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仪器信息网槲皮万寿菊苷对照品专题为您提供2024年最新槲皮万寿菊苷对照品价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括槲皮万寿菊苷对照品参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的槲皮万寿菊苷对照品您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合槲皮万寿菊苷对照品相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有槲皮万寿菊苷对照品相关的最新资讯、资料,以及槲皮万寿菊苷对照品相关的解决方案。


  • 7种混合阴离子对照品 I, 50 mL
    7种混合阴离子对照品 I, 50 mL
  • 6种阳离子混合对照品-II, 50 mL
    6种阳离子混合对照品-II, 50 mL
  • MO-C030 | MO NT.115 对照试剂盒(红色)
    NanoTemper 推出 NT.115 对照试剂盒(红色),可用于检测配备有 Nano-GREEN/RED、Nano-BLUE/RED 或 Pico-RED 探测器的 MO 系列仪器的性能、或对第一次操作该系统的新用户进行培训。
  • SureGuide gRNA 对照试剂盒,20 次反应
    SureGuide gRNA 对照试剂盒为 CRISPR 研究提供对照 gRNA 和对照 DNA 靶标。对照 gRNA 为 gRNA 制备的质量评估提供了参比。对照 DNA 靶标用于测量 CRISPR/Cas 实验中的酶切效率。 包含这些对照以获得安捷伦用于体外 CRISPR/Cas 研究的一体化解决方案的所有优势。特征明确的对照材料可监测 CRISPR/Cas 实验每个步骤的情况。 知晓您的实验何时成功并尽早纠正任何问题。在进行进一步的实验之前,对照 gRNA 有助于评估 gRNA 制备的质量,在制备的 gRNA 不适用时避免浪费时间和精力,适用时可进一步增加您对实验的信心。对照 DNA 靶标用于确定 CRISPR/Cas 实验中的 DNA 酶切效率,以确认实验结果的有效性。根据您的需求量身定制。联系我们 返回页首/SpecificationsSectionPageletTemplate --/TechnologySectionPageletTemplate --/SideBySideSectionPageletTemplate --var sections = ' script=""/ApplicationsSectionPageletTemplate --var sections = '' /LiteratureSectionPageletTemplate --libraryContentType = 'LibraryContent_C' window.literatureTagged = '[1405071398204, 1404948115389, 1404948113181]' window.regulatoryFlag='true' document.getElementById('product-details').className = "" document.getElementById('product-details').className = "heading" console.log("document.getElementById('product-details').className is"+document.getElementById('product-details').className) 联系我们 返回页首/SpecificationsSectionPageletTemplate --/TechnologySectionPageletTemplate --/SideBySideSectionPageletTemplate --var sections = ' script=""资料库联系我们 返回页首/SpecificationsSectionPageletTemplate --/TechnologySectionPageletTemplate --/SideBySideSectionPageletTemplate --var sections = ' script=""数据表联系我们 返回页首/SpecificationsSectionPageletTemplate --/TechnologySectionPageletTemplate --/SideBySideSectionPageletTemplate --var sections = ' script="" langString : zh -- langString : zh --联系我们 返回页首/SpecificationsSectionPageletTemplate --/TechnologySectionPageletTemplate --/SideBySideSectionPageletTemplate --var sections = ' script=""联系我们 返回页首/SpecificationsSectionPageletTemplate --/TechnologySectionPageletTemplate --/SideBySideSectionPageletTemplate --var sections = ' script=""联系我们 返回页首/SpecificationsSectionPageletTemplate --/TechnologySectionPageletTemplate --/SideBySideSectionPageletTemplate --var sections = ' script=""联系我们 返回页首/SpecificationsSectionPageletTemplate --/TechnologySectionPageletTemplate --/SideBySideSectionPageletTemplate --var sections = ' script="" SureGuide Cas9 Programmable Nuclease Kit_5991-5149EN The CRISPR/Cas in vitro system is a complete and ready-to-use kit for performing unrestricted in vitro cloning of large DNA fragments without the limitation of common RE's 数据表 English 2014 年 9 月 2 日 748.47 KB PDF var x=document.querySelector('nav.pdp-nav').children for(var i=0 i langString : zh -- langString : zh -- SureGuide gRNA Synthesis Kit Datasheet 5991-5148EN The SureGuide gRNA synthesis kit is designed for the rapid and simple preparation of gRNAs to be used in conjunction with the SureGuide Cas9 system (part no 5190-7714). 数据表 English 2014 年 8 月 29 日 744.08 KB PDF var x=document.querySelector('nav.pdp-nav').children for(var i=0 i宣传单页 返回页首/SupportSectionPageletTemplate --window.supportTagged = 'null' window.regulatoryFlag = 'true' window.supportFeatured = '' window.libSupportTagged = '1404948873769' 技术支持用户手册document.getElementById('product-details').className = "" document.getElementById('product-details').className = "heading" var x=document.querySelector('nav.pdp-nav').children for(var i=0 i langString : zh -- langString : zh -- SureGuide gRNA Synthesis Kit Protocol SureGuide gRNA Synthesis Kit Protocol 用户手册 English 2015 年 4 月 7 日 688.02 KB PDF var x=document.querySelector('nav.pdp-nav').children for(var i=0 ivar x=document.querySelector('nav.pdp-nav').children for(var i=0 i 返回页首 /ReferencesSectionPageletTemplate --/SelectionToolsSectionPageletTemplate --document.getElementById('product-details').className = "" document.getElementById('product-details').className = "heading" 工具 SureVector 工具 创建您的图谱var x=document.querySelector('nav.pdp-nav').children for(var i=0 idocument.querySelector('.selectiontools').style.display= "block" 返回页首 /BenefitsSectionPageletTemplate --/TestimonialSectionPageletTemplate --/VideosSectionPageletTemplate --window.videoJSONURL = '/cs/ContentServer?d=&pagename=Agilent/Util/GetAssociatedAssets&assetId=1405155910678&assetType=Products_C&assetDimension=zh_CN&taggingBased=false&attributeName=prod_video&jsonVariable=relatedVideos®ulatoryFlag=true&locale=zh_CN¤tUrlLocale=zh-cn&countryCode=CN&displaySeeAll=false&assocList=[1405106787461]&assocType=MultimediaST_C' window.videoJSONMaxCount = 15 if(null!=document.querySelector('.videos')){document.querySelector('.videos').style.display= "block" }视频 用于生成出色的 sgRNA 文库的 CRISPer 指南 1:03:21 1 - 6 of 28 Results 返回顶部 /TrainingEventsSectionPageletTemplate --document.getElementById('product-details').className = "" document.getElementById('product-details').className = "heading" 培训与活动 Synthetic Biology: ... Swing by our booth from June 22-26, 2020 during the SEED conference at the Hyatt Regency, San Francisco. Learn everything there is to know on the newest advancements in synthetic biology. Come and discuss your CRISPR needs with our experts!网络研讨会/培训var x=document.querySelector('nav.pdp-nav').children for(var i=0 i TIDES: ... From May 11th to 14th 2020, you can find us at our booth during TIDES at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston. Looking for some expert advice to conduct successful CRISPR and oligo-experiments in your lab? Come talk to us!网络研讨会/培训var x=document.querySelector('nav.pdp-nav').children for(var i=0 i 6th Precision CRISPR ... Will you be there? Say hi to our CRISPR experts at our booth during the 6th Precision CRISPR Genome Editing Conference in Boston in May 2020. More details will follow!网络研讨会/培训var x=document.querySelector('nav.pdp-nav').children for(var i=0 i查看全部 返回页首/NewsSectionPageletTemplate --/ServicesSectionPageletTemplate --/OfficesSectionPageletTemplate --/RelatedProductsSectionPageletTemplate --window.applicationURL = '/cs/ContentServer?d=&pagename=Agilent/Util/GetRelatedAssets&taggingBased=false&assetId=1405155910678&assetType=Products_C&assetDimension=zh_CN¤tUrlLocale=zh-cn&countryCode=CN®ulatoryFlag=true&assocList=[PRDT_228332, PRDT_228331, PRDT_228324, PRDT_228323]' returnToTopText='Return to top' 相关产品 SureVector 文库克隆试剂盒 SureVector 文库克隆试剂盒包含从寡核苷酸混合物中克隆 ...类别: CRISPR 文库克隆试剂盒 SureGuide gRNA ... 从您的 DNA 模板可靠且方便地生成可直接用于 CRISPR/Cas ...类别: CRISPR gRNA 合成与对照试剂盒 SureGuide 定制已扩增文库 超高质量的 CRISPR 定制已扩增和混合 gRNA 文库类别: CRISPR 文库 SureGuide Cas9 ... SureGuide Cas9 核酸酶试剂盒是体外克隆较大基因或 ...类别: CRISPR/Cas9 核酸酶试剂盒 1 - 6 of 28 Results 返回顶部 /SolutionSectionPageletTemplate --/MarketAreaSectionPageletTemplate --seeAllPageURL='/en/promotions-discounts-special-offers' 促销 返回页首
