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仪器信息网双向测径仪专题为您提供2024年最新双向测径仪价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括双向测径仪参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的双向测径仪您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合双向测径仪相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有双向测径仪相关的最新资讯、资料,以及双向测径仪相关的解决方案。


  • 聚乙烯薄膜的应用以及双向拉伸PVA薄膜的检测方法
  • 利用同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) 提高分析效率并降低使用维护成本
    Agilent 5900 同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) ICP-OES 通过一系列操作、性能和分析效率方面的改善,颠覆了传统双向观测 ICP-OES 概念。专为希望高效运行样品,并使每个样品分析的成本降到最低的高样品通量实验室而设计。5900 SVDV ICP-OES 包括独特的智能光谱组合 (DSC) 技术,该技术可在单次测量中采集并组合垂直等离子体发出的全波段范围内的轴向和径向光。5900 还包括高速Vista Chip II CCD 检测器和集成的 AVS 6/7 高级阀系统切换阀作为标配。这三种技术的结合造就了分析单个样品速度最快、气体消耗量最小的 ICP-OES。水平观测垂直炬管和冷锥接口 (CCI) 等其他功能使 5900 能够分析高盐样品、挥发性有机溶剂和腐蚀性样品基质。凭借在宽线性动态范围 (LDR) 内分析多个元素的能力,最大程度减少了额外的样品稀释或同一样品多次读数的需要,进一步提高了样品通量。5900 SVDV ICP-OES 出色的稳定性可确保减少样品重新测量的需求,并最大程度缩短仪器停机时间。
  • 蛋白质的NR/R双向对线电泳
    NR/R双向电泳的基本原理是根据LaemmLi的SDS电泳原理设计的,NR指的是非还原相,R指的是还原相。SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳可将不同相对分子质量的蛋白质按相对分子质量大小分离开来。NR/R双向对角线电泳的第一向是在非还原条件下的SDS电泳,电泳结束后将胶条切下,置于含 2-硫基乙醇的样品处理液中处理,使其-S-S-键被还原断裂,将处理后的胶条置于第二向SDS电泳槽的夹层中凝胶上方,然后进行第二向电泳。电泳结果中凡是即无链内二硫键又无链间二硫键的蛋白质均处于对角线上,凡含有链间二硫键的蛋白质,因二硫键断裂,使两条或两条以上的肽链分开,相对分子质量变小,迁移率加大,而出现在对角线的下方,凡含有链内二硫键的蛋白质,因二硫键断裂,而使肽链松散,迁移率降低,而出现在对角线的上方。
  • 使用 Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) ICP-OES 分析牛肝
    "为了保护公共健康和环境,动物性食品产品中各种元素(包括营养元素、微量营 养元素和有毒元素)的测定必须遵守国家或国际监管机构的规定。例如,联合国 粮农组织 (FAO) 和世贸组织 (WTO) 成立了食品法典委员会,制定了统一的国际食品标准、指南和操作规范,各国通常以此为立法的基础。需要遵循监管框架的食 品检测实验室必须在日常分析中监测大量样品的各种指定元素。ICP-OES 仪器以其可靠性和易用性,已广泛用于许多食品检测实验室。不过,Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) ICP-OES 技术的操作水平和性能更胜一筹,尤其体现在它的稳定性、分析速度和较低的运行成本方面。Agilent 5100 使用的 ICP Expert 软件配有包含预设方法模板的软件程序,可快速、简单地进行方法开发。DSC 智能光谱组合技术进一步简化了方法开发,无需针对样品中的元素选择等离子体观测模式。操作人员仅需选择测量元素和波长,仪器会自动完成测量模式的切换,全谱一次曝光,一次分析完成。例如,样品中百分含量水平的营养元素(如钠和钾)可通过垂直观测分析,而 ppm 或 ppb 水平的其他元素(如铜或锌)可在同一次读数中通过水平观测分析,从而实现对宽浓度范围内的所有元素进行分析。仅需对样品进行 1 次测量,而传统双向观测仪器需要 2 次、3 次,甚至 4 次测量。"
  • 燃气轮机燃烧室新型双相空气喷射器喷雾分布及燃料位置研究
    采用美国Artium 公司的PDI-200型相位多普勒粒子干涉仪,对燃气轮机燃烧室新型双相空气喷射器喷雾的液滴粒径和SMD的空间分布及其与燃料的位置关系进行了实验测量研究。
  • 单阀易折式聚丙烯组合盖测静态保持力的解决方案
  • 采用 GB/T 20125-2006 标准和 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 双向观测模式对钢及其合金进行分析
    不同等级的钢具有不同的元素含量指标,大多数钢和不锈钢等级规定 硫的重量百分比小于 0.05%,且磷的重量百分比小于 0.04%。利用电 感耦合等离子体发射光谱 (ICP-OES) 技术能够轻松测量样品中这一浓度范围内的元素,实验室从期望能否“完成工作”进一步考虑特定仪 器能否提高其样品通量、降低成本、简化样品前处理和仪器运行,以 及能否在大批样品分析过程中提供可靠的结果。本应用简报证明了 Agilent 5100 垂直双向观测 (VDV) ICP-OES 仪器在使用 GB/T 20125-2006 方法分析钢铁样品时的性能和优势。该仪器在这一应用中具有许多优势,包括能够快速分析大量具有挑战性的钢铁样品。
  • 一种新型燃气轮机燃烧室双相喷射器的喷雾特性和速度分布特性研究
  • 2205双相不锈钢沉积氯化钠之高温腐蚀
    本文研究表面沉积2mg/cm2氯化钠的2205双相不锈钢(2205DSS)在500vppmNaCl(g)流动气氛加热炉内550~850℃下之高温腐蚀. 只做学术交流,不做其他任何商业用途!版权归原作者所有!
