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仪器信息网草甘膦专题为您提供2024年最新草甘膦价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括草甘膦参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的草甘膦您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合草甘膦相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有草甘膦相关的最新资讯、资料,以及草甘膦相关的解决方案。


  • Anavo 草甘膦专用小柱
    Anavo 草甘膦专用小柱货号规格包装AN60F0236ml30/pk
  • 草甘膦分子印迹固相萃取柱
    农药残留类草甘膦分子印迹固相萃取柱草甘膦因其独特的性质而很难被纯化富集。本产品具有很好的技术优势,优化了合成体系,在保证高效的吸附效率的基础上保证洗脱效率,能够保证较高的回收率(80% 以上)。 检测项目:草甘膦 适用样品:于稻谷、小麦、玉米、鲜食玉米、小麦粉、全麦粉、油菜籽、棉籽油、柑橘类、仁果类水果、核果类水果、浆果和其他小型水果、热带和亚热带水果、瓜果类、甘蔗、茶叶等。
  • 草甘膦检测专用色谱柱
    产品名称:草甘膦检测专用色谱柱 品牌:莱博瑞特 产品型号: LABORAT LET-SAX(阴离子)(5um*250*4.6mm) 应用领域:食品、药品、环境、卫生、制药、科研院所 产品简介: 色谱柱作为色谱系统的心脏,色谱柱的优劣直接影响分离效果。莱博瑞特同知名色谱柱生产商合作,从硅胶原料的选择到键合工艺,从色谱柱的装填到检测,各道工序都经过严格监管、精心设计及科学检验,生产的色谱柱具有柱效高、选择性好、分析速度快等特点,在草甘膦类农药的分析实验中,具有很好的分离效果和能力,深受用户好评。 产品应用案例:生活饮用水中草甘膦检测应用方案1. 参照标准GB/T 5750.9-2006 《生活饮用水标准检验方法 农药指标》 2. 色谱图
  • KNORTH® 草铵膦/草甘膦专用净化管(茶叶、香辛料类、青椒、谷物)
    KNORTH 草铵膦/草甘膦农药净化管(适用于茶叶、香辛料类、青椒、谷物),是北京科德诺思技术有限公司专为草铵膦/草甘膦农残检测推出的高效净化产品。产品货号:OD65193包装清单:50支/盒货期:现货咨询电话:4006883608适用于以下标准:GB 23200.108-2018植物源性食品中草铵膦残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱联用法GB 23200.118-2018食品安全国家标准 植物源性食品中单氰胺残留量的测定 液相色谱—质谱联用法
  • KNORTH® 草铵膦/草甘膦专用净化管(蔬菜、水果、食用菌类)
    KNORTH 草铵膦/草甘膦农药净化管(适用于蔬菜、水果、食用菌类),是北京科德诺思技术有限公司专为草铵膦/草甘膦农残检测推出的高效净化产品。产品货号:OD65192包装清单:50支/盒货期:现货咨询电话:4006883608适用于以下标准:GB 23200.108-2018植物源性食品中草铵膦残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱联用法GB 23200.118-2018食品安全国家标准 植物源性食品中单氰胺残留量的测定 液相色谱—质谱联用法
  • 岛津SHIMSEN Styra GLYPHOSATE草甘膦 其他专用小柱
    岛津SHIMSEN Styra GLYPHOSATE草甘膦专用小柱应用:食品 /茶叶草甘膦检测订货信息:岛津SHIMSEN Styra GLYPHOSATE草甘膦专用小柱货号填料备注应用举例型号包装380-00877-28SHIMSEN Styra GLYPHOSATE草甘膦食品 /茶叶草甘膦检测6 mL30pcs
  • PRP-X400草甘膦及代谢物分析柱
    Hamilton液相色谱柱§ Hamilton 系列色谱柱产品综合了硅胶和聚合物填料柱的最佳特征,提供色谱峰的最佳对称性类型固定相粒径内径长度150mm价格长度250mm价格反相柱PRP-15μm4.1mm794446060 798207916 4.6mm794236683 795718234 10μm4.1mm794254893 794276206 4.6mm793515516 793816829 无机和有机离子分析PRP-X10010μm4.1mm794346511 ————4.6mm791748234 7918110339PRP-X20010μm4.1mm794416511 794427916 4.6mm793847134 793578539 分析结构相似的醇和有机酸PRP-X3007μm4.1mm794646206 794658075 4.6mm794757094 79386询价分析草甘膦及代谢物PRP-X4007μm4.1mm797177532 794739163 4.6mm————793877916
  • EZsep 草甘膦检测专用小柱GLY 6mL 30/pkSPE 固相萃取柱
    EZsep GLY — 草甘膦检测专用小柱 用于绿茶、花茶、铁观音、红茶和普洱茶中氨甲基膦酸和草甘膦的检测检测。
  • Hamilton PRP-X400草甘膦代谢物维生素肌醇糖醇液相色谱柱
    Hamilton PRP-X400草甘膦代谢物维生素肌醇糖醇阴离子交换液相色谱柱产品品牌Hamilton汉密尔顿哈美顿产品型号PRP-X400产品货号各种型号规格Hamilton PRP-X400草甘膦代谢物维生素肌醇糖醇阴离子交换液相色谱柱HamiltonPRP-X400阴离子交换色谱柱应用:饮用水中的草甘膦和其代谢物分离与竞争对手的柱子相比具有更快的分离速度pH稳定范围:pH 1-13使用0-10 0%的有机溶剂进行疏水性阳离子的洗脱或清洗柱子使用电导率或UV检测器2种粒子尺寸:7和12-20 μm5种柱子的内直径:2.1-21.5 mm2种柱子材料:316不锈钢和PEEK分析柱和制备/半制备保护柱分离效果草甘膦和其代谢物&维生素中的肌醇&糖醇HamiltonPRP-X400阴离子交换色谱柱订货信息:HPLC色谱柱I.D.×长度7 μm12-20 μm2.1×250 mm793984.1×50 mm798934.1×150 mm797174.1×250 mm79473795634.6×250 mm7938710.0×250 mm7957521.5×100 mm79553
  • PRP-X400草甘膦及代谢物分析柱 7μm,4.6×250mm
    Hamilton液相色谱柱§ Hamilton 系列色谱柱产品综合了硅胶和聚合物填料柱的最佳特征,提供色谱峰的最佳对称性类型固定相粒径内径长度150mm价格长度250mm价格反相柱PRP-15μm4.1mm794446060 798207916 4.6mm794236683 795718234 10μm4.1mm794254893 794276206 4.6mm793515516 793816829 无机和有机离子分析PRP-X10010μm4.1mm794346511 ————4.6mm791748234 7918110339PRP-X20010μm4.1mm794416511 794427916 4.6mm793847134 793578539 分析结构相似的醇和有机酸PRP-X3007μm4.1mm794646206 794658075 4.6mm794757094 79386询价分析草甘膦及代谢物PRP-X4007μm4.1mm797177532 794739163 4.6mm————793877916
  • PRP-X400草甘膦及代谢物分析柱 7μm,4.1×250mm
