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  • 意大利RESINDION树脂 ReliZyme酶载体
    Resindion公司隶属于三零化工有限公司,通过对旗下耐用的SEPABEADS-EC产品系列进行升级,现推出ReliZyme产品系列,该产品线可用作酶载体,进行酶的固定化。 技术信息: ReliZyme和SEPABEADS-EC,其基质均是刚性的甲基丙烯酸聚合物,但孔隙度不同。具体如下:
  • CRISPR/Cas9 sgRNA质粒载体
    产品特点►载体大小:4.5 kb-11.5 kb►转染方式:直接转染或通过病毒转染►两种标记可选:mCherry/GFP等荧光标记 Puro/Zeocin/Neomycin等药物标记1. CRISPR KI donor载体产品介绍CRISPR KI donor载体是由pUC19质粒改造而来。可直接转染或通过电转导入细胞。该质粒含有eGFP及PuroR筛选基因插入元件,元件两侧含有多个酶切位点,可供插入knock in所需的左右同源臂。经过改造的载体可与spCas9及sgRNA共同作用,达到在特定基因组位点插入含eGFP和Puro抗性基因的目的。本产品通过冰盒运输,到货后请立即放入-20℃冰箱保存。产品参数产品名称CRISPR KI donor 载体载体大小4.5 kb左侧克隆位点Hind Ⅲ、Sph Ⅰ、Sal Ⅰ右侧克隆位点Mlu Ⅰ、Kpn Ⅰ、EcoR Ⅰ产品规格10 μg/支载体示意图2. sgRNA-Puro/mCherry病毒载体等产品介绍CRISPR/Cas9 sgRNA病毒载体是慢病毒系统质粒,可直接转染或通过包装病毒感染细胞。该质粒含有gRNA骨架结构及两种标记以筛选标记基因,客户自行插入靶基因的特定sgRNA序列后,与spCas9共同作用,达到基因编辑的目的。本产品通过冰盒运输,到货后请立即放入-20℃冰箱保存。产品参数产品名称货号载体大小sgRNA克隆位点Esp3 Ⅰ 酶切后片段大小产品规格sgRNA-Puro/mCherry病毒载体GE-20005-PC11.5 kbEsp3 Ⅰ2 kb+9.5 kb10 μg/支sgRNA-mCherry病毒载体GE-20005-C9 kbEsp3 Ⅰ2 kb+7 kb10 μg/支sgRNA-GFP病毒载体GE-20005-G9 kbEsp3 Ⅰ2 kb+7 kb10 μg/支sgRNA-Zeocin病毒载体GE-20005-Z9 kbEsp3 Ⅰ2 kb+7 kb10 μg/支sgRNA-Neomycin病毒载体GE-20005-N9 kbEsp3 Ⅰ2 kb+7 kb10 μg/支sgRNA-Puro病毒载体GE-20005-P9 kbEsp3 Ⅰ2 kb+7 kb10 μg/支sgRNA-Puro/GFP病毒载体GE-20005-PG11.5 kbEsp3 Ⅰ2 kb+9.5 kb10 μg/支使用说明:(请详细阅读使用说明后再开始相关实验) 1.从-20℃冰箱中取出CRISPR/Cas9 sgRNA病毒载体,4℃融化 2.配置酶切反应液 3.37℃,酶切0.5 h 4.终止酶切反应液,将反应液加到1%琼脂糖凝胶孔,跑胶30 min,回收片段,与退火获得的sgRNA靶向序列做连接反应 5.连接产物通过转化获得阳性克隆,测序成功后经过质粒抽提即可使用
  • 载体盘
  • ASE 电池载体篮 | 23996
    产品特点:ASE 萃取池载体篮,用于ASE细胞Carrier Basket(for ASE Cells)订货号:23996产品名称:ASE萃取池的载体篮(Carrier Basket for ASE Cells)● 坚固的不锈钢结构,可承载完整或空的ASE萃取池和萃取盖。● 可以容纳12个完整的33 mL萃取池组件和更多更小的尺寸。
  • 安捷伦 G1530-60950气动载体组件
    G1530-60950Pneumatic carrier assembly气动载体组件
  • 780-899蜂窝状载体
    产品编号:780-899产品中文名称:蜂窝状载体产品英文名称:Honeycomb Support产地:美国适用的仪器:美国LECO分析仪器供货周期:现货
  • WHEATON Magna Flex 微载体细胞培养瓶
    * 带有磁性搅拌器用于微载体培养* 球型玻璃搅拌桨提供了轻柔的搅拌方式* 1:1 的顶端比例创造了良好的气体交换条件* 低析硼硅玻璃符合 USP I型和 ASTM E 438 I型标准,A 类要求* 可高压蒸汽灭菌Wheaton Magna Flex 培养瓶内置了一个flex 型球形玻璃搅拌桨,该搅拌桨会从一个固定位置沿着瓶底的凹槽在液面以上旋转。专为微载体培养设计, 搅拌系统增强了搅拌效果,同时轻柔的搅拌方式使培养液充分循环,确保了载体珠的悬浮。该类型的培养瓶都被设计成有1:1 或更大的顶部空间。搅拌桨通过一个可拆卸的不锈钢销子固定,在移动和倾倒时不会对细胞或微载体造成损伤。500mL 和更大的培养瓶可以配套Wheaton 带孔盖( 订货号W240751)技术参数订货号容积(mL)直径× 高度(mm)顶盖规格侧壁盖规格包装数量35683012565×15551-40033-430135683125085×17551-40033-4301356832500110×190100-40045mm13568341000130×250100-40045mm13568373000178×341100-40045mm13568396000258×404100-40045mm1
  • 华龛生物3D TableTrix® 微载体
