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仪器信息网牛津郡苯硫膦专题为您提供2024年最新牛津郡苯硫膦价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括牛津郡苯硫膦参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的牛津郡苯硫膦您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合牛津郡苯硫膦相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有牛津郡苯硫膦相关的最新资讯、资料,以及牛津郡苯硫膦相关的解决方案。


  • 牛津杯/不锈钢304牛津杯/抗生素效价专用
    不锈钢牛津杯/牛津杯(抗生素效价专用)介绍:规格:内径6mm,外径8mm,高10mm,材质:不锈钢304包装:100个/盒 抗生素效价专用牛津杯,可高温灭菌,不生锈不变形用于微生物培养实验,测定不同药物对细菌的敏感度。牛津杯为不锈钢小管,内外壁及管的两端平整光滑。同批次100支质量差异±0.03g,保证同批次试验的均一性。 牛津杯法操作方法:将已灭菌的琼脂培养基加热到完全融化,倒在培养皿内,每皿15ml(下层),待其凝固。此外,将融化的PDA培养基冷却到50℃左右混入试验菌17号,将混有菌的培养基5 ml加到已凝固的培养基上待凝固(上层)。以 无菌操作在培养基表面直接垂直放上牛津杯(内径6mm、外径8mm、高10 mm的圆形小管,管的两端要光滑,也可用玻璃管、瓷管),轻轻加压,使其与培养基接触无空隙,在杯中加入待检样品(发酵液),牛津杯一般可以装240微 升,勿使其外溢。加满后置37℃培养16-18小时,观察结果,抑菌圈用尺直接量就可以。在培养中,一方面试验菌开始生长,另一方面抗生素呈球面扩散,离 杯越近,抗生素浓度越大,离杯越远抗生素浓度越小。随着抗生素浓度减小,有一条最低抑菌浓度带,在带范围内,菌不能生长,而呈透明的圆圈,这就叫“抑菌 圈”。抗生素浓度越高,抑菌圈越大。 牛津杯做抑菌试验注意事项:1,首先要把平板倒好,一定要平,2,把牛津杯立直,才能保证杯内抑菌物质均匀的向四周扩散!!不要封口,用陶瓦盖盖上
  • Chemplex牛津分析器专用样品杯1935-OX
    产品:Chemplex牛津分析器专用样品杯1935-OX带通风孔的摩擦装配盖使装配好的样品杯内的压差相等。集成的外部溢流储层捕获热敏性液体样品。集成的上单元法兰在物理上防止单元从铝样品架的下边缘不可控制地收缩或突出。避免重新准备,确保X射线数据的可重复性。紧密的制造公差可以方便插入,尤其是从铝样品架上移除。与牛津X射线分析仪配套使用,需要用户L240铝样品杯架,带内部“O”形密封圈。更换样品杯加上牛津铝L242样品杯架的通风帽。Cat. No. 1935-OX: Replacement Cells and Covers for Oxford CK-100 Consumables Kit, P/N 54-CK-100 Models: LAB X & MDX
  • 牛津仪器Optistat DN | L1272480
    产品特点:牛津仪器Optistat DN这是一种液氮低温恒温器,可为样品提供一种受控的低温气体交换环境。用作一台光学测量系统的一个基本部件。订货信息:牛津仪器Optistat DN产品描述FrontierMIR Optistat DN 系统 (ZnSe 窗片 )L1272480NIR Optistat DN 系统 ( 蓝宝石窗片 )L1272481FIR Optistat DN 系统 ( 聚丙烯窗片 )L1272482
  • 牛津仪器Optistat DN L1272480
    牛津仪器Optistat DN这是一种氮气池低温恒温器,可为样品提供一种受控的低温气体交换环境。本品预期用作一台光学测量系统的一个基本部件。订货信息:产品描述FrontierMIR Optistat DN系统(ZnSe窗片)L1272480NIR Optistat DN系统(蓝宝石窗片)L1272481FIR Optistat DN系统(聚丙烯窗片)L1272482
  • 牛津Oxford X-ray tube专用高压电缆
    【型  号】 CA75N 【功率(W)】 【最大输出电压(kV)】 ,75, 牛津X射线管专用高压电缆。1芯。 有关威思曼及其更多高压产品的信息,请致电或访问其网站: www.wismanhv.com 威思曼高压电源有限公司,通过ISO9000:2008质量体系认证,公司拥有出色的高压电源研发团队,完善的高压电源研发软件和测试软件。全球领先的高电压绝缘技术,完善的零电流谐振技术,使威思曼高压电源始终保持高稳定性、低纹波、低电磁干扰、体积小,损耗小,效率高,长寿命。威思曼高压电源价格有竞争力,是OEM应用的理想选择择。 威思曼高压电源有限公司是世界具有领导地位直流高压电源和一体化X射线源供应商,同时提供标准化产品和定制设计服务。产品广泛应用于医疗,工业,半导体,安全,分析仪器,实验室以及海底光纤等设备。集设计,生产和服务为一体的工厂分布于美国,英国,及中国等地,并且我们销售中心遍布于欧洲,北美洲以及亚洲,我们将竭诚为您服务!