    Hamilton液相色谱柱§ Hamilton 系列色谱柱产品综合了硅胶和聚合物填料柱的最佳特征,提供色谱峰的最佳对称性类型固定相粒径内径长度150mm价格长度250mm价格反相柱PRP-15μm4.1mm794446060 798207916 4.6mm794236683 795718234 10μm4.1mm794254893 794276206 4.6mm793515516 793816829 无机和有机离子分析PRP-X10010μm4.1mm794346511 ————4.6mm791748234 7918110339PRP-X20010μm4.1mm794416511 794427916 4.6mm793847134 793578539 分析结构相似的醇和有机酸PRP-X3007μm4.1mm794646206 794658075 4.6mm794757094 79386询价分析草甘膦及代谢物PRP-X4007μm4.1mm797177532 794739163 4.6mm————793877916
  • 草甘膦专用柱
    填料500 mg, 柱体积6 ml, 30 支/盒
  • 草甘膦分析柱
    Glyphosate Analysis Columns部件号产品名称 材质内径长度GLY-99-2515Glyphosate Guard Cartridge, 2/pk Pktit4.0mm20mmGLY-99-3515Glyphosate Guard Kit, Holder + 2 Cartridges SS/pktit4.0mm24mmGLY-99-4610Glyphosate Analysis Column, 100x4.6 SS4.6mm100mmGLY-99-4630Glyphosate Analysis Column 300x4.6 SS4.6mm300mmGLY-99-6515Glyphosate Analysis Column 150x4.6 SS4.6mm150mm
  • 绿百草科技专业提供分析甘油果糖氯化钠的色谱柱Benson BP-100 H型 7.8*300
    绿百草科技专业提供分析甘油果糖氯化钠的色谱柱Benson BP-100 H型 7.8*300 关键词:绿百草科技,BP-100 H型,甘油果糖氯化钠 绿百草科技专业提供色谱柱BP-100 H型。Benson BP-100 H型色谱柱采用6%交联度的磺化苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯树脂为填料。Benson BP-100 H型色谱柱符合USP L17. BP-100 H型色谱柱采用稀酸为流动相,适合分离碳水化合物、有机酸和醇类。 BP-100 H 7.8*300色谱柱可用于分析甘油果糖氯化钠。绿百草科技可提供BP-100 H型 7.8*300mm分析甘油果糖氯化钠的操作条件和谱图。 需要详细的信息请和绿百草科技联系:010-51659766 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢指示菌片-
    枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢指示菌片-----环氧乙烷和干热灭菌效果的监测 本枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢生物指示剂菌片是由枯草杆菌黑色变种(ATCC 9372)芽孢和特种滤纸片组成。菌片回收菌量为5.0× 105 cfu/片~5.0× 106 cfu/片。 生物指示剂菌片的抗力符合国际标准和国家标准的规定: 对环氧乙烷的抗力标准,在环氧乙烷剂量为600 mg/L± 30 mg/L,作用温度54℃,相对湿度60%± 10%条件下,存活时间&ge 7.8 min,死亡时间&le 58 min,D10值5.8 min。 对干热的抗力标准,在160℃干热条件下,存活时间&ge 3.9 min,杀灭时间&le 19 min,D10值1.3 min~1.9 min。 【型 号】指示菌片 【使用范围】该生物指示剂菌片可用于对环氧乙烷和干热灭菌效果的监测。 【使用方法】 1 用于环氧乙烷和干热灭菌效果监测时,将生物指示剂菌片置于小纸袋内,按《医院消毒供应中心:清洗消毒及灭菌效果监测标准(WS 310.3-2009)》的要求放入物品包内,置于适当位置,进行灭菌处理。检测同时设生物指示剂菌片阳性对照,阳性对照生物指示剂菌片放室温下,不进行灭菌处理。 2 灭菌完毕,在无菌操作下取出小纸袋中的生物指示剂菌片,投入无菌普通营养肉汤管内,同时将未经灭菌处理的生物指示剂菌片投入另一支无菌普通营养肉汤管内,作为阳性对照,置37℃恒温培养箱内连续培养7 d,逐日观察结果。 【结果判定】培养后普通营养肉汤液面有菌膜,普通营养肉汤内有絮状沉淀,摇动时见有混浊,即表示有菌生长,判定为灭菌不合格;培养后普通营养肉汤仍澄清透明且无沉淀即表示无菌生长,同时阳性对照生物指示剂菌片生长正常,判定为灭菌合格。 【注意事项】 1 本生物指示剂菌片的检验须按《医院消毒供应中心:清洗消毒及灭菌效果监测标准(WS 310.3-2009)》的要求进行。 2 本生物指示剂菌片应保存于4℃冰箱内。 【有 效期】 12个月。 【包装规格】 50片/包。 附录:普通营养肉汤培养基的制备 【营养肉汤培养基配方】牛肉膏5 g,蛋白胨10 g,氯化钠5 g,蒸馏水。 【制备方法】 1 牛肉膏5 g,蛋白胨10g,氯化钠5 g,溶于900 ml蒸馏水中。 2 调节pH 值为7.2~7.4, 补充蒸馏水至1000 ml。 3 分装后,置121℃压力蒸汽灭菌20 min或115℃压力蒸汽灭菌30 min。放入4℃冰箱内保存,备用。
  • 炙甘草中大戟二烯醇含量的测定,色谱柱COSMOSIL C8-MS
    炙甘草中大戟二烯醇含量的测定,色谱柱COSMOSIL C8-MS 关键词:炙甘草,2010年药典,大戟二烯醇,辛基硅烷键合硅胶,北京绿百草 2010年中国药典标准:大戟二烯醇色谱条件:照高效液相色谱法(附录Ⅵ D)测定,以辛基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以乙腈-水为流动相;检测波长为210nm。理论板数按大戟二烯醇峰计算应不低于8000.(中国药典一部P81) 需要详细的药典标准请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 科德诺思 植物源性食品中草铵膦检测净化管(多壁碳纳米管)
    科德诺思提供的多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)基础参数外径:10 nm-20 nm尺寸:5 μm , average length, TEM 15 nm , average diameter, HRTEM比表面积:225±25 m2/g 订购信息:货号产品名称描述包装规格OD65192草铵膦净化管符合《GB 23200.108-2018植物源性食品中草铵膦残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱联用法》,适用于蔬菜、水果、食用菌类。5mg50/盒OD65193草铵膦净化管符合《GB 23200.108-2018植物源性食品中草铵膦残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱联用法》,适用于谷物类、油料作物和植物油、坚果、茶叶、香辛料。55mg50/盒KSCL012多壁碳纳米管 填料填料,《GB 23200.108-2018植物源性食品中草铵膦残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱联用法》10g/瓶北京科德诺思(KNORTH)技术有限公司(简称:科德诺思)2020 年在北京成立。公司自主创新研发、生产、销售及技术服务为一体创新型综合服务企业,目前公司拥有三项专利技术。公司研发团队拥有博士后 1 名,博士 2 名,研究生4 名,具有丰富色谱分离技术,实验经验丰富。 公司主要提供:标准物质、标准品、对照品、实验室常规耗材、快检耗材及前处理设备、检测服务、质量控制相关技术服务。 服务对象: 科研机构、农业、市场监管、高校、第三方检测、企业及质谱公司提供优质完善的前处理解决方案。 科德诺思(KNORTH)将不断持续提升产品性能,检测能力、标准物质制备能力及服务能力,为广大分析测试工作者提供前处理整体解决方案。我们期待与更多伙伴合作,实现共赢!
