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仪器信息网马来酸来那替尼专题为您提供2024年最新马来酸来那替尼价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括马来酸来那替尼参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的马来酸来那替尼您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合马来酸来那替尼相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有马来酸来那替尼相关的最新资讯、资料,以及马来酸来那替尼相关的解决方案。


  • 铌酸锂晶体
    我们提供的优质进口LiNbO3 晶体,铌酸锂晶体,铌酸锂是声光级和光学级的高质量LiNbO3晶体。 采用Czochralsky 方法生长,沿着Z轴极化的晶体棒长度可达100mm,我们也可提供其他方向的铌酸锂晶体,铌酸锂晶体棒,用于SAW衬底和 压电传感器/piezotransducers。透光范围:350-5500nm长度公差:+0/-0,1mm孔径公差:+0/-0,1mm切割角定位精度:30arcmin表面质量:S/D10-5平整度:L/8@633nm平行度:20arcsec垂直度:5arcmin激光损伤阈值:250MW/cm2 for 10ns pulses @ 1064 nmLiNbO3晶体,铌酸锂晶体广泛地用作1微米以上激光倍频器和OPO光学参量振荡器,以及准相位匹配器件。LiNbO3晶体和铌酸锂晶体也是光电子器件的最为优秀材料之一。人们利用铌酸锂独特的电光,光弹,压电和非线性特性,以及良好的机械和光学稳定性,宽广的透光范围,制造了许多光电子器件。 领先的进口精密激光光学器件旗舰型服务商--孚光精仪!LiNbO3晶体,铌酸锂晶体由孚光精仪进口,孚光精仪是中国最大的进口精密光学材料器件和仪器供应商!所销售的LiNbO3晶体,铌酸锂晶体,铌酸锂系高质量进口晶体, 经过在国外生长, 严格切割抛光加工和国外高质量的镀膜,并进行严格的质量控制后进口到国内,质量非常可靠。我们已经为上海光机所, 中科院物理所,南开大学,中国工程物理研究院等诸多单位提供大量的激光晶体和非线性光学晶体。
  • 铌酸钾晶体 光折变晶体KNbO3晶体 光折变晶体铌酸钾
    铌酸钾晶体 光折变晶体KNbO3晶体 光折变晶体铌酸钾 铌酸钾KNbO3为优异的非线性光学晶体,属钙钛矿结构,其晶胞这样构成:K+离子占据立方体角顶位置,Nb5+占据体心位置,O2-占据面心位置。铌酸钾(KNbO3,简称KN)晶体除有优异的激光倍频性能外,还具有优异的电光、光折变、压电等性能。它的非线性光学品质因数、电光品质因数、光折变品质因数以及压电性能在非线性晶体及压电晶体中都名列前茅,KN不潮解,耐一般酸碱,化学性质十分稳定。 铌酸钾晶体标准特性? - 可用于电光和非线性光学的高质量非掺杂铌酸钾晶体- 可用于可见红外波段光折变高质量掺杂Rh(铑), Fe(铁), Mn(锰), 和 Ni(镍)的铌酸钾晶体- 非常低的散射损耗 可选特性- 高光敏性铌酸钾晶体,长波可至1000nm - 毫秒级的响应时间 应用- 电光晶体和非线性光学- 光折变应用 (和激光二极管)- 可见红外波段的动态全息和光学相位结合 光折变光栅记录时间(photorefractive grating recording times)Selected KNbO3 crystal at different wavelengths for I=1W/cm2 铌酸钾晶体波长记录时间KNbO3: Fe488nm1sKNbO3: Mn515nm860nm1s3sKNbO3: Fe reduced488nm515nm0.01s0.01sKNbO3: Rh reduced860nm1064nm0.5s50s 铌酸钾晶体吸收光谱 更多晶体相关产品 碲化锌晶体 ZnTe晶体 铌酸锂晶体 LiNbO3晶体 硒化锌晶体 ZnSe晶体 硒化镓晶体 GaSe晶体 硫化锌晶体 ZnS晶体 磷化镓晶体 GaP晶体 有机晶体 DAST晶体 有机晶体 DSTMS晶体 有机晶体 OH1晶体
  • 日本北川216S© 马来酐C4H2O3检测管
    测量气体 化学分子式型号测量范围(ppm)颜色的变化有效期(年)试管数量/盒变化前变化后马来酐C4H2O3216S?0.2—10浅粉红色黄色310
  • 铌酸锂单晶薄膜 钽酸锂单晶薄膜 300-900纳米,5-50微米
    300-900纳米铌酸锂单晶薄膜300-900纳米 铌酸锂单晶薄膜顶层器件层尺寸 3, 4, (6) 英寸切向X, Z, Y切等材料铌酸锂厚度300-900 纳米掺杂(可选)掺镁埋层材料二氧化硅 厚度1000-4000 纳米基底 材料硅、铌酸锂、石英、熔融石英等厚度400-500 微米电极层(可选)材料铂金,金,铬厚度100-400 纳米 位置在顶层器件层与埋层之间或埋层与基底之间 铌酸锂单晶薄膜二氧化硅 硅、铌酸锂、石英或熔融石英基底 铌酸锂单晶薄膜 金电极或铂金电极铌酸锂基底二氧化硅 铌酸锂单晶薄膜 金电极或铂金电极 铌酸锂基底 二氧化硅 掺镁铌酸锂单晶薄膜 铌酸锂基底 5-50 微米石英
  • 有机酸专用分析柱
    分离糖类,醇类,有机酸类常规的尺寸250mm*4.6mm和300mm*8.0mm其他特殊规格的尺寸可以按照客户要求定做 符合美国药典L-17 氢型磺化交联苯乙烯二乙烯基苯共聚物强阳离子交换树脂 Reprogel H+ 300*8mm 9um ,适合分离各种有机酸,苹果酸,富马酸,马来酸,甲酸,乙酸,乳酸,草酸,柠檬酸等,红酒中的各种有机酸分析,利巴韦林专用分析色谱柱.葡甲胺分析色谱柱
  • BENSON有机酸分析柱BP-OA
    北京绿百草科技供应BENSON有机酸分析柱BP-OA关键词:BENSON,有机酸分析柱,BP-OA,2030-0北京绿百草科技专业提供BENSON有机酸分析柱BP-OA,货号2030-0,规格250 x 4.6 mm。有机酸分析色谱柱&mdash Benson BP-OA,填料符合USP L17,8%交联度的磺化苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯树脂键合氢离子。BP-OAPH值适用范围是0-14,可用水或稀酸做提洗液。BP-OA柱子用于确定弱有机和无机酸阴离子,有机酸阴离子包括乙酸、甲酸、草酸、马来酸、苹果酸、琥珀酸、柠檬酸、酒石酸、富马酸等;无机酸阴离子包括氟化物,碳酸氢盐,硼酸盐,硅酸盐等。需要详细的产品信息 货号 色谱柱 柱尺寸(mm) 2000-0 BP-OA Analytical Column 300 x 7.8 2010-0 BP-OA Analytical Column 250 x 7.8 2020-0 BP-OA Analytical Column 100 x 7.8 2030-0 BP-OA Analytical Column 250 x 4.6 2000-2 BP-OA Guard Column 50 x 4.6
  • 掺镁铌酸锂晶片
    所属类别:? 晶体 ?铌酸锂晶体所属品牌:美国CTI公司美国Crystal Technology公司提供掺MgO铌酸锂晶片(MgO:LN)。 由于没有光折变损伤,具有高纯度与高损伤阈值的掺氧化镁铌酸锂晶体能够承受的光强比一般的非掺杂纯铌酸锂晶体高几百倍。由于MgO的浓度对晶体的性能有很大的影响。因此,需要对MgO浓度进行严格的控制。应用:电光调制器、太赫兹生成、倍频产生蓝/绿光
  • DNAPac PA200 寡核苷酸柱
    DNAPac PA200 寡核苷酸柱使用 Thermo Scientific DNAPac PA200 寡核苷酸柱,可实现对合成型寡核苷酸进行高分离度分析和纯化所需的强阴离子交换。描述可对寡核苷酸进行 n、n-1 分离解析次级结构的寡核苷酸分析硫代磷酸酯纯度通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制可解析具有不同于正常 SSRNA 的异常链 (2' – 5' ) 的 RNADNAPac PA200 寡核苷酸柱订货信息:RSLC 分析柱DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,Fast Analytical Column (4.6 x 50 mm)082508DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm, Analytical (4.6 x 150 mm)082509DNAPac PA200 RS, 4μm,High Resolution Analytical Column (4.6 x 250 mm)082510分析柱DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (2 x 250 mm)063425DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical Column (4 x 250 mm)063000DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Analytical (9 x 250 mm)063421DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Semi-Preparative (22 x 250 mm)SP6734保护柱DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (2 x 50 mm)063423DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard Column (4 x 50 