult matrix and the detection limits obtained.

    其他 2010-03-31

  • The analysis of impurities in Rhodium samples requires an instrument with high resolution to avoid inter-element correction and obtain low detection limits. For this reason the JY ULTIMA was used. This Application Note reports the wavelengths that were used in this difficult matrix and the detection limits obtained.

    其他 2010-03-31

  • Dialysis is a method of removing toxic substances (impuritities or wastes) from the blood when the kidneys are unable to do so. ICP-OES is particularly suitable to measure the dialysis solutions for the high accuracy analysis of Na, K,Ca, Mg and Cl. This Application Note presents the preparation and analysis results of two dialysis samples.

    其他 2010-03-31

  • The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.

    建材/家具 2017-12-21

  • It is particularly interesting to point out that HORIBA Scientific ICPs have the ability to analyze any type of sample for example, cements, where there is a high salt content due to alkali fusion. The advantage of the ULTIMA 2C is to simultaneously measure the major and trace elements with very high precision. It also enables you to measure an internal standard at the same time and with the same optics for all major elements, improving the repeatability and accuracy for these elements. The use of the sheath gas device originally patented by JY, enables analysis without clogging of the injector tube and to be able to run samples up to 300 g/L salt content. Given the above criteria, ICP emission spectrometry is suitable for analysis of the major and minor elements in cement.

    建材/家具 2017-12-18

  • The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.

    建材/家具 2017-12-18

  • The glass industry is not only interested in analyzing major and minor elements in glass samples, but also in all starting materials, such as sand, carbonate, boric acid, alumina in a solid or liquid form. From this point of view Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) fulfills these requirements, because it provides multi-element analysis with reproducible, reliable results. It is also a very fast technique, with only 2 minutes necessary for measuring 10 elements at various concentrations in a single sample. This study was carried out on a JY 2000-2 sequential spectrometer, which is perfectly suited to this type of sample analysis.

    建材/家具 2010-03-31


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