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  • Tomtec Quadra 用OMIX微萃取头
    产品订购信息:用于Tomtec Quadra 的OMIX C18A57303SPL用于自动化操作的OMIX 微萃取头和多孔板* 快速、恒流,具有最高的效率和重现性* 采用小型的一体式固微萃取头,洗脱体积小,增加了灵敏度并减少了溶剂消耗* 无需真空处理,增加了重现性并缩短了处理时间omiX 96 孔VersaPlateOMIX 自动化96 孔板整体式固相萃取板专为处理小量样品而设计。萃取床小,并且几乎没有死体积。仅需要微升级溶剂即可完成洗脱,可以直接进样,提高了检验速度和样品通量。OMIX 吸头非常适合于ADME/DMPK 生物分析应用。OMIX 96 孔 VersaPlate 规格说明部件号OMIX 96 孔 VersaPlate,带 C4 管A57109OMIX C4 管(不含基板),96/包*A57109AOMIX 96 孔 VersaPlate,带 C18 管A57103OMIX C18 管(不含基板),96/包*A57103AOMIX 96 孔 VersaPlate,带 MP1 管A57111OMIX MP1 管(不含基板),96/包*A57111A*柱管需要插入 VersaPlate 基板,部件号 75400000 用于Tomtec Quadra 的OMIX 微萃取头近照Tomtec Quadra 用OMIX 微萃取头Tomtec 兼容的吸头包含一片整体式固相萃取材料,可以进行无真空处理和自动化操作。由于无需人工固相萃取,处理过程变得更加流畅,重现性更高。Tomtec Quadra 用 OMIX 微萃取头说明单位部件号OMIX C185 层 x 96 微萃取头A57303OMIX MP15 层 x 96 微萃取头A57311
  • QuickSwap MS 接口限流器/SilTite 金属密封垫圈
    产品特点: 安捷伦的QuickSwap 微板流路控制技术模块和预成形的熔融石英管限流器能够提高您的安捷伦5973N 和5975 inert MSD 系统的工作效率,允许您在不放空MSD 的情况下更换色谱柱。不包含QuickSwap 在内。这些限流器是为方便使用而预制的。对于需要其它规格限流器的应用,安捷伦提供各种脱活的熔融石英管、接头、SilTite 密封垫圈和装配工具。 订货信息: QuickSwap MS 接口限流器 说明 内径(mm) 单位 部件号 QuickSwap 限流器 0.092 4/包G3185-60361 QuickSwap 限流器 0.1 4/包 G3185-60362 QuickSwap 限流器 0.11 4/包 G3185-60363 QuickSwap 限流器 0.12 4/包 G3185-60364 QuickSwap 限流器各种包装,每包包含两个上述内径的限流器 G3185-60300 SilTite 金属密封垫圈 说明   单位 部件号 用于0.25 mm 内径的毛细管柱   10/包 5188-5361 用于0.32 mm 内径的毛细管柱   10/包 5188-5362 用于1/16 英寸外径的不锈钢管线包含2 个柱螺母 10/包 5184-3571 用于0.53 mm 内径的毛细管柱   10/包 5188-5363
  • Silonite™ Micro-QT Valve
    Product Description: Silonite™ Micro-QT Valve to 1/8” Bulkhead Assembly Green The Micro-QT™ Valve is designed exclusively for “through the valve” sampling . This valve is optimized for volatile or even light semivolatile compounds when performing rapid sampling. Like the Micro-QT2™ Valve below, the Micro-QT™ Valve is compatible with all existing Entech sampling devices by simply adding a female QT to 1/4” adapter (PN 30-22800). The Micro-QT2™ Valve is a two-piece valve that can be removed in the field to draw in a sample “around the valve” without requiring a separate sampling device. This allows recovery of the heavier semivolatile compounds that might otherwise condense in the valve on the way into the canister. The ability to sample around the valve is unique to the Micro-QT2™ valve design. This valve can also be sampled “through the valve” using a Restricted or Time Integrated Sampler. The HDS Micro-QT2™ Valve is a two-piece valve that can be removed in the field to perform time integrated sampling from hours to weeks without requiring a separate sampling device.