mm)062998DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (9 x 50 mm)063419DNAPac PA200, 8μm, Guard (22 x 50 mm)SP6731Ultrahigh-Resolution Separations of OligonucleotidesThe Thermo Scientific™ DNAPac™ PA200 and PA200 RS are strong anion-exchange columns developed to provide unsurpassed high-resolution analysis and purification of synthetic oligonucleotides. Both supports are designed to resolve full length from n–1, n+1, and other failure sequences not possible with other columns. Retention times and selectivity can be controlled by choice of salt, pH, and solvent. Therefore, the separation can be tailored to the requirements of many different oligonucleotide analysis challenges. Achieve n, n-1 resolution for oligonucleotides.Resolve oligonuleotide linkage and stereoisomers.Assay phosphorothioate purity.Attain selectivity control with eluent pH, salt, and solvent.Resolve RNA with aberrant (2’–5’) links from normal SSRNA.The DNAPac PA200 is packed with a pellicular anion-exchange resin composed of an 8 μm diameter nonporous polymeric substrate to which quaternary amine-functionalized Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ MicroBeads™ are bound. The rapid mass transport characteristics of this resin result in high-resolution oligonucleotide separations. The DNAPac PA200 RS is smaller, with 4 μm diameter resin for bio-UHPLC separations. These rapid separation (RS) columns are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 BioRS system, with an operational backpressure limit of 10,000 psi. Columns packed with smaller particles improve resolution and offer better performance.The DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS can be operated under denaturing conditions, such as high temperature (up to 85 °C), high-pH eluents (up to pH 12.5), or by the inclusion of chaotropic agents (such as Urea).These columns offer the highest-quality phase stability over a broad pH range, deliver exceptional resolution, and support high-throughput separations. DNAPac PA200 and PA 200 RS columns support resolution of normal-length oligonucleotides (8- to 30- mer), extended-length oligonucleotides (30- to 70-mer), linear double-stranded DNA, and supercoiled versus nicked/linear DNA.Analytical separations on the DNAPac PA200, 8μm, 4 mm diameter column can be scaled directly to larger diameter columns so preparative methods can be conveniently developed using small samples. Scaling the flow rate and sample size up for the 9 × 250 mm and 22 × 250 mm column yields essentially identical chromatography.Column SpecificationsDNAPac PA 200DNAPac PA 200 RSColumn Chemistry55% crosslinked nonporous polymer with Quaternary amine functionalized latex MicroBeadsParticle Size8 μm4 μmIon Exchange Capacity~ 14 μeq/mL~ 20 μeq/mLpH Range4 to 10 (12.5 with salt, see manual)Pressure Maximum4,000 psi10,000 psiTemperature rangeRecommended operating temperature: Controlled ambient Temperature limit: 85 °CFlow RatesRecommend 0.1 to 1.5 mL/minOrganic Solvent Limit100% acetonitrile or methanol for cleaningTypical EluentsHigh purity water (18 megohm-cm), sodium chloride, sodium perchlorate, buffers, sodium acetate and sodium hydroxide.Detergent CompatibilityCompatible with nonioinic, cationic or zwitterionic detergents.Resolution of oligonucleotides using DNAPac PA200 column (8μm). Separation of oligonucleotides by length using DNAPac PA200 column (8μm). Influence of pH on Oligonucleotide Retention: NaCl Eluent ±20% CH3CN. Improved Stability to Alkaline Conditions: Comparison of Capacity upon Exposure to pH 12.4 at Elevated Temperature. Improved oligonucleotide sensitivity using the 4μm DNAPac PA200 RS column.Fast separation of 46 oligonucleotides using the4μm, DNAPac PA200 RS column. Comparison of 4μm, DNAPac PA200 RS column throughput. Separation of three identical sequence oligonucleotides harboring zero, one, or two 2' ,5' -linkages using the 4μm, DNAPac PA200 RS columns of different lengths. Product Data SheetsDNAPac PA200 Column Data SheetGuidesDNAPac PA200 Analytical Column ManualDNAPac PA200 RS 4μm Columns Quick StartApplicationsAN 21093: Ultra-High-Resolution Separation of Oligonucleotides on Pellicular Anion-Exchange UHPLC ColumnsAN 20996: High-Resolution Separation of Oligonucleotides on a Pellicular Anion-Exchange ColumnAN 1021: Pellicular Anion-Exchange