  • 牛津直读光谱仪FOUNDRY-MASTER 激发光源维修
    珀金埃尔默ICP-OES用 RF振荡器我公司主要服务的仪器与厂家:火花直读光谱仪(SPARK-OES):德国斯派克、德国OBLF、美国布鲁克、美国热电(THERMO)、英国牛津、日本岛津、法国JY、意大利GNR等;电感耦合等离子体光谱仪(ICP-OES):美国热电(THERMO) 、美国珀金埃尔默(PE)、美国安捷伦(AGILENT)、德国斯派克、美国利曼、日本岛津等;电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS):美国热电(THERMO) 、美国珀金埃尔默(PE)、美国安捷伦(AGILENT)、德国耶拿、美国利曼、日本岛津等;X荧光光谱仪(XRF):荷兰帕纳科、日本岛津、美国布鲁克、美国热电(THERMO)、德国斯派克等;原子吸收光谱仪(AAS):美国热电(THERMO) 、美国珀金埃尔默(PE)、美国瓦里安、日本岛津、德国耶拿等;射频电源(RF): SEREN、MKS、AE、VEECO、COMDEL;
  • 适用于牛津分析仪器Chemplex样品杯
    美国Chemplex X荧光光谱仪(XRF) 样品杯关于美国Chemplex:美国Chemplex公司专业从事样品前处理设备、XRF耗材研发和生产,是X荧光光谱仪XRF配件耗材领域的全球知名厂商。美国Chemplex样品杯和样品膜广泛应用于X荧光光谱仪XRF的样品制备和分析检测过程,Chemplex样品膜薄膜张力特性极/佳,与Chemplex样品杯组合使用,可盛放各类金属重物、液体、浆状或粉末样品,适用于所有品牌厂家的X荧光光谱仪XRF。 适用于各种品牌X荧光光谱仪:岛津Shimadzu、牛津仪器Oxford、斯派克Spectro、布鲁克Bruker、精工SII、日本电子JEOL、理学Rigaku、堀场Horiba、热电Thermo、帕纳科Panalytical、尼通Niton、伊诺斯Innox-X、天瑞Skyray、Jordan Valley、ARL、Asoma、Kevex、Metorex、Siemens、Spectrace、Philips、Fisons。 产品规格以及货号:1430Single1.22" 31.0mm1.22" 31.0mm0.88" 22.4mm0.97" 24.6mm91430-SESingle1.22" 31.0mm1.22" 31.0mm0.88" 22.4mm0.97" 24.6mm91440Single1.55" 39.4mm1.55" 39.4mm0.88" 22.4mm1.27" 32.3mm151440LSingle1.55" 39.4mm1.55" 39.4mm1.38" 35.1mm1.28" 32.5mm25具体产品规格请电话咨询
  • 美国Premier XRF样品杯适用于牛津分析器
    CAPCELLS, Single Open Ended with Push to Vent “PTV” Cap, Suitable for Oxford Analyzers SC-2132 品名:XRF样品杯Sample Cups 型号:SC-2132 品牌:美国Premier Lab (原装进口) 高:38.5mm OD 32mm 起订量:1包以上(100个/包)。 美国Premier XRF样品杯: 美国Premier Lab Supply公司专注于X射线光谱分析XRF的样品制备领域,以高质量和全面的X射线的样品制备产品线享誉全球。 Premier XRF样品杯能用于固体、液体、粉末、颗粒、土壤等样品XRF检测,适用于RoHS&WEEE检测、油品成份分析、金属成份分析等。被广泛应用于XRF样品制备、检测过程,适用于各类X-ray光谱仪(XRF:WD-XRF、ED-XRF)。 为了对样品杯与XRF仪器提供的样品夹持设备(金属样本杯、旋转盘、滑动平台、固定台等)进行匹配,购买样品杯前请告知您使用过的样品杯型号(CAT. NO),或X荧光光谱仪品牌和型号,或请直接测量仪器样品夹持设备的内径、高度和孔径。    适用于各种品牌X荧光光谱仪XRF: 日本岛津shimadzu、牛津仪器Oxford、斯派克Spectro、布鲁克Bruker、日本精工SII、日本电子JEOL、日本理学Rigaku、日本堀场Horiba、热电Thermo、帕纳科Panalytical、尼通Niton、伊诺斯Innox-X、天瑞Skyray、Jordan Valley、ARL、Asoma、Kevex、Metorex、Siemens、Spectrace、Philips、Fisons。
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 54-LX6922
    产品特点:Fully Disposable Sample CupsThe fully disposable sample cup can be used with all our XRF systems, as its dimensions are the same as these of our L242 aluminium cup. It can be used with all our XRF films, and fits in our safety secondary window. Minimize cross-contamination issues when measuring low concentrations of elements.No need to recalibrate or restandardize. Manufactured exclusively for Oxford Instruments (Replaces L241/2 w/ LX1011 + LX1012 sample cup assembly, Not for use with MDX & Lab-x Autosampler) 1 box of 100 订购信息:货号产品描述54-LX6922Fully Disposable Sample Cups
  • 牛津李斯特氏菌选择琼脂(基础)
    颗粒状培养基保护实验人员的安全健康 质量报告清晰实用 批次稳定 遵照ISO 11273