  • Tomtec Quadra 用OmiX 微萃取头
    Tomtec Quadra 用OmiX 微萃取头Tomtec 兼容的吸头包含一片整体式固相萃取材料,可以进行无真空处理和自动化操作。由于无需人工固相萃取,处理过程变得更加流畅,重现性更高。订货信息:?Tomtec Quadra 用OmiX 微萃取头说明单位部件号OMIX C185 层 x 96 微萃取头A57303OMIX MP15 层 x 96 微萃取头A57311
  • QuikChange HT Protein Engineering System 150nt-Academic
    QuikChange HT 蛋白质工程系统能够快速实现蛋白质定向进化。简单的单次实验方案允许研究人员为各种应用创建设计合理的变异文库,以解决结构和功能问题。系统可在 24 小时内准确靶向并诱变 1 至 20 x 50 个氨基酸区域中的部分或全部位置。免费访问 eArray 的突变工作区软件,高效建立大型突变库(100–120000 个用户指定序列)。适用于单氨基酸扫描、密码子饱和扫描或靶向组合突变等应用。 能够实现各种研究应用的蛋白质定向进化高效设计降低了筛选成本,仅创建您需要的突变,同时保持所有变异的结构完整性使用 QuikChange Lightning 在 24 小时内实现从 DNA 到菌落的过程使用整个蛋白质的密码子饱和突变快速识别功能位点仅促进您需要的突变,同时保持所有变异的结构完整性,节省了时间和成本为应用(如单一氨基酸扫描、点饱和扫描或靶向组合突变)轻松创建设计合理的变异文库免费访问 eArray 的突变工作区软件,设计大型突变库(100–120000 个用户指定序列)该产品可根据您的需求进行定制。
  • QuikChange HT Protein Engineering System 200nt-Academic
    QuikChange HT 蛋白质工程系统能够快速实现蛋白质定向进化。简单的单次实验方案允许研究人员为各种应用创建设计合理的变异文库,以解决结构和功能问题。系统可在 24 小时内准确靶向并诱变 1 至 20 x 50 个氨基酸区域中的部分或全部位置。免费访问 eArray 的突变工作区软件,高效建立大型突变库(100–120000 个用户指定序列)。适用于单氨基酸扫描、密码子饱和扫描或靶向组合突变等应用。 能够实现各种研究应用的蛋白质定向进化高效设计降低了筛选成本,仅创建您需要的突变,同时保持所有变异的结构完整性使用 QuikChange Lightning 在 24 小时内实现从 DNA 到菌落的过程使用整个蛋白质的密码子饱和突变快速识别功能位点仅促进您需要的突变,同时保持所有变异的结构完整性,节省了时间和成本为应用(如单一氨基酸扫描、点饱和扫描或靶向组合突变)轻松创建设计合理的变异文库免费访问 eArray 的突变工作区软件,设计大型突变库(100–120000 个用户指定序列)该产品可根据您的需求进行定制。
  • Waters 沃特世ACQUITY清洗密封垫
    Waters ACQUITY® 高效液相色谱清洗密封圈可提供原厂配件,适用ACQUITY H-CLASS、ACQUITY® I-Class型号高效液相色谱对应货号:700002598各规格液相耗材现货特惠促销!!!了解更多详情请联系我们。
  • AMICROM C8/SAX固相萃取柱 silica混合小柱
    C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱C8/SCX的官能团由按比例键合的辛基和磺酸基组成,具有双重保留作用:辛基提供中等疏水作用,磺酸基提供强阳离子交换作用。对于因C18和C8产生过度吸附,以及SCX保留能力过强,造成洗脱困难的样品,可采用C8/SCX混合模式萃取柱。特点: 中等保留能力,解决个别目标化合物难以洗脱的问题适合血液、尿液等复杂基质样品的处理参数:比表面积:510 m2/g平均粒径:40 - 75 μm平均孔径:70 ?应用:检测生物液体中的**和代谢物,如对乙酰氨基酚检测**滥用,如**、**、**类型货号质量/mg体积/mL包装/pcs市场价/元C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-00115mg/15mg1100914C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-00250mg/50mg11001400C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-00350mg/50mg350642C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-004100mg/100mg3501100C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-005125mg/125mg3501320C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-006250mg/250mg3501872C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-007100mg/100mg630676C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-008125mg/125mg630850C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-009250mg/250mg6301140C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-010500mg/500mg6301585C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-011500mg/500mg12201150C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-0121000mg/1000mg12201320C8/SAX 混合模式萃取柱QCA-0132500mg/2500mg20102140
  • AMICROM C8/SCX固相萃取柱 silica混合小柱
    C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱C8/SCX的官能团由按比例键合的辛基和磺酸基组成,具有双重保留作用:辛基提供中等疏水作用,磺酸基提供强阳离子交换作用。对于因C18和C8产生过度吸附,以及SCX保留能力过强,造成洗脱困难的样品,可采用C8/SCX混合模式萃取柱。特点: 中等保留能力,解决个别目标化合物难以洗脱的问题适合血液、尿液等复杂基质样品的处理参数:比表面积:510 m2/g平均粒径:40 - 75 μm平均孔径:70 ?应用:检测生物液体中的**和代谢物,如对乙酰氨基酚检测**滥用,如**、**、**类型货号质量/mg体积/mL包装/pcs市场价/元C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-00115mg/15mg1100914C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-00250mg/50mg11001400C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-00350mg/50mg350642C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-004100mg/100mg3501100C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-005125mg/125mg3501320C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-006250mg/250mg3501872C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-007100mg/100mg630676C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-008125mg/125mg630850C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-009250mg/250mg6301140C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-010500mg/500mg6301585C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-011500mg/500mg12201150C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-0121000mg/1000mg12201320C8/SCX 混合模式萃取柱QCC-0132500mg/2500mg20102140
  • Silonite™ Female Micro-QT Valve FQT-200S Silonite Female Micro-QT Valve to 1/8 Compression
    Product Description: Silonite Female Micro-QT Valve to 1/8 Compression The FQT-200S, is a Silonite™ Female Micro-QT™ Valve to 1/8” Compression Fitting designed for air and gas sampling, laboratory gas line inlets, and more. See complete applications list below. For the uncoated equivalent of this valve simply remove the “S” from the part number. The Micro-QT is a next generation gas valve offering uncompromised leak-tight performance in an ergonomic design. The Micro-QT is also versatile, providing numerous connection options to cover a wide range of applications. After the Micro-QT valve is installed on tubing with a compression fitting, mating male and female valve ends is literally just a “snap”. Originally designed for environmental air sampling and analysis, the Micro-QT has found a place in numerous other applications. Micro-QT’s feature a distinctively bright and colorful Silonite™ coating that prevents gas phase compounds from interacting with the metal surface. The rugged, solid design stands up to thousands of connections while maintaining leak-tight operation. For scientists and professionals working with VOC and SVOCs, the Micro-QT’s compact internal volume reduces exposure to potentially contaminated surfaces and allows for easy cleaning. Entech Micro-QT & standard Micro Valves FeaturesFast ConnectionsZero WeldsLight and Compact DesignInexpensiveLow Inclusion VolumeAutomation FriendlyEasily CleanedClear Connection IndicationPopular ApplicationsLaboratory Gas LinesInstrument InletsSampling EquipmentCanister Field SamplingHeadspace Vials and ChambersGas Manifold Connections
  • Silonite™ Micro-QT Valve MQT-200L-YELLS Silonite Micro-QT Valve to 1/8” Bulkhead Assembly
    Product Description: Silonite™ Micro-QT Valve to 1/8” Bulkhead Assembly Yellow The Micro-QT™ Valve is designed exclusively for “through the valve” sampling . This valve is optimized for volatile or even light semivolatile compounds when performing rapid sampling. Like the Micro-QT2™ Valve below, the Micro-QT™ Valve is compatible with all existing Entech sampling devices by simply adding a female QT to 1/4” adapter (PN 30-22800). The Micro-QT2™ Valve is a two-piece valve that can be removed in the field to draw in a sample “around the valve” without requiring a separate sampling device. This allows recovery of the heavier semivolatile compounds that might otherwise condense in the valve on the way into the canister. The ability to sample around the valve is unique to the Micro-QT2™ valve design. This valve can also be sampled “through the valve” using a Restricted or Time Integrated Sampler. The HDS Micro-QT2™ Valve is a two-piece valve that can be removed in the field to perform time integrated sampling from hours to weeks without requiring a separate sampling device.