    3D TableTrix 微载片(微载体)为自主研发产品,由数万颗弹性三维多孔微载体组成,孔隙率90%,粒径大小可控于50-500μm区间, 均一度≤100μm,形成真正的3D仿生培养。 系列产品可用于贴壁细胞的培养并实现细胞、病毒、细胞产物的收获。该产品已获得2项CDE药用辅料资质,登记号为【F20200000496;F20210000003】,1项FDA-DMF药用辅料资质,登记号为【DMF:35481】3D TableTrix 微载片系列产品,符合GMP相关要求,并获得多项国内外资质&bull 2项CDE药用辅料资质,登记号为【F20200000496;F20210000003】&bull 1项FDA DMF药用辅料资质,登记号为【DMF:35481】&bull 获得中检院相关残留及安全性评价报告&bull 获得权威第三方安全性评价报告&bull GMP车间规模化生产3D TableTrix 微载片适用于大多数贴壁细胞的规模化培养并实现细胞、病毒、细胞产物的收获&bull 间充质干细胞的规模化培养及细胞产物的收获&bull 二倍体细胞的规模化培养及病毒、细胞产物的收获&bull VERO、293、MDCK等贴壁细胞的规模化培养及病毒、细胞产物的收获&bull 动物干细胞的规模化培养及细胞收获&bull 其他贴壁细胞的规模化培养及病毒、细胞产物的收获特异性裂解技术,可温和收获细胞&bull 微载体可通过特异性裂解技术,实现细胞100%收获率&bull 微载体残留及裂解残留,已获得中检院残留检测报告及相关安全性评价报告
  • 华龛生物3D TableTrix® 微载体
    3D TableTrix 微载片(微载体)为自主研发产品,由数万颗弹性三维多孔微载体组成,孔隙率90%,粒径大小可控于50-500μm区间, 均一度≤100μm,形成真正的3D仿生培养。 系列产品可用于贴壁细胞的培养并实现细胞、病毒、细胞产物的收获。该产品已获得2项CDE药用辅料资质,登记号为【F20200000496;F20210000003】,1项FDA-DMF药用辅料资质,登记号为【DMF:35481】3D TableTrix 微载片系列产品,符合GMP相关要求,并获得多项国内外资质&bull 2项CDE药用辅料资质,登记号为【F20200000496;F20210000003】&bull 1项FDA DMF药用辅料资质,登记号为【DMF:35481】&bull 获得中检院相关残留及安全性评价报告&bull 获得权威第三方安全性评价报告&bull GMP车间规模化生产3D TableTrix 微载片适用于大多数贴壁细胞的规模化培养并实现细胞、病毒、细胞产物的收获&bull 间充质干细胞的规模化培养及细胞产物的收获&bull 二倍体细胞的规模化培养及病毒、细胞产物的收获&bull VERO、293、MDCK等贴壁细胞的规模化培养及病毒、细胞产物的收获&bull 动物干细胞的规模化培养及细胞收获&bull 其他贴壁细胞的规模化培养及病毒、细胞产物的收获特异性裂解技术,可温和收获细胞&bull 微载体可通过特异性裂解技术,实现细胞100%收获率&bull 微载体残留及裂解残留,已获得中检院残留检测报告及相关安全性评价报告
  • 填充柱〖GDX-104 高分子多孔微球载体〗
    气相色谱填充柱〖GDX-104 高分子多孔微球载体〗部件号描述规格LDPC20246-020GDX-104 高分子多孔微球载体 60-80mesh 填充柱1/8"*2m1. 柱管无特殊说明均为进口不锈钢管,有PEEK管、镍管、惰化管等柱管材料可选2. 采用进口优质填料,填装均匀3. 柱长度可依据客户要求订做4. 色谱柱两端的螺母压环等连接件均可选购,请及时沟通,以免无法连接
  • 涂覆载体的不锈钢开口管柱 23813-U
    产品特点及订货信息:SCOT 不锈钢柱:Supelco is the leader in Support Coated Open Tubular (SCOT) GC column technology. Our unsurpassed manufacturing technique allows us to deposit a uniform layer of liquid phase-coated support particles on the inner wall of stainless steel tubing. This technology gives us access to many phases that are inaccessible to conventional fused silica capillary column manufacturing technology. SCOT columns combine the sensitivity and excellent sample resolution of capillary GC with the extensive stationary phase library of packed GC.All our SCOT columns have dimensions of 50 feet x 1/32 inch O.D. x 0.02 inch I.D. and include 1/16 inch O.D. connections at each end. They are banded in 3.5 inch coils, with 12 inch loose column at each end. Four columns are available as stock items. Columns with other phases may be available through our custom program.Capillary columns are basically of two type wall-coated open tubular (WCOT) and support-coated open tubular (SCOT). WCOT columns consist of a capillary tube, where the walls of the tube are coated with liquid stationary phase. In SCOT capillary columns, the inner wall of the capillary is lined with a thin layer of a particulate support, such as diatomaceous earth onto this support material a thin layer of liquid stationary phase is then coated. This is an added advantage to the SCOT columns as it provides them larger surface area and thicker layer of stationary phase than WCOT columns.material stainless steeldescription 3.5 in. banded coilDNDP = di-n-decyl phthalateDimensions:1/16in. connectionsSCOT = Support Coated Open TubularBeta value 45application(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. 