Oligonucleotide Chromatography Coupled with High-Resolution Accurate Mass (HRAM) Mass SpectrometryAN 162: Determination of Nucleotides by Ion Chromatography with UV Absorbance DetectionArticlesHigh-Resolution Nucleic Acid Separations by High-Performance Liquid ChromatographyPostersPerformance Improvements for High Resolution Anion-Exchange Oligonucleotide Separations Using Small Particle SubstratesChromatographic Assessment of Oligonucleotide PurityIdentification of RNA Linkage Isomers by Anion-Exchange Purification with ESI-MS of Automatically-Desalted Phosphodiesterase-II DigestsHigh-Resolution RNA and DNA Analyses by Anion-Exchange Liquid Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryImplementing Novel Technologies in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Oligonucleotide DevelopmentOn-Line Preparation of Anion-Exchange Separated Oligonucleotides for Mass SpectrometryHigh-speed, High-resolution Oligonucleotide Separations UsingSmall Particle Anion-Exchangers
  • 玫棕酸二钠 indicator for sulfate titration
    玫棕酸二钠 indicator for sulfate titration
  • Acclaim Trinity P1 液相柱
    Acclaim Trinity P1混合模式色谱柱技术中最具创新的一大进步:单一填料具备反相、阴离子和阳离子交换功能 是同时分离 API 和对离子的理想选择 可通过流动相离子强度、电解质类型、pH 以及有机溶剂调节选择性 低流失,兼容 MS, CAD 和 ELSD 无需离子对试剂也可保留离子和可离子化的分析物 为方法开发提供更大灵活性:可单独控制每种保留机制Thermo Scientific? Acclaim? Trinity? P1 HPLC 色谱柱采用独特的多模式表面化学键合相,非常适合同时分离药物及其对离子。表面化学键合相同时提供反相、阳离子交换和阴离子交换功能。这为方法开发提供了极大的灵活性。可通过调节色谱参数(流动相pH、离子强度和有机强度)来优化分离。Acclaim Trinity P1 固定相采用纳米杂化硅聚合物 (NSH) 技术,由包有带电荷纳米高分子微球的高纯多孔球形 3μm 硅胶颗粒组成。硅胶孔内的键合相同时具有反相和阴离子交换特性,而硅胶外部的微球具有阳离子交换功能。订货信息:
  • Thermo/热电 Acclaim Trinity P1 保护柱
    Acclaim Trinity P1混合模式色谱柱技术中最具创新的一大进步:单一填料具备反相、阴离子和阳离子交换功能 是同时分离 API 和对离子的理想选择 可通过流动相离子强度、电解质类型、pH 以及有机溶剂调节选择性 低流失,兼容 MS, CAD 和 ELSD 无需离子对试剂也可保留离子和可离子化的分析物 为方法开发提供更大灵活性:可单独控制每种保留机制Thermo Scientific? Acclaim? Trinity? P1 HPLC 色谱柱采用独特的多模式表面化学键合相,非常适合同时分离药物及其对离子。表面化学键合相同时提供反相、阳离子交换和阴离子交换功能。这为方法开发提供了极大的灵活性。可通过调节色谱参数(流动相pH、离子强度和有机强度)来优化分离。Acclaim Trinity P1 固定相采用纳米杂化硅聚合物 (NSH) 技术,由包有带电荷纳米高分子微球的高纯多孔球形 3μm 硅胶颗粒组成。硅胶孔内的键合相同时具有反相和阴离子交换特性,而硅胶外部的微球具有阳离子交换功能。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Trinity P1 LC 色谱柱 071391
    产品特点:Acclaim™ Trinity P1 LC 色谱柱采用高效 Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ Trinity P1 LC 色谱柱,同步分离药物成分及其对离子。 独特的三重表面化学作用为最大程度提高方法开发灵活性提供并行反相、阳离子交换和阴离子交换功能。 通过调整流动相缓冲液浓度、pH 和溶剂含量(混合或单独)轻松优化选择性,以加速色谱分离,提高生产率。Acclaim Trinity P1 固定相采用纳米杂化硅聚合物 (NSH) 技术,由包被有带电荷纳米高分子微球的高纯多孔球形 3 μm 硅胶颗粒组成。 这种独特的表面化学作用包括经有机层改性的内部微孔区域,能同时提供反相和阴离子交换特性。 相反,外部微孔表面经阳离子交换功能改性,拥有无与伦比的色谱性能。 制药应用的优异性能理想选择性,适用于同步分离活性药物成分 (API) 和对离子(碱性、中性和酸性分析物)无需离子对试剂也可保留亲水离子和可离子化分析物 阴离子交换和阳离子交换区域的特殊空间分离通过单独可控每种保留机制实现灵活的方法开发低柱流失;与质谱仪 (MS)、电雾式检测器 (CAD) 和蒸发光散射检测器 (ELSD) 兼容 备有直径为 2.1 和 3.0 mm、长度为 50、100 和 150 mm 的选项可供选择Acclaim Trinity P2 色谱柱与 Acclaim Trinity P1 色谱柱互补,为 HPLC 制药对离子分析提供全面的解决方案。 使用 Acclaim Trinity P2 色谱柱分离对离子,包括一价和二价阳离子或阴离子。关于 Acclaim Specialty HPLC 色谱柱系列Acclaim 专用色谱柱专为满足具体应用的分离需求而进行开发、制造和测试。 这些色谱柱基于新式、独特的化学作用,可提供优越的分离度和易用性。经测试可确保一致的分离具有理想选择性,适用于分离特定的靶向分析物出色的峰形 其性能经过测试,可确保高质量和可靠性的特定色谱分离Acclaim Trinity P1Mixed mode column technology combining reversed-phase, anion exchange and cation exchange functionality on a single support* Ideal selectivity for simultaneous separation of API and counterion* Adjustable selectivity by mobile phase ionic strength, electrolyte type, pH, and organic solvent* Low bleed compatible with MS, CAD and ELSD* Retention of hydrophilic ionic and ionizable analytes without ion-pairing reagents* Greater flexibility in method development: each retention mechanisms can be controlled independentlyThe Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ Trinity™ P1 HPLC column is designed with Nanopolymer Silica Hybrid (NSH) technology, which results in a multimode surface chemistry ideal for the simultaneous separation of drugs and their counterions. The surface chemistry concurrently provides reversed-phase, cation exchange, and anion exchange functionalities. The result is maximum flexibility in method development. Separations can be optimized easily by adjusting the chromatographic parameters (mobile phase pH, ionic strength, and organic strength).订购信息:Acclaim Trinity P1Particle Size (μm)FormatLength (mm)2.1mm ID3.0mm ID3 Guard Cartridges(2/pk)10 071391 071390 HPLC Column 50075565071388100071389071387150075564075563Acclaim Guard HolderFormatCat.No.Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • ThermoScientific DNAPac PA200 色谱柱