  • Silonite™ Female Micro-QT Valve
    Product Description: Silonite™ Female Micro-QT Valve to 1/16″ Compression Fitting The FQT-100S, is a Silonite™ Female Micro-QT™ Valve to /” Compression Fitting designed for air and gas sampling, laboratory gas line inlets, and more. See complete applications list below. For the uncoated equivalent of this valve simply remove the “S” from the part number. The Micro-QT is a next generation gas valve offering uncompromised leak-tight performance in an ergonomic design. The Micro-QT is also versatile, providing numerous connection options to cover a wide range of applications. After the Micro-QT valve is installed on tubing with a compression fitting, mating male and female valve ends is literally just a “snap”. Originally designed for environmental air sampling and analysis, the Micro-QT has found a place in numerous other applications. Micro-QT’s feature a distinctively bright and colorful Silonite™ coating that prevents gas phase compounds from interacting with the metal surface. The rugged, solid design stands up to thousands of connections while maintaining leak-tight operation. For scientists and professionals working with VOC and SVOCs, the Micro-QT’s compact internal volume reduces exposure to potentially contaminated surfaces and allows for easy cleaning. Entech Micro-QT & standard Micro Valves FeaturesFast ConnectionsZero WeldsLight and Compact DesignInexpensiveLow Inclusion VolumeAutomation FriendlyEasily CleanedClear Connection IndicationPopular ApplicationsLaboratory Gas LinesInstrument InletsSampling EquipmentCanister Field SamplingHeadspace Vials and ChambersGas Manifold Connections
  • Waters沃特世ACQUITY® 头柱密封圈
    Waters ACQUITY® 头柱密封圈组件可提供原厂配件,适用ACQUITY H-CLASS、ACQUITY® I-Class型号高效液相色谱对应货号:700002599各规格液相耗材现货特惠促销!!!了解更多详情请联系我们。
  • Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve MQT-600S Silonite Male Micro-QT Valve to 3/8” C Fitting
    Product Description: Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 3/8” C FittingThe MQT-600S is a Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 3?8” compression fitting designed for air and gas sampling, laboratory gas line inlets, and more. See complete applications list below. For the uncoated equivalent of this valve simply remove the “S” from the part number. The Micro-QT is a next generation gas valve offering uncompromised leak-tight performance in an ergonomic design. The Micro-QT is also versatile, providing numerous connection options to cover a wide range of applications. After the Micro-QT valve is installed on tubing with a compression fitting, mating male and female valve ends is literally just a “snap”. Originally designed for environmental air sampling and analysis, the Micro-QT has found a place in numerous other applications. Micro-QT’s feature a distinctively bright and colorful Silonite™ coating that prevents gas phase compounds from interacting with the metal surface. The rugged, solid design stands up to thousands of connections while maintaining leak-tight operation. For scientists and professionals working with VOC and SVOCs, the Micro-QT’s compact internal volume reduces exposure to potentially contaminated surfaces and allows for easy cleaning. Entech Micro-QT & standard Micro Valves FeaturesFast ConnectionsZero WeldsLight and Compact DesignInexpensiveLow Inclusion VolumeAutomation FriendlyEasily CleanedClear Connection IndicationPopular ApplicationsLaboratory Gas LinesInstrument InletsSampling EquipmentCanister Field SamplingHeadspace Vials and ChambersGas Manifold Connections
  • Silonite Micro-QT Valve to 1/8 Bulkhead
    Product Description: Silonite™ Micro-QT Valve to 1/8” Bulkhead Assembly Red The Micro-QT™ Valve is designed exclusively for “through the valve” sampling . This valve is optimized for volatile or even light semivolatile compounds when performing rapid sampling. Like the Micro-QT2™ Valve below, the Micro-QT™ Valve is compatible with all existing Entech sampling devices by simply adding a female QT to 1/4” adapter (PN 30-22800). The Micro-QT2™ Valve is a two-piece valve that can be removed in the field to draw in a sample “around the valve” without requiring a separate sampling device. This allows recovery of the heavier semivolatile compounds that might otherwise condense in the valve on the way into the canister. The ability to sample around the valve is unique to the Micro-QT2™ valve design. This valve can also be sampled “through the valve” using a Restricted or Time Integrated Sampler. The HDS Micro-QT2™ Valve is a two-piece valve that can be removed in the field to perform time integrated sampling from hours to weeks without requiring a separate sampling device.
  • Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve MQT-400LS Silonite Male Micro-QT Valve to 1/4 Connector Lon
    Product Description: Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 1/4” Connector LongThe MQT-400LS is a Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve Long – to 1/4” Compression Fitting Recommended for 2.7, 3.2 & 6L Canisters designed for air and gas sampling, laboratory gas line inlets, and more. See complete applications list below. For the uncoated equivalent of this valve simply remove the “S” from the part number. The Micro-QT is a next generation gas valve offering uncompromised leak-tight performance in an ergonomic design. The Micro-QT is also versatile, providing numerous connection options to cover a wide range of applications. After the Micro-QT valve is installed on tubing with a compression fitting, mating male and female valve ends is literally just a “snap”. Originally designed for environmental air sampling and analysis, the Micro-QT has found a place in numerous other applications. Micro-QT’s feature a distinctively bright and colorful Silonite™ coating that prevents gas phase compounds from interacting with the metal surface. The rugged, solid design stands up to thousands of connections while maintaining leak-tight operation. For scientists and professionals working with VOC and SVOCs, the Micro-QT’s compact internal volume reduces exposure to potentially contaminated surfaces and allows for easy cleaning. Entech Micro-QT & standard Micro Valves Features Fast ConnectionsZero WeldsLight and Compact DesignInexpensiveLow Inclusion VolumeAutomation FriendlyEasily CleanedClear Connection IndicationPopular ApplicationsLaboratory Gas LinesInstrument InletsSampling EquipmentCanister Field SamplingHeadspace Vials and ChambersGas Manifold Connections
  • Waters 186000865 Oasis MAX 6cc固相萃取柱, 500mg 60µ m 30/pk
    产品描述, 500mg 60µ m 30/pk6 cc Oasis MAX 小柱包含 Oasis MAX,这是一种新型混合模式聚合物吸附剂,已经过优化,可实现更高的选择性和灵敏度,用于萃取具有阴离子交换基团的碱性化合物。由于 Oasis MAX 吸附剂具有水可浸润性,因此即使吸附剂干涸,它也能保持较高的保留能力和出色的回收率,这意味着在上样前的关键步骤中无需采取特别措施来防止吸附剂床干燥。处理粘性样品时,建议选择 60 µ m 粒径。这种注射器筒型小柱设计用于真空萃取装置和自动化 SPE 仪器。Oasis MAX固相萃取填料混合模式阴离子交换吸附剂,适用于酸性化合物提高分析物的特异性和灵敏度反相保留和离子交换功能适用于正交样品前处理非常适合选择性保留酸性分析物。Waters 186000865 Oasis MAX 6cc固相萃取柱规格UNSPSC41115712模式混合模式品牌OasisParticle Size60 µ m产品类型固相萃取Pore Size80 &angst Units per Package30 pkSorbent SubstrateCopolymer填料MAX吸附剂重量500 mgEndcapped不Water Wettable是的规格Vac小柱pH Range Min0 pHIon Exchange Capacity0.2 meq/grampH Range Max14 pH柱管体积6 ccMaterialPolypropylene
  • Waters WAT043390 Sep-Pak Florisil 固相萃取柱 6cc 1g 50-200µ m
    产品描述Waters WAT043390 Sep-Pak Florisil 固相萃取柱 6cc 1g 50-200µ mFlorisil 是一种极性极强的吸附剂,由氧化镁和硅胶混合而成。这种高活性的弱碱性吸附剂用于吸附非水溶液中的低极性至中等极性物质。Florisil 通常用于食品和环境样品的许多 AOAC、EPA 和 JPMHLW 监管的方法中。Sep-Pak Vac小柱特性可兼容多位真空萃取装置适合机器人应用提供1 cc至60 cc的小柱尺寸方法开发的理想选择Waters WAT043390 Sep-Pak Florisil 固相萃取柱规格UNSPSC41115712Particle Size50 - 200 µ m品牌Sep-PakPore Size60 &angst 产品类型固相萃取Sorbent SubstrateFlorisilUnits per Package30 pk吸附剂重量1 g填料弗洛里硅土Water Wettable是的规格Vac小柱柱管体积6 ccMass Spec Compatibility是的Hold up volume2 mL
  • Silonite Male Micro-QT Valve
    Product Description: Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 1/16” C Fitting The MQT-100S is a Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 1/16” Compression Fitting designed for air and gas sampling, laboratory gas line inlets, and more. See complete applications list below. For the uncoated equivalent of this valve simply remove the “S” from the part number. The Micro-QT is a next generation gas valve offering uncompromised leak-tight performance in an ergonomic design. The Micro-QT is also versatile, providing numerous connection options to cover a wide range of applications. After the Micro-QT valve is installed on tubing with a compression fitting, mating male and female valve ends is literally just a “snap”.Originally designed for environmental air sampling and analysis, the Micro-QT has found a place in numerous other applications. Micro-QT’s feature a distinctively bright and colorful Silonite coating that prevents gas phase compounds from interacting with the metal surface. The rugged, solid design stands up to thousands of connections while maintaining leak-tight operation. For scientists and professionals working with VOC and SVOCs, the Micro-QT’s compact internal volume reduces exposure to potentially contaminated surfaces and allows for easy cleaning.Entech Micro-QT & standard Micro Valves FeaturesFast ConnectionsZero WeldsLight and Compact DesignInexpensiveLow Inclusion VolumeAutomation FriendlyEasily CleanedClear Connection IndicationPopular ApplicationsLaboratory Gas LinesInstrument InletsSampling EquipmentCanister Field SamplingHeadspace Vials and ChambersGas Manifold Connections