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 51-760
    产品特点:CMI760 PCB Thru-hole and Surface Cu SystemThe CMI760 is a benchtop system offering complete solutions for the PCB industry. The instrument can measure the thickness of surface copper – including copper foil, laminated copper, traces and pads – as well as the thickness of plated thru-hole copper. Used at incoming inspection, at the production line, or in final QC, the CMI760 provides precise results utilizing advanced micro resistance and eddy current technologies. The standard surface copper probe features a user-replaceable tip to reduce costs and minimize downtime. The illuminated, clear tip casing allows for easy placement on narrow traces. The optional plated thru-hole probe features automatic temperature compensation so it can test prior to and after etching, and works on double-sided and multilayer boards, even through tin and tin/lead resist.订购信息:货号产品描述51-760CMI760 PCB Thru-hole and Surface Cu System
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 51-730
    产品特点:CMI730 Paint and Metal Finishing Benchtop SystemThe CMI730 is a benchtop system offering complete solutions for the metal finishing industry. The instrument can combine magnetic induction and eddy current (including phase-sensitive) techniques to measure a wide range of applications including non-magnetic coatings over magnetic metal substrates, non-conductive coatings over conductive metal substrates, anodized layers, and electroplated or galvanized layers over steel. With the ability to store dozens of calibrations and have up to three probes connected, the CMI730 is offers precise quality control for metal finishers. 订购信息:货号产品描述51-730CMI730 Paint and Metal Finishing Benchtop System
  • 牛津李斯特氏菌选择琼脂添加剂
    颗粒状培养基保护实验人员的安全健康 质量报告清晰实用 批次稳定 遵照ISO 11274
  • 牛津日立替代面铜探头国产
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 51-233M
    产品特点:CMI233M Paint and Metal Finishing Gauge (magnetic metal substrates)The CMI233M is an advanced handheld gauge with a tethered probe for industrial applications. Utilizing magnetic induction, technology, the gauge can be calibrated for a wide range of non-magnetic coatings over magnetic metal substrates. From paint to cadmium to zinc, the CMI233M can store dozens of applications, offering the versatility of a benchtop unit in the convenience of a handheld.Accuracy within 1%Reports to the nearest 0.01μm Thickness range: 1-3,048μm订购信息:货号产品描述51-233MCMI233M Paint and Metal Finishing Gauge (magnetic metal substrates)
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 51-233E