  • 双向拉伸聚丙烯药用复合袋的水蒸气透过量(红外检测器法)
    仪器装置红外透湿仪示意图见图2,透湿仪由湿度调节装置、测试腔、红外检测器、干燥管及流量表等组成。高湿腔的湿度调节可采用载气加湿的方式或饱和盐溶液的方式调节,红外检测器与低湿腔相连测定水蒸气浓度。红外传感器对水蒸气的灵敏度至少为1 ug/L或1 mm3/dm3。
  • 瓶盖扭矩仪在瓶类包装容器方面的检测应用说明
  • 使用激光测径仪测量光缆直径的操作步骤
    使用激光测径仪来测量光缆直径的操作步骤如下:准备工作:a. 确保激光测径仪已经校准并处于正常工作状态。b. 准备待测的光缆样品。
  • Agilent 5100 SVDV ICP-OES 依照 US EPA 6010C 方法对环境样品进行高通量、低成本分析
    许多从事地下水、工业废水、土壤、污泥和沉积物等环境样品中元素分析的实验室操作 ICP-OES 以美国国家环境保护局 (US EPA) 6010C 方法作为指导原则。这些实验室期望提高样品通量并降低分析成本,但由于元素种类众多且在典型样品中的浓度各不相同,因此使用光谱化学技术难以达到目标。配备垂直炬管的径向 ICP-OES 或双向观测 (DV) ICP-OES 通常用于测定复杂环境样品中的常量、微量和痕量元素。然而,Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 独特的同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) 构造能确保仪器在最适合特定应用的模式下运行(轴向、径向、垂直双向观测或同步垂直双向观测),为建立方法和应用要求提供充分的灵活性。本研究采用在 SVDV 观测模式下运行的 Agilent 5100 ICPOES,依照 6010C 方法对河床污泥有证标准物质中的常量、微量和痕量元素进行了分析。将 Agilent SVS 2+ 切换阀系统与 ICP-OES 配套使用,以提高样品通量并减少每个样品的氩气消耗量。6010C 方法是一套基于性能的指导原则,用于分析土壤、污泥和沉积物中的 31 种元素。6010C 方法要求 5100 SVDV ICP-OES 满足校准有效性、线性动态范围(LDR)、方法检测限 (MDL) 以及光谱干扰检测 (ISC) 的性能标准。
  • BOPP(双向拉伸聚丙烯)薄膜厚度检测的具体方法
    GB/T 6672是中国国家标准,规定了塑料薄膜和薄片厚度的机械测量法。这种方法适用于BOPP薄膜等塑料材料,通过特定的测厚仪器进行多点测量,以获得准确的厚度值。
  • Agilent 5100 SVDV ICP-OES 依照 US EPA6010C 方法对环境样品进行高通量、低成本分析
    许多从事地下水、工业废水、土壤、污泥和沉积物等环境样品中元素分析的实验 室操作 ICP-OES 以美国国家环境保护局 (US EPA) 6010C 方法作为指导原则。这 些实验室期望提高样品通量并降低分析成本,但由于元素种类众多且在典型样品 中的浓度各不相同,因此使用光谱化学技术难以达到目标。配备垂直炬管的径向 ICP-OES 或双向观测 (DV) ICP-OES 通常用于测定复杂环境样 品中的常量、微量和痕量元素。然而,Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 独特的同步垂直双 向观测 (SVDV) 构造能确保仪器在最适合特定应用的模式下运行(轴向、径向、垂 直双向观测或同步垂直双向观测),为建立方法和应用要求提供充分的灵活性 [1]。本研究采用在 SVDV 观测模式下运行的 Agilent 5100 ICPOES,依照 6010C 方法对河床污泥有证标准物质中的常量、 微量和痕量元素进行了分析。将 Agilent SVS 2+ 切换阀 系统与 ICP-OES 配套使用,以提高样品通量并减少每个样 品的氩气消耗量。6010C 方法是一套基于性能的指导原则, 用于分析土壤、污泥和沉积物中的 31 种元素。6010C 方法 要求 5100 SVDV ICP-OES 满足校准有效性、线性动态范围 (LDR)、方法检测限 (MDL) 以及光谱干扰检测 (ISC) 的性能 标准。
  • 聚丙烯组合盖的穿刺器动态保持力这样测才符合标准
  • 利用CTX质构仪评估包装袋的密封强度
  • 使用瘦肉精检测仪检测猪肉瘦肉精含量的实验操作步骤
  • 瘦肉精检测仪检测瘦肉精喹乙醇步骤
  • 扫描电镜在钛合金表面镀层分析中的应用
    Ti-6Al-4V 合金经过热处理以改变其微观结构中 α 和 β 相的数量,微观结构将根据确切的热处理和加工方法而显著变化(三种常见的热处理工艺是轧机退火、双相退火和固溶处理和时效)。借助飞纳台式扫描电镜的 EDS-mapping 功能,可以获得各相中元素含量、分布状态,通过不同相中相稳定元素含量的差异(α 相中常固溶 Al、Sn,β 相中常固溶 V、Cr 等)及 BSE 图片的衬度差异能够分析 α 相和 β 相的微观结构。
  • 德国耶拿:ICP法测试氧化钕中Ce稀土杂质
  • 使用 Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 ICP OES 对植物营养元素B进行分析
    The determination of the elemental composition in plants is important for development, growth and maintenance of plant tissues. Elements, such as Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, S, Sr, P, and Zn, are important for plant nutrition, being vital nutrients required for tissue development, maintenance and plant metabolism [1]. The determination of macro, micronutrients and contaminants in plant samples is important to keep up with sources of nutrients and minerals. The chemical analysis of plant materials can be applied to assist in the remediation of contaminated soils or to solve mineral malnutrition, a problem that seriously affects the human population [2, 3]. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is an attractive technique for this analysis because it can accommodate the wide concentration ranges typical of macro and micronutrients in plants. 