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  • 顺序SBSE萃取法提高饮料中极性VOC的回收率
    顺序SBSE,英文叫Sequential SBSE,顾名思义就是一个接一个的使用SBSE技术来采样:两个磁子,一个对样品萃取完以后,下一个再来萃取。这里需要注意的是,两次的SBSE采样,使用的是两个搅拌磁子Twister,在不同的萃取条件下, 先后对同一个样品进行采样,最后两个Twister同时进行热解析。为了评估顺序SBSE对水样中气味化合物的分析的萃取效率,分别选取了16种典型的分味化合物进行分析,其中包括了醇,醛,酯,内酯,单萜,类单萜烯和酚。这些化合物的LogKo/w值在1.34到4.83之间,浓度都为100ng/mL 。结果与传统的SBSE加盐及不加盐的回收率进行了比较。
  • 加速溶剂萃取-顺序萃取法萃取陈皮中的橙皮苷
  • 锂电池陶瓷涂层隔膜前期的陶瓷浆料稳定性评估 - 之双重陶瓷材料的混合顺序
    隔膜性能决定了电池的内阻和界面结构,进而决定了电池容量、安全性能、充放电密度和循环性能等特性。因此需满足如下一些特性1、好的化学稳定性一耐有机溶剂 2、机械性能良好一拉伸强度高,穿刺强度高 3、良好的热稳定性一热收缩率低,较髙的破膜温度 4、电解液浸润性一与电解液相容性好,吸液率高。 陶瓷涂覆特种隔膜特别适用于动力电池,它是以PP,PE或者多层复合隔膜为基体,表面涂覆一层纳米级三氧化二铝材料,经过特殊工艺处理,和基体粘接紧密,显著提高锂离子电池的耐髙温性能和安全性。为了尽量减少在制造陶瓷涂覆隔膜时使用易燃、有毒、昂贵和非环境有机溶剂,目前人们开始广泛使用水性陶瓷浆料,但水性陶瓷浆料的主要问题是分散稳定性差。在前几篇应用文章里,我们介绍了表面活性剂浓度以及粉体,聚合物粘结剂,表面活性剂三者的添加顺序对水性陶瓷浆料的稳定性的影响。然而,在这种情况下,为了保持涂层质量,仍然需要使用稳定剂和润湿增强剂等功能性添加剂,或者对聚烯烃隔膜的表面进行改性,使其具有亲水性。这些功能添加剂在锂电池中起着杂质的作用,可能影响锂电池的电化学性能。且隔膜的表面处理增加了工序数,从而降低了制造工艺的效率,增加了生产成本,在经济上是不利的。新的研究发现结合两种不同电极性和晶粒尺寸的陶瓷可以产生协同效应,使得在不需要使用分散稳定剂的情况下即可提高水性陶瓷浆料的分散稳定性。
  • 加速溶剂萃取-顺序萃取法萃取陈皮中的橙皮苷
  • 加速溶剂萃取-顺序萃取法萃取陈皮中的橙皮苷
    采用ASE顺序提取法提取陈皮中的橙皮苷,相比较提取总量的1.4%。 2010版药典推荐方法-索氏提取,能够达到了除脂和萃取有效成分的目的,并简化了操作步骤及节省了大量的操作时间。ASE提取中药中的活性成分时,既能达到药典推荐萃取方法等同的萃取率,在提高萃取条件时,ASE还能达到更高的萃取率。同时具有操作简单、快速、高效等特点,值得在中药领域推广使用。
  • 加速溶剂萃取-顺序萃取法萃取中药娑罗子中的七叶皂苷
    七叶皂苷是中药娑罗子成熟果实中提取出的三萜皂苷,具有清除机体内自由基的功效,同时具有抗炎、抗渗出,提高静脉张力,加快静脉血流,促进淋巴回流,改善血液循环和微循环,并有保护血管壁的作用,广泛用于脑外伤、脑血管疾病、中风、脑肿瘤、颅内感染等疾病的治疗。2010版药典以检测七叶皂苷的含量来评价娑罗子质量的优劣。参照2010版药典,对娑罗子中七叶皂苷的提取需先采用索氏提取法脱脂,然后再超声提取,该前处理方法操作繁琐,需要转换不同的提取器,费时费力。加速溶剂萃取技术(Accelerated Solvent Extraction,ASE)是在较高的温度(40 ℃-200 ℃)和压力(1500 psi)下用溶剂萃取固体或半固体样品的样品前处理方法。ASE具有萃取效率高,速度快、溶剂用量少等优点。目前,ASE广泛应用于环境食品、药物、天然产物和中药中的活性成分等领域。采用ASE顺序提取法,先后采用不同的溶剂对同一样品进行提取,能够在30分钟内处理好样品,达到除脂和萃取有效成分的目的。该方法节省了置换提取器等繁琐的操作步骤,节省了操作时间,且减少了溶剂消耗。
  • 交叉流燃油喷射对反应射流的影响
  • 激光烧蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法和多元分析对蓝色圆珠笔文件鉴别的研究(英文原文)
    提出了一种基于LA-ICP-MS方法的蓝色圆珠笔墨水的鉴别方法。在没有任何样品准备的情况下,从21支已知来源的蓝色钢笔中切割并测量了含有墨迹的普通办公用纸的一小部分。*步,将Mg、Ca和Sr作为内部标准(ISs),用于元素强度的归一化和背景信号的消去。然后,设计具体的标准,并采用识别目标元素(Li, V, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Sn, W, Pb),结果独立于目标元素,在98%的案例中被选择,并允许对样本进行定性聚类。第二步,利用基于先前识别目标的元素相关比(墨水比),通过多元统计分析(MANOVA、Tukey’s HSD、T2 Hotelling)获得质量独立强度,并进行两两比较。这种处理提高了辨别能力(DP),提供了客观的结果,实现了不同品牌之间的完全区别,笔墨与相同品牌之间的部分区别。设计的数据处理,加上多元统计工具的使用,代表了一种容易和有用的工具,以区分蓝色圆珠笔墨水,几乎没有样品破坏和不需要方法校准,因为它的使用可能有利于法医实践的立场。为了检验这一程序,它被用来分析真实的手写的有问题合同,这些合同以前是由西班牙民警刑事主义服务处法医文件考试司研究的。结果表明,所有被质疑的墨水条目都聚集在同一组中,与文档中剩余的墨水不同。
  • 防止 CO2 培养箱中的微生物交叉污染解决方案
    Thermo Scientific Cell Lockers 和 Thermo Scientific Cell Locker Systems 提供有效的培养物和项目隔离,防止 CO2 培养箱中的微生物交叉污染。
