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仪器信息网再生胶门尼粘度仪专题为您提供2024年最新再生胶门尼粘度仪价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括再生胶门尼粘度仪参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的再生胶门尼粘度仪您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合再生胶门尼粘度仪相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有再生胶门尼粘度仪相关的最新资讯、资料,以及再生胶门尼粘度仪相关的解决方案。


  • 1838逆流粘度计
  • 荷兰Omnitek专用粘度浴油
    影响粘度大的因素就是温度,在不同的温度下油的粘度是不一样的。浴油就是为粘度管达到并维持提供指定温度的一个介质。合格的浴油要考虑比热系数、热稳定性、粘度等多方面的因素。此浴油可用于omnitek全系产品,U-Visc110,U-Visc120,U-Visc210,U-Visc220,S-Flow IV+S-Flow 1250S-Flow 3500S-Flow870S-Flow 850
  • 75.3110.1 CCS表观粘度测定仪用样品瓶 粘度计配件
    Bottle, 2 oz 48 pack 38-400 Flint Graduated AC Round 13.5 L x 10.1870 W x 3.4370 H订货编号:75.3110.1SKU# 75.3110.1cannon CCS 仪器用样品瓶cannon CCS表观粘度测定仪用样品瓶CCS 表观粘度测定仪器用螺口带刻度透明样品瓶,AC形制,规格 38-400一盒起购,每盒48个,仪器使用 2 oz (盎司)螺口带刻度AC透明样品瓶样品瓶容量:2 oz (盎司),约59.1 毫升商品体积: 13.5 L x 10.1870 W x 3.4370 H —》13.6 x 10.5 x 4 cm商品重量:8.94 磅,约4.1 kg千克(公斤)cannon instrument CCS-2100 自动低温发动机油CCS表观粘度测定仪cannon instrument CCS-2100LT 自动低温发动机油CCS表观粘度测定仪凯能仪器 cannon instrument 自动低温发动机油CCS表观粘度测定仪专业经销 cannon instrument 仪器耗材、仪器配件。
  • 德国仪力信#301型粘度尺
    目的和应用有一个基本的方法用于评估油漆和涂料在涂盖时的一致性,用刮刀搅拌液体并测量将其从液体拿出后的流动时间,运用这种方法,表面张力因素会使判定流动结束时间变得困难。使用301型粘度尺,表面张力的影响因素相对较低,流动结束时间可精确确定。粘度尺设计用于迅速测定用于喷涂和刷涂的油漆的粘度,一方面在稀释油漆时,它为实用的搅拌工具,另一方面它可作为测量物质粘度的装置。粘度尺使用和清洗都较简单,这使得它在实际运用中为一方便的仪器。测试原理粘度尺符合Rossmann标准。由防腐蚀弹簧钢片制成,有两个精确尺寸槽,槽的两个末端各有一个圆孔。此测量装置等同于一个投射到平面上的毛细管粘度计,槽代替毛细管,圆孔代替球体。两个不同宽度的槽等同于不同直径的毛细管,槽内的流动率取决于槽的宽度与液体的粘度和密度。使用301型粘度尺的流动时间和使用一个4 mm的DIN粘度杯的流动时间之间的关系如下:使用DIN粘度杯的流动时间大约是使用窄槽粘度尺的流动时间的5倍,或是使用宽槽粘度尺的流动时间的12倍。性能和测试评估将粘度尺浸到被测液体中,槽被完全盖住,而上端的圆孔保持在空气中。将粘度尺迅速从液体中提起,保持垂直,测量时间直到槽中的弯液到达下端圆孔。此点清晰可见,因为盖在圆孔上的薄膜将在此刻破裂。槽中的流动速度也会受到尺上余留物流动速度的影响。所以浸入深度应保持很精确。要取得精确的测量结果,作为额外的准备功夫,刮刀在进行测试前应先湿润。油漆包括挥发性溶剂的流动时间不应超过10秒,所以要将因溶剂挥发所引起的测量错误保持在最小值。槽的宽度为流动时间5秒而设计,窄槽用于测试喷涂粘度,宽槽用于刷涂粘度,槽有相应的标记。技术数据尺寸:180 mm× 20 mm× 0.5 mm(长宽高)净重:约0.015 kg
  • SC-CSRS 300 盐转换器阳离子自再生抑制器
    Dionex SC-CSRS 300 盐转换器阳离子自再生抑制器通过使用 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ SC-CSRS™ 300 盐转换器阳离子自再生抑制器来将弱电离有机胺和铵根转化为用于电导检测的高度离子化甲磺酸 (MSA),从而提高被分析物响应,并且将线性范围扩大三倍之多。提供 4 mm 规格(与 4 mm 和 5 mm 柱配合使用)和 2 mm 规格(与 2 mm 和 3 mm 柱配合使用),这款易于使用的自再生抑制器不需要再生液。