  • Waters 186009345 用于PFAS分析Oasis WAX固相萃取柱 6cc 150mg 30µ m 30/pk
    产品描述Waters 186009345 Oasis WAX固相萃取柱 6cc 150mg 30µ m 30/pk 用于 PFAS 分析的 Oasis WAX 是一种反相、弱阴离子交换 (Weak Anion-eX) 的混合模式、水可浸润性聚合物,能够为饮用水、地下水、地表水、废水、土壤、食品及其他复杂基质中的样品分析提供优异的洁净度、一致性和高质量。它专为需要对环境样品中普遍存在的全氟和多氟烷基化合物 (PFAS) 进行低水平量化的环境测试实验室而设计。用于 PFAS 分析的 Oasis WAX 通过对 32 种 PFAS 进行全面质量控制和预筛查测试,消除在进行 PFAS 萃取和浓缩时发生本底交叉污染的风险。用于 PFAS 分析的 Oasis WAX 已针对特定应用完成质量控制测试,可确保结果的可靠性,降低实验流程中关键步骤引起假阳性结果的风险。Oasis WAX固相萃取填料弱阴离子交换混合模式吸附剂,适用于强酸性化合物提高分析物的特异性和灵敏度反相保留和离子交换功能适用于正交样品前处理非常适合用于提高强酸性化合物的保留性。Waters 186009345 Oasis WAX固相萃取柱规格UNSPSC41115712模式混合模式应用环境Particle Size30 µ m品牌OasisPore Size80 &angst 产品类型固相萃取Sorbent SubstrateCopolymerUnits per Package30 pk吸附剂重量150 mg填料WAXWater Wettable是的规格Vac小柱pH Range Min0 pHIon Exchange Capacity0.6 meq/grampH Range Max14 pH柱管体积6 ccMaterialPolypropylene
  • Waters 186008918 Oasis PRiME MCX固相萃取柱 3cc 60mg 30µ m 100/pk
    产品描述Waters 186008918 Oasis PRiME MCX固相萃取柱 3cc 60mg 30µ m 100/pkOasis MCX克服了传统硅基混合模式SPE吸附剂的局限性。这种混合模式的阳离子交换和反相吸附剂是一种可水润的聚合物吸附剂,是通过Waters的一种新颖专利工艺制成的。Oasis PRiME MCX具有与Oasis MCX相同的优点,以及Oasis PRiME易于使用的优点,可以用更少的时间和精力获得更干净的样品。基质效应和色谱复杂性的降低与提高样品浓度的能力相匹配,使色谱师的体验得到改善。Oasis PRiME MCX固相萃取填料混合模式阳离子交换吸附剂能够选择性保留、浓缩和洗脱碱性化合物反相保留和离子交换功能适用于正交样品前处理通过简单快速的3步和4步方案,用更少的步骤获得更纯净的样品可去除从复杂样品基质中99%的磷脂省去吸附剂活化和平衡步骤分析速度更快,节约分析时间目标分析物回收率的重现性高非常适合提高碱性化合物的辨认性,并能以简单的净化步骤去除基质干扰物。Waters 186008918 Oasis PRiME MCX固相萃取柱规格UNSPSC41115712品牌Oasis产品类型固相萃取Units per Package100 pk填料PRiME MCX
  • SupelMIP SPE 克伦特罗固相萃取小柱(固相萃取 — 瘦肉精) 25mg/10ml,50支/盒
    SupelMIP SPE 克伦特罗(固相萃取 &mdash 瘦肉精) 25mg/10ml,50支/盒开发并经优化用于生物样品中瘦肉精的选择性萃取,该 MIP 相提供高回收率,而且其更强的选择性可保证 HPLC-UV 检测获得 0.5ng/mL 的检测限。该产品包括详细的萃取方案。针对复杂基质中痕量分析的高选择性固相萃取,获得更低的检测极限节省大量的时间和费用,提高了质谱的兼容性。SupelMIP 固相萃取相由 MIP Technologies AB 所开发,它是分子印迹聚合物的的领导者和商业先锋之一。此固定相可用于大规模分离、分析色谱和样品制备。 SupelMIP 固相萃取产品线是由高度交联聚合物组成。该类特殊的固定相对提取单个目标分析物或结构相似的分析物具有极高的选择性。 在MIP合成过程中模仿目标分析物设计模板分子,该模板分子形成的洞穴或印记正好与目标分析物的立体和化学结构相匹配,这使得在 MIP 合成中引入选择性成为可能。精心设计的印迹点是通过分子模拟、实验设计或筛选方法形成的,该印记点或洞穴能够提供多种与目标分析物的相互作用点。这可实现固相和分析物之间更强的相互作用。从而,在固相萃取方法中可允许更苛刻的冲洗条件,最终得到更干净的萃取物。由于萃取选择性得到显著提高,观察到的背景更低,使得分析物的检测限更低。
  • Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve
    Product Description:Silonite™ Male Micro-QT™ Valve to 1/8” C FittingThe Micro-QT™ Valve is designed exclusively for “through the valve” sampling . This valve is optimized for volatile or even light semivolatile compounds when performing rapid sampling.The Micro-QT is a next generation gas valve offering uncompromised leak-tight performance in an ergonomic design. The Micro-QT is also versatile, providing numerous connection options to cover a wide range of applications. After the Micro-QT valve is installed on tubing with a compression fitting, mating male and female valve ends is literally just a “snap”.Originally designed for environmental air sampling and analysis, the Micro-QT has found a place in numerous other applications. Micro-QT’s feature a distinctively bright and colorful Silonite coating that prevents gas phase compounds from interacting with the metal surface. The rugged, solid design stands up to thousands of connections while maintaining leak-tight operation. For scientists and professionals working with VOC and SVOCs, the Micro-QT’s compact internal volume reduces exposure to potentially contaminated surfaces and allows for easy cleaning. Entech Micro-QT & standard Micro Valves FeaturesFast ConnectionsZero WeldsLight and Compact DesignInexpensiveLow Inclusion VolumeAutomation FriendlyEasily CleanedClear Connection IndicationPopular ApplicationsLaboratory Gas LinesInstrument InletsSampling EquipmentCanister Field Sampling Headspace Vials and ChambersGas Manifold Connections
  • 赛默飞049454萃取池密封圈套装ASE萃取池PEEK密封件
