RoHS2.0检测项目:2011/65/EC指令改为RoHS10项:铅(Pb),镉(Cd),汞(Hg),六价铬(Cr6+),多溴联苯(PBBs)和多溴联苯醚(PBDEs),增邻苯二甲酸二正丁酯(DBP),邻苯二甲酸正丁基苄酯(BBP),邻苯二甲酸(2-己基)己酯(DEHP),六溴环十二烷(HBCDD)目前ROHS的版本为2.0,产品出口欧盟强制要求测试6项。2019年7月22日起强制测试10项。六项测试标准限值:Pb铅1000PPM?CD镉100PPM、Hg汞1000PPM?、Cr(VI)六价铬1000PPM?、PBBs多溴化联苯1000PPM?、PBDEs多溴联苯醚1000PPM?十项测试标准限值:Pb铅1000PPM?、CD镉100PPM?、Hg汞1000PPM?、Cr(VI、)六价铬1000PPM?、PBBs多溴化联苯1000PPM?、PBDEs多溴联苯1000PPM、?DEHP邻苯二甲酸二乙基己酯1000PPM?BBP邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯1000PPM?、DBP邻苯二甲酸二丁酯1000PPM?、DIBP邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯1000PMM 4.2.1功能介绍: 检测、分析镀层的厚度和成分Introduction of Functions: To detect and analyze the thickness and components of plating2 可分析单镀层、多镀层以及合金镀层Analyze single-layer, multilayer and alloy plating.2 具有多种镀层的分析方法 Many methods are available in analyzing plating.2 可做同时显示英制和公制单位Show units in both British system and metric system simultaneously. 4.3 全元素分析软件(可选)Full Element Analysis Software (Optional and charged additionally) 4.3.1功能介绍:能准确,快速地检测、分析出产品的组成成分。Introduction of Functions: To analyze the components and contents of the samples rapidly and accurately2 有多种分析计算数学模型,方便对不同材料,不同样品的分析测量It has various of mathematic models, making it easier to analyze all kinds of materials and samples.2 可制作多条工作曲线,各个曲线独立测试条件,样品测试方便It can plot a number of working curves, each having its own working condition, making it more convenient to test the samples.2 可自由设定仪器的管压、管流,对样品中所含元素测量更具有针对性It sets freely the tube voltage and tube current of the instruments, and performs more specialized testing on the samples’ elements.2 具有自动定性分析功能,方便对材料进行分析It can perform qualitative analysis automatically, making it easier to analyze the materials.2 具有虚谱对比功能,方便材料对比分析 It can make comparison between reference spectra, making it easier to analyze the materials comparatively. 4.3.2检测分析谱图式样:Sample of the Detection Analysis Spectrum: 注: (本图片样式只供参考,不代表真实测试结果)Note: The above picture is for reference only, and does not represent the real testing results. Detection Analysis Spectrum for Full Elements: Note: The above picture is for reference only.5. 样品配置Configuration of Samples标准样品用于制作工作曲线 Standard samples are used for plotting working curves.5.1 样品腔 Sample Chamber超大样品腔 large sample chamber 450mm x 280mm x180mm5.2 标样 Standard Samples欧盟标样EC681K EU Official Standard Sample: EC681K纯银样品 Pure silver sample0# 0# sample 6. 准直器滤光 Collimators Filtering6.1准直器 Collimators 8种口径准直器(8 sizes altogether)6.2 滤光片 filters5种滤光片 (5 kinds of filters)准直器与滤光片均已内置于仪器中,可自由组合,具体选择由电机自动控制。(collimators and filters, combined freely are equipped in instrument, driven by engine automatically, according to your requirements)7. 其他主要配件 Other Main Accessories7.1 高压连接线High voltage cable7.2 高压与光管灯丝线 High voltage and X-ray tube filament cable7.3 USB线(接摄像头)USB line for camera7.4 X射线指示灯X-ray indicator lamp7.5 散热风扇Radiator fan7.6 风扇防护板Protective shield7.7 接口板Interface board7.8 电源板Power supply board7.9 变压器Transformer7.10总电源开关Main switch7.11接近开关稳压Proximity switch7.12 电源Power supply7.13 信号处理板Signal processing board7.14 接线排Line bank7.15 仪器外壳 Cover of the instrument8. 仪器随机提供必要的技术资料包括: Necessary Technical Documents Enclosed:8.1 使用说明书(含操作规程和简易的仪器故障处理)Operation Instruction Brochure, containing operation rules and methods to deal with simple faults of the instrument8.2 零部件清单A List of the Parts8.3 仪器出厂检验报告Inspection Report for Finished Good9. 产品保修及售后服务Warranty and After Sale Service9.1 对客户方操作人员进行培训。We provide training to the operators of the customers.9.2 安装、调试、验收、培训及技术服务均为免费在用户方现场对操作人员进行培训。Installation, debugging, checking, training and technology service are free, and we provide field training to the operation staff of our customers. .9.3正常使用,经本公司售后服务部技术人员确认属工艺或材质缺陷引起的故障,且未经拆修,仪器自验收合格之日起保修1年,其中光管保修2年。保修期结束后,更换硬件费用/运输费\服务费\交通费\由客户承担。