  • 北京绿百草现货提供卫生检验微生物检验干粉培养基(蜡样芽孢杆菌)
    北京绿百草现货提供卫生检验微生物检验干粉培养基(蜡样芽孢杆菌) 关键词:培养基,北京绿百草,微生物检验,蜡样芽孢杆菌 北京绿百草现货提供卫生检验微生物检验干粉培养基(蜡样芽孢杆菌):甘露醇卵黄多粘菌素琼脂基础(MYP),酪蛋白琼脂,胰酪胨大豆多粘菌素肉汤基础,改良V-P培养基,胰酪胨大豆羊血琼脂基础,肉浸液肉汤等。 需要详细供货信息请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 北京绿百草科技专提供测试塑化剂邻苯二甲酸酯的气相色谱柱AT.SE-54
    北京绿百草科技专提供测试塑化剂邻苯二甲酸酯的气相色谱柱AT.SE-54关键词:塑化剂,邻苯二甲酸酯,气相色谱柱,AT.SE-54,毛细管柱北京绿百草科技专业提供塑化剂邻苯二甲酸酯的气相色谱柱AT.SE-54。GB/T 21911-2008 中规定了食品中邻苯二甲酸酯的含量,油脂食品检出限为1.5mg/ml,不含油脂食品检出限为0.05mg/ml。绿百草提供毛细管柱AT.SE-54,可用于食品中塑化剂邻苯二甲酸酯的测定。需要详细的信息请和绿百草科技联系:010-51659766登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 北京绿百草科技专提供测试塑化剂邻苯二甲酸酯的气相色谱柱AT.SE-52(上传附件资料)
    北京绿百草科技专提供测试塑化剂邻苯二甲酸酯的气相色谱柱AT.SE-52(上传附件资料)关键词:塑化剂,邻苯二甲酸酯,气相色谱柱,AT.SE-52,毛细管柱北京绿百草科技专业提供塑化剂邻苯二甲酸酯的气相色谱柱AT.SE-54。GB/T 1779-2006 中规定了塑料血袋中邻苯二甲酸酯类的测定方法,DB-5MS石英毛细管柱,进样口温度260℃,初始柱温120℃.保持2min,以10℃/min升温至260℃,保持10min,再以10℃/min升温至280℃,保持7min。绿百草可提供替代毛细管柱AT.SE-52。需要详细的信息请和绿百草科技联系:010-51659766登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 利巴韦林测定,推荐色谱柱:BP-100 H 300*7.8mm-北京绿百草科技
    利巴韦林测定,推荐色谱柱:BP-100 H 300*7.8mm-北京绿百草科技 关键词:利巴韦林,2010年药典,高效液相色谱,北京绿百草 2010年中国药典标准:照高效液相色谱法(附录Ⅴ D)测定,用磺化交联的苯乙烯-二乙烯基共聚物的氢型阳离子交换树脂为填充剂;以水为流动相;检测波长为207nm。理论板数按利巴韦林计算不低于2000(中国药典P353) 需要详细的药典标准请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • MicroSolv RSA样品瓶/Cogent Diamond Hydride亲水色谱柱-草甘膦/TYPE-C Silica HPLC硅胶柱
    美国MicroSolv公司是全球领先的色谱耗材及试剂供应商为全球色谱提供从色谱柱、连接器、管路到试剂、样品瓶的所有色谱耗材和配件。这些高质量的耗材及配件能为您的实验提供稳定可靠的数据保证。广州绿百草生物科技有限公司是美国MicroSolv授权代理商RSA Glass 表面去活样品瓶让你的 GC、LC、GC-MS、LC-MS数据更可靠1.让你能检测到通常会被玻璃瓶吸附的低丰度分析物2.几小时以后再进样,样品的pH也不会发生变化3.防止样品在进样瓶中发生水解4.水作为样品溶剂时,没有凹液面5.非涂层技术使用专利技术的RSA Glass高品质 (Advanced Quality, AQ)样品瓶及内衬管能通过消除硅胶层从而有效去除样品管内壁的反应活性。常规制造的玻璃样品瓶由于表面含有金属及硅羟基而对实验结果产生不利影响。当使用常规硼硅酸盐玻璃自动进样瓶或内衬管时,样品溶剂(例如水)能使得样品瓶/样品管的表面硅羟基发生去质子化作用,而在样品瓶内壁形成负电荷。硅羟基的“ 酸” 属性能够导致碱性化合物在样品瓶内壁的吸附,同时也会改变样品溶液的pH值,使得一些容易发生水解的化合物在进样之前发生水解,而难以检测得到。普通玻璃进样瓶内的金属污染物会引起分析物的沉淀、螯合等化学变化。使用RSA Glass?样品瓶或内衬管会使得您的样品不会在样品瓶内发生丢失,不会发生pH变化等其他问题,使得您的色谱或色质联用分析更可靠,批间、日间的一致性更高,避免产生不可靠的数据。RSA?自动进样瓶及玻璃内衬管 并非使用表面涂层技术,不会产生涂层的脱离与破坏问题,是您进行LC, LCMS, GC 及GCMS分析的极佳选择。高效Cogent Diamond Hydride液相色谱柱对于从事代谢组学研究或者分析对象是高极性化合物的研究人员来说Cogent Diamond Hydride?亲水柱提供了一个非常有效的解决方案。Cogent Diamond Hydride?亲水柱非常适合分析氨基酸、有机酸、糖类及其他高极性化合物。例如三聚氰胺就可以使用Cogent Diamond Hydride亲水柱进行高效的分离Diamond-Hydride 亲水柱分析结果实例(UDP-葡萄糖、UDP-葡萄糖、UDP-半乳糖、磷酸半乳糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖、红细胞中的 UDP-葡萄糖、UDP-半乳糖、三磷酸腺苷(ATP)、ADP-葡萄糖、CDP-葡萄糖、糖核苷酸、胞嘧啶、胸腺嘧啶、尿嘧啶、鸟嘌呤、腺嘌呤、三磷酸腺苷(ATP)、一磷酸腺苷(AMP)、黄嘌呤-磷酸、鸟嘌呤-三磷酸、体液中的黄嘌呤、尿酸、次黄嘌呤、色胺、五羟色胺、多巴胺、L-天冬氨酸、L-精氨酸、L-精氨酸、L-赖氨酸、L-组氨酸、谷氨酸、赖氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、L-甲硫氨酸、L-谷氨酸、甲基琥珀酸、戊二酸、草酸、肌酸、4-羟脯氨酸、天冬氨酸、鸟氨酸、叶酸、抗坏血酸、胆汁酸、柠檬酸、马来酸、反式乌头酸、马来酸、富马酸、3-羟基肉桂酸、矮壮素、甲哌啶、苯海拉明、4-二甲氨基吡啶、草甘膦(JP标准专用柱)、三聚氰胺、三聚氰酸、胍等)超长寿命的TYPE-C Silica HPLC硅胶柱,不含有自由硅羟基,可以在任何HPLC流动相下工作,即使是100%的纯水流动相。使用Si-H健代替硅胶表面原有的Si-OH健,更能抗酸水解,可以使用pH1.5的全水流动相。而且一根柱子可以做反相及反反相色谱-AqueousNormalPhase(ANP),与普通的HILIC模式色谱柱子相比最大的优点:同时对极性及非极性化合物有保留。几种有机酸的分离结果:关于美国MicroSlove更多类型的色谱柱等产品可来电咨询:020-8393930075040-05P-2Cogent HPS Amino HPLC Column 120A 5um 2.1mm x 50mm with Standard End Fittings.04650-ZF-150-XNeutral LPA Coated Capillary Zero Flow 50um ID by 150um OD. 3/pack. Customer Supplied Capillaries Max Length 1M95040-40-T-SP1,000 pack Silicone/PTFE Red Septas fits 9mm blue short thread/magnetic gold cap.95040-40-T-SEPT1000 pack Silicone/PTFE Red Septas fits 9mm blue short thread/magnetic gold cap.46080-CH32mm Crimping Head for Flip Top/Flip off Seals40100-10P5 Column Suite including Cogent Silica CBidentate C18 Bidentate C8 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride 4.6mm x 100mm40100-15P5 Column Suite including Cogent Silica CBidentate C18 Bidentate C8 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride 4.6mm x 150mm.40100-7.5P-25 Column Suite including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol & Diamond Hydride. 2.1mm x 75mm40100-15P-15 Column Suite including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride 1mm x 150mm40100-10P-25 Column Suite including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride 2.1mm x 100mm40100-15P-25 Column Suite including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride 2.1mm x 150mm40100-10P-35 Column Suite including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride 3.0mm x 100mm. Custom Packed. 1 each.40100-05P5 Column Suite Including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride 4.6 x 50mm40100-05P-25 Column Suite including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride. 2.1mm x 50mm40100-05P-35 Column Suite including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride. 3.0mm x 50mm40100-7.5P5 Column Suite Including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol Diamond Hydride. 4.6mm x 75mm40100-25P5 Column Suite including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Choleterol and Diamond Hydride. 4.6mm x 250mm40100-02-2MC-G5 Mini Guard Column Suite including Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride 100A 4um 2.0mm x 20mm. Includes Holder40100-02-MC5 Mini Guard Column Suite incluiding Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride 100A 4um 4.0mm x 20mm. Holder Sold Sep.40100-02-MC-G5 Mini Guard Column Suite incluiding Cogent Silica-C Bidentate C8 Bidentate C18 UDC Cholesterol and Diamond Hydride 100A 4um 4.0mm x 20mm. Includes Holder49115-257 UV Calibration Test Replacment Absorbance Sltns 1 Wavelength Sltn 1 Stray Light Solution 1 Ref Sltn Cert. of Anlsysis.33096-10096 deep well plates for autosamplers, 2.2ml polypropylene w/printed labelling on sides. Natural color, autoclave w/film or mats. Freeze to -90C. 10 packs of 10. 