    DNAPac PA200DNAPac PA200 是一种强阴离子交换柱,用于分析和纯化合成的寡核苷酸,具有无可比拟的性能和分离度。 寡核苷酸的超高分离度分离 可实现寡核苷酸的 n、n-1 分离 解析次级结构的寡核苷酸 分析硫代磷酸酯纯度 通过调节洗脱液 pH、盐和溶剂来进行选择性控制 可解析具有不同于正常 SS-RNA 的异常链 (2in-5in) 的 RNA 分离脱氧核苷酸的非对应异构体 自动化脱盐之后可以进行 HR/AM AXLC/MS 分析DNAPac PA200 是 8 μm 薄壳型、非多孔聚合物填料,与键合季氨基的 Thermo Scientific? Dionex?MicroBeads?结合。该填料的快速传质性能可以对寡核苷酸进行高分离度的分离。DNAPac PA200可解析从 n-1、n+1 以及其他序列起全长度的寡核苷酸,这是其他色谱柱所不能的。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Trinity P2 液相色谱柱 085435
    产品特点:Acclaim™ Trinity P2 液相色谱柱Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ Trinity P2 液相色谱柱可用来分离包括一价和二价阳离子或阴离子在内的药物反离子。这种创新性混合模式色谱柱技术可提供基于亲水作用、HILIC、阴离子交换和阳离子交换的色谱技术,从而可灵活进行方法开发。Acclaim Trinity P2 液相色谱柱与 Acclaim Trinity P1 液相色谱柱相互补充,可同步分离多种药物成分及其反离子,从而可提供一种使用高效液相色谱进行药物反离子分析的整体解决方案。Acclaim Trinity P2 固定相采用纳米杂化硅聚合物 (NSH) 技术,由包被有带电纳米聚合物微粒的高纯、多孔、球形硅胶颗粒组成。这种独特的表面化学结构包含一个经过共价键合型有机层修饰的硅珠内孔区域,该有机层具有阳离子交换保留功能。外孔表面使用阴离子交换型纳米聚合物微珠进行修饰。这种化学结构可确保阴离子交换区和阳离子交换区在空间上实现分离。对反离子分析具有高选择性柱流失率低;与质谱(MS)和荷电气溶胶检测(CAD)技术兼容水解稳定高效提供以下规格:粒径,3.0μm;直径,2.1mm 和 3.0mm;长度,50mm 和 100mm关于 Acclaim Specialty HPLC 色谱柱系列Acclaim 专用色谱柱专为满足具体应用的分离需求而进行开发、制造和测试。这些色谱柱基于新式、独特的化学作用,可提供出色的分离度 和易用性。经过测试可确保一致的分离具有理想选择性,适用于分离特定的靶向分析物出色的峰形其性能经过测试,可确保高质量和可靠性的特定色谱分离Acclaim Trinity P2Mixed-mode column technology hydrophilic interaction combining HILIC, anion exchange and cation exchange functionalities* Ideal for separating pharmaceutical counterions, including monovalent and divalent cations or anions* Selectivity complementary to the Trinity P1 column * Low column bleed, compatible with CAD and MS* Hydrolytically stable* High efficiencyThe Acclaim Trinity P2 is a unique, high-efficiency, silica-based column specifically designed for separation of pharmaceutical counterions, including monovalent and divalent cations or anions. This column is based on Nanopolymer Silica Hybrid (NSH) technology, which consists of high-purity porous spherical silica particles coated with charged nanopolymer particles. The inner-pore area of the silica bead is modified with a covalently bonded organic layer that provides cation-exchange retention, while the outer surface is modified with anion-exchange nano-polymer beads. Acclaim Trinity P2 column is aimed to complement Acclaim Trinity P1 to provide a total solution for pharmaceutical counter ion analysis by HPLC.订购信息:Acclaim Trinity P2Particle Size (μm)FormatLength (mm)2.1mm ID3.0mm ID3Guard Cartridges(2/pk)10 085435 085436 HPLC Column 50085431085433100085432085434Acclaim Guard HolderFormatCat.No.Acclaim Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Nalgene 5832 万能叠放式抽屉,丙烯酸
    Nalgene 5832 万能叠放式抽屉,丙烯酸?是存放高密度物品的理想单元空间,可以使用随附的螺钉安装在搁板或橱柜下面。订货信息:Nalgene 5832 万能叠放式抽屉,丙烯酸目录编号 5832-0001外尺寸,mm114×229×229外尺寸,in.4-1/2×9×9每箱数量1
  • Nalgene 5921 细菌培养皿架,聚碳酸酯框架,白色聚碳酸酯柱
    Nalgene 5921 细菌培养皿架,聚碳酸酯框架,白色聚碳酸酯柱?细菌培养皿架可通过高温杀菌来进行消毒。它具有平滑的圆角,指握手柄和橡胶底,最多可安全平稳地装载72 个塑料圆盘(60 mm×15 mm)。组装简单。与Lab-Tek 60 mm PS 无菌细菌培养皿( 目录编号4036) 一起使用。可高温高压灭菌订货信息:Nalgene 5921 细菌培养皿架,聚碳酸酯框架,白色聚碳酸酯柱目录编号 5921-0060L×W×H,mm29.8×15.2×20.3L×W×H,in.11-1/4×6×8每盒数量1每箱数量2
  • 酸逆流器皿清洗装置SQ型微波罐清洗装置清洗系统
    SQ型酸逆流器皿清洗装置一、 基本信息 1、名称:酸逆流器皿清洗装置,型号:SQ-210型 SQ-330型 2、清洗对象:适配我厂PFA溶样罐(7、15、30、60ml)、钢套消解罐内衬(10ml等)、各厂家微波消解仪内罐(如美国CEM、迈尔斯通、安东帕、屹尧、新仪、海能、新拓、莱伯泰科等厂家)、各类消解管、离心管、试管、烧杯、坩埚、试剂瓶等实验室常用器皿以及石英罐。甚至用于ICP的雾化室和火炬管等的痕量清洗。 3、主要材质 (1)腔体为高纯所有与器皿接触的部分均为高纯实验级PTFE材质。 (2)加热系统可按照客户要求做成节能环保型的硅胶加热片,功率为350W;或者是我公司的特氟龙加热电热板,功率为2000W。二、工作原理 利用亚沸的HF、HCL、HNO3、高纯水、碱类等等实验室常用酸、碱等常用溶剂的热蒸汽来清洗反应管、试管、消解管、烧杯、坩埚、容量瓶等实验室常用器皿。整个清洗过程是通过加热板加热产生的高纯酸碱蒸气对器皿的反复对流和冷凝淋洗作用下完成的,清洗器采用空气冷却而无需额外冷却水,可以实现经济安全的过夜工作,与常规的清洗或酸泡方法相比,蒸汽清洗法的清洗效果更好、更加洁净无污染。三、仪器性能及特点 1、专业设计,结构简单,操作方便,操作人员无需培训; 2、适用痕量分析器皿清洗,PFA及PTFE溶样罐、微波消解罐内罐、烧杯、消解管、试管等; 3、一次性处理量多达26、52、104个样品(根据器皿大小而定),也可以根据器皿高矮设计成多层,效率高,快捷; 4、清洗过程中酸用量少,且清洗后的酸可重复使用,多次循环清洗,节省成本; 5、密闭条件下进行酸蒸气超净清洗,防止实验室污染; 6、只有超纯的酸蒸汽接触需要清洗的器皿表面,所有接触部件均采用高纯实验级Teflon材料,保证清洁与低的本底值; 7、表面污染物被清除后,干净的器皿将不再接触清洗过的溶剂——相比较酸缸浸泡,这是更为纯净的清洗。四、特别说明: 1、清洗器皿外径在30mm 及以内, 桶总高度:260mm, 桶外径210mm, 一层26孔 (可做3层,即一次性可清洗78个样品); 2、清洗器皿外径在30mm 及以内, 桶总高度:280mm, 桶外径330mm, 一层50孔(可做3层,即一次性可清洗150个样品); 3、以上所说的样品数量是以我厂10ml消解罐内衬或PFA 15ml溶样罐为参考,若是其他细长器皿,可根据实际长度设计层数和批次处理量;也可以按照客户需求进行定向加工。五、数据说明 PPb级的清洗结果利用酸蒸清洗系统清洗后,结果证明,含PPm级金属污染的容器可以降低为PPb级。