50ft × 1/32in.matrix active group Bentone 34/DNDP phasecolumn type capillary SCOTSCOT 不锈钢柱:*载体涂布开管柱;*不锈钢柱;*高灵敏度;*良好分辨率;*多种固定相可选;*应用:根据固定相不同而不同,特别可分离三种二甲 苯异构体。
  • 涂覆载体的不锈钢开口管柱 23818-U
    产品特点及订货信息:SCOT 不锈钢柱:Supelco is the leader in Support Coated Open Tubular (SCOT) GC column technology. Our unsurpassed manufacturing technique allows us to deposit a uniform layer of liquid phase-coated support particles on the inner wall of stainless steel tubing. This technology gives us access to many phases that are inaccessible to conventional fused silica capillary column manufacturing technology. SCOT columns combine the sensitivity and excellent sample resolution of capillary GC with the extensive stationary phase library of packed GC.All our SCOT columns have dimensions of 50 feet x 1/32 inch O.D. x 0.02 inch I.D. and include 1/16 inch O.D. connections at each end. They are banded in 3.5 inch coils, with 12 inch loose column at each end. Four columns are available as stock items. Columns with other phases may be available through our custom program.Capillary columns are basically of two type wall-coated open tubular (WCOT) and support-coated open tubular (SCOT). WCOT columns consist of a capillary tube, where the walls of the tube are coated with liquid stationary phase. In SCOT capillary columns, the inner wall of the capillary is lined with a thin layer of a particulate support, such as diatomaceous earth onto this support material a thin layer of liquid stationary phase is then coated. This is an added advantage to the SCOT columns as it provides them larger surface area and thicker layer of stationary phase than WCOT columns.material stainless steeldescription 3.5 in. banded coilBMEA = bis-methoxyethyladipateDimensions:1/16in. connectionsSCOT = Support Coated Open TubularBeta value 40application(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. 50ft × 1/32in.matrix active group BMEA phasecolumn type capillary SCOTSCOT 不锈钢柱:*载体涂布开管柱;*不锈钢柱;*高灵敏度;*良好分辨率;*多种固定相可选;*应用:根据固定相不同而不同,特别可分离三种二甲 苯异构体。
  • 涂覆载体的不锈钢开口管柱 23819-U