描述针对胺、铵、以及第I、II族阳离子的强化性能将线性范围最多扩大三个数量级提高对广泛铵或胺浓度的样品的灵敏度用于更高浓度样品时的准确度更高,减少了所需的校准检查标准品数量提高具有高样品工作负荷行业(例如发电工业)的样品通量更新的设计,更高的耐反压能力以及最高的抗泄漏性能得益于创新的再生液清除设计,实现更低噪音和快速启动自再生功能,节省时间Dionex SC-CSRS 300 盐转换器阳离子自再生抑制器订货信息:SC-CSRS 300 (4 mm) Salt Converter-Cation Self-Regenerating Suppressor067530SC-CSRS 300 (2 mm) Salt Converter-Cation Self-Regenerating Suppressor067529Converts Analytes to the Fully-Dissociated Methanesulfonic Acid SpeciesWith the SC-CSRS 300, nonlinear response of ammonia and certain amines can be overcome by converting the weak base analyte to a fully ionized form, thus extending the linear response. The SC-CSRS 300 suppressor is designed to make this conversion and provide linearity across as much as three orders of magnitude.Increased linearity for ammonium and aminesIncreased sensitivity for ammonium and aminesLow background and noiseConversion to and detection as fully dissociated methanesulfonic acidThe SC-CSRS should be used in industries where regulated methods require a linear response. A linear response increases accuracy at higher concentrations, and so requires fewer calibration check standards over the calibration curve. Reduced calibration requirements increase sample throughput for industries with high sample workloads such as the power generation industry.Method detection limits for Group I and II cations, ammonium, and amines using the SC-CSRS are equivalent to or better than those achieved using the CSRS 300. Salt Converter Cation Self-Regenerating Suppressor (SC-CSRS) SpecificationsEluent Suppressor Component (ES)Dimensions16 × 3.5 × 3.5 cm (6.6 × 1.8 × 1.7 in.)Void volume4 mm: 50 μL2 mm: 15 μLWeight0.4 kg (1 lb)Analyte Converter* Component (AC)Dimensions16 × 3.5 × 3.5 cm (6.6 × 1.8 × 1.7 in.)Void volume4 mm: 15 μL2 mm: 15 μLWeight0.4 kg (1 lb)*Low dispersion design used for both 4- and 2-mm SC-CSRS.Product Data SheetsSalt Converter-Cation Self-Regenerating Suppressor 300
  • 玻璃平氏石油运动毛细管 品氏粘度计
    玻璃平氏石油运动毛细管 品氏粘度计 是国内使用最广的常规粘度计,是测定液体粘滞性及高聚物分子量的重要仪器,其测量范围可达数万厘(mm2/S)。优点是使用方便,而且较其它类型粘度计精确。所以平氏粘度计广泛应用子石油工业,化学工业,其它工业部门和科学研究中。产品全长约269mm。使用说明:毛细管粘度计按结构、形状可分为乌氏、芬氏、平氏、逆流四种。它们测定的样品粘度是运动粘度。已广泛地运用在石油、化工、轻工、机电、国防、交通、煤碳、冶金医药、食品、造纸、纺织、科研、高等院校等单位。正确使用毛细管粘度计,对确保产品质量和科研数据的准确是很重要的。一、洗涤与烘干:使用前必需将粘度计洗净,一般先用能溶解粘度计内残留物的溶剂反复洗涤,再用酒精或汽油洗,然后用发烟硫酸洗或重铬钾洗液浸2-3小时,最后用自来水冲洗,蒸馏水冲一下,放放烘箱,升温至150℃左右即可,或在自然温度下倒置数天,蒸干为止。二、装油:(除乌氏直接从精管子倒入外)用带有小嘴的橡皮球(洗耳球)或注射器连结精管子上小玻璃管,左手拿着粘度计,并用食指堵住粗管子口,将粘度计倒过来,把有毛细管的长玻璃管伸入样品内,拉动注射器,把样品吸到第二个圈线(使液面与圈线相切),然后竖起来即可。逆流装好后,用夹子夹紧乳胶管,套在吸样品的管子上。三、恒温及调垂直:把装好样品的粘度计放到恒温槽架子上(夹子上),把毛细管左、右、前、后调垂直,在测定温度下恒温10分钟,开始测定,记下第一到第二圈间流出时间,一般进行三次(去掉不正常数)取平均数。规格介绍:本器系根据SY3676-76石油产品运动粘度测定法所规定的标准生产全长毛细管内径附常数可测粘度范围mmmmmm2690.41.5以下2690.62-62690.84-102691.010-402691.220-502691.540-1002692.0100-4002692.5200-7002693.0500-10002693.5700-25002694.01000-50002695.02500-50002696.05000-10000
  • 运动粘度仪粘度管