    产品特点:CMI233E Paint and Metal Finishing Gauge (non-ferrous metal substrates)The CMI233E is an advanced handheld gauge with a tethered probe for industrial applications. Utilizing eddy current technology, the gauge can be calibrated for a wide range of non-conductive coatings over conductive metal substrates. From anodizing to paint and more, the CMI233E can store dozens of applications, offering the versatility of a benchtop unit in the convenience of a handheld.Accuracy within 1%Reports to the nearest 0.01μm Thickness range: 1-1,524μm订购信息:货号产品描述 51-233ECMI233E Paint and Metal Finishing Gauge (non-ferrous metal substrates)
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 51-4105662
    产品特点:Li-ion Battery 3,1 AhOne Li-ion battery gives 3-5 of operating time. Battery is equipped with charge level indicator so it is easy to check the charge level of the battery without connecting it to the X-MET.Replaces 51-4104382 for XMET5100 and XMET5000.订购信息:货号产品描述51-4105662Li-ion Battery 3,1 Ah
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 51-3062975
    产品特点:Bluetooth GPS receiverNokia LD-3W Bluetooth GPS receiver combines location cordinates with the measurement results. Useful especially for geochemical mapping and soil screening. Automatic storage of location cordinates with assay data.GPS is compatible only with X-MET5000 analysers with SW version 3.0 or later. Compatible with all X-MET5100 versions.订购信息:货号产品描述51-3062975Bluetooth GPS receiver
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 51-243
    产品特点:CMI243 Electroplating and Galvanizing GaugeThe CMI243 is an advanced handheld gauge with a tethered probe for electroplating and galvanizing applications. Utilizing phase-sensitive eddy current, the gauge can be calibrated for a wide range of metal coatings on ferrous substrates: zinc, cadmium, nickel, copper and more. As an additional option, the gauge can be fitted with a magnetic induction probe for measuring non-magnetic coatings over magnetic substrates. The CMI243 can store dozens of applications, offering the versatility of a benchtop unit in the convenience of a handheld. Cr/Fe 2-38μmCd/Fe 2-38μm Cu/Fe 2-10μm Ni/Fe 2-38μmZn/Fe 2-38μm订购信息:货号产品描述51-243CMI243 Electroplating and Galvanizing Gauge
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 51-233D
    产品特点:CMI233D Paint and Metal Finishing Gauge (magnetic and non-ferrous metal substrates)The CMI233D is an advanced handheld gauge with a tethered probe for industrial applications. Utilizing either magnetic induction, eddy current or both, the gauge can be calibrated for a wide range of coatings: non-magnetic coatings over magnetic metal substrates, as well as non-conductive coatings over conductive metal substrates. From anodizing to paint to zinc, the CMI233D can store dozens of applications, offering the versatility of a benchtop unit in the convenience of a handheld.Accuracy within 1%Reports to the nearest 0.01μm Thickness range (ferrous): 1-3,048μmThickness range (non-ferrous): 1-1,524μm订购信息:货号产品描述51-233DCMI233D Paint and Metal Finishing Gauge (magnetic and non-ferrous metal substrates)