100/case.33096-5096 deep well plates for autosamplers, 2.2ml polypropylene w/printed labelling on sides. Natural color, autoclave w/film or mats. Freeze to -90C. 5 packs of 10. 50/case.33096-0596 deep well plates for autosamplers, 2.2ml polypropylene w/printed labelling on sides. Natural color, autoclave w/film or mats. Freeze to -90C. Nuclease free. 10/pack.95096-10-RS96 well plate polypropylene, w/1ml borosilicate inserts made with RSA glass. Sealing cap mats sold separately. 1 plate.95096-10-RSM96 well plate polypropylene, w/1ml borosilicate inserts made with RSA glass. Sealing cap mats sold separately. 18/case.95096-0896 well plate polypropylene, w/700ul borosilicate glass inserts with polyethylene plug caps. 1set of 96 plugs & inserts and 1 plate.95096-0796 well plate polypropylene, w/700ul borosilicate glass inserts. Sealing caps sold separately. 1 plate.95096-07-RS96 well plate polypropylene, w/700ul borosilicate inserts made with RSA glass. Sealing caps sold separately. 1 plate.95096-1CP96 well plate w/1.0ml borosilicate glass inserts in a polypropylene plate and silicone/PTFE sealing mat. 1 plate and mat.95096-1096 Well Plate w/1.0ml glass inserts in a polypropylene plate. Caps and mats sold separately. 1 each.95096-10-M96 Well Plate w/1.0ml glass inserts in a polypropylene plate. Caps and mats sold separately. 18 Plates/Case.33096-0696 well plates for autosamplers, 1.2ml polypropylene w/printed labelling on sides. Natural color, autoclave w/film or mats. Freeze to -90C. 100/case.95096-07-RSM96 well plates polypropylene, w/700ul borosilicate glass inserts made with RSA glass. Sealing caps sold separately. 20 plates/case.95096-07-M96 well plates polypropylene, w/700ul borosilicate glass inserts. Sealing caps sold separately. 1 case of 20 plates.95096-08-M96 well plates w/ 96 700ul borosilicate glass inserts 96 polyetheylene plug caps & 1 polypropylene plate. 1 case of 16.95096-SQP96 Well Plates. Polypropylene 10/pack.95096-PL96-well polypropylene plates for autosamplers. Inserts and cap mats sold separately. 20 plates/case.9502S-11-CB9mm Blue Screw Cap with Natural Silicone/white PTFE Septa Bonded in the cap. Blue. For use with Universal 12x32mm Vials. 100/pkUVAL-0101Absorbance Solution for UV-Vis. Nominal 0.02 mg/ml Potassium Dichromate 120ml Manufatured to NIST Std SRM-935a. Chemical Solutions.UVAL-0201Absorbance Solution for UV-Vis. Nominal 0.04 mg/ml Potassium Dichromate 120ml Manufatured to NIST Std SRM-935a. Chemical Solutions.UVAL-0301Absorbance Solution for UV-Vis. Nominal 0.06 mg/ml Potassium Dichromate 120ml Manufatured to NIST Std SRM-935a. Chemical Solutions.UVAL-0401Absorbance Solution for UV-Vis. Nominal 0.08 mg/ml Potassium Dichromate 120ml Manufatured to NIST Std SRM-935a. Chemical Solutions.UVAL-0501Absorbance Solution for UV-Vis. Nominal 0.10 mg/ml Potassium Dichromate 120ml Manufatured to NIST Std SRM-935a. Chemical Solutions.UVAL-0601Absorbance Solution for UV-Vis. Nominal 0.12 mg/ml Potassium Dichromate 120ml Manufatured to NIST Std SRM-935a. Chemical Solutions.UVAL-0701Absorbance Solution for UV-Vis. Nominal 0.14 mg/ml Potassium Dichromate 120ml Manufatured to NIST Std SRM-935a. Chemical Solutions.58802-45Adapter, HPLC, for 58800-00 filter degasser unit. 45mm Screw Neck Adapter. Unit Sold Separately. 1/each.66900-AGCAnion Guard Cartridge (5 pack), for use with Whatman GE HPLC columns, 1 each.9502S-PP-AMBERAutoSampler Vials 9-425 thread, 2ml 12x32mm screw top, amber polypropylene. With filling lines. MicroSolv brand. 100/pack.9502S-PP-CLEARAutoSampler Vials 9-425 thread, 2ml 12x32mm screw top, transparent polypropylene. With filling lines. MicroSolv brand. 100/pack.9503S-GR-MBasik screw cap with silicone/PTFE septa fitted in the cap. black. For use with 12x32mm wide mouth vials. For Shimadzu & other autosamplers. 1,000/case.9503S-GRBasik screw cap with silicone/PTFE septa fitted in the cap. black. For use with 12x32mm wide mouth vials. For Shimadzu & other autosamplers. 100/pack.9502S-E-05K-MBasik Screw Cap, Smooth, for 9mm Vials with Silicone/PTFE Septa Fitted in the cap smooth. Black. For use with 12x32mm Vials. 1000/case9502S-E-05G-MBasik Screw Cap, Smooth, for 9mm Vials with Silicone/PTFE Septa Fitted in the cap smooth. Green. For use with 12x32mm Vials. 1000/case9502S-E-05R-MBasik Screw Cap, Smooth, for 9mm Vials with Silicone/PTFE Septa Fitted in the cap smooth. Red. For use with 12x32mm Vials. 1000/case9502S-E-05Y-MBasik screw cap, smooth, for 9mm vials with silicone/PTFE septa fitted in the cap smooth. Yellow. For use with 12x32mm Vials. 1000/case02000-BABenzyl Alcohol Marker Prepared Solution 0.1N 5 x 2ml ampoules46010-BTBeta Tool. Stainless Steel Tubing straightener with soft grips. Use to remove kinks or bends in standard OD HPLC stainless steel tubing. 1 each.47325-50Better Male Nuts, SS Combihead, w/wide flared strain relief. 2 piece, PEEK/SS Ferrules included. 10/Pack47325-25Better Male Nuts, SS Combihead, w/wide flared strain relief. SS Ferrules included. 10/Pack47325-10Better Male Nuts, SS Combihead, w/wide flared strain relief. Use with PEEK or SS Ferrules sold separately. 