    产品特点及订货信息:SCOT 不锈钢柱:Supelco is the leader in Support Coated Open Tubular (SCOT) GC column technology. Our unsurpassed manufacturing technique allows us to deposit a uniform layer of liquid phase-coated support particles on the inner wall of stainless steel tubing. This technology gives us access to many phases that are inaccessible to conventional fused silica capillary column manufacturing technology. SCOT columns combine the sensitivity and excellent sample resolution of capillary GC with the extensive stationary phase library of packed GC.All our SCOT columns have dimensions of 50 feet x 1/32 inch O.D. x 0.02 inch I.D. and include 1/16 inch O.D. connections at each end. They are banded in 3.5 inch coils, with 12 inch loose column at each end. Four columns are available as stock items. Columns with other phases may be available through our custom program.Capillary columns are basically of two type wall-coated open tubular (WCOT) and support-coated open tubular (SCOT). WCOT columns consist of a capillary tube, where the walls of the tube are coated with liquid stationary phase. In SCOT capillary columns, the inner wall of the capillary is lined with a thin layer of a particulate support, such as diatomaceous earth onto this support material a thin layer of liquid stationary phase is then coated. This is an added advantage to the SCOT columns as it provides them larger surface area and thicker layer of stationary phase than WCOT columns.material stainless steeldescription 3.5 in. banded coilDimensions:1/16in. connectionsSCOT = Support Coated Open TubularBeta value 50application(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. 50ft × 1/32in.matrix active group Squalane phasecolumn type capillary SCOTSCOT 不锈钢柱:*载体涂布开管柱;*不锈钢柱;*高灵敏度;*良好分辨率;*多种固定相可选;*应用:根据固定相不同而不同,特别可分离三种二甲苯异构体。
  • 涂覆载体的不锈钢开口管柱 23829-U
    产品特点及订货信息:SCOT 不锈钢柱:Supelco is the leader in Support Coated Open Tubular (SCOT) GC column technology. Our unsurpassed manufacturing technique allows us to deposit a uniform layer of liquid phase-coated support particles on the inner wall of stainless steel tubing. This technology gives us access to many phases that are inaccessible to conventional fused silica capillary column manufacturing technology. SCOT columns combine the sensitivity and excellent sample resolution of capillary GC with the extensive stationary phase library of packed GC.All our SCOT columns have dimensions of 50 feet x 1/32 inch O.D. x 0.02 inch I.D. and include 1/16 inch O.D. connections at each end. They are banded in 3.5 inch coils, with 12 inch loose column at each end. Four columns are available as stock items. Columns with other phases may be available through our custom program.Capillary columns are basically of two type wall-coated open tubular (WCOT) and support-coated open tubular (SCOT). WCOT columns consist of a capillary tube, where the walls of the tube are coated with liquid stationary phase. In SCOT capillary columns, the inner wall of the capillary