    Dionex™ ASE™ 萃取池 PEEK 密封件请安装新的 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ASE™ 萃取池 PEEK 密封件,以确保萃取池盖和池体之间保持密闭。Dionex™ ASE™ 加速溶剂萃取仪的产品特色是配有带手旋池盖和压缩密封件的萃取池,既能实现高压密封,也可最大限度改善易用性。产品规格049454适用于ASE 200类型Seal材料PEEK数量.50描述Seals, for Inside the Extraction Cell Cap068095 PROD, 6 CELL,SST,1 ML, ASE350 1ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 068096 PROD, 6 CELL,SST,5 ML, ASE350 5ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 068097 Pack of six 10-mL cells for ASE 150/350 10ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 068098 Pack of six 22-mL cells for ASE 150/350 22ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 068099 Pack of six 34-mL cells for ASE 150/350 34ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 068100 Pack of six 66-mL cells for ASE 150/350 66ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 068101 Pack of six 100-mL cells for ASE 150/350 100ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 068085 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,1 ML, ASE350 1ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 068086 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,5 ML, ASE350 5ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 068087 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,10 ML, ASE350 10ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 068088 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,22 ML, ASE350 22ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 068089 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,34 ML, ASE350 34ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 068090 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,66 ML, ASE350 66ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 068091 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,100 ML, ASE350 100ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 AAA-060075 PROD,6 CELL,34ML,ASE1 34ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 060074 PROD,6 CELL,10ML,ASE1,3 10ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 060076 KIT,ASSY,6 CELL,66ML,ASE1,3 66ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 060077 ASSY,KIT,6 CELL,100ML,ASE1 100ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 060070 PROD,1 CELL,10ML,ASE1,3 10ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 060071 PROD,1 CELL,34ML,ASE1,3 34ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 060072 PROD,1 CELL,66ML,ASE1,3 66ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 060073 ASSY,KIT,1 CELL,100ML,ASE1 100ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 049560 KIT ASSY,6 CELL,11ML,ASE2 11ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 049561 KIT ASSY,6 CELL,22ML,ASE2 22ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 049562 KIT,ASSY,6 CELL,33ML,ASE2 33ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 055421 KIT ASSY,6CELLS,1ML,ASE2 1ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 055422 KIT ASSY,6CELLS,5ML,ASE2 5ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 055815 KIT ASSY,1 CELL,1ML,ASE2 1ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 055817 KIT ASSY,1 CELL,5ML,ASE2 5ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 048765 KIT ASSY,1 CELL,11ML,ASE2 11ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 048764 ASSY KIT,1 CELL,22ML,ASE2 22ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 048763 KIT ASSY,1 CELL,33ML,ASE2 33ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 056775 Pkg 50 SST frits, 10 μm for ASE cells 萃取池接头,50个/包 061687 Pkg 50 PEEK seals - ASE cells 萃取池密封圈,50个/包 056776 PROD,SEAL,CAP,VESPEL,ASE1,3,PKG/50 萃取池密封圈,50个/包 049457 Pkg - 50 Teflon o-rings - ASE cells 萃取池O型圈,50个/包 056325 KIT,O-RING,-.003,VITON123,PK50 萃取池O型圈,50个/包 056778 PROD,RING,RETAINING,ASE1,3,PKG/10 萃取池O型圈,10个/包 049453 KIT,CELL FRITS,10 MICRONS,50EA 萃取池接头套装,50个/包 049454 KIT,SEAL,CAP,PK,ASE2,50EA 萃取池密封圈套装,50个/包 049456 KIT,RING,SNAP,RETAINING,PKG/10 萃取池密封圈套装,10个/包 068092 100 glass fiber filters-sml vol cells 玻璃纤维素滤膜,100个/包 068093 100 cellulose filters - small vol cells 纤维素滤膜,100个/包 056780 100 cellulose filters - large vol cells 纤维素滤膜,100个/包 056781 100 glass fiber filters-large vol.cells 玻璃纤维素滤膜,100个/包 055399 FLTR,D28,13.5MM DIA,PKG/100 13.5MM D28 滤膜,100个/包 049458 FLTR,D28,19.8MM DIA,PKG/100 19.8MM D29 滤膜,100个/包 055398 FLTR,D28,.6.05MM DIA,PKG/100 6.05MM D30 滤膜,100个/包 047017 FLTR,GF/B,19.8MM DIA,PKG/100 19.8MMD31 滤膜,100个/包 056284 Pkg 12 - 250-mL collection bottles 40ML 收集瓶,72个/包 048784 Pkg 72 - 60-mL clear collection vials 60ML 收集瓶,72个/包 048780 VIAL ASSY,AMB,40ML,CLN,72/CASE 40ML 收集瓶-棕色,72个/包