  • 万向杆架
    PHUC-1/2/3万向杆架PHUC 系列万向杆架用于将多种直径的接杆按所需角度组合在一起,适用性强。两接杆可360°相对转动,精加工转轴提供精密柔顺的舒适调整。锁紧手轮可保证所调位置锁紧牢固。PHUC-1/2/3万向杆架选型表:PHUC-1/2/3万向杆架关联产品PHSP系列接杆
  • 钨酐
    SA990702 E10152 钨酐,颗粒状 25 g 天津欧捷科技有限公司---进口元素分析耗材供应商 保证质量天津欧捷科技是一家高科技企业,公司集贸易、科研、服务一体化。公司从精密仪器设备及配件、耗材、试剂、标准对照品、实验室常用耗材的销售,到仪器调试、维护、样品的分析测试。 实验室耗材 元素分析耗材 色谱分析耗材 质谱耗材样品容器 Labco顶空进样瓶 色谱瓶 石英棉 石英燃烧管 进样隔垫 催化剂 标准品 试剂 玻璃碳产品 仪器配件这些耗材可用在Thermo、Elementar、Agilent、Analytikjena、Sercon、Shimadzu、leco、Varian、Perkin Elmer、waters 、Euro Vector等仪器。
  • MO-C031 | MO NT.115 对照试剂盒(绿色)
    NanoTemper 推出 NT.115 对照试剂盒(绿色),可用于检测配备有 Nano-GREEN/RED、Nano-BLUE/GREEN 探测器的 MO 系列仪器的性能,或对第一次操作该系统的新用户进行培训。
  • CEM石墨赶酸架的维护及注意事项
    石墨赶酸器、石墨赶酸电热板一、产品介绍石墨赶酸器又称赶酸板、样品处理器、赶酸仪、消解器。适用于食品、疾控、农科院、医药、农业、林业、环保、化工、生化等行业以及高等院校、科研部门对微波消解、高压消解的后期赶酸,是原子吸收、原子荧光、ICP- AES、AA、ICP- MS等分析仪器的理想配套产品。石墨赶酸器参数型 号ZH控温范围室温-260℃控温精度±0.1℃,高温度差3-5℃加热材质优质石墨+特氟龙防腐涂层样品孔数20、25、30、40、42、48孔等(可根据客户要求加工定制)控显方式PID控温数显电 源220v/50Hz优点1、孔间温差±1-1.5℃,板面低温度和高温度<3-5℃2、保证了消解、赶酸的均一性配套器皿消解管(31*100mm)、55ml微波罐(29*160-170mm),其他品牌微波,消解罐内杯,烧杯、坩埚等我司石墨消解器的优点优点1:耐高温耐酸碱及有机溶剂腐蚀,稳定性好;优点2:消解样品速度快,可批量处理样品;优点3:全封闭设计,很大程度防止热量散失的同时,还可有效避免避免酸雾入侵,对设备元件造成损害;优点4:清洁耐腐蚀:采用特别的喷涂工艺,涂层均匀、牢固、长期使用也不会脱落;优点5:采用先进的一体环绕加热方式,样品各部位受热均匀,消解快速;优点6:操作方便,环保节能,节省经济成本;优点7:PID温控系统,性能优良,控温精度高,可达±1℃。优点8:可调节加热速率,实现程序升温并控制加热保持时间,升温速率稳定;仪器的维护1、仪器主机:定期对仪器的电源线及电源线所接电源如插排、墙插等进行检查,如有损坏 老化及时更换。2、清理:将仪器工作面擦拭干净,上面不要有水滴,污物等3、安全:样品处理需要用到各种不同的酸,如HCl、HNO₃、HF等。大部分酸具有挥发性而且对人体不好,因此建议在通风的环境下使用仪器,并做好各种防护措施。4、使用:在说明书指定的工作环境下使用,不用时要拔掉电源,清洁石墨块表面污垢时,要用布轻擦,尽量不使用有机溶剂,不能损坏表面的涂层。5、存储:消解或者加热后,不再用到消解管时应该对其进行清理、并可以到下次实验再次使用,可以节省成本
  • Metrohm瑞士万通长寿命银复合电极600430100
    Metrohm瑞士万通长寿命银复合电极600430100描述:带 pH 玻璃膜的组合式银环形电极,用作参比电极。该免维护电极适用于 pH 值恒定的沉积滴定(AgNO3滴定剂),例如:氯化物、溴化物、碘化物硫化物硫化氢硫醇该电极存放在蒸馏水中。根据具体应用,建议使用带涂层的银 Titrode(AgBr、AgCl 或 Ag2S 涂层),其可以相应订购。Metrohm瑞士万通长寿命银复合电极600430100技术参数:pH 范围0...14上部杆径(mm)12下部杆径(mm)6参比系统pH指示电极形式Ring指示电极类型Ag大安装长度(mm)125小浸没深度(mm)20测量单位mV测量范围-2000...2000电极插头Metrohm plug-in head G电极杆材料Glass短时温度范围(°C)0...80磨口套管灵活长时温度范围(°C)0...80
  • 类器官Human Intestinal Organoid Kit(人小肠)
    产品介绍Product Description:bioGenousTMHuman Intestinal Organoid Kit is a chemically defined cell culture medium for establishment and maintenance of human intestinal organoids(hIOs) derived from adult stem cells. Self-renewal of the intestinal epithelium is driven by the proliferation of stem cells and their progenitors located in crypts. Human intestinal organoids display all hallmarks of the intestinal epithelium in terms of architecture, cell type composition, and self-renewal dynamics, therefore hold great promise for unprecedented studies of human intestinal development and disease, human intestinal organoids may also have applications in regenerative biology through ex vivo expansion of the intestinal epithelium.技术参数Product Information:ComponentComponent Cat#VolumeStorage& StabilitybioGenousTMHuman Intestinal Organoid Basal MediumK2002-HI-A100/A500100mL/500 mL4℃,12 monthsbioGenousTMHuman Intestinal Organoid Supplement B(50x)K2002-HI-B100/B5002mL/10 mL-20℃,avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 monthsbioGenousTMHuman Intestinal Organoid Supplement C(250x)K2002-HI-C100/C5000.4mL/2 mL-20℃, avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 monthsbioGenousTMHuman Intestinal Organoid Supplement D(250x)K2002-HI-D100/D5000.1mL/0.5 mL-20℃, avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 monthsPreparation of Human Intestinal Organoid Expansion Medium and Maintenance MediumUse sterile technique to prepare the human intestinal organoid expansion medium and maintenance medium. hIOs grown in Human Intestinal Organoid Expansion Medium overwhelmingly consisted ofLGR5+stem cells, cycling transit amplifying (TA) cells, early enterocytes and a small number of goblet cells. Organoids grown in Human Intestinal Organoid Maintenance Medium contain LGR5+stem cells, TA cells, early and mature enterocytes, goblet cells, M cells and enteroendocrine cells, as well as a low number of Paneth cells and tuft cells. The following examples are for preparing 10 mL of Expansion Medium and Maintenance Medium. If preparing other volumes, adjust accordingly.1.Thaw Human Intestinal Organoid Supplement B(50x), Human Intestinal Organoid Supplement C(250x) and Human Intestinal Organoid Supplement D(250x) on ice. Mix thoroughly.NOTE:Once thawed, use immediately or aliquot and store at -20°C for not more than 10 months. After thawing the aliquots, use immediately. Do not re-freeze.2.For Human Intestinal Organoid Expansion Medium. Add 200 μL Human Intestinal Organoid Supplement B(50x), 40 μL Human Intestinal Organoid Supplement C(250x) and 40 μL Human Intestinal Organoid Supplement D(250x) to 9.72 mL Human Intestinal Organoid Basal Medium. Mix thoroughly.3.For Human Intestinal Organoid Maintenance Medium. Add 200 μL Human Intestinal Organoid Supplement B(50x) and 40 μL Human Intestinal Organoid Supplement C(250x) to 9.76 mL Human Intestinal Organoid Basal Medium. Mix thoroughly.NOTE:If not use immediately, store complete medium at 2-8°C for not more than 2 weeks. bioGenousTMHuman Intestinal Organoid Supplement B contains fungicide and antibiotics(50x).Protocol for Establishment of Human Intestinal OrganoidsCAUTIONStudies involving primary human tissue material must follow all relevant institutional and governmental regulations. Informed consent must be obtained from all subjects before the collection of the primary human tissue material.Establishment of Organoids from Primary Tissue1.Collect primary human intestinal tissue pieces in ice-cold Primary Tissue Storage Solution (K601005) with conical tubes. Keep tissue samples at 4°C until the start of the isolation.2.Assess whether the obtained tissue