  • 天津D牛津杯10*1
    奥淇科化致力为科研单位打造一站式采购平台。 在库品规三十余万种,含盖玻璃、试剂、仪器、耗材配件等。 店铺未上架产品请联系客服。
  • Chemplex XRF 样品杯,Oxford Specific | 1440L
    产品特点:Oxford SpecificThe Chemplex® line of Oxford Specific sample cups are designed to be used within the Oxford instruments with and without the L-242 Aluminum sample holder.Features● Replacement cups to use wiht the L242 Aluminum sample holder/p● Replacement cups to use without the L242 Aluminum sample holder● Vented friction fitting cover or One open end特征● 替换杯与L242铝制样品架一起使用● 无需L242铝制样品架的替换杯● 通风的摩擦配件盖或一个开口端Vented friction-fitting cap equalizes pressure differentials within assembled sample cup. Integrated external overflow reservoir captures thermally sensitive liquid samples. Integrated upper Cell flange physically prevents Cell from uncontrollable retraction or protrusion from the lower edge of the aluminum sample holder. Averts re-preparations and ensures reproducible x-ray data. Close manufacturing tolerances enable and facilitate insertion and particularly removal from aluminum sample holder. Use with Oxford x-ray analyzers requiring user L240 aluminum sample cup holders with interior “O” ring seals. Replacement sample cups plus vented caps for Oxford aluminum L242 sample cup holder.带通气孔的摩擦装配帽平衡了已组装样品杯内的压力差。集成的外部溢流容器可捕获热敏感液体样品。集成的上部池Flange从物理上防止Cell从铝制样品架的下边缘不可控制地缩回或伸出。避免重新准备,并确保可重现的X射线数据。严格的制造公差使插入铝样品架特别容易从铝样品架中取出。与牛津X射线分析仪一起使用,需要用户使用带有内部“ O”形密封圈的L240铝制样品杯架。用于牛津铝L242样品杯架的替换样品杯和通风盖。订货信息:货号开口外径最大外径孔径容积高度1440L Single1.55" (39.4mm)1.55" (39.4mm)1.28" (32.5mm)25ml1.38" (35.1mm)1935-OXDouble1.23" (31.2mm)N/A1.13" (28.7mm)25ml1.51" (38.4mm)1940-OXDouble1.61" (40.8mm)N/A1.13" (28.7mm)25ml1.51" (38.4mm)1940LDouble1.55" (39.4mm) 1.55" (39.4mm)1.27" (32.3mm)25ml1.39" (35.3mm)产品应用:下表列出了一些已知的样品杯兼容性,供参考。这不是一个详尽的列表,可以作为指导原则。请检查样品架的尺寸,并与样品杯的尺寸进行比较。可根据要求提供样品以验证样品杯的兼容性。2143, 2144 & 2154BrukerS2 Ranger2143BrukerS42140BrukerS8 w/ Flex Loader2143, 2144 & 2154BrukerS8 Tiger2143, 2144, 2154, 1095 & 2195HoribaSLFA Units1850, 1083 & 1084Horiba6100/6800/60A1086 & 1087HoribaMesa 72201083, 1850 & 3130 ( use7220-P or 7220-S locating ring)Innov-XHand Held Units1330, 1330-SE & 1340OxfordLab-X1940L, 1940-oxOxfordMDX1935-ox, 1940-oxOxfordReplacement Cells 54-LX69221440LOxfordReplacement Cells & Covers: 54-CK-1001935-oxOxfordReplacement Cells & Covers: 54-CK-100 and L242 Holder1940-oxMalvern PanalyticalEpsilon 3XL, MiniPal2135 XRF 厂商X荧光光谱仪型号Chemplex XRF 样品杯货号BrukerS2 Puma2140, 2143, 2144 & 2154BrukerS2 Puma w/ Xflash Malvern PanalyticalAxiosP2Malvern