  • Acclaim Trinity P2 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Trinity P2 液相色谱柱Thermo ScientificAcclaimTrinity P2 液相色谱柱可用来分离包括一价和二价阳离子或阴离子在内的药物反离子。 这种创新性混合模式色谱柱技术可提供基于亲水作用、HILIC、阴离子交换和阳离子交换的色谱技术,从而可灵活进行方法开发。 Acclaim Trinity P2 液相色谱柱与 Acclaim Trinity P1 液相色谱柱相互补充,可同步分离多种药物成分及其反离子,从而可提供一种使用高效液相色谱进行药物反离子分析的整体解决方案。描述Acclaim Trinity P2 固定相采用纳米杂化硅聚合物 (NSH) 技术,由包被有带电纳米聚合物微粒的高纯、多孔、球形硅胶颗粒组成。 这种独特的表面化学结构包含一个经过共价键合型有机层修饰的硅珠内孔区域,该有机层具有阳离子交换保留功能。 外孔表面使用阴离子交换型纳米聚合物微珠进行修饰。 这种化学结构可确保阴离子交换区和阳离子交换区在空间上实现分离。对反离子分析具有高选择性 柱流失率低;与质谱(MS)和荷电气溶胶检测(CAD)技术兼容水解稳定高效提供以下规格:粒径,3.0μm;直径,2.1mm 和 3.0mm;长度,50mm 和 100mm关于 Acclaim Specialty HPLC 色谱柱系列Acclaim 专用色谱柱专为满足具体应用的分离需求而进行开发、制造和测试。 这些色谱柱基于新式、独特的化学作用,可提供出色的分离度 和易用性。经过测试可确保一致的分离具有理想选择性,适用于分离特定的靶向分析物出色的峰形其性能经过测试,可确保高质量和可靠性的特定色谱分离Acclaim Trinity P2订货信息:Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Analytical column, 3.0 x 50mm085433Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Analytical column, 3.0 x 100mm085434Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Analytical column, 2.1 x 50mm085431Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm, Analytical column, 2.1 x 100mm085432Guard ColumnsAcclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Guard column, 3.0 x 10mm, 2/pk requires holder 069580085436Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Guard column, 2.1 x 10mm, 2/pk requires holder 069580085435Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2609707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2The Thermo Scientific? Acclaim? Trinity? P2 column is a high-performance, silica-based column specifically designed for separation of pharmaceutical mono- and multi-valent counterions by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This column was engineered for analytical chemists who need simple, robust, fast, generic methods. The Acclaim Trinity P2 columns provide an effective solution for counterion analysis using one column and one method on a standard HPLC instrument.? Desired selectivity for pharmaceutical mono- and multi-valent counterion screening? Retention of ionic and ionizable analytes without using ion-pairing reagents? Compatibility with charged aerosol and mass spectrometry detection methods? Easy to use? Rugged packingThe Acclaim Trinity P2 column is based on nanopolymer silica hybrid (NSH) technology. It consists of high-purity, porous, 3 μm particles coated with charged nanopolymer particles: the innerpore area of the silica particles is modified with a covalently bonded hydrophilic layer that provides cation exchange retention, while the outer surface is modified with anion-exchange nanopolymer beads. This chemistry design ensures spatial separation of the anion exchange and cation exchange regions. In addition, its hydrophilic surface makes it useful as a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) column. Thus, the Acclaim Trinity P2 column provides cation-exchange, anion-exchange, and HILIC retentions on the same stationary phase.NSH Chromatographic FeaturesMultiple retention mechanisms including HILIC, anion-exchange, and cation-exchangeAdjustable selectivity by mobile phase ionic strength, electrolyte type, pH, and organic solventIdeal selectivity for simultaneous separation of basic, neutral, and acidic analytesSeparation of hydrophilic ionic and ionizable analytes without ion-pairing reagentsAcclaim Trinity P2 Column – Superior Performance for Pharmaceutical Applications SpecificationsColumn chemistrySAX, WCX and HILIC Mixed-ModeOperating pressure limit6000 psiOperating pH range2.0 – 8.0Operating flow rate range0.3 – 0.90 mL/min for 3.0-mm i.d. formats0.15 – 0.45 mL/min for 2.1-mm i.d. formatsOrganic compatibilityCompatible with most common HPLC organic solvents except for alcohols.Aqueous compatibility0-100% aqueous mobile phaseStorage solutionMeCN/10mM NH4OAc, pH5 v/v 90/10 or pure MeCN (acetonitrile) Separation of 12 common pharmaceutical counterions (both anions and cations) in less than 15 minutes using the Trinity P2 column. Separation of a hydrophilic drug and counterion under HILIC conditions.Data SheetsThermo Scientific Acclaim Trinity P2 Columns Ideal Solution for Pharmaceutical Counterion AnalysisManualsThermo Scientific Acclaim Trinity P2 Column Product ManualAcclaim Trinity P2 Columns Quick StartApplication NotesAN 20977: Separation of Biochemical Buffering Agents Using Multi-Mode Liquid Chromatography with Charged Aerosol DetectionSeparation of Calcium, Magnesium and Counterions in a Dietary Supplement Using Multi-mode Liquid Chromatography with Charged Aerosol DetectionAPI and Counterions in Adderall Using Multi-mode Liquid Chromatography with Charged Aerosol DetectionSimultaneous Determination of Metformin and its Chloride Counterion Using Multi-Mode Liquid Chromatography with Charged Aerosol DetectionAnalysis of a Sports Beverage for Electrolytes and Sugars Using Multi-Mode Chromatography with Charged Aerosol Detection