10/Pack40008-05P-2Bidentate C8 (Octyl) HPLC Column. 50mm x 2.1mm40008-05P-3Bidentate C8 (Octyl) HPLC olumn. 50mm x 3.0mm.46040-RBlade, replacement for Clean-Cut90 tubing cutter. 1 each.06700-44Borax buffer for use with Posicoat for CE. pH 9.2. 100ml bottle.58808-FEP-GL45Cap for HPLC mobile phase reservoir and storage bottle, Teflon (FEP) GL45 threaded. 1 each.58808-PFA-33Cap for HPLC mobile phase reservoir and storage bottle, Teflon (PFA) 33mm threaded. Bottl33es sold separately. 1 each.58808-PFA-GL45Cap for HPLC mobile phase reservoir and storage bottle, Teflon (PFA) GL45 threaded. 1 each.9502C-0-20-SCap, autosampler, crimp, aluminum w/ PTFE/Sil/PTFE (red/white/red) septa, 1.0mm thick. For use with serum or snap/crimp to finishes. MicroSolv brand. 100/pack.9502C-20M-DCap, autosampler, crimp, magentic, gold w/ PTFE/Sil/PTFE (red/white/red) septa, 1.0mm thick. For use with CTC PAL & Triplus autosamplers. MicroSolv brand. 100/pack.9502C-40T-B-MCap, crimp, blue aluminum with fitted red rubber/PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autoampler vials. Basik brand. 1000/case.9502C-40T-BCap, crimp, blue aluminum with fitted red rubber/PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autosampler vials. Basik brand. 100/pack.9502C-40T-DCap, crimp, gold aluminum with fitted red rubber/PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autosampler vials. Basik brand. 100/pack.9502C-40T-D-MCap, crimp, gold aluminum with fitted red rubber/PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autosampler vials. Basik brand. 1000/case.9502C-40T-GCap, crimp, green aluminum with fitted red rubber/PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autosampler vials. Basik brand. 100/pack.9502C-40T-G-MCap, crimp, green aluminum with fitted red rubber/PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autosampler vials. Basik brand. 1000/case.9502C-40T-RCap, crimp, red aluminum with fitted red rubber/PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autosampler vials. Basik brand. 100/pack.9502C-40T-R-MCap, crimp, red aluminum with fitted red rubber/PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autosampler vials. Basik brand. 1000/case.9502C-70T-SCap, crimp, silver aluminum with center-tear off and a 040" thick, fitted orange silicone rubber/ clear FEP septa. Use with 11mm, snap or crimp top 12x32mm autosampler vials. Basik brand. 100/pack. SPECIAL ORDERED ITEM.9504C-70T-SCap, crimp, silver aluminum with center-tear off and a 060" thick, fitted orange silicone rubber/ clear FEP septa. Use with 13mm, snap or crimp top vials. Basik brand. 100/pack. SPECIAL ORDERED ITEM.9502C-40P-SCap, crimp, silver aluminum with fitted PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autoampler vials. Basik brand. 100/pack.9502C-40P-S-MCap, crimp, silver aluminum with fitted PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autoampler vials. Basik brand. 1000/case.9502C-40T-S-MCap, crimp, silver aluminum with fitted red rubber/PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autoampler vials. Basik brand. 1000/case.9502C-40T-SCap, crimp, silver aluminum with fitted red rubber/PTFE septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autosampler vials. Basik brand. 100/pack.9502C-41S-MCap, crimp, silver aluminum with fitted white silicone rubber/ red PTFE 0.05" ultra low bleed septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autoampler vials. Basik brand. 1000/case.9502C-41SCap, crimp, silver aluminum with fitted white silicone rubber/ red PTFE 0.05" ultra low bleed septa. Use with snap or crimp top 12x32mm autosampler vials. Basik brand. 100/pack.58820-10Cap, mobile phase delivery, open top modified to accept PTFE insert. Blue, GL-45 screw threads. 1 each.58820-06Cap, mobile phase delivery, PTFE insert with 3 holes. Blue, GL-45 screw threads. 1 each.58802-20-RCap, open hole, screw for 45mm HPLC mobile phase reservoir bottles. Red plastic. 1 Each.9502C-90C-BCap, push on for 11mm crimp neck & snap top autosampler vials. Polyethylene, blue with thinned penetration point. 100/pack97015-10K-KCap, Screw top, 15-425, PP, black with fitted silicone/PTFE septa inserted in the cap. 1000/case58820-01Cap, screw with solid PTFE liner for mobile phase delivery system. Blue, GL-45 threads. 1 each.58802-20Cap, screw, closed, no liner for 45mm HPLC mobile phase reservoir bottles, plastic. 1 each.95096-56Cap, sealing mat for 96 well plates silicone rubber with PTFE spray coated, preslit, round bottom wells. 1 each.95096-59Cap, sealing mat for 96 well plates silicone rubber with PTFE spray coated, round bottom wells. 1 each.95096-57Cap, sealing mat for 96 well plates silicone rubber with PTFE spray coated, square bottom wells. 1 each.95096-46Cap, sealing mat for 96 well plates w/PTFE faced preslit welled out bottoms for 1ml glass inserts. 1 each.95096-46-KCap, sealing mat for 96 well plates w/PTFE faced preslit welled out bottoms for 1ml glass inserts. 10/pack.95096-47Cap, sealing mat for 96 well plates w/PTFE faced solid for 1ml glass inserts. 1 each.95096-49Cap, sealing mat for 96 well plates w/PTFE faced welled out bottoms for 1ml glass inserts. 1 each.95096-39Cap, sealing mat for 96 well polypropylene plates w/PTFE faced welled out bottoms for 1ml glass inserts. 1 each.9982S-PFA-OCCap, Teflon (PFA) 8mm screw thread, fits 9mm septa, low metals background, resuable. Temp range -200C to 260C. Vials sold separately. Use with 9982S series. 