    毛细管粘度计一组共13支,均符合GB/T265-88标准和 SY3607-82之技术要求,毛细管内径分别为: 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,1.0,1.2,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,5.0,6.0 毫米。(其中5. 0和6. 0,二种毛细管粘度计不附系数,需用户自行校测。)
  • Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 阴离子化学再生抑制器
    Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 阴离子化学再生抑制器Thermo Scientific的戴安ACRS-ICE500阴离子化学再生抑制器是专为复杂或高离子强度的样品,包括食品和饮料产品,生物样品,发酵工艺,工业过程酒中有机酸和醇分析,以及处理废水。此抑制剂是非常适合的复杂或高离子强度的样品中有机酸和醇离子排阻层析。它提供了以下优点:高容量和溶剂兼容性设计优化为复杂或高离子强度的样品中的有机酸和醇分析低检测限,高信噪比,和优异的基线稳定性快速启动和平衡Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 阴离子化学再生抑制器订货信息:ACRS-ICE 500 (4 mm) Anion Chemically Regenerated Suppressor084714ACRS-ICE 500 (9 mm) Anion Chemically Regenerated Suppressor084715Chemically-Regenerated Suppressor Optimized for Ion-Exclusion ChromatographyThe Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ACRS-ICE™ 500 Anion Chemically Regenerated Suppressor is designed for the analysis of organic acids and alcohols in complex or high-ionic-strength samples, including food and beverage products, biological samples, fermentation processes, industrial process liquors, and treated wastewaters. This suppressor is ideally suited to ion-exclusion chromatography of organic acids and alcohols in complex or high-ionic-strength samples. It provides the following advantages:High-capacity and solvent compatible designOptimized for organic acid and alcohol analysis in complex or high-ionic-strength samplesLow detection limits, high signal-to-noise ratio, and excellent baseline stabilityFast startup and equilibrationThe Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 suppressor is used in chemical suppression mode with a tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH) regenerant. Standard ion suppression converts analytes into their acid or base forms. The Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 suppressor increases analyte conductivity by forming the TBA salt of the weak acid analyte, which is more conductive than the partially ionized acid form of the analyte. The Dionex ACRS-ICE 500 suppressor removes the hydronium ion and any counterions of the analytes from the eluent stream and replaces them with tetrabutylammonium ion. This removal greatly reduces background conductivity. In addition, this mechanism forces the ionization of weak acid analytes, increasing sensitivity. Anion Ion-Exclusion Chemically Regenerated Suppressor (ACRS-ICE 500) SpecificationsPhysical SpecificationsDimensions (l × w × d)14.0 × 4.5 × 4.8 