  • Thermo/热电 Acclaim Trinity P1 HPLC 保护柱
    Acclaim Trinity P1混合模式色谱柱技术中最具创新的一大进步:单一填料具备反相、阴离子和阳离子交换功能 是同时分离 API 和对离子的理想选择 可通过流动相离子强度、电解质类型、pH 以及有机溶剂调节选择性 低流失,兼容 MS, CAD 和 ELSD 无需离子对试剂也可保留离子和可离子化的分析物 为方法开发提供更大灵活性:可单独控制每种保留机制Thermo Scientific? Acclaim? Trinity? P1 HPLC 色谱柱采用独特的多模式表面化学键合相,非常适合同时分离药物及其对离子。表面化学键合相同时提供反相、阳离子交换和阴离子交换功能。这为方法开发提供了极大的灵活性。可通过调节色谱参数(流动相pH、离子强度和有机强度)来优化分离。Acclaim Trinity P1 固定相采用纳米杂化硅聚合物 (NSH) 技术,由包有带电荷纳米高分子微球的高纯多孔球形 3μm 硅胶颗粒组成。硅胶孔内的键合相同时具有反相和阴离子交换特性,而硅胶外部的微球具有阳离子交换功能。订货信息:
  • Thermo/热电 Acclaim Trinity P1 液相柱
    Acclaim Trinity P1混合模式色谱柱技术中最具创新的一大进步:单一填料具备反相、阴离子和阳离子交换功能 是同时分离 API 和对离子的理想选择 可通过流动相离子强度、电解质类型、pH 以及有机溶剂调节选择性 低流失,兼容 MS, CAD 和 ELSD 无需离子对试剂也可保留离子和可离子化的分析物 为方法开发提供更大灵活性:可单独控制每种保留机制Thermo Scientific? Acclaim? Trinity? P1 HPLC 色谱柱采用独特的多模式表面化学键合相,非常适合同时分离药物及其对离子。表面化学键合相同时提供反相、阳离子交换和阴离子交换功能。这为方法开发提供了极大的灵活性。可通过调节色谱参数(流动相pH、离子强度和有机强度)来优化分离。Acclaim Trinity P1 固定相采用纳米杂化硅聚合物 (NSH) 技术,由包有带电荷纳米高分子微球的高纯多孔球形 3μm 硅胶颗粒组成。硅胶孔内的键合相同时具有反相和阴离子交换特性,而硅胶外部的微球具有阳离子交换功能。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Trinity P1 HPLC 色谱柱
    Acclaim Trinity P1混合模式色谱柱技术中最具创新的一大进步:单一填料具备反相、阴离子和阳离子交换功能 是同时分离 API 和对离子的理想选择 可通过流动相离子强度、电解质类型、pH 以及有机溶剂调节选择性 低流失,兼容 MS, CAD 和 ELSD 无需离子对试剂也可保留离子和可离子化的分析物 为方法开发提供更大灵活性:可单独控制每种保留机制Thermo Scientific? Acclaim? Trinity? P1 HPLC 色谱柱采用独特的多模式表面化学键合相,非常适合同时分离药物及其对离子。表面化学键合相同时提供反相、阳离子交换和阴离子交换功能。这为方法开发提供了极大的灵活性。可通过调节色谱参数(流动相pH、离子强度和有机强度)来优化分离。Acclaim Trinity P1 固定相采用纳米杂化硅聚合物 (NSH) 技术,由包有带电荷纳米高分子微球的高纯多孔球形 3μm 硅胶颗粒组成。硅胶孔内的键合相同时具有反相和阴离子交换特性,而硅胶外部的微球具有阳离子交换功能。订货信息:
  • Acclaim Trinity P1 HPLC 保护柱
    Acclaim Trinity P1混合模式色谱柱技术中最具创新的一大进步:单一填料具备反相、阴离子和阳离子交换功能 是同时分离 API 和对离子的理想选择 可通过流动相离子强度、电解质类型、pH 以及有机溶剂调节选择性 低流失,兼容 MS, CAD 和 ELSD 无需离子对试剂也可保留离子和可离子化的分析物 为方法开发提供更大灵活性:可单独控制每种保留机制Thermo Scientific? Acclaim? Trinity? P1 HPLC 色谱柱采用独特的多模式表面化学键合相,非常适合同时分离药物及其对离子。表面化学键合相同时提供反相、阳离子交换和阴离子交换功能。这为方法开发提供了极大的灵活性。可通过调节色谱参数(流动相pH、离子强度和有机强度)来优化分离。Acclaim Trinity P1 固定相采用纳米杂化硅聚合物 (NSH) 技术,由包有带电荷纳米高分子微球的高纯多孔球形 3μm 硅胶颗粒组成。硅胶孔内的键合相同时具有反相和阴离子交换特性,而硅胶外部的微球具有阳离子交换功能。订货信息:
  • 赛默飞 Acclaim Trinity P1 液相柱
    Acclaim Trinity P1混合模式色谱柱技术中最具创新的一大进步:单一填料具备反相、阴离子和阳离子交换功能 是同时分离 API 和对离子的理想选择 可通过流动相离子强度、电解质类型、pH 以及有机溶剂调节选择性 低流失,兼容 MS, CAD 和 ELSD 无需离子对试剂也可保留离子和可离子化的分析物 为方法开发提供更大灵活性:可单独控制每种保留机制Thermo Scientific? Acclaim? Trinity? P1 HPLC 色谱柱采用独特的多模式表面化学键合相,非常适合同时分离药物及其对离子。表面化学键合相同时提供反相、阳离子交换和阴离子交换功能。这为方法开发提供了极大的灵活性。可通过调节色谱参数(流动相pH、离子强度和有机强度)来优化分离。Acclaim Trinity P1 固定相采用纳米杂化硅聚合物 (NSH) 技术,由包有带电荷纳米高分子微球的高纯多孔球形 3μm 硅胶颗粒组成。硅胶孔内的键合相同时具有反相和阴离子交换特性,而硅胶外部的微球具有阳离子交换功能。订货信息:
  • LiNbO3 太赫兹晶体 铌酸锂晶体
    Lithium Niobate ( LiNbO3) is notable by a favourable balance of electro-optic, acoustic, piezoelectric, pyroelectric and non-linear optical attributes and is therefore the best material for applications in electro-optical, non-linear optical, and acoustic devices, high-temperature acoustic transducers, receivers-transmitters of acoustic vibrations, air force acceleration meters, acoustic wave delay lines, deflectors, generators of non-linear distorted waves, acoustic filters, electro-optical modulators (Q-switches), converters, frequency doublers and resonators in laser systems, non-linear elements in parametric light generators, and many others. The listed devices can be found anywhere from consumer electronics (TV sets and cell phones) and medical instruments (surgical and therapeutical appliances) to advanced laboratory and scientific equipment (biotechnology, frequency standards, metal cutting, shaping, scribing).LiNbO3 blanks and substrates for SAW and transducer applicationsDiameter5-76.2 mmThickness/=0.15 mmOrientationYX 36, YX 42, YX 49, YX 64, YX 128, YX 136, YZ, Z, X, YMaterial quality For Acoustoelectronics or Optoelectronics applicationsSurface qualityAs-cut, fine-ground, lapped, 20/10 polishedPlease check our Optics stock.