is lined with a thin layer of a particulate support, such as diatomaceous earth onto this support material a thin layer of liquid stationary phase is then coated. This is an added advantage to the SCOT columns as it provides them larger surface area and thicker layer of stationary phase than WCOT columns.material stainless steeldescription 3.5 in. banded coilDimensions:1/16in. connectionsSCOT = Support Coated Open TubularTCEP = 1,2,3-tris(2-cyanoethoxy)propaneBeta value 40application(s) gas chromatography (GC): suitableL × O.D. 50ft × 1/32in.matrix active group TCEP phasecolumn type capillary SCOTSCOT 不锈钢柱:*载体涂布开管柱;*不锈钢柱;*高灵敏度;*良好分辨率;*多种固定相可选;*应用:根据固定相不同而不同,特别可分离三种二甲 苯异构体。
  • 安捷伦 0515-0669 螺丝,M4x30毫米,T-20(连接风扇到气动载体)
    维修部件部件号 :0515-0669SCREW-MACHINE ASSEMBLY M4 X 0.7 30MM-LGScrew, M4 x 30 mm, T-20 (to attachfan to pneumatics carrier)螺丝,M4x30毫米,T-20(连接风扇到气动载体)Power cordsThe 7820A uses detachable power cords.CountriesVACDescriptionPartnumberJapanC15, 15A8120-5342United States 120V120C19, 20A8120-6894JapanC19, 20A8120-6903AustraliaC19, 16A8120-8619Great Britain/HongKong/Singapore/MalaysiaC19, 13A8120-8620EuropeC19, 16A8120-8621ChinaC19, 15A8121-0070Taiwan/South AmericaC19, 20A8120-6360Swizerland, DenmarkC19, 16A8120-8622IsraelC19, 16A8121-0161ArgentinaC19, 16A8121-0675India, South AfricaC19, 15A8121-0710China250C13, 10A8121-0723Korea250C19, 15A8121-1222Thailand220C19, 15A, 1.8M8121-1301Brazil250C198121-1787ItemDescriptionPart numberQty1Inlet fan assemblyG3430-6059012Pneumatics area fanG3430-6000613Screw, M4 x 30 mm, T-20 (to attachfan to pneumatics carrier)0515-06694
  • 超净气体过滤器用载气管 201-48067-05
    产品信息:该载气导管可用于岛津超净气体过滤器 Shimadzu Super-Clean Gas Filter订购信息:岛津GC载体导管P/N描 述201-48067-05Carrier Gas Supply Pipe (5 m)
  • 未处理微载体[3772]
  • CryoTech玻璃化冷冻载杆
  • 中镜科仪 钼单孔环、钼光圈、钼网 透射电子显微镜载网
    单孔环孔径75至2000微米,材料有钛、铝、铂、钼、金、镍、铜,有国产和进口两种,主要用于研磨块状样品作载体。铜单孔环统一厚度是30um。包装100枚/瓶,中镜科仪生产,铜载网是最广泛使用的载网,无磁性。 商品编号商品名称厚度规格产地AZA600M钼单孔环0.05100枚/瓶中国AZA600M-3钼单孔环0.03100枚/瓶中国AZA800M钼单孔环0.05100枚/瓶中国AZA800M-3钼单孔环0.03100枚/瓶中国AZA1000M钼单孔环-1.0mm0.051.0mm,100枚/瓶中国AZA1000M-3钼单孔环-1.0mm0.031.0mm,100枚/瓶中国AZA1200M钼单孔环-1.2mm0.051.2mm,100枚/瓶中国AZA1200M-3钼单孔环-1.2mm0.031.2mm,100枚/瓶中国AZA1500M钼单孔环-1.5mm0.051.5mm,100枚/瓶中国AZA1500M-3钼单孔环-1.5mm0.031.5mm,100枚/瓶中国AZA1800M钼单孔环-1.8mm0.051.8mm,100枚/瓶中国AZA1800M-3钼单孔环-1.8mm0.031.8mm,100枚/瓶中国AZA2000M钼单孔环-2.0mm0.052.0mm,100枚/瓶中国AZA2000M-3钼单孔环-2.0mm0.032.0mm,100枚/瓶中国
  • 中镜科仪 50至400目国产铜网普通碳膜50枚装 透射电镜载网支持膜