pieces consist purely of epithelium or if they also contain fat or muscle tissue. If so, remove non-epithelial components as much as possible using surgical scissors or scalpels and forceps under a dissection microscope. If no fat or muscle tissue are present, continue to the next step immediately.3.Rinse the intestinal tissuewith Epithelial Organoid Basal Medium(B213151) or DPBSuntil the supernatant is clear.4.Before crypt isolation, thaw Matrigel on ice and keep it cold. Add 5 mL of FBS to 45 mL of Epithelial Organoid Basal Medium to prepare 10% (vol/vol) FBS medium.5.Mince the tissue into small fragments of 5 mm3in a cell culture dish using surgical scissors or scalpels.CRITICALThe dissected samples must be small enough to pass through the tip of a 10 mL pipette.6.Place the dissected pieces of sample into a 15 mL conical tube containing 10 mL of cold DPBS.7.Wash the samples by pipetting with a 10 mL pipette at least ten times.CRITICALFor the subsequent steps, coat the inner surface of every 10 mL pipette with 10% (vol/vol) FBS medium before use to avoid adherence of the samples on the pipette wall.8.Stand the tube still until the samples settle at the bottom. Aspirate the supernatant with a 10 mL pipette and add 10 mL of cold DPBS.9.Repeat Steps 7 and 8 3–5 times until the supernatant is free of debris.CRITICALThorough washing of the sample is crucial to avoid bacterial contamination.10.Add 10 mL of cold DPBS supplemented with 2.5 mM EDTA (E219121) to the tube. Place the tube on a rocking shaker and rock it gently at 4 °C for 40 min.11.After treatment with EDTA, stand the tube still until the samples settle to the bottom of the tube, and then aspirate the supernatant with a 10 mL pipette and add 10 mL of cold DPBS.12.Stand the tube still until the samples settle at the bottom. Aspirate the supernatant with a 10 mL pipette.13.Add 10 mL of cold DPBS and pipette up and down at least ten times with a 10 mL pipette. Allowed the tissue fragments to settle down under normal gravity for at least 30s. The crypts will be released into the supernatant by pipetting. Place the supernatant containing the isolated crypts into a new 15 mL tube.14.Spin the crypts at 4°C at 400g for 3 min. Remove the supernatant and place the tube on ice.15.Resuspend the pellet in 1 mL of DPBS and transfer the crypt suspension into a new 1.5 mL tube. Drop 20 μL of the crypt suspension on a petri dish. Count the number of crypts under a stereomicroscope and calculate the total number of crypts.16.Spin the crypts at 4°C at 400g for 3 min. Aspirate and discard the supernatant.17.Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend the pellet in Matrigel. Matrigel should be kept on ice to prevent it from solidifying thus, work quickly. The amount of Matrigel depends on the size of the pellet. Approximately 50-250 crypts should be plated in 25 μL of Matrigel.CRITICALDo not dilute Matrigel too much (Matrigel should be 70% (Matrigel vol/Total vol)) to ensure formation of solid droplets.18.Plate the Matrigel containing organoids on the bottom of 24-well cell culture plates in droplets of ~30 μL each around the center of the well.CRITICALOnce the organoids are resuspended in Matrigel, proceed with plating as quickly as possible, as the Matrigel may solidify in the tube or pipette tip. Do not let the Matrigel touch the wall of wells.19.Place the culture plate into a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2for15-25 minto let the Matrigel solidify.20.Prepare the required amount of bioGenousTMHuman Intestinal Organoid Expansion Medium.21.Once the Matrigel droplets are solidified (15-25 min), open the plate and carefully add 500 μL of Organoid Complete Medium to each well.CRITICALDo not add the medium directly on top of the Matrigel droplets, as this might disrupt the droplets.22.Place the culture plate in a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2.23.Change the medium every 3 days by carefully aspirating medium from the wells and replacing it with fresh, pre-warmed Organoid Complete Medium.24.Closely monitor the organoid formation. Ideally, human intestinal organoids should be passaged for the first time between 5 and 8 days after initial plating.Splitting and Passaging of Organoids25.Pipette up and down to disrupt the Matrigel, and transfer the organoid suspension into a 1.5 mL conical tube.26.Pipette the organoid suspension up and down to mix thoroughly.Use the bottom of the tube to create pressure, which will aid the removal of Matrigel.27.Centrifuge organoids at 200g for 3 min at room temperature.28.Aspirate the supernatant, and split organoids using either mechanical disruption or Organoid Dissociation Solution (E238001). For mechanical disruption, resuspend the pellet in 1 mL of Organoid Basal Medium. Use a pipette tip to pipette the organoid suspension up and down 30 times. Use the bottom of the tube to create pressure, which will aid organoid disruption. In case of Organoid Dissociation Solution-based cell dissociation, resuspend the pellet in 0.2 mL of Organoid Dissociation Solution, pipette up and down and incubate at 37 °C until organoids fall apart. Pipette up and down with a filter tip for ≥10 times every 1 min to aid in the disruption of the organoids. Monitor digestion closely to keep the incubation time inOrganoid Dissociation Solution to a minimum.CRITICALDo not dissociate in Organoid Dissociation Solution for 3 min, as this may result in poor organoid outgrowth or even loss of the culture. As a rule of thumb, digestion is complete if a mixture of small lumps of cells (consisting of 10–50 cells) can be observed.29.After shearing is complete, wash once by topping up with 1 mL ofOrganoid Basal Medium, and centrifuge at 200g for 3 min at room temperature.30.Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend the organoid pellet in 70% (vol/vol) Matrigel, and plate organoids in droplets on the bottom of a culture plate as describedin Steps 12. After plating is complete, transfer the plate into a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2for 15–25 min.31.Pre-warm Human Intestinal Organoid Maintenance Medium at 37 °C.32.After the Matrigel droplets have solidified (15–25 min), carefully pipette pre-warmed medium into the wells.33.Place culture plates in a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2 until the organoids are needed for further experiments.