1 each.9982S-PFA-PCCap, Teflon (PFA) 8mm screw thread, with pierceable septa, low metals background, resuable. Temp range -200C to 260C. Vials sold separately. Use with 9982S series. 1 each.04920-20Capilalry, CE, CelerityCE brand for protein and peptide analysis. Diol bonded phase with high surface area. 1750px long x 20um ID. No detection Window. Use with Capillary Electrochromatography.44000-KACapillary Electrophoresis Guidebook. Hard Cover by KD Altria. 384 pages. 1 each.06401-25Capillary for Carbo Kit 25u ID x 1500px (pk/3)04026-CCapillary Simplus brand bare fused silica untreated 25um ID by 10 Meters.04025-CCapillary Simplus brand bare fused silica untreated 25um ID by 1M.04026-C25Capillary Simplus brand Bare Fused Silica Untreated 25um ID by 25 Meters.04935-20Capillary, CE, CelerityCE brand for protein and peptide analysis. Butyl phenyl bonded phase with high surface area. 1750px long x 20um ID. No detection window. Use with Capillary Electrochromatography.04935-50Capillary, CE, CelerityCE brand for protein and peptide analysis. Butyl phenyl bonded phase with high surface area. 1750px long x 50um ID. No detection window. Use with Capillary Electrochromatography.04918-20Capillary, CE, CelerityCE brand for protein and peptide analysis. C18 (ODS) bonded phase with high surface area. 1750px long x 20um ID. No detection window. Use with Capillary Electrochromatography.04918-50Capillary, CE, CelerityCE brand for protein and peptide analysis. C18 (ODS) bonded phase with high surface area. 1750px long x 50um ID. No Detection Window. Use with Capillary Electrochormatography.04908-20Capillary, CE, CelerityCE brand for protein and peptide analysis. C8 (Octyl) bonded phase with high surface area. 1750px long x 20um ID. No detection window. Use with Capillary Electrochromatography.04908-50Capillary, CE, CelerityCE brand for protein and peptide analysis. C8 (Octyl) bonded phase with high surface area. 1750px long x 50um ID. No detection window. Use with Capillary Electrochromatography.04925-20Capillary, CE, CelerityCE brand for protein and peptide analysis. Cholesterol bonded phase with high surface area. 1750px long x 20um ID. No detection window. Use with Capillary Electrochromatography.04925-50Capillary, CE, CelerityCE brand for protein and peptide analysis. Cholesterol bonded phase with high surface area. No detection window. Use with Capillary Electrochromagraphy.04920-50Capillary, CE, CelerityCE brand for protein and peptide analysis. Diol bonded phase with high surface area. 1750px long x 50um ID. No detection window. Use with Capillary Electrochromatography.04300-CCapillary, CE, etched bare fused silica, 50um ID x 1750px long. High surface area for use with open tubular CEC.04051-CXCapillary, CE, Simplus brand, bare fused silica, untreated 50um ID by 10 Meters long. Rolled in a baggie not spooled. Use with Capilalry Electrophoresis.04051-CCapillary, CE, Simplus brand, bare fused silica, untreated 50um ID by 10 Meters long. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis.04050-CCapillary, CE, Simplus brand, bare fused silica, untreated 50um ID by 1Meter long. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis.04051-C25Capillary, CE, Simplus brand, bare fused silica, untreated 50um ID by 25 Meters long. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis.04071-CXCapillary, CE, Simplus brand, Bare fused silica, untreated 75um ID by 10 Meters long. Rolled in a Baggie not spooled. Use with Capillary Electrophoresis.04071-CCapillary, CE, Simplus brand, bare fused silica, untreated 75um ID by 10 Meters long. Use with Capillary Electrophoresis.04075-CCapillary, CE, Simplus brand, bare fused silica, untreated 75um ID by 1Meter long. Use with Capillary Electrophoresis.04071-C25Capillary, CE, Simplus brand, bare fused silica, untreated 75um ID by 25 Meters long. Use with Capillary Electrophoresis.04621-ZCX-55Capillary, coated Zero Flow 50um ID by 1375px with preburned window @ 300px to outlet 365um OD. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 10 capillaries /pack.04621-ZCX-65Capillary, coated Zero Flow 50um ID by 1625px with preburned window @ 300px to outlet 365um OD. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 10 capillaries /pack.04650-HFCapillary, coated, Controlled Flow, high flow 50um ID by 1 meter. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 1/pack.04650-LFCapillary, coated, Controlled Flow, low flow 50um ID by 1 meter. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 1/pack.04675-LFCapillary, coated, Controlled Flow, low flow, 75um ID by 1 meter. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 1/pack.04650-MFCapillary, coated, Controlled Flow, medium flow 50um ID by 1 Meter. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 1/pack.04675-MFCapillary, coated, Controlled Flow, medium flow, 75um ID by 1 Meter. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 1/pack.04600-ZFCapillary, coated, Zero Flow brand, covalently bonded, neutral charge, 100um ID by 1meter. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 1/pack.04620-ZCXCapillary, coated, Zero Flow brand, covalently bonded, neutral charge, 50um ID by 1125px with preburned window @ 350px to outlet 365um OD. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 10 capillaries /pack.04650-ZFCapillary, coated, Zero Flow, neutral, no flow 50um ID by 1 Meter. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 1/pack.04675-ZFCapillary, coated, Zero Flow, neutral, no flow, 75um ID x 1 meter. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 1/pack.04675-HFCapillary, Controlled Flow, high flow 75um ID by 1 meter. Use in Capillary Electrophoresis. 1/pack.04550-67Capillary, Pre Made, Simplus brand, bare fused silica untreated 50um ID, 1675px long, 375um OD, window starts 422.49999999999994px from one end of capillary. Precision cleaved. 1/pack.81000-GDCapital brand Mini/Guard column holder for 20mm long Cogent TYPE-C brand Mini/Guard columns. Accepts either 2.0 or 4.0mm ID columns.9582S-CAP1Caps only, autosampler, 8-425mm screw threads, black polypropylene open top. For use with 8-425, 12x32mm autosampler vials and appropriate septa. Basik brand. 1,000/case.9502S-CAP1Caps only, autosampler, 9-425mm screw threads, blue, ribbed polypropylene open top. For use with 9-425, 12x32mm austoampler vials and appropriate septa. Basik brand. 1,000/case.95096-58Caps sealing mat for 96 well plates silicone rubber with PTFE spray coated, preslit, square bottom wells. 1 each.95025-08-5BCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, bimetallic, blue, with 8mm center hole, white silicone / whiote PTFE ultra low bleed septa. 100/pack.95025-08-5RCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, bimetallic, red, with 8mm center hole, white silicone / white PTFE ultra low bleed septa. 100/pack.95025-03-3DCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, gold with 5mm center hole, Pharma-fix grey butyl rubber/PTFE septa, 50 Shore A, 3.0mm thick. 100/pack.95025-04-3DCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, gold with 5mm center hole, translucent blue silicone / white PTFE septa, 45 Shore A, 3.0mm thick. 100/pack.95025-02-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, grey butyl rubber/PTFE septa, 50 Shore A, 3.0mm thick. 100/pack.95025-04-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, translucent blue silicone / white PTFE septa, 45 Shore A, 3.0mm thick. 100/pack.95025-08-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, white silicone / white PTFE septa. 100/pack.95025-04-5RCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, bimetallic red & silver, with 8mm center hole, translucent blue silicone / white PTFE septa, 45 Shore A, 3.0mm thick. 100/pack.95025-60-CCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, gold, with 8mm center hole, PTFE / grey butyl rubber septa, 55 Shore A, 3.0mm thick. 1000/case.95025-01-3DCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, magnetic, gold with 5mm center hole, moulded dark grey butyl rubber (Viton) septa, 55 Shore A, 3.0mm thick. 100/pack.95025-01-4DCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, magnetic, gold with 8mm center hole, blackbutyl rubber (Viton) septa, 70 Shore A, 1.0mm thick. 100/pack.95025-04-4DCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, magnetic, gold with 8mm center hole, translucent blue silicone / white PTFE septa, 45 Shore A, 3.0mm thick. 100/pack.95025-01-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, dark grey butyl rubber septa, 55 Shore A, 3.0mm thick. 100/pack.95025-03-2SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, PTFE / grey butyl rubber Pharma-Fix septa, 50 Shore A, 3.0mm thick inserted in pressure relief caps. 100/pack.95025-03-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, PTFE / grey butyl rubber Pharma-Fix septa, 50 Shore A, 3.0mm thick. 100/pack.95025-12-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, silicone blue/PTFE ivory septa. 35 durometer, 3.0mm thick (3mil PTFE). 100/pack.95025-11-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, silicone natural/PTFE natural septa. 50 durometer, 2.5mm thick (10mil PTFE). 100/pack.95025-11-2-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, silicone natural/PTFE natural septa. 50 durometer, 3.0mm thick (5mil PTFE). 100/pack.95025-14-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, silicone white/Foil (125mil) septa. 100/pack.95025-13-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, silicone white/PTFE ivory septa. 45 durometer, 3.0mm thick (3mil PTFE). 100/pack.95025-09-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, translucent silicone / natural PTFE septa. Ultra low bleed. 100/pack.95025-07-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver with 10mm center hole, white silicone / natural PTFE septa, 45 Shore A, 3.0mm thick, 5mil thick PTFE. 100/pack.95025-06-1SCaps, aluminum crimp, 20mm for Head Space, silver, with 10mm center hole, grey butyl rubber injection stoppers as septa, 100/pack.95025-09-5RCaps, aluminum crimp, blue bi-metallic, 20mm for Head Space, w/8mm center hole, translucent silicone / natural PTFE septa. Ultra low bleed. 100/pack.95025-23-3DCaps, aluminum crimp, magnetic, 20mm for Head Space, gold with 5mm center hole, silicone white/PTFE blue, 55 shore A, 1.5mm thick septa. 100/pack.95025-14-3DCaps, aluminum crimp, magnetic, 20mm for Head Space, gold with 8mm center hole, silicone white/Foil (125mil) septa. 100/pack.95025-23-4DCaps, aluminum crimp, magnetic, 20mm for Head Space, gold with 8mm center hole, silicone white/PTFE blue, 55 shore A, 1.5mm thick septa. 100/pack.