  • Scion TQ 三重四极杆质谱仪快速扫描时间和无交叉污染
    凭借在多反应监测 (MRM) 模式中的选择性、以及即使在多个目标化合物的保留时间窗口重叠时也能同时监测这些目标化合物的功能,三重四极杆质谱仪日益成为进行多残留分析的首选仪器。如果在一次运行中需要测定更多种目标化合物,三重四极方法可能具有上百甚至上千个 MRM,而每个 MRM 的扫描时间(即驻留时间)都较短。而扫描时间短可能会导致灵敏度降低。而多个 MRM 中的扫描时间过短可能导致的另一个潜在问题就是“交叉污染”。交叉污染是指:如果存在两个来自不同母体离子却具有相同 m/z 碎片离子的 MRM通道,并且扫描时间短,则碰撞室 (Q2) 没有足够的时间在发生第二次 MRM 碎裂前从第一次 MRM 中清除碎片离子,导致来自第一次 MRM 的产物离子可能出现在第二次 MRM 色谱图中(鬼峰)。特别是当某个 MRM 碎片较强,交叉污染效应尤为明显,因为它可能导致另一个 MRM 上呈现假阳性。本文描述了评估扫描时间对信号强度的影响以及 Scion TQ 三重四极杆质谱仪上无交叉污染效应的实验及结果。
  • 体视荧光显微镜应用于朱墨时序司法鉴定
  • 明美体视荧光显微镜助力朱墨时序的鉴定
  • 在热裂解汽油 ASTM D6563 分析中降低交叉污染并提高重现性——使用 Agilent J&W DB-HeavyWAX 气相色谱柱
    本应用简报评估了 Agilent J&W DB-HeavyWAX 色谱柱在热裂解汽油分析中的性能。较高分子量芳香族化合物的存在可能导致交叉污染或分析时间较长,因此这种分析具有挑战性。J&W DB-HeavyWAX 色谱柱的最高恒温操作温度为 280 ° C,程序升温温度为 290 ° C,能够在高于传统 WAX 型色谱柱的温度下进行操作,从而对热裂解汽油进行更快速且重现性更高的分析。
  • 在冷压粉红葡萄柚精油的分析中降低交叉污染并提高重现性——使用 Agilent J&W DB-HeavyWAX 气相色谱柱
    较高分子量芳香族化合物的存在可能导致交叉污染或拉长分析时间,这就给冷压柑橘精油(如粉红葡萄柚)的分析带来了挑战性。Agilent J&W DB-HeavyWAX 色谱柱的最高恒温操作温度为 280 ° C,程序升温最高温度为 290 ° C,具备较传统 WAX 型色谱柱更高的操作温度。更高的工作温度范围允许较长分析时间,有助于对冷压粉红葡萄柚油中的化合物进行更快速且更高重现性的分析。DB-HeavyWAX 柱的选择性与 Agilent J&W DB-WAX 气相色谱柱非常相似。
  • 力学顺序分层的泥岩涂抹过程-自由上表面水饱和模型实验结果
    The aim of this study is to improve our knowledge of the processes that lead to clay smear during faulting ofa layered sand-clay sequence in an analogue sandbox model. We carefully characterized mechanical properties of thematerials used by a series of geotechnical tests. Displacement field was quantified using PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry).The model is water-saturated to allow the deformation of wet clay and sand in one experiment comprising a sandpackage with a horizontal layer of clay above a predefined rigid basement fault. The thickness and rigidity of the claylayer are the parameters varied in this study. The model shows a range of structures that are related to competencecontrast between sand and different clay types. Results show ductile shearing of soft clay with a transition to brittlefracturing of stiff clay accompanied by the formation of rotating clay blocks in the fault zone. Localized deformation isobserved through time showing (i) the propagation of one active fault migrating laterally through the sediment package,and (ii) the formation of a stable prism between two or more active faults that gets progressively smaller with minorrotation of the hanging wall fault. Continuous clay smear is observed resulting from the lateral injection of clay as wellas from a reworked mixture of sand and clay.