  • 钨酐氧化铝 E10156 25g
    SA990620 E10156 钨酐氧化铝,颗粒状 25 g天津欧捷科技有限公司---进口元素分析耗材供应商 天津欧捷科技是一家高科技企业,公司集贸易、科研、服务一体化。公司从精密仪器设备及配件、耗材、试剂、标准对照品、实验室常用耗材的销售,到仪器调试、维护、样品的分析测试。 实验室耗材 元素分析耗材 色谱分析耗材 质谱耗材样品容器 Labco顶空进样瓶 色谱瓶 石英棉 石英燃烧管 进样隔垫 催化剂 标准品 试剂 玻璃碳产品 仪器配件这些耗材可用在Thermo、Elementar、Agilent、Analytikjena、Sercon、Shimadzu、leco、Varian、Perkin Elmer、waters 、Euro Vector等仪器。
  • 钨酐氧化铝
    SA990620Tungsten oxide / alumina granular 钨酐氧化铝,颗粒状 25 gThermo 33835420Eurovector E10156Hekatech HE33835420Costech 011009 天津欧捷科技有限公司--进口元素分析耗材供应商 保证质量天津欧捷科技是一家高科技企业,公司集贸易、科研、服务一体化。公司从精密仪器设备及配件、耗材、试剂、标准对照品、实验室常用耗材的销售,到仪器调试、维护、样品的分析测试。我们主要经营: 实验室耗材 元素分析耗材 色谱分析耗材 质谱耗材样品容器 Labco顶空进样瓶 色谱瓶 石英棉 石英燃烧管 进样隔垫 催化剂 标准品 试剂 玻璃碳产品 仪器配件这些耗材可用在Thermo、Elementar、Agilent、Analytikjena、Sercon、Shimadzu、leco、Varian、Perkin Elmer、waters 、Euro Vector等仪器。
  • MO-C032 | MO NT.LabelFree 对照试剂盒
    NanoTemper 推出 MO NT.LabelFree 对照试剂盒,可用于检测配备有 LabelFree 探测器的 MO 系列仪器的性能,或对第一次操作该系统的新用户进行培训。
  • BP5 – 5%苯基二甲基聚硅氧烷 054177
    forte BP5 – 5%苯基二甲基聚硅氧烷? 优秀的通用型色谱柱、低流失、非极性;? 操作温度:膜厚0.25 – 1.5μm -60°C - 340/350°C膜厚1.5μm -60°C - 280/300°C? 相似固定相:DB5、HP5、RTX5、Cp-Sil 8CB、Ultra-2、SPB-5、AT-5、MDN-5、ZB-5、007-2(MPS-5)、SE-52 和SE-54;? 完整的毛细管柱典型应用,请参照附录A 第140 页。BP5 – 5%苯基二甲基聚硅氧烷订货信息:内径 (mm)膜厚 (μm)12m15m25m30m50m60m0.220.250541670541700541680541710541690541721√√√√054175√0.250.25√054182√054183√0541841√√√054203√0542150.320.25054179054176054180054177√0541780.5√√054186054216054187√1√√0541920541890541930541880.530.5√√√0541935√√1054197054194054198054195√√1.5√054199√√√0542045√√√054196——√ =这些规格我们同样提供,需要更详细信息请与我们联系BPX5样品分析-酚类固定相: BPX5、0.25μm膜厚色谱柱: 30m×0.25mm 内径货号: 054101样品: USEPA 625 酚类混合物对照: ALC 05化学组分1. 苯酚5. 2,4-二氯酚9. 4-硝基酚2. 2-氯酚6. 4-氯-3-甲基酚10. 2-甲基-4,6-二硝基酚3. 2-硝基酚7. 2,4,6-三氯酚11. 五氯苯酚4. 2,4-二甲基酚8. 2,4-二硝基酚
  • 欧洲药典奥沙利铂杂质对照品
    EPY0000271 奥沙利铂 Oxaliplatin 250 mg EPY0000272 奥沙利铂杂质B Oxaliplatin impurity B 20 mg EPY0000273 奥沙利铂杂质C Oxaliplatin impurity C 15 mg EPY0000274 奥沙利铂杂质D Oxaliplatin impurity D 5 mg EPY0000275 二氯二氨基环己基铂 Dichlorodiaminocyclohexaneplatinum 10 mg EPY0000276 异丙托溴铵杂质A Ipratropium bromide impurity A 5 mg EPY0000277 硫酸粘杆菌素 Colistin sulphate 25 mg EPY0000279 三丁基磷 Tri-n-butyl phosphate 300 µ L EPY0000280 硫酸软骨素钠 Chondroitin sulphate sodium 250 mg EPY0000281 帕罗西汀盐酸盐水合物 Paroxetine hydrochloride hemihydrate 200 mg EPY0000282 噻康唑系统适用性 Tioconazole for system suitability 50 mg EPY0000283 尼麦角林杂质A Nicergoline impurity A 10 mg EPY0000284 丙酸氟替卡松 Fluticasone propionate 100 mg EPY0000288 吡拉西坦 Piracetam 120 mg EPY0000297 美沙拉嗪 Mesalazine 125 mg EPY0000298 辛酸氟奋乃静 Fluphenazine octanoate 10 mg EPY0000299 氟奋乃静亚砜 Fluphenazine sulphoxide 10 mg EPY0000304 天冬氨酸精氨酸 Arginine aspartate 20 mg EPY0000305 天门冬胺酸 Asparagine monohydrate 60 mg EPY0000306 阿奇霉素 Azithromycin 200 mg EPY0000307 阿奇霉素杂质A Azithromycin impurity A 10 mg EPY0000309 布美他尼杂质A Bumetanide impurity A 5 mg EPY0000310 布美他尼杂质B Bumetanide impurity B 5 mg EPY0000311 盐酸塞利洛尔 Celiprolol hydrochloirde 10 mg EPY0000312 塞利洛尔杂质I Celiprolol impurity I 0,02 mg EPY0000313 氯法齐明 Clofazimine 150 mg
  • 枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢指示菌片-
    枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢指示菌片-----环氧乙烷和干热灭菌效果的监测 本枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢生物指示剂菌片是由枯草杆菌黑色变种(ATCC 9372)芽孢和特种滤纸片组成。菌片回收菌量为5.0× 105 cfu/片~5.0× 106 cfu/片。 生物指示剂菌片的抗力符合国际标准和国家标准的规定: 对环氧乙烷的抗力标准,在环氧乙烷剂量为600 mg/L± 30 mg/L,作用温度54℃,相对湿度60%± 10%条件下,存活时间&ge 7.8 min,死亡时间&le 58 min,D10值5.8 min。 对干热的抗力标准,在160℃干热条件下,存活时间&ge 3.9 min,杀灭时间&le 19 min,D10值1.3 min~1.9 min。 【型 号】指示菌片 【使用范围】该生物指示剂菌片可用于对环氧乙烷和干热灭菌效果的监测。 【使用方法】 1 用于环氧乙烷和干热灭菌效果监测时,将生物指示剂菌片置于小纸袋内,按《医院消毒供应中心:清洗消毒及灭菌效果监测标准(WS 310.3-2009)》的要求放入物品包内,置于适当位置,进行灭菌处理。检测同时设生物指示剂菌片阳性对照,阳性对照生物指示剂菌片放室温下,不进行灭菌处理。 2 灭菌完毕,在无菌操作下取出小纸袋中的生物指示剂菌片,投入无菌普通营养肉汤管内,同时将未经灭菌处理的生物指示剂菌片投入另一支无菌普通营养肉汤管内,作为阳性对照,置37℃恒温培养箱内连续培养7 d,逐日观察结果。 【结果判定】培养后普通营养肉汤液面有菌膜,普通营养肉汤内有絮状沉淀,摇动时见有混浊,即表示有菌生长,判定为灭菌不合格;培养后普通营养肉汤仍澄清透明且无沉淀即表示无菌生长,同时阳性对照生物指示剂菌片生长正常,判定为灭菌合格。 【注意事项】 1 本生物指示剂菌片的检验须按《医院消毒供应中心:清洗消毒及灭菌效果监测标准(WS 310.3-2009)》的要求进行。 2 本生物指示剂菌片应保存于4℃冰箱内。 【有 效期】 12个月。 【包装规格】 50片/包。 附录:普通营养肉汤培养基的制备 【营养肉汤培养基配方】牛肉膏5 g,蛋白胨10 g,氯化钠5 g,蒸馏水。 【制备方法】 1 牛肉膏5 g,蛋白胨10g,氯化钠5 g,溶于900 ml蒸馏水中。 2 调节pH 值为7.2~7.4, 补充蒸馏水至1000 ml。 3 分装后,置121℃压力蒸汽灭菌20 min或115℃压力蒸汽灭菌30 min。放入4℃冰箱内保存,备用。
  • 用于氧分析的氯戊烷掺杂系统
    用于氧分析的氯戊烷掺杂系统氯戊烷掺杂系统, 用氯戊烷掺杂于氧分析中的氦气流 pk1 天津欧捷科技有限公司---进口元素分析耗材供应商 保证质量天津欧捷科技是一家高科技企业,公司集贸易、科研、服务一体化。公司从精密仪器设备及配件、耗材、试剂、标准对照品、实验室常用耗材的销售,到仪器调试、维护、样品的分析测试。我们主要经营:实验室耗材 元素分析耗材 色谱分析耗材 质谱耗材样品容器 Labco顶空进样瓶 色谱瓶 石英棉 石英燃烧管 进样隔垫 催化剂 标准品 试剂 玻璃碳产品 仪器配件这些耗材可用在Thermo、Elementar、Agilent、Analytikjena、Sercon、Shimadzu、leco、Varian、Perkin Elmer、waters 、Euro Vector等仪器。
  • 食品烘干房除湿机
    食品烘干房除湿机 新闻资讯报道:在食品加工过程中,烘干或干燥工艺是其中最难以掌握的一道生产工艺,与食品的质量,企业的经济效益都是息息相关的!现如今,对于干燥食品的需求是越来越多,不仅重视其食品的口感,也越来越重视食品的营养成分。烘干或干燥技术的好坏对食品口感及其营养风味都是有很大影响的;在以往,大多依靠自然通风和日晒可以达到食品干燥的目的,但受自然条件约束,且食品卫生难以保证。还有的则采用机械通风、加热烘干能使生产条件有所改善,但对动物类食品加工过程中,易发生油脂氧化现象,表面变黄,并带有辣味,产品质量下降。而且在食品的烘干过程中,食品中的水分会不断的蒸发到烘干房中,水蒸气会不断的增多,如果不及时的排出,不仅会影响烘干的效率,还会影响食品的口感和品质!在以往,很多食品加工厂或企业在烘干房中安装排风机来将水蒸气排出去,但在排出水蒸气的同时,热量也随之排出, 大量的热能白白浪费掉, 大大增加了烘干房的运行产成本。为此,现在已经有不少的食品加工厂或企业开始使用正岛ZD-8240G食品烘干房除湿机及ZD系列耐高温除湿机来对烘干房进行除湿,能够快速的,及时的去除烘干房内的水蒸气;大大提高了食品烘干的效率,以及其品质和安全! 比如:某烘干房内在烘干过程中由于湿度大,采用了通风排湿的方法,烘干的时间需要24小时;而正岛ZD-8240G食品烘干房除湿机及ZD系列耐高温除湿机后,则可以在不排出热量的情况下快速降低烘干房内的湿度;那么,现在只需要16小时或12小时即可达到原来24小时的烘干效果,大大降低了烘干房的运行成本。现已在全国各地的工厂企业烘干房内推广使用,其效果也得到了所有用户的认可。一般冷冻式除湿机的工作环境温度为5-38℃,超过38℃除湿机将实施自动保护而停机。但在物料干燥室,烘干房内,其室内温度一般超过40℃,所以一般的冷冻式除湿机无法在此环境下工作。现在一般企业的物料干燥方法是将干燥室,烘干房内湿热空气通过风机强行外排。这样,室内的热量也随之排出室外。针对干燥室、烘干房节能除湿干燥的需求,正岛电器专门开发出正岛ZD-8240G食品烘干房除湿机及ZD系列耐高温除湿机(适用于室内温度高于38℃低于55℃的环境下除湿); 可广泛应用于制药、化工、食品、轻工、重工等行业物料及产品的加热固化、干燥脱水。如:木材、干果类、食用菌类、农副产品、纸制品、原料药、生药、中药饮片、粉剂、颗粒、冲剂、颜料、染料、脱水蔬菜、瓜果干、香肠、塑料树脂、电器原件、烘漆等。欢迎您来电咨询食品烘干房除湿机的详细信息!耐高温除湿机的种类有很多,不同品牌的耐高温除湿机价格及应用范围也会有细微的差别,而我们将会为您提供优质的产品和全方位的售后服务。备注:该系列产品可与环境试验设备以及环境监测仪器等温湿度相关仪器设备配套使用,也可作为其中的一个核心配件!正岛ZD-8240G食品烘干房除湿机及ZD系列耐高温除湿机技术参数: 注:工作环境温度要求5~55℃; 最高可进风温度≤55℃产品型号除湿量(L/D)功率(W)风量(m3/h )电源(V/HZ)尺寸(mm)净重(kg)ZD-8168G16828002100380V~50Hz605X410X1650126ZD-8240G24049003000380V~50Hz770X470X1650160ZD-8360G36070004500380V~50Hz1240X460X1700255ZD-8480G48099006000380V~50Hz1240X460X1750300压缩机 耐高温型涡旋式压缩机 非标定制 管道式&吊顶式 耐高温除湿机选型:根据实际的烘干房的总体湿负荷来选配最适合的型号,具体的就是根据其面积,层高,以及烘干水分的蒸发量,初始湿度值目标湿度值,还有室内的密闭效果,散湿源,新风补给等综合因素来计算出制冷量,单位时间的除湿量等其它关键数据后才能正确的选出需要的型号。本站新闻记者核心提示:正岛ZD-8240G食品烘干房除湿机及ZD系列耐高温除湿机适用于菊花,大枣,金银花,海带、紫菜、鱼干、虾米、鱿鱼、鱼片,海参,鲍鱼等海产品烘干, 也适用于笋干、菌类、大蒜、花卉、干果、蔬菜、香菇、地瓜、玉米、豌豆 ,豆角、椰子、槟榔、木耳等农副产品的烘干, 以及金银花、菊花、大黄、丹参,人参等中药材烘干房中进行合理的除湿! 烘干技术是提高烘干或干燥食品质量的重要途径之一。在各种食品的烘干过程中,含水率控制主要依据烘干房内温度和湿度的变化;那么,对加热和排湿这两个方法要进行严格的控制,不但确保了烘干工艺的持续进行,提高食品的烘干或干燥品质,而且还可以提高食品烘干房的烘干效率和产量;与此同时,还能大大降低烘干的生产成本!因此,在食品烘干房中配上一台正岛ZD-8240G食品烘干房除湿机及ZD系列耐高温除湿机来进行合理的除湿是非常有要的!以上关于食品烘干房除湿机的全部新闻资讯是正岛电器为大家提供的!