  • Acclaim Trinity P2 液相柱
    Acclaim Trinity P2最新的混合模式色谱柱技术,具有亲水相互作用、HILIC、阴离子交换和阳离子交换功能 分离药物对离子,包括单价和二价阴离子和阳离子 选择性与 Trinity P1 色谱柱互补 低柱流失,与 CAD 和 MS 兼容 水解稳定 高柱效Acclaim Trinity P2 是独特的、高柱效、硅胶基质的色谱柱,是专用于药物对离子(包括单价和二价阴离子和阳离子)分析的色谱柱。Acclaim Trinity P2 色谱柱基于 NSH 技术, 由包有带电荷纳米高分子微球的高纯多孔球形 3μm 硅胶颗粒组成。硅胶孔内的键合相具有阳离子交换作用,而外部微孔则具有阴离子交换功能。这种键合相具有阴离子交换和阳离子交换功能。Acclaim Trinity P2 色谱柱与 Acclaim Trinity P1 互补,可在 HPLC 上完成药物对离子的分离。订货信息:
  • 赛默飞 Acclaim Organic Acid 有机酸柱
    有机酸柱 Acclaim Organic Acid• 经过优化和专门的测试,适合亲水性有机酸分析。• 每支色谱柱都经过测试,确保对亲水性有机酸具有*的分离能力和100% 水流动相兼容• 在低 pH 条件下具有水解稳定性,非常适合有机酸的反相保留• 对多种有机酸有理想选择性• 分析有机酸类时柱效及峰形出色• 完全符合AOAC986.13 的要求Acclaim Organic Acid (OA) 色谱柱是一种硅胶基质的反相色谱柱,设计用于高效、高通量有机酸分析。它在分离羟基脂肪酸和芳香有机酸方面具有无可匹敌的优异性能。Acclaim OA 是测定小分子亲水性有机酸、C1 到 C7 脂肪酸以及亲水性芳香酸时推荐使用的色谱柱,对食品与饮料产品、药物制剂、镀液以及制造化学品、化学半成品和环境样品的分析和质量保证也有重要作用。
  • Acclaim Trinity Q1 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Trinity Q1 液相色谱柱Acclaim Trinity Q1 采用专利的纳米微球- 硅胶杂化技术(NSH),一个颗粒上集成了三种分离模式,专门用于敌草快/ 百草枯的分析。可靠性和耐用性质量和可靠性对确保成功分析至关重要。每个 Acclaim 色谱柱都经过大量测试,因此色谱工作者们在使用时可充满信心。制造过程始于超纯硅胶基质,我们仅挑选符合严格物理参数的批次。独特的设计使得键合过程清洁、可重复,不会出现意外的性能变化。每一键合硅胶批次都经过针对其预期用途的全套验证测试。键合硅胶采用高度可靠工艺装填于精密抛光的 316 不锈钢硬件中。每根装填的色谱柱都经过测试以确保每次使用都能获得出色性能。针对硅胶批次验证和色谱柱性能的分析认证报告说明测试方案、列出了分析方法、色谱柱规格,并提供实际色谱图。性能指标Acclaim 色谱柱满足当今实验室所需的高质量标准。创新的表面化学键合相对多种分析物提供优异的峰形和柱效。为确保最优性能,所有 Acclaim 产品都使用多个性能指标进行充分表征,包括键合相表面覆盖率、金属杂质、空间选择性、柱极性、柱疏水性以及针对碱类的低硅醇基活性。专用柱还经过了针对其专用分析的应用测试,以确保每一批次的键合硅胶都能提供高性能分离。Acclaim Trinity Q1 液相色谱柱订货信息:Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Trinity Q1, 3μm Analytical, (2.1 x 50mm)083242Acclaim Trinity Q1, 3μm, Analytical (3.0 x 50mm)083241Guard ColumnsAcclaim Trinity Q1, 5μm, Guard (2.1 x 10mm) 2 ea requires holder 069580083244Acclaim Trinity Q1, 5μm, Guard (3.0 x 10mm) 2 ea requires holder 069580079719Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188 Separation of Diquat and ParaquatThermo Scientific? Acclaim? Trinity? Q1 columns are unique, high-efficiency, silica-based columns designed for the separation of the herbicides diquat and paraquat. These quaternary amines are widely used as nonselective contact herbicides. Due to their toxicity, they are monitored in drinking water and wastewater for agricultural exposure. The Acclaim Trinity Q1 columns can quickly and easily separate these compounds. The separation is compatible with mass spectrometry detection, which significantly improves sensitivity for the analytes and provides conformation at the same time.Column features include:Excellent resolution of diquat and paraquatGood peak shapeFast analysisLC/MS compatibilityNo ion-pairing reagent neededEase of useThis new column, based on Nanopolymer Silica Hybrid (NSH) technology, provides multiple retention mechanisms, including reversed-phase, anion-exchange, and cation-exchange. The NSH technology ensures distinctive spatial separation of the anion-exchange and cation-exchange regions, which results in maximum flexibility in method development. The chromatography can be easily optimized by adjusting mobile phase buffer concentration, pH, and solvent content, concurrently or independently. The easy-to-optimize selectivity can be used to accelerate chromatographic separations and increase productivity.Nano Silica Hybrid (NSH) Chromatographic FeaturesMultiple retention mechanisms, including reversed-phase, anion-exchange, and cation-exchangeAdjustable selectivity by mobile phase ionic strength, electrolyte type, pH, and organic solventIdeal selectivity for simultaneous separation of basic, neutral, and acidic analytesSeparation of hydrophilic ionic and ionizable analytes without ion-pairing reagentAcclaim Trinity Q1 Column – SpecificationsColumn chemistryWCX, WAX and RP Mixed-ModeBase materialSpherical, high-purity, porous silicaParticle size3 μmSurface area100 m2/gPore size300 ?Operating pressure limit4000 psiOperating pH range2.5–7.0Operating flow rate range0.3 – 0.90 mL/min for 3.0 mm i.d. formats0.15–0.45 mL/min for 2.1 mm i.d. formatsLC/UV Separation of Diquat andParaquat LC/MS/MS Separation of Diquat and ParaquatData SheetsAcclaim Trinity Q1 Columns for Trace Analysis of Diquat and Paraquat Product SpecificationsManualsThermo Scientific Acclaim Trinity Q1 Product ManualAcclaim Trinity Q1 QuickStartPostersSimultaneous Determination of Paraquat and Diquat in Environmental Water Samples by HPLC-MS/MSApplication NotesAN 1051: Sensitive and Rapid Determination of Paraquat and Diquat in Tap and Environmental Waters
  • JCM 10556产酸拟杆菌知识解析!