2 Agronomical laboratories typically deal with large batches of samples. Several critical elements, in wide concentration ranges, must be determined on a routine basis for such samples. The Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES with Dichroic Spectral Combiner (DSC) technology, has the ability to keep up with these demands, performing axial and radial measurements in a single reading, leading to faster sample throughput times. With faster sample run times, the 5100 SVDV requires less argon per sample, meaning significant savings can be made for labs involved in high throughput analysis. The Vista Chip II detector used in the 5100 ICP-OES has the fastest processing speed (1 MHz) of any charge coupled device (CCD) detector used in ICP-OES. It delivers fast warm-up, high throughput, high sensitivity, and the largest dynamic range. This application note describes the quantitation of Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, S, Sr and Zn in microwave acid digested alfalfa, corn and sugarcane samples and an apple leaves certified reference material (SRM NIST 1515), using the Agilent 5100
  • 使用 Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 ICP OES 对植物营养元素Ba进行分析
    The determination of the elemental composition in plants is important for development, growth and maintenance of plant tissues. Elements, such as Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, S, Sr, P, and Zn, are important for plant nutrition, being vital nutrients required for tissue development, maintenance and plant metabolism [1]. The determination of macro, micronutrients and contaminants in plant samples is important to keep up with sources of nutrients and minerals. The chemical analysis of plant materials can be applied to assist in the remediation of contaminated soils or to solve mineral malnutrition, a problem that seriously affects the human population [2, 3]. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is an attractive technique for this analysis because it can accommodate the wide concentration ranges typical of macro and micronutrients in plants. 2 Agronomical laboratories typically deal with large batches of samples. Several critical elements, in wide concentration ranges, must be determined on a routine basis for such samples. The Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES with Dichroic Spectral Combiner (DSC) technology, has the ability to keep up with these demands, performing axial and radial measurements in a single reading, leading to faster sample throughput times. With faster sample run times, the 5100 SVDV requires less argon per sample, meaning significant savings can be made for labs involved in high throughput analysis. The Vista Chip II detector used in the 5100 ICP-OES has the fastest processing speed (1 MHz) of any charge coupled device (CCD) detector used in ICP-OES. It delivers fast warm-up, high throughput, high sensitivity, and the largest dynamic range. This application note describes the quantitation of Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, S, Sr and Zn in microwave acid digested alfalfa, corn and sugarcane samples and an apple leaves certified reference material (SRM NIST 1515), using the Agilent 5100
  • 使用 Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 ICP OES 对植物营养元素K进行分析
    The determination of the elemental composition in plants is important for development, growth and maintenance of plant tissues. Elements, such as Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, S, Sr, P, and Zn, are important for plant nutrition, being vital nutrients required for tissue development, maintenance and plant metabolism [1]. The determination of macro, micronutrients and contaminants in plant samples is important to keep up with sources of nutrients and minerals. The chemical analysis of plant materials can be applied to assist in the remediation of contaminated soils or to solve mineral malnutrition, a problem that seriously affects the human population [2, 3]. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is an attractive technique for this analysis because it can accommodate the wide concentration ranges typical of macro and micronutrients in plants. 