cm (5.5 × 1.8 × 1.9 in.)Weight370 g (0.82 lb)Void Volume50 μL (4 mm) 50 μL (9 mm)Chemical SpecificationsTemperature Range115–40° CRecommended Backpressure40 psiMaximum Eluent Flow Rate3 mL/minEluent Solvent Restrictions290% solvent compatible5Maximum Regenerant EWM3 Flow Rate10 mL/minModes of Operation SupportedChemical, DCR mode1When installed outside the heated column enclosure, all suppressors can support applications up to 60 ?C.2Solvents for anion eluents include methanol. Solvents for cation eluents include acetonitrile and dioxane.3EWM = external water mode for eluents containing 40% solvent, use the chemical regeneration mode.4Recycle recommended for aqueous applications without solvent.5Do not use THF solvent in the eluent.Product Data SheetsThermo Scientific Dionex Eluent Suppressors for Ion ChromatographyManualsACRS-ICE 500 Manual
  • 1833 运动粘度计(品氏/平氏粘度计)
    1833运动粘度计(品氏/平氏粘度计)1833运动粘度计又称平氏粘度计或者是品氏粘度计,是测定粘度实验中使用最广的一种粘度计。主要用于GB265-83“石油产品运动粘度测定法”标准中。符合SH/TO173玻璃毛细管粘度计技术条件及ISO3105标准规定。运动粘度:在国际单位制中,运动粘度单位为斯,即每秒平方米(m2/s),实际测定中常用厘斯(cst)表示,厘斯的单位为每秒平方毫米(即1cst=1mm2/s)。运动粘度广泛用于测定深色石油产品使用后的粘度,运动粘度的测定采用逆流法。1833运动粘度计(品氏/平氏粘度计)技术参数品 名毛细管内径mm运动粘度范围mm2/s1833运动粘度计(品氏/平氏粘度计)0.40.6-
  • 硫化仪、门尼和自动进样硫化仪卷状尼龙薄膜
    硫化仪、门尼和自动进样硫化仪 130mm 宽600mm长 23µ m厚 卷状尼龙薄膜硫化仪、门尼和自动进样硫化仪 130mm 宽600mm长 25µ m厚 卷状尼龙薄膜
  • 富兰德 GB/T6538发动机油表观粘度测定仪 粘度计配件
    富兰德 GB/T6538发动机油表观粘度测定仪 粘度计配件适用范围发动机油表观粘度测定仪适用标准:GB/T6538 ASTM D5293 该仪器主要测试发动机油的低温动力粘度指标,采用当代先进技术,集机械、光学电子及计算机技术于一体,进行温度测量,恒温控制。控温精确、稳定。 发动机油表观粘度测定仪结构合理,性能稳定,操作简单,是理想的分析检测设备。富兰德 GB/T6538发动机油表观粘度测定仪 粘度计配件功能特点 1、发动机油表观粘度测定仪采用触摸屏显示,中英俄等多国语言界面,方便全球用户使用。 2、发动机油表观粘度测定仪配置自动故障诊断系统,故障自动提示功能,操作人员一键判断 3、发动机油表观粘度测定仪采用软件智能控制技术,自动锁止电流开关、彻底解决传统机械旋钮锁止的不稳定,不精确问题 4、发动机油表观粘度测定仪控制系统配置不同管理权限账号,不同权限应用功能不一样,方便用户管理 5、发动机油表观粘度测定仪采用智能操作系统,用户只需一键操作,仪器自动升温、自动计时、自动计算、自动恒温、自动保存结果、自动打印报表 6、发动机油表观粘度测定仪采用图形显示、电流、转速、粘度、曲线等参数都实时显示 7、发动机油表观粘度测定仪采用一体式结构,检测、清洗均在主机里面一次完成,无需外接任何装置富兰德 GB/T6538发动机油表观粘度测定仪 粘度计配件技术参数1、制冷方式:进口压缩机制冷2、温度范围:温度范围:常温~-40℃3、循环方式:进口低温循环泵驱动4、控温系统:PLC5、电流控制:软件自动控制、自动锁止6、显示方式:触摸屏显示7、校正方式:标准油校正8、工作电源:AC220V±10% 50HZ
  • 硫化仪和门尼聚酯薄膜
    硫化仪和门尼聚酯薄膜,125 x 125 mm, 23 µ m,1000张/盒硫化仪和门尼聚酯薄膜,80 x 80 mm, 23 µ m,1000张/盒
  • Paragon粘度标准品
    Paragon Scientific符合ISO 17025/ISO 17034双 认证的粘度标准物质用于校准和验证玻璃毛细管 粘度计及需要精确控制工作温度的其他粘度测量 设备。CSS:粘度标准(冷启动模拟器) ParagonISO17025/ISO17034 双重认证CCS粘度标 准 用于根据ASTMD5293和SAE规范J300对冷启动模 拟器(CCS)油液测试中使用的分析设备进行校准 和验证。
  • Dionex CRS 500 化学再生抑制器 085090