  • 四氟搅拌回收棒 可弯曲回收器 磁吸附棒
    四氟搅拌回收棒 可弯曲回收器 磁吸附棒由上海书培实验设备有限公司提供四氟搅拌回收棒 可弯曲回收器 磁吸附棒广泛应用于生物制药、化工、环境、材料合成、科研院校等行业。内管采用不锈钢,外层包聚四氟乙烯,结构完整,耐腐蚀性能好,软棒的杆全部都是聚四氟材质。量多从优!介绍:聚四氟乙烯被称"塑料王",中文商品名“特氟龙”、“特氟隆”(teflon)、“特氟龙”、“特富隆”、“泰氟龙”等。它是由四氟乙烯经聚合而成的高分子化合物,其结构简式为-[-CF2-CF2-]n-,具有优良的化学稳定性、耐腐蚀性。耐高温:使用工作温度达250℃耐腐蚀:对大多数化学药品和溶剂,表现出惰性,能耐强酸强碱、水和各种有机溶剂高润滑:是固体材料中摩擦系数最低者耐低温:具有良好的机械韧性,即使温度下降到-196℃,也可保持5%的伸长率不粘附:具有固体材料中最小的表面张力,不粘附任何物质耐气候:长期暴露于大气中,表面及性能保持不变,有B06B塑料中优质的老化寿命无毒害:具有生理惰性,作为人工血管和脏器长期植入体内无不良反应产品规格:产品名称尺寸价格四氟搅拌回收棒250mm30四氟搅拌回收棒300mm35四氟搅拌回收棒350mm40四氟搅拌回收棒400mm45四氟搅拌回收棒可弯曲软棒长度25mm35四氟搅拌回收棒可弯曲软棒长度30mm40四氟搅拌回收棒可弯曲软棒长度35mm50
  • 硅胶(吸收剂)
    添加指示剂的硅胶 吸收剂 Silica Gelwith indicatorElementar 03960157 1kgThermo 33840035 100g天津欧捷科技是一家高科技企业,公司集贸易、科研、服务一体化。公司从精密仪器设备及配件、耗材、试剂、标准对照品、实验室常用耗材的销售,到仪器调试、维护、样品的分析测试。 实验室耗材 元素分析耗材 色谱分析耗材 质谱耗材样品容器 Labco顶空进样瓶 色谱瓶 石英棉 石英燃烧管 进样隔垫 催化剂 标准品 试剂 玻璃碳产品 仪器配件这些耗材可用在Thermo、Elementar、Agilent、Analytikjena、Sercon、Shimadzu、leco、Varian、Perkin Elmer、waters 、Euro Vector等仪器。
  • 类器官Human Liver Ductal organoid Kit(expansion)(人胆管类器官)
    类器官(Organoids)是指将成体干细胞或多能干细胞在体外三维培养形成的具有一定空间结构的组织类似物。类器官在组织结构、细胞类型、自我更新能力和功能等方面与来源组织高度一致,从而在发育生物学、疾病造模、精准医学、药物研发、基因和细胞疗法、感染和免疫以及再生医学等生物医学的多个领域展现出独特的优势。产品介绍Product Description:bioGenousTMHuman Liver Ductal Organoid Kit is a chemically defined cell culture medium for establishment and maintenance of human liver ductal organoids(hLDs) derived from introhepatic cholangiocyte. Self-renewal of the ductal epithelium is driven by the proliferation of stem cells and their progenitors located in liver. hLDs display all hallmarks of the ductal epithelium in terms of architecture, cell type composition, and self-renewal dynamics, therefore hold great promise for unprecedented studies of human liver development and disease, hLDs may also have applications in regenerative biology through ex vivo expansion of the ductal epithelium.技术参数Product Information:ComponentComponent Cat#VolumeStorage& StabilitybioGenousTMHuman Liver Ductal Organoid Basal Medium(expansion)K2008-HLD –A100/A500100mL/500mL4℃,12 monthsbioGenousTMHuman Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement B(50x)(expansion)K2008-HLD –B100/B5002mL/10mL-20℃,avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 monthsbioGenousTMHuman Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement C(250x)(expansion)K2008-HLD–C100/C5000.4mL/2mL-20℃, avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 monthsPreparation of Human Liver Ductal Organoid Expansion Medium and Maintenance MediumUse a sterile technique to prepare the human liver ductal organoid expansion medium and maintenance medium. hLDs grown in Human Liver Ductal Organoid Expansion Medium overwhelmingly consisted of cholangiocytes. The following example is for preparing 10 mL Expansion Medium and Maintenance Medium. If preparing other volumes, adjust accordingly.1.Thaw Human Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement B(50x)(Expansion), Human Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement C(250x) (Expansion)on ice. Mix thoroughly.NOTE:Once thawed, use immediately or aliquot and store at -20°C for not more than 10 months. After thawing the aliquots, use immediately. Do not re-freeze.2.For Human Liver Ductal Organoid Expansion Medium. Add 200 μL Human Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement B(50x)(Expansion), 40 μL Human Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement C(250x)(Expansion) to Human Liver Ductal Organoid Basal Medium(Expansion). Mix thoroughly.NOTE:If not use immediately, store complete medium at 2-8°C for not more than 2 weeks. bioGenousTMHuman Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement B (Expansion) contains fungicide and antibiotics(50x).Protocol for Establishment of Human Liver Ductal OrganoidsCAUTIONStudies involving primary human tissue material must follow all relevant institutional and governmental regulations. Informed consent must be obtained from all subjects before the collection of the primary human tissue material.Establishment of Organoids from Primary Tissue1.Collect primary human liver tissue pieces in ice-cold Primary Tissue Storage Solution(K601005)with conical tubes. Keep tissue samples at 4°C until the start of the isolation.2.Assess whether the obtained tissue pieces consist purely of epithelium or if they also contain fat or muscle tissue. If so, remove non-epithelial components as much as possible using surgical scissors or scalpels and forceps under a dissection microscope. If no fat or muscle tissue are present, continue to the next step immediately.3.Rinse the liver tissuewith Epithelial Organoid Basal Medium(B213151) or DPBSuntil the supernatant is clear.4.Before ducts isolation, thaw Matrigel on ice and keep it cold. Add 5 mL of FBS to 45 mL of Epithelial Organoid Basal Medium to prepare 10% (vol/vol) FBS medium.5.Mince the tissue into small fragments of 5 mm3in a cell culture dish using surgical scissors or scalpels.CRITICALThe dissected samples must be small enough to pass through the tip of a 10 mL pipette.6.Place the dissected pieces of sample into a 15 mL conical tube containing 10 mL of