PanalyticalEpsilon 52145, 2146Malvern PanalyticalVenus 2001095, 2195RigakuMini-Z 2140RigakuPrimus, Rix, ZSX-1001095, 2195SpectroXEPOS, Xepos Low S, Xepos IQ, X-Lab 2000, 200, 200T Titan, Phoenix1060, 1065, 1070, 1075, Series 1300, Series 1400, Series 1500, Series 1700, Series 1800, 1930, 1930-SE, 1940, 2131, 2135SpectroIQ2132SpectroPhoenix II2131SpectroScout3106, 3110, 3115 & 3120ThermoAdvant' x2146 XenemetrixX-Calibur, X-Cite2131, 2132, 2132S, 1540XOSSindie® , Clora, Signal, HD Maxine, Phoebe, Peta1083, 1084 & 1850XOSSindie 3rd Generation3130 & 3132
  • 天津t牛津杯培养环
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 54-L70
    产品特点:Film Mylar6 um thick polyester film. It is the most resistant window film available and withstands almost all chemicals and solvents. It is used, for example, in the analysis of lead in leaded and unleaded gasoline. Intended for heavier element analysis 100m x 75mm roll订购信息: 货号产品描述54-L70Film Mylar
  • 美国Chemplex样品杯1530 广州德骏仪器公司
    射线荧光样品器、XRF测试杯、X荧光光谱仪样品杯、美国Chemplex样品杯1530# 品名:XRF样品杯Sample Cups 型号:CAT. NO:1530 品牌:美国Chemplex(原装进口) 货期:现货 起订量:1包以上(100个/包)。 一、美国Chemplex XRF样品杯: 美国Chemplex Industries有限公司专业从事样品前处理设备、耗材研发和生产的公司,是X射线光谱仪(XRF)配件耗材领域的知名厂商。 Chemplex XRF样品杯用于RoHS、WEEE专业测试仪器盛放小颗粒固体,粉末,液体,适用于各种品牌的X射线荧光光谱仪。Chemplex的许多XRF样本杯被列为新颖独特的设计和应用,并被美国商标局授予知识产权地位。 二、Chemplex 样品杯特点: Chemplex样本杯由专为该应用配制的专用高密度聚乙烯注模制成。该材料的特点有:1、符合RoHS指令;2、不含有可能影响X射线数据的“白化”因子;3、光滑,能够促进薄膜样本支撑窗口的光滑和稳固附着;4、耐热和抗辐射的物理性能特点;5、能抵抗与无法确定的样本材料物质接触时产生的化学污染;6、低微量元素杂质。  三、适用于各种品牌X荧光光谱仪XRF:日本岛津shimadzu、牛津仪器Oxford、斯派克Spectro、布鲁克Bruker、日本精工SII、日本电子JEOL、日本理学Rigaku、日本堀场Horiba、热电Thermo、帕纳科Panalytical、尼通Niton、伊诺斯Innox-X、天瑞Skyray、Jordan Valley、ARL、Asoma、Kevex、Metorex、Siemens、Spectrace、Philips、Fisons。 1500系列:带有多孔薄膜和咬合附件的双开口32和40mm样品杯; CAT.NO: 外部直径 外部直径 高度 孔径 容量 个/包 1530 : 1.22”(31.0mm) / 0.91”(23.1mm) 0.94”(23.9mm) 9mL 100
  • 1,8-二羟基-2-(硫苯偶氮)萘-3,6-二磺酸三钠盐 GR for analysis (reagent for fluoride, zirconium, thorium)
    1,8-二羟基-2-(硫苯偶氮)萘-3,6-二磺酸三钠盐 GR for analysis (reagent for fluoride, zirconium, thorium)
  • 牛津培养基基础
  • 改良牛津琼脂
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 54-LX5101
    产品特点:Printer RibbonRibbon suitable for instruments shipped before March 1997. Please make a visual check with the image here to make sure you are ordering the correct replacement. Note that this ribbon is not suitable for cartridge only printers.订购信息:货号产品描述54-LX5101Printer Ribbon
  • 牛津OXFORD Lab-X 配件 54-LX1015/100
    产品特点:Buttercups for use with 54-LX1011Butter sampling caps designed for the analysis of greases and pastes. For use with 54-L241 and 54-L242 sample cups an LX1011 inners.1 Box of 100订购信息:货号产品描述54-LX1015/100Buttercups for use with 54-LX1011
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