2 Agronomical laboratories typically deal with large batches of samples. Several critical elements, in wide concentration ranges, must be determined on a routine basis for such samples. The Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES with Dichroic Spectral Combiner (DSC) technology, has the ability to keep up with these demands, performing axial and radial measurements in a single reading, leading to faster sample throughput times. With faster sample run times, the 5100 SVDV requires less argon per sample, meaning significant savings can be made for labs involved in high throughput analysis. The Vista Chip II detector used in the 5100 ICP-OES has the fastest processing speed (1 MHz) of any charge coupled device (CCD) detector used in ICP-OES. It delivers fast warm-up, high throughput, high sensitivity, and the largest dynamic range. This application note describes the quantitation of Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, S, Sr and Zn in microwave acid digested alfalfa, corn and sugarcane samples and an apple leaves certified reference material (SRM NIST 1515), using the Agilent 5100
  • 使用 Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 ICP OES 对植物营养元素Ca进行分析
    The determination of the elemental composition in plants is important for development, growth and maintenance of plant tissues. Elements, such as Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, S, Sr, P, and Zn, are important for plant nutrition, being vital nutrients required for tissue development, maintenance and plant metabolism [1]. The determination of macro, micronutrients and contaminants in plant samples is important to keep up with sources of nutrients and minerals. The chemical analysis of plant materials can be applied to assist in the remediation of contaminated soils or to solve mineral malnutrition, a problem that seriously affects the human population [2, 3]. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is an attractive technique for this analysis because it can accommodate the wide concentration ranges typical of macro and micronutrients in plants. 2 Agronomical laboratories typically deal with large batches of samples. Several critical elements, in wide concentration ranges, must be determined on a routine basis for such samples. The Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES with Dichroic Spectral Combiner (DSC) technology, has the ability to keep up with these demands, performing axial and radial measurements in a single reading, leading to faster sample throughput times. With faster sample run times, the 5100 SVDV requires less argon per sample, meaning significant savings can be made for labs involved in high throughput analysis. The Vista Chip II detector used in the 5100 ICP-OES has the fastest processing speed (1 MHz) of any charge coupled device (CCD) detector used in ICP-OES. It delivers fast warm-up, high throughput, high sensitivity, and the largest dynamic range. This application note describes the quantitation of Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, S, Sr and Zn in microwave acid digested alfalfa, corn and sugarcane samples and an apple leaves certified reference material (SRM NIST 1515), using the Agilent 5100
  • 显微镜用气密真空冷热台的真空度精密控制
    针对气密真空冷热台目前存在的真空度控制精度差和配套控制系统价格昂贵的问题,本文介绍采用国产产品的解决方案,介绍了采用数控针阀进行上游和下游双向控制模式的详细实施过程。此方案已经得到了应用和验证,可实现宽范围内的真空度精密控制,真空度波动可控制在± 1%以内,整个控制系统具有很高的性价比。
  • 德国耶拿:ICP法测试铁基合金纤维中Mo非基体成分
  • 德国耶拿:ICP法测试铁基合金纤维中非基体成分
  • ICP法测试铁基合金纤维中非基体成分
  • 双向拉伸尼龙复合膜的水蒸气透过量测试
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