  • Waters Sep-Pak DNPH-Silica 长体固相萃取小柱 美国原装
    Waters Sep-Pak DNPH-Silica长体固相萃取小柱的主要特点: 空气中醛酮化合物分析的专用固相萃取产品。 · 符合EPA方法TO-11和ASTM-D-5791-1的要求 · 减少了溶剂的消耗、暴露及有毒物质的处理费用 · 更加方便,重现性好,是现场采样和检测的理想选择。 · 节省时间提高工作效率,增加安全性。 WAT037500 Waters Sep-Pak DNPH-Silica 硅胶固相萃取小柱 20/盒 WAT039550 Waters Sep-Pak DNPH-Silica 硅胶长体固相萃取小柱 20/盒 详情请咨询上海楚定分析仪器有限公司 021-64934060
  • ACQUITY UPLC Glycoprotein BEH Amide柱
    完整糖蛋白分析ACQUITY UPLC BEH Amide 300?, 1.7 μm糖蛋白分析专用柱可分离单个完整蛋白质糖型,还能提供糖基占据率的相关信息。采用高浓度有机溶剂在TFA离子对和高温条件下,该色谱柱能够在基于HILIC的梯度分离中成功增强完整糖蛋白的溶解性。ACQUITY UPLC BEH Amide 300? 1.7 μm糖蛋白分析专用柱将帮助科研人员对生物治疗性蛋白在完整糖蛋白、糖蛋白亚基或糖肽水平上获取糖基相关的最新互补信息。主要应用??测量完整治疗性单克隆抗体(mAb)的糖基占据率??可通过荧光监测去糖基化形式(-2和-1 N-糖)的相对丰度??大孔径固定相有利于实现之前无法想象的分离产品优势??优化的大孔径HILIC固定相,可对完整或消化糖蛋白进行糖型分离??无论是否使用MS,均可产生特定的糖基连接??可用于解析特异位点糖基占据率??可实现高分辨率糖肽图分析,不受肽/糖基大小或组成情况的限制??提高大分子游离N-糖的分离度(EPO,因子IX)??采用沃特世糖蛋白性能测试标准品进行QC测试利用大孔径酰胺固定相进行HILIC糖肽图分析??为传统反相(RP)肽图提供正交选择性,改善对亲水性蛋白质修饰(例如糖基化)的表征。??业内领先的IgG糖蛋白HILIC分离,可用于解析修饰位点。??可兼容MS的HILIC能够详细研究样品成分。??增强的糖基信息可补充RapiFluor-MS游离N-糖分析。?? Glycoprotein BEH Amide 300? 1.7 μm经糖蛋白混合物质量控制测试,可确保批次间具有一致的重现性。ACQUITY UPLC Glycoprotein BEH Amide柱产品描述部件编号ACQUITY UPLC Glycoprotein BEH Amide 300 A 1.7 μm 2.1 x 5 mm, 3/pkg186007960ACQUITY UPLC Glycoprotein BEH Amide 300 A 1.7 μm 2.1 x 50 mm186007961ACQUITY UPLC Glycoprotein BEH Amide 300 A 1.7 μm 2.1 x 100 mm186007962ACQUITY UPLC Glycoprotein BEH Amide 300 A 1.7 μm 2.1 x 150 mm186007963ACQUITY UPLC Glycoprotein BEH Amide 300 A 1.7 μm 2.1 x 100 MVK, 3/pkg186007964Glycoprotein性能测试标准品186008010
  • 061687赛默飞ASE萃取池密封圈
    Dionex™ ASE™ 萃取池 PEEK 密封件请安装新的 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ASE™ 萃取池 PEEK 密封件,以确保萃取池盖和池体之间保持密闭。Dionex™ ASE™ 加速溶剂萃取仪的产品特色是配有带手旋池盖和压缩密封件的萃取池,既能实现高压密封,也可最大限度改善易用性。产品规格061687适用于ASE 100, 150, 300 and 350类型Seal材料PEEK数量.50描述Seal, for Inside the Extraction Cell Cap068095 PROD, 6 CELL,SST,1 ML, ASE350 1ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 068096 PROD, 6 CELL,SST,5 ML, ASE350 5ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 068097 Pack of six 10-mL cells for ASE 150/350 10ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 068098 Pack of six 22-mL cells for ASE 150/350 22ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 068099 Pack of six 34-mL cells for ASE 150/350 34ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 068100 Pack of six 66-mL cells for ASE 150/350 66ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 068101 Pack of six 100-mL cells for ASE 150/350 100ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 068085 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,1 ML, ASE350 1ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 068086 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,5 ML, ASE350 5ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 068087 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,10 ML, ASE350 10ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 068088 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,22 ML, ASE350 22ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 068089 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,34 ML, ASE350 34ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 068090 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,66 ML, ASE350 66ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 068091 PROD, 1 CELL,SST,100 ML, ASE350 100ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 AAA-060075 PROD,6 CELL,34ML,ASE1 34ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 060074 PROD,6 CELL,10ML,ASE1,3 10ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 060076 KIT,ASSY,6 CELL,66ML,ASE1,3 66ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 060077 ASSY,KIT,6 CELL,100ML,ASE1 100ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 060070 PROD,1 CELL,10ML,ASE1,3 10ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 060071 PROD,1 CELL,34ML,ASE1,3 34ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 060072 PROD,1 CELL,66ML,ASE1,3 66ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池 ,1个/包 060073 ASSY,KIT,1 CELL,100ML,ASE1 100ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 049560 KIT ASSY,6 CELL,11ML,ASE2 11ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 