    JCM 10556产酸拟杆菌知识解析! 一、菌种简介平台编号:bio-107054规格:冻干粉拉丁属名:Bacteroides acidifaciens中文名称:产酸拟杆菌拉丁名称:Bacteroides acidifaciens来源历史:JCM原始编号:DSM 15896=JCM 10556原产国:日本模式菌株:否主要用途:AB021164生物安全级别:GR1培养基编号:35培养温度:37℃培养时间:24-48h需氧类型:严格厌氧分离基物:小鼠盲肠采集地:日本保存方法:冷冻干燥管保藏注意事项:仅用于科学研究或者工业应用等非医疗目的,不可用于人类或动物的临床诊断或治疗,非药用,非食用 二、培养基(血琼脂平板) 三、保藏条件冻干菌种应在 2-8°C 保存,活化好的菌种要放厌氧环境下保存。 四、注意事项1)冻干首次活化,干粉要全部用完,不能预留,用 0.5-1ml 的培养液或无菌水溶解,接种在 1-2 个平板上,因冻干粉处于休眠状态,请勿接种多支斜面或平板,以避免因接种量不足而导致复苏不成功;如有不明白之处,请务必先咨询我单位技术人员,避免不必要的损失;2)微生物菌种应保藏于低温、清洁干燥的地方,室温放置时间过长会导致菌种衰退;3)菌种操作应在无菌条件下进行;转种完毕,应经灭菌再做丢弃处理;4)应根据菌种状况及时转接,冻干菌种保藏时间通常为 2-25 年;5)菌种使用过程中如出现杂菌污染或菌种生产性能下降,应及时和中国微生物菌种查询网联系。 五、单层冻干管打管说明书1、安瓿瓶开封:用浸过 75%酒精的脱脂棉擦净安瓿管,用火焰加热其顶端,滴少量(2-3滴)无菌水至加热顶端使之破裂,用锉刀或者镊子敲下已破裂的安瓿管顶端并将冻干管开口处在火焰上过一遍,并保持在火焰旁操作。2、注意事项:菌种活化前,请将安瓿管保存在 4-10℃的环境下,某些菌种经过冷冻干燥并抽真空保存的,开启后必须一次使用完,不能留菌粉下次使用;另外,安瓿管里大部分是用牛奶作为保护剂,里面菌体为少数,复苏时要全部菌悬液接在新鲜培养基上,否则可能造成复苏不成功;3、冻干菌种经过冷冻干燥保存后处于休眠状态,有时延滞期较长,如在说明书建议的培养时间还未长起来,请继续在相应的环境下多培养 24 小时或者更长时间,直至菌种培养完成;有的菌种需要连续两次继代培养才能正常生长,一般来说菌种稳定后才能用于您的后续实验。4、暂不启开的安瓿管应于 4℃中保藏(特殊除外)。5、冻干管打开后需一次用完,不能留存。6、打管操作需由专业微生物技术人员在相应的防护设备中进行,生物危害程度为三类的菌种应在生物安全柜中操作,打管时冻干管应远离面部,保护眼睛。
  • Acclaim Trinity P2 085433 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Trinity P2 LC ColumnThe Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ Trinity™ P2 column is a high-performance, silica-based column specifically designed for separation of pharmaceutical mono- and multi-valent counterions by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This column was engineered for analytical chemists who need simple, robust, fast, generic methods. The Acclaim Trinity P2 columns provide an effective solution for counterion analysis using one column and one method on a standard HPLC instrument.? Desired selectivity for pharmaceutical mono- and multi-valent counterion screening? Retention of ionic and ionizable analytes without using ion-pairing reagents? Compatibility with charged aerosol and mass spectrometry detection methods? Easy to use? Rugged packingThe Acclaim Trinity P2 column is based on nanopolymer silica hybrid (NSH) technology. It consists of high-purity, porous, 3 μm particles coated with charged nanopolymer particles: the innerpore area of the silica particles is modified with a covalently bonded hydrophilic layer that provides cation exchange retention, while the outer surface is modified with anion-exchange nanopolymer beads. This chemistry design ensures spatial separation of the anion exchange and cation exchange regions. In addition, its hydrophilic surface makes it useful as a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) column. Thus, the Acclaim Trinity P2 column provides cation-exchange, anion-exchange, and HILIC retentions on the same stationary phase.NSH Chromatographic FeaturesMultiple retention mechanisms including HILIC, anion-exchange, and cation-exchangeAdjustable selectivity by mobile phase ionic strength, electrolyte type, pH, and organic solventIdeal selectivity for simultaneous separation of basic, neutral, and acidic analytesSeparation of hydrophilic ionic and ionizable analytes without ion-pairing reagentsAcclaim Trinity P2 Column – Superior Performance for Pharmaceutical Applications SpecificationsColumn chemistrySAX, WCX and HILIC Mixed-ModeOperating pressure limit6000 psiOperating pH range2.0 – 8.0Operating flow rate range0.3 – 0.90 mL/min for 3.0-mm i.d. formats0.15 – 0.45 mL/min for 2.1-mm i.d. formatsOrganic compatibilityCompatible with most common HPLC organic solvents except for alcohols.Aqueous compatibility0-100% aqueous mobile phaseStorage solutionMeCN/10mM NH4OAc, pH5 v/v 90/10 or pure MeCN (acetonitrile)Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Analytical column, 3.0 x 50mm085433Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Analytical column, 3.0 x 100mm085434Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Analytical column, 2.1 x 50mm085431Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm, Analytical column, 2.1 x 100mm085432Guard ColumnsAcclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Guard column, 3.0 x 10mm, 2/pk requires holder 069580085436Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Guard column, 2.1 x 10mm, 2/pk requires holder 069580085435Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
  • Acclaim Trinity P2 085435 液相色谱柱
    Acclaim Trinity P2 LC ColumnThe Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ Trinity™ P2 column is a high-performance, silica-based column specifically designed for separation of pharmaceutical mono- and multi-valent counterions by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This column was engineered for analytical chemists who need simple, robust, fast, generic methods. The Acclaim Trinity P2 columns provide an effective solution for counterion analysis using one column and one method on a standard HPLC instrument.? Desired selectivity for pharmaceutical mono- and multi-valent counterion screening? Retention of ionic and ionizable analytes without using ion-pairing reagents? Compatibility with charged aerosol and mass spectrometry detection methods? Easy to use? Rugged packingThe Acclaim Trinity P2 column is based on nanopolymer silica hybrid (NSH) technology. It consists of high-purity, porous, 3 μm particles coated with charged nanopolymer particles: the innerpore area of the silica particles is modified with a covalently bonded hydrophilic layer that provides cation exchange retention, while the outer surface is modified with anion-exchange nanopolymer beads. This chemistry design ensures spatial separation of the anion exchange and cation exchange regions. In addition, its hydrophilic surface makes it useful as a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) column. Thus, the Acclaim Trinity P2 column provides cation-exchange, anion-exchange, and HILIC retentions on the same stationary phase.NSH Chromatographic FeaturesMultiple retention mechanisms including HILIC, anion-exchange, and cation-exchangeAdjustable selectivity by mobile phase ionic strength, electrolyte type, pH, and organic solventIdeal selectivity for simultaneous separation of basic, neutral, and acidic analytesSeparation of hydrophilic ionic and ionizable analytes without ion-pairing reagentsAcclaim Trinity P2 Column – Superior Performance for Pharmaceutical Applications SpecificationsColumn chemistrySAX, WCX and HILIC Mixed-ModeOperating pressure limit6000 psiOperating pH range2.0 – 8.0Operating flow rate range0.3 – 0.90 mL/min for 3.0-mm i.d. formats0.15 – 0.45 mL/min for 2.1-mm i.d. formatsOrganic compatibilityCompatible with most common HPLC organic solvents except for alcohols.Aqueous compatibility0-100% aqueous mobile phaseStorage solutionMeCN/10mM NH4OAc, pH5 v/v 90/10 or pure MeCN (acetonitrile)Analytical ColumnsAcclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Analytical column, 3.0 x 50mm085433Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Analytical column, 3.0 x 100mm085434Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Analytical column, 2.1 x 50mm085431Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm, Analytical column, 2.1 x 100mm085432Guard ColumnsAcclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Guard column, 3.0 x 10mm, 2/pk requires holder 069580085436Acclaim Trinity P2,3μm,Guard column, 2.1 x 10mm, 2/pk requires holder 069580085435Acclaim SST Guard Cartridge Holder V-2069580Acclaim Guard Kit (Holder and coupler) V-2069707Guard to Analytical Column Coupler V-2074188
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