    普通碳支持膜是一种zui常见并被广泛使用的一种支持膜,为两层支持膜结构,可以采用不同规格 的载网做载体。从空间结构来讲,从下到上依次为载网,方华膜和碳膜,它是在一层有机方华膜上再覆盖一层碳膜。由于碳层具有较强的导电以及导热性,弥补了无 碳方华膜的荷电效应以及热效应,增强了膜整体的稳定性,可满足大多数纳米材料(尤其是可分散的粉体材料)的一般形貌测试需要。但是由于这种支持膜本身的结构导致了整体支持膜的厚度较大,一般不太容易满足高质量的高分辨测试的要求。中包装50枚/盒,中镜科仪铜载网,中镜科仪生产,支持膜厚度10-20nm。产品编号Prod.No.载网材质Material载网目数Mesh载网产地Made in支持膜产地Made in支持膜厚度(nm)Thickness包装UnitBZ110205b铜50目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒BZ1102075b铜75目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒BZ11021b铜100目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒BZ110215b铜
  • Netwell 12 孔载体盘[3520]
  • 胶原蛋白涂层微载体[3786]
  • 力可FP蜂窝状载体780-899
    上海安帕特实验室仪器有限公司专业提供实验室分析仪器原装配件及耗材,例如:ICP-AES/OES光谱,ICP-MS质谱,AAS原吸、直读光谱,X荧光光谱,碳硫,氧氮等分析仪器配套使用的各种原装零配件及耗材。包括热电(ThermoFisher),珀金埃尔默(PerkinElmer),力可(Leco),戴安,瓦里安(Varian),安捷伦(Agilent),利曼(Leeman),斯派克(Spectro),岛津(Shimadzu)等品牌各种分析仪器的原装配件及耗材。。配件编号:780-899产品名称: 产品规格:780-899 仪器厂商:美国力可/LECO价格:面议库存:是
  • 低浓度Synthemax II微载体[3781]
  • 增强型附着微载体[3779]
  • Netwell 6 孔载体盘[3521]
  • 中镜科仪 铜椭圆环/狭缝载网 (不带碳膜)透射电子显微镜TEM载网/
    产 品 详 情 单孔环主要用于研磨块状样品作载体,狭缝载网主要用于粘结条形块状样品作体,离子减薄或双喷后,进行形貌观察,也可用于观察原生动物单细胞生物体大细胞和观察连续切片。
  • Trajan-SGE的载气通用捕集阱
  • 中镜科仪 50至400目国产铜网普通碳膜 透射电镜载网支持膜
    普通碳支持膜是一种常见并被广泛使用的一种支持膜,为两层支持膜结构,可以采用不同规格的载网做载体。从空间结构来讲,从下到上依次为载网,方华膜和碳膜,它是在一层有机方华膜上再覆盖一层碳膜。由于碳层具有较强的导电以及导热性,弥补了无碳方华膜的荷电效应以及热效应, 增强了膜整体的稳定性,可满足大多数纳米材料(尤其是可分散的粉体材料)的一般形貌测试需要。但是由于这种支持膜本身的结构导致了整体支持膜的厚度较大,一般不太容易满足gao质量的高分辨测试的要求。大包装100枚/盒,中镜科仪铜载网,中镜科仪生产,支持膜厚度10-20nm。产品编号Prod.No.载网材质Material载网目数Mesh载网产地Made in支持膜产地Made in支持膜厚度(nm)Thickness包装UnitBZ110205a铜50目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-20100枚/盒BZ1102075a铜75目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-20100枚/盒BZ11021a铜100目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-20100枚/盒BZ110215a铜150目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-20100枚/盒BZ11022a铜200目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-20100枚/盒BZ110223a铜230目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-20100枚/盒BZ11023a铜300目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-20100枚/盒BZ11024a铜400目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-20100枚/盒中包装50枚/盒,中镜科仪铜载网,中镜科仪生产,支持膜厚度10-20nm。产品编号Prod.No.载网材质Material载网目数Mesh载网产地Made in支持膜产地Made in支持膜厚度(nm)Thickness包装UnitBZ110205b铜50目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒BZ1102075b铜75目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒BZ11021b铜100目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒BZ110215b铜150目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒BZ11022b铜200目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒BZ110223b铜230目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒BZ11023b铜300目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒BZ11024b铜400目中镜科仪中镜科仪10-2050枚/盒【存储】:室温避光干燥保存(建议放干燥器或者干燥箱内)、防污染、防震荡,存贮条件良好正常不拆封可保存1年左右。【使用注意】:取用时采用高精尖镊子小心操作,防止产生弯折等破坏。存在有机膜,不能与有机溶剂接触。面向样品盒有字母的一面是铺膜的一面。
  • Synthemax II 涂层可溶性微载体[7288]
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