coldEpithelial Organoid Basal Mediumwith 1% FBS.7.Wash the samples by pipetting with a 10 mL pipette at least ten times.CRITICALFor the subsequent steps, coat the inner surface of every 10 mL pipette with 10% (vol/vol) FBS medium before use to avoid adherence of the samples on the pipette wall.8.Stand the tube still until the samples settle at the bottom. Aspirate the supernatant with a 10 mL pipette and add 10 mL of pre-warmed Tissue Digestion Solution (K601008).9.Digest the tissue fractions in 37℃with rotation at the speed of 100 rpm. The digestion time should not exceed 30 mins.CRITICALTo prevent over-digestion, one should examine under the microscope if the duct structure appear during digestion.10.Once the duct structure appears, stop digestion by transfer the digestion solution into 50mL tube and add 40 ml Epithelial Organoid Basal Medium with 1% FBS.11.Stand the tube for 2 min. Transfer the supernatant into a new tube.12.Spin the supernatant at 4°C at 300g for 3 min. Aspirate and discard the supernatant.13.Re-suspend the pellet with 10 ml DMEM with 1%FBS, and spin at 4°C at 300g for 3 min.14.Repeat last step for 2 times.15.Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend the pellet in Matrigel. Matrigel should be kept on ice to prevent it from solidifying thus, work quickly. The amount of Matrigel depends on the size of the pellet. Approximately 20-100 ducts should be plated in 25 μL of Matrigel.CRITICALDo not dilute Matrigel too much (Matrigel should be 70% (Matrigel vol/Total vol)) to ensure formation of solid droplets.16.Plate the Matrigel containing organoids on the bottom of 24-well cell culture plates in droplets of ~30 μL each around the center of the well.CRITICALOnce the organoids are resuspended in Matrigel, proceed with plating as quickly as possible, as the Matrigel may solidify in the tube or pipette tip. Do not let the Matrigel touch the wall of wells.17.Place the culture plate into a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2 for15-25 minto let the Matrigel solidify.18.Prepare the required amount of bioGenousTMHuman Liver Ductal Organoid Expansion Medium.19.Once the Matrigel droplets are solidified (15-25 min), open the plate and carefully add 500 μL of Organoid Complete Medium to each well.CRITICALDo not add the medium directly on top of the Matrigel droplets, as this might disrupt the droplets.20.Place the culture plate in a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2.21.Change the medium every 3 days by carefully aspirating medium from the wells and replacing it with fresh, pre-warmed Organoid Complete Medium.22.Closely monitor the organoid formation. Ideally, human liver ductal organoids should be passaged for the first time between 5 and 8 days after initial plating.Splitting and Passaging of Organoids23.Pipette up and down to disrupt the Matrigel, and transfer the organoid suspension into a 1.5 mL conical tube.24.Pipette the organoid suspension up and down to mix thoroughly.Use the bottom of the tube to create pressure, which will aid the removal of Matrigel.25.Centrifuge organoids at 200g for 3 min at room temperature.26.Aspirate the supernatant, and split organoids using either mechanical disruption or Organoid Dissociation Solution (E238001). For mechanical disruption, resuspend the pellet in 1 mL of Organoid Basal Medium. Use a pipette tip to pipette the organoid suspension up and down 30 times. Use the bottom of the tube to create pressure, which will aid organoid disruption. In case of Organoid Dissociation Solution-based cell dissociation, resuspend the pellet in 0.2 mL of Organoid Dissociation Solution, pipette up and down and incubate at 37 °C until organoids fall apart. Pipette up and down with a filter tip for ≥10 times every 1 min to aid in the disruption of the organoids. Monitor digestion closely to keep the incubation time inOrganoid Dissociation Solution to a minimum.CRITICALDo not dissociate in Organoid Dissociation Solution for 3 min, as this may result in poor organoid outgrowth or even loss of the culture. As a rule of thumb, digestion is complete if a mixture of small lumps of cells (consisting of 10–50 cells) can be observed.27.After shearing is complete, wash once by topping up with 1 mL ofOrganoid Basal Medium, and centrifuge at 200g for 3 min at room temperature.28.Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend the organoid pellet in 70% (vol/vol) Matrigel, and plate organoids in droplets on the bottom of a culture plate as describedin Steps 12. After plating is complete, transfer the plate into ahumidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2for 15–25 min.29.Pre-warm Human Liver Ductal Organoid Maintenance Medium at 37 °C.30.After the Matrigel droplets have solidified (15–25 min), carefully pipette pre-warmed medium into the wells.31.Place culture plates in a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2until the organoids are needed for further experiments.
  • BPX70 – 70%氰丙基聚硅苯-硅氧烷 054622