  • Benson BP-100 Ca++ 300*7.8mm 甘露醇,山梨醇和木糖醇分析色谱柱-北京绿百草科技
    Benson BP-100 Ca++ 300*7.8mm 甘露醇,山梨醇和木糖醇分析色谱柱-北京绿百草科技 伯乐Aminex糖分析色谱柱125-0095 HPX-87P;125-0095 HPX-87C;125-0140 HPX-87H。 北京绿百草提供各种糖分析柱: Benson BP-100 Ca++ ,USP L19,单糖, 糖精, 果汁, 软饮料, 奶制品, 蔬菜, 医疗科技粒径;由磺化交联苯乙烯二乙烯基苯共聚物组成的强阳离子交换树脂,Ca型,粒径9um。其他色谱柱型号为: Sugar-D;BP-100,H+,USP L17;BP-100,Pb++,USP L34;BP-100,Ca++,USP L19;BP-200,Ca++,USP L19;BP-100,Ag+;USP L17,HC-75 H型;Hamilton USP L19,HC-75 Ca型;USP L34,HC-75 Pb型;HC-40; 了解更多信息请登陆北京绿百草:www.greenherbs.com.cn或010-51659766。
  • 普迈WHEATON Coplin染色缸 5-10个滑槽单元
    玻璃盖Coplin 染色缸,5-10 个滑槽单元●可放5 个单独的75mm×25mm 载玻片,或者10 个背靠背的载玻片●厚重的底座和侧壁增加稳定性●内部尺寸大约为:28mm×26mm×92mm定货号规格/描述包装数量900470Coplin 缸,带玻璃盖6
  • 北京绿百草现货提供卫生检验微生物检验干粉培养基(细菌总数,大肠菌数,粪大肠菌群,大肠杆菌)
    北京绿百草现货提供卫生检验微生物检验干粉培养基(细菌总数,大肠菌数,粪大肠菌群,大肠杆菌) 关键词:培养基,北京绿百草,微生物检验 北京绿百草现货提供卫生检验微生物检验干粉培养基常用品种(细菌总数,大肠菌数,粪大肠菌群,大肠杆菌):伊红美蓝琼脂(EMB),麦康凯琼脂培养基,双料乳糖胆盐胨水,乳糖胆盐发酵培养基,乳糖胆盐发酵管,三糖铁琼脂,乳糖复发酵胨水,月桂基硫酸盐胰蛋白胨肉汤(LST),平板计数琼脂,EE增菌肉汤培养基,中国蓝琼脂,品红亚硫酸钠琼脂等。 需要详细信息请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 凝胶色谱柱测定右旋糖酐40/右旋糖酐70和右旋糖酐铁
    凝胶色谱柱测定右旋糖酐40/右旋糖酐70和右旋糖酐铁 关键词:右旋糖酐40,右旋糖酐70,右旋糖酐铁,分子量分布,分子排阻 2010中国药典标准:照分子排阻色谱法(附录 V H),以亲水性球形高聚物为填充剂(如TSK G PWXL或 Shodex Ohpak SB HQ柱)。 需要详细的药典标准请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 山梨醇和甘露醇专用柱
    山梨醇和甘露醇是两种非常重要的由生命体派生出来的化学物质,是两种同分异构的己糖醇 ,广泛用于医药、食品、化工及化学分析等许多领域 ,它们都可用来制表面活性剂、黏合剂、增塑剂及作食品添加剂。此外 ,山梨醇也大量用于牙膏、化妆品、烟草等行业 甘露醇可用来生产眼压、脑压降压剂和合成抗癌药等其价值更高。《中国药典2010》第二部,甘分析露醇有关物质的测定,要求甘露醇和山梨醇的分离度必须大于2。而我公司可提供的SC1011的色谱柱,分离甘露醇和山梨醇的分离度为5.7,远高于国标要求。 订货资料: 品牌粒度(μm)规格(mm)订货号SUGAR SC101168×30032060008保护柱106×5032060009
  • 北京绿百草现货提供培养基原材料
    北京绿百草现货提供培养基原材料 北京绿百草现货提供培养基各原材料:蛋白胨,牛肉粉,牛肉膏,干酪素,酵母膏,胆酸(牛/猪),卵磷脂,琼脂粉,乳糖,胰酶粉,糊精,肝素钠,烟酸,小牛血清,肉桂酸,酸水解酪蛋白,脑浸粉(牛),肝浸粉(猪/牛),心浸粉(牛),明胶,禽胆盐,熊去氧胆酸,去氢胆酸,蛋白酶抑制剂,亚甲基蓝,虎红,孔雀石绿,酸性品红,胰蛋白眎,灿烂绿等。 需要详细信息请联系北京绿百草:010-51659766. 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
  • 用于三甲胺的草酸涂覆的玻璃微珠采样管
    使用草酸和甘油对经浓盐酸蒸煮的玻璃微珠涂覆后干燥去水可用于三甲胺的固定。?Use for?? 空气质量 三甲胺的测定 气象色谱法 GBZ/T 14676-93 三甲胺填充量:100/75 目数:60-80 外径×长度:1ml玻璃注射器 最小包装:10支/盒
  • 北京绿百草科技专业提供除酸的三菱离子交换树脂WA30
    北京绿百草科技专业提供除酸的三菱离子交换树脂WA30 关键词:三菱离子交换树脂WA30,北京绿百草科技,除酸 北京绿百草科技专业提供三菱离子交换树脂WA30。WA30树脂是苯乙烯系二甲胺型的弱碱性阴离子交换树脂,WA30树脂在制造纯水时的无机酸去除、麦芽糖浆或葡萄糖等的糖液的处理、甜菜糖的除盐脱色、甘油及酵素的精制等方面,发挥优越的性能,是应用范围很广的树脂。北京绿百草科技可以提供相应的技术资料和技术支持。 需要详细的信息请和绿百草科技联系:010-51659766 登录网站获得更多产品信息:www.greenherbs.com.cn
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