  • 热解析仪能够避免不同样品的交叉污染
  • 用快速顺序型(ULTIMA 2)和高样品通量同时/顺序组合型(ULTIMA 2 CE )ICP 光谱仪进行ILMO5 CLP 分析
    Environmental laboratories will face many challenges as they prepare for the requirements of ILM05. A fast full performance ICP AES system will be required to meet these challenges. The ULTIMA 2 and ULTIMA 2CE meet and exceed all requirements of the ILM05 to provide accurate, precise, reliable analysis for today’s laboratories.
  • 第二军医大学教您如何用净信组织研磨仪快速高效破碎动物心血管组织样品
    JXFSTPRP系列研磨机采用了特殊的上下及左右晃动三维一体的震动模式,样品在空间呈8字形三维运动,通过研磨珠(氧化锆、钢珠、玻璃珠、陶瓷珠)的高频往复振动、撞击、剪切。快速的实现目的。使研磨的样品具有更加充分、更均匀、样品重复性更好、样品之间没有交叉污染1.操作数量多,效果好 高效快速的工作可以在1分钟内完成2×24、2×48、4×96个样品的研磨。省时省力,批间,批内差异小。抽提的蛋白比活更高,核酸片断更长。2.无交叉污染 样品管在破碎过程中处于全封闭状态,可采用一次性离心管和珠子。样品完整保留在管内,避免样品间的交叉污染以及外界污染。3.操作简便 3.1 内置程序控制器,可对研磨时间、转子的振动频率等参数进行设置; 3.2 人性化操作界面。4.稳定性好 4.1 采用特殊的上下及左右晃动三维一体的震动模式,样品在空间呈8字形三维运动,研磨更充分,稳定性更好; 4.2 仪器运行过程中,噪音小于70dB,不会对其它实验或仪器产生干扰。5.方便低温操作 当需要低温研磨环境,可将放有样本的适配器浸入液氮中冷却1-2分钟,取出后移至主机快速固定即可开始研磨,不需要进行再次冷冻处理,节省液氮。6.重复性好同一组织样本设定相同程序,获得相同的研磨效果。工作时间短,样本温度不会上升
  • 基于电子鼻山茶油掺假的检测研究
    摘 要 本文采用电子鼻系统对山茶油的掺假7大豆油:作了检测 。通过对传感器信号进行方差分析可知 ,三种油脂的传感器响应有显著差异。主成分分析7 3 2 :对山茶油与大豆油及其混合物检测效果较差 ,对芝麻油、大豆油及两者混合物取得 了较好的检浏效果 2 :对山茶油的掺假都有较好的检测效果 ,并优于 ,2 方法。运用 ? 神经 网络拟对混合 油脂进行定童预浏 ,对山茶油掺假的定童预浏效果较差。
  • 用顺序型ICP—AES分析玻璃中的S元素
    The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.
  • 高精度滤膜称量程序中的空气浮力修正
    本篇《高精度滤膜称量程序中的空气浮力修正》白皮书根据EPA指南,阐述了颗粒物过滤器处理和称量的理想处理方案,并详细说明了Cubis® II 超微量天平的称量步骤。
  • 用顺序型ICP—AES分析玻璃中的主要元素B
    The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.
  • 用顺序型ICP—AES分析玻璃中的主要元素Al
    The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.
  • 用顺序型ICP—AES分析玻璃中的主要元素Al
    The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.
  • 用顺序型ICP—AES分析玻璃中的主要元素Fe
    The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.
  • 用顺序型ICP—AES分析玻璃中的主要元素Fe
    The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.
  • 用顺序型ICP—AES分析玻璃中的主要元素Ca
    The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.
  • 用顺序型ICP—AES分析玻璃中的主要元素B
    The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.
  • 用顺序型ICP—AES分析玻璃中的主要元素
    The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.
  • 用顺序型ICP—AES分析玻璃中的主要元素K
    The relatively clean spectrum of glass constituents enables the use of the JY 2000-2 without the need of the high resolution of the ULTIMA 2. The results show excellent agreement with expected results for all element, both major constituents and traces. The use of sequential internal standard has been shown to compensate for any viscosity differences between the samples and standards. The speed of analysis of less than 2 minutes for the 10 elements determined, and the detection limits achieved, are more than adequate for laboratories doing ordinary glass analysis. Although both acid and fusion methods were tried, afusion would appear to fulfil the requirements of full analysis in one sample preparation. If lower detection limits are required for some of the trace elements, then an HF acid digestion will be required as well.


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