    forte BPX70 – 70%氰丙基聚硅苯-硅氧烷? 强极性、为分离脂肪酸甲酯而设计(FAME);? 分离脂肪酸甲酯的工业标准柱;? 操作温度: 0.1 – 1.0μm 膜厚 50°C - 250/260°C;? 相似固定相:DB-23、CP-Sil 88、VF-23ms、SP-2330、SP-2340、SP-2380、RTX-2330、007-23、AT-Silar 和FAMEWAX;? 完整的毛细管柱典型应用,请参照附录A 第140 页。BPX70 – 70%氰丙基聚硅苯-硅氧烷订货信息:内径 (mm)膜厚 (μm)10m12m15m25m30m50m60m120m0.10.2054600√√—————0.220.25√054601√054602054612054603054613√0.250.25√√054621√054622√0546230546240.320.25—054605√054606054616054607054617√0.530.5—√054619054610054620———√=这些规格我们同样提供,需要更详细信息请与我们联系。 BPX70 应用 - FAMES 固定相: BPX70、0.25μm膜厚色谱柱: 30m×0.25mm 内径货号: 054622样品: 消化过的细菌脂肪酸对照: FAM 01化学组分:1. C11:015. C17:02. C12:016. C9,10-亚甲基16:00:003. C13:017. C14:0 2-OH4. C10:0 2-OH18. C18:05. C14:019. C18:1n9trans6. C15:0 i20. C11:1n9cis7. C15:0 a21. C11:1n7cis8. C15:022. C11:2n6cis9. C12:0 2-OH23. C19:010. C16:0 i24. C16:0 2-OH11. C16:025. C9,10-亚甲基18:00:0012. C15:1n7cis26. C20:013. C12:0 3-OH27. C18:0 2-OH14. C17:0 a
  • 万通 长寿命针状玻璃电极 | 6.0226.100
    穿刺电极(长寿命针状玻璃电极)订货号:6.0226.100规格型号:LL Glass Spearhead electrode用于所有类型穿刺测量(例如用于奶酪、肉、面团)免维护组合 pH 电极。电极存放在饱和氯化钾溶液 c(KCl)= sat. (6.2308.000),不适用于离子含量低的溶液。老化指示器提前显示需要更换电极。技术参数pH 范围1...11上部杆径(mm)12下部杆径(mm)6参比系统LL system指示电极形式Needle最大安装长度(mm)98最小浸没深度(mm)10标准电解质类型Gel测量单位pH测量范围1... 11电极插头Metrohm plug-in head G电极斜率 0.97电极杆材料Glass电极零点(mV)± 15电解质流量(μl/h)0电阻(kOhm)20短时温度范围(°C)0 ... 60磨口套管灵活的磨口套管薄膜玻璃类型定制薄膜电阻200 ... 500长时温度范围(°C)0 ... 40隔膜Twin pore
  • 卤素催化吸收剂
    SA33835400 33835400 Koerbl卤素催化吸收剂 5 g 天津欧捷科技有限公司---进口元素分析耗材供应商 保证质量天津欧捷科技是一家高科技企业,公司集贸易、科研、服务一体化。公司从精密仪器设备及配件、耗材、试剂、标准对照品、实验室常用耗材的销售,到仪器调试、维护、样品的分析测试。 实验室耗材 元素分析耗材 色谱分析耗材 质谱耗材样品容器 Labco顶空进样瓶 色谱瓶 石英棉 石英燃烧管 进样隔垫 催化剂 标准品 试剂 玻璃碳产品 仪器配件这些耗材可用在Thermo、Elementar、Agilent、Analytikjena、Sercon、Shimadzu、leco、Varian、Perkin Elmer、waters 、Euro Vector等仪器。
  • Optran® HUV, 硬聚合物包层石英光纤
    Optran® HUV, Optran® HWF硬聚合物包层石英光纤CeramOptec® 提供Optran® HUV/ HWF光纤,是二氧化硅/二氧化硅光纤的经济型替代品。它们提供高数值孔径值,zui小弯曲损耗和高效连接,适用于各种应用。波长Optran® HUV /HWF 350 – 2200 nm数值孔径(NA)Standard 0,37± 0,02 Optran WF 300– 2400 nm High 0,48± 0,02优点具有成本效益(与二氧化硅/二氧化硅光纤相比)高同心度全电介质,非磁性设计步骤索引配置文件生物相容性材料使用ETO和其他方法灭菌应用从远程照明到光动力疗法的应用shou选。
  • thermo二氧化碳吸收剂
    SA990710 33822000 二氧化碳吸收剂 100 g天津欧捷科技有限公司---进口元素分析耗材供应商 保证质量天津欧捷科技是一家高科技企业,公司集贸易、科研、服务一体化。公司从精密仪器设备及配件、耗材、试剂、标准对照品、实验室常用耗材的销售,到仪器调试、维护、样品的分析测试。 实验室耗材 元素分析耗材 色谱分析耗材 质谱耗材样品容器 Labco顶空进样瓶 色谱瓶 石英棉 石英燃烧管 进样隔垫 催化剂 标准品 试剂 玻璃碳产品 仪器配件这些耗材可用在Thermo、Elementar、Agilent、Analytikjena、Sercon、Shimadzu、leco、Varian、Perkin Elmer、waters 、Euro Vector等仪器。
  • 高效液相色谱法测定土荆皮中土荆皮乙酸的含量 推荐色谱柱 Cosmosil C8-MS
    高效液相色谱法测定土荆皮中土荆皮乙酸的含量 推荐色谱柱 Cosmosil C8-MS 关键词:土荆皮乙酸,辛烷基硅胶键合硅胶,对照品溶液,供试品溶液,高效液相色谱 土荆皮乙酸含量测定,照高效液相色谱法(附录Ⅵ D)测定。 色谱条件与系统适用性试验:以辛烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以甲醇-醋酸溶液为流动相;检测波长为260nm。理论板数按土荆皮乙酸峰计算应不低于5000. 土荆皮中土荆皮乙酸含量测定,照高效液相色谱法(附录Ⅵ D),分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。本品按干燥品计算,含土荆皮乙酸(C23H28O8)不得少于0.25%。(中国药典2010版) 需要详细的药典标准请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 密封高压消解罐消解-原子吸收光谱法测定土壤食品重金属
    NJ-ZH密封高压消解罐消解-原子吸收光谱法测定土壤重金属产品介绍:高压消解罐,也称为密封高压消解罐、压力消解器、压力消解罐、消化罐、聚四氟乙烯高压罐,它是一种能分解难溶物质的密闭容器,在气相、液相、等离子光谱质谱、原子吸收和原子荧光等化学分析方法中做样品前处理,多用于食品、药品、疾控中心、乳制品、环境中心、农产品、海产品、水产品等行业对茶叶中美术绿、稀土,果蔬、粮油、蛋类、肉类,奶粉等里铅、铬、镉、甲基汞、无机砷等重金属的检测。摘 要:为寻求一种可行的土壤重金属元素分析方法,采用了“硝酸-氢氟酸-过氧化氢”三酸消化体系和密封高压消解罐法对土壤样品进行消化,以原子吸收光谱法测定其中的铜、锌、铅、铬、镉。结果表明:采用该方法能将土壤样品中的铜、锌、铅、铬、镉完全消解出来;密闭消解的方式有效控制了样品的损失及污染,此外还保护了操作者的安全;前处理操作过程简单,省时、省力;称样量和酸用量少,环境污染小;方法的灵敏度、测定结果的精密度和准确度均较高。从实验结果可以看出,采用该法测定土壤中的重金属时,测定结果准确可靠,实验条件易于控制,能够满足环境监测分析的要求,可以作为一种可行的土壤重金属元素分析方法被采纳。关键词:密封高压消解罐消解;原子吸收光谱法;土壤;铜;锌;铅;铬;镉(1)土壤样品的加工处理将采集的土壤样品(一般不少于 500 g)混匀后用四分法缩分至约 100 g。缩分后的土壤样品经自然风干后,除去土壤样品中的石子和动植物残体等异物,用木棒碾压,通过 2 mm 尼龙筛(除去 2 mm 以上的砂砾),混匀。用玛瑙研钵将通过2mm尼龙筛的土壤样品研磨至全部通过 100 目尼龙筛,混匀后备用。(2)土壤样品的消解用电子天平准确称量表 4 和表 5 中的土壤标准参考样和经上述加工过的土壤样品(平行称量 6 份)各 0.1500g 左右,置于密封高压消解罐中。用几滴超纯水湿润一下,然后加入 5 mL 硝酸,浸泡 0.5 h 去除有机质,接着加入 2mL 过氧化氢、2 mL 氢氟酸。待样品被酸液充分浸润后,盖紧罐盖,并将消解罐安装好。放入电热恒温鼓风干燥箱中,于 160 ℃下平衡 9 h 进行密闭消解,每批土壤样品同时做 2 份全程试剂空白试验(用超纯水代替样品)。样品消解完成之后,将消解罐从电热恒温鼓风干燥箱中取出,放于通风橱中降温,待温度降至室温时开启消解罐。取出内罐,置于电热板上赶酸。赶酸完毕(蒸至近干,此时消解液因样品基体不同而呈粘稠状或湿盐状,残渣为灰白色),用 0.5%硝酸溶液转移至 25 mL 刻度试管中定容,摇匀,静置,溶液澄清后待测。产品特点:1、密封性好:高压消解罐的内杯凹凸榫槽设计, 内杯盖尖底设计,方便实验结束后样品收集;2、安全:设计特别,做工精细,杯顶有泄气孔,安全系数高即使在温度失控的情况下,只会内杯变形,外罐不会坏;3、消解效率高,能力强,能消解许多传统方法难以消解的样品,适应面广;4、内杯元素值低,提高分析的准确度和精密度,降低了工作强度和对环境的污染;5、内杯/外罐顺序编号,方便均等机会使用;6、成本低,使用简便。前期后期投入都很少,操作容易,操作人员使用前几乎不需要培训,维护简单;7、内杯可以改为进口聚四氟乙烯(微波仪内罐材质)材质,耐渗透,耐变形,耐温性好。8、内外罐优选材质,多年的生产经验,200多家用户的认可,品质保证。
  • 万通 长寿命pH电极 | 6.0235.200
    Porotrode(长寿命pH电极)订货号:6.0235.200(旧货号:6.0235.100)规格型号:LL Porotrode WOC组合 pH 电极用于 pH 测量/滴定:● 含蛋白质的样品(食物、生物样品)● 严重污染的样品● 粘性样品专门开发的毛细管隔膜和参比电解质 Porolyt (6.2318.000) 可在含蛋白质的溶液中实现最佳性能。储存在储存溶液中。技术参数pH 范围0...14上部杆径(mm)12下部杆径(mm)12参比系统LL system指示电极形式Hemisphere最大安装长度(mm)125最小浸没深度(mm)20标准电解质类型Porolyte测量单位pH测量范围0 ... 14电极插头Metrohm plug-in head G电极斜率 0.97电极杆材料Glass电极零点(mV)± 15电解质流量(μl/h)5 ... 30电阻(kOhm)短时温度范围(°C)0 ... 80磨口套管灵活的磨口套管薄膜玻璃类型T薄膜电阻200 ... 400长时温度范围(°C)0 ... 80隔膜Double capillary (ceramic)
  • 二氧化碳吸收剂
    SA990710 33822000 二氧化碳吸收剂 100 g天津欧捷科技有限公司&mdash 进口元素分析耗材供应商 保证质量天津欧捷科技是一家高科技企业,公司集贸易、科研、服务一体化。公司从精密仪器设备及配件、耗材、试剂、标准对照品、实验室常用耗材的销售,到仪器调试、维护、样品的分析测试。我们主要经营:实验室耗材 元素分析耗材 色谱分析耗材 质谱耗材样品容器 Labco顶空进样瓶 色谱瓶 石英棉 石英燃烧管 进样隔垫 催化剂 标准品 试剂 玻璃碳产品 仪器配件这些耗材可用在Thermo、Elementar、Agilent、Analytikjena、Sercon、Shimadzu、leco、Varian、Perkin Elmer、waters 、Euro Vector等仪器。
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