049561 KIT ASSY,6 CELL,22ML,ASE2 22ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 049562 KIT,ASSY,6 CELL,33ML,ASE2 33ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池 ,6个/包 055421 KIT ASSY,6CELLS,1ML,ASE2 1ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 055422 KIT ASSY,6CELLS,5ML,ASE2 5ml 六只装不锈钢萃取池,6个/包 055815 KIT ASSY,1 CELL,1ML,ASE2 1ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 055817 KIT ASSY,1 CELL,5ML,ASE2 5ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 048765 KIT ASSY,1 CELL,11ML,ASE2 11ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 048764 ASSY KIT,1 CELL,22ML,ASE2 22ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 048763 KIT ASSY,1 CELL,33ML,ASE2 33ml 一只装不锈钢萃取池,1个/包 056775 Pkg 50 SST frits, 10 μm for ASE cells 萃取池接头,50个/包 061687 Pkg 50 PEEK seals - ASE cells 萃取池密封圈,50个/包 056776 PROD,SEAL,CAP,VESPEL,ASE1,3,PKG/50 萃取池密封圈,50个/包 049457 Pkg - 50 Teflon o-rings - ASE cells 萃取池O型圈,50个/包 056325 KIT,O-RING,-.003,VITON123,PK50 萃取池O型圈,50个/包 056778 PROD,RING,RETAINING,ASE1,3,PKG/10 萃取池O型圈,10个/包 049453 KIT,CELL FRITS,10 MICRONS,50EA 萃取池接头套装,50个/包 049454 KIT,SEAL,CAP,PK,ASE2,50EA 萃取池密封圈套装,50个/包 049456 KIT,RING,SNAP,RETAINING,PKG/10 萃取池密封圈套装,10个/包 068092 100 glass fiber filters-sml vol cells 玻璃纤维素滤膜,100个/包 068093 100 cellulose filters - small vol cells 纤维素滤膜,100个/包 056780 100 cellulose filters - large vol cells 纤维素滤膜,100个/包 056781 100 glass fiber filters-large vol.cells 玻璃纤维素滤膜,100个/包 055399 FLTR,D28,13.5MM DIA,PKG/100 13.5MM D28 滤膜,100个/包 049458 FLTR,D28,19.8MM DIA,PKG/100 19.8MM D29 滤膜,100个/包 055398 FLTR,D28,.6.05MM DIA,PKG/100 6.05MM D30 滤膜,100个/包 047017 FLTR,GF/B,19.8MM DIA,PKG/100 19.8MMD31 滤膜,100个/包 056284 Pkg 12 - 250-mL collection bottles 收集瓶,12个/包 055395 SEPTA,LOWBLEED,TFE/SIL, 72/PKG 垫片,72个/包 048783 VIAL ASSY,CLR,40ML,CLN,72/CASE 40ML 收集瓶,72个/包 048784 Pkg 72 - 60-mL clear collection vials 60ML 收集瓶,72个/包 048780 VIAL ASSY,AMB,40ML,CLN,72/CASE 40ML 收集瓶-棕色,72个/包 048781 VIAL ASSY,AMB,60ML,CLN,72/CASE 60ML 收集瓶-棕色,72个/包 060941 FLTR,10ML,CWLL,ASE100,BOX/100 10ml 滤芯,100个/包 049464 SEPTA,24-400X.125 THK, 72/PKG 垫片,72个/包
  • Silane Treated Quartz Wool 硅烷处理的石英棉 | 3355
    产品特点:Silane Treated Quartz Wool, 10 gramsSKU: 3355 Category: Glass Wool Tags: Treated Wool, Wool特点● 纤维直径:4微米● 硅烷处理● 优异的抗热震性能。● 化学惰性● 低导热
  • Waters Oasis MAX 固相萃取柱
    Oasis MAX,这是一种新型混合模式聚合物吸附剂,已经过优化,可实现更高的选择性和灵敏度,用于萃取具有阴离子交换基团的碱性化合物。由于 Oasis MAX 吸附剂具有水可浸润性,因此即使吸附剂干涸,它也能保持较高的保留能力和出色的回收率,这意味着在上样前的关键步骤中无需采取特别措施来防止吸附剂床干燥。这种注射器筒型小柱设计用于真空萃取装置和自动化 SPE 仪器。订货信息:货号描述186000367Oasis MAX 3 cc Vac Cartridge, 60 mg Sorbent per Cartridge, 30 µ m, 100/pk186000368Oasis MAX 3 cc Vac Cartridge, 60 mg Sorbent per Cartridge, 60 µ m, 100/pk186000375Oasis MAX 96-well Plate, 10 mgSorbent per Well, 30 µ m, 1/pk186000373Oasis MAX 96-well Plate, 30 mg Sorbent per Well, 30 µ m, 1/pk186000369Oasis MAX 6 cc Vac Cartridge, 150 mg Sorbent per Cartridge, 30 µ m, 30/pk186000366Oasis MAX 1 cc Vac Cartridge, 30 mg Sorbent per Cartridge, 30 µ m, 100/pk186000370Oasis MAX 6 cc Vac Cartridge, 150 mg Sorbent per Cartridge, 60 µ m, 30/pk186001256Oasis MAX 96-well Plate, 60 mg Sorbent per Well, 30 µ m, 1/pk
  • Silonite™ Micro-QT Valve MQT-200L-BLUES
    Product Description: Silonite™ Micro-QT Valve to 1/8” Bulkhead Assembly Blue The Micro-QT™ Valve is designed exclusively for “through the valve” sampling . This valve is optimized for volatile or even light semivolatile compounds when performing rapid sampling. Like the Micro-QT2™ Valve below, the Micro-QT™ Valve is compatible with all existing Entech sampling devices by simply adding a female QT to 1/4” adapter (PN 30-22800). The Micro-QT2™ Valve is a two-piece valve that can be removed in the field to draw in a sample “around the valve” without requiring a separate sampling device. This allows recovery of the heavier semivolatile compounds that might otherwise condense in the valve on the way into the canister. The ability to sample around the valve is unique to the Micro-QT2™ valve design. This valve can also be sampled “through the valve” using a Restricted or Time Integrated Sampler. The HDS Micro-QT2™ Valve is a two-piece valve that can be removed in the field to perform time integrated sampling from hours to weeks without requiring a separate sampling device.
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