    Dionex CRS 500 化学再生抑制器高容量,溶剂兼容,化学,再生的抑制Thermo Scienfitic 戴安CRS500抑制器是化学再生的抑制,因此具有非常低的噪声和快速的启动时间。随着新的化学位移再生(DCR)套件,这款经典抑制器提供更方便的操作。该戴安CRS 500抑制优势包括:高容量,能够处理样品复杂基质溶剂兼容设计非常低的信号与噪声和优异的基线稳定性低方法检测限快速启动和平衡使用方便,免维护的DCR套件操作对改进的性能提高峰值效率,特别是当加上4微米基于柱改进的热稳定性,以消除因损坏安装故障装运期间,处理和操作的戴安CRS 500抑制器具有高容量,并且可以与所有热Scienfitic戴安离子交换柱中使用。对于最低噪声和最长寿命,戴安CRS 500抑制器建议使用含HPLC溶剂洗脱液阴离子和阳离子分离。该戴安CRS 500抑制在这两个2 - 4毫米格式提供 3毫米列应该有2mM抑制器使用。该戴安CRS 500抑制产生噪声最低,因为它使用非电解化学再生。低噪音转化为更低的方法检出限。Dionex CRS 500 化学再生抑制器订货信息:ACRS 500 Suppressor 4 mm085090ACRS 500 Suppressor 2 mm085091CCRS 500 Suppressor 4 mm085092CCRS 500 Suppressor 2 mm085093High-Capacity, Solvent-Compatible, Chemically-Regenerated SuppressorThe Thermo Scienfitic™ Dionex™ CRS™ 500 suppressor is a chemically-regenerated suppressor and therefore has very low noise and quick startup time. With the new Displacement Chemical Regeneration (DCR) Kit, this classic suppressor provides easier operation. The Dionex CRS 500 suppressor advantages include:High-capacity and solvent-compatible design capable of handling samples with complex matricesVery low signal-to-noise and excellent baseline stabilityLow method detection limitsFast start-up and equilibrationEasy to use, maintenance-free operation with the DCR kitImproved peak efficiency for improved performance, particularly when coupled with 4 μm based columnsImproved thermal stability to eliminate installation failures due to damage during shipment, handling, and operationThe Dionex CRS 500 suppressor has high capacity and can be used with all Thermo Scienfitic Dionex ion-exchange columns. For lowest noise and longest life, the Dionex CRS 500 suppressor is recommended for anion and cation separations using eluents containing HPLC solvents. The Dionex CRS 500 suppressor is available in both 2- and 4 mm formats 3 mm columns should be used with 2 mm suppressors.The Dionex CRS 500 suppressor produces the lowest noise because it uses non-electrolytic chemical regeneration. Low noise levels translate into lower method detection limits.Chemically Regenerated Suppressor (CRS 500) SpecificationsACRS 500Physical SpecificationsDimensions (l × w × d)14.0 × 4.5 × 4.8 cm (5.5 × 1.8 × 1.9 in.)Weight370 g (0.82 lb)Void volume4 mm: 50 μL2 mm: 15 μLChemical SpecificationsTemperature Range115–40° CRecommended Backpressure30-100 psiMaximum Eluent Flow Rate3 mL/min (4 mm)0.75 mL/min (2 mm)Eluent Solvent Restrictions2100% solvent compatibleMaximum Regenerant EWM3 Flow Rate10 mL/min (4 mm)5 mL/min (2 mm)Modes of Operation SupportedChemical, DCR ModeMaximum Currentn/aCCRS 500Physical SpecificationsDimensions (l × w × d)14.0 × 4.5 × 4.8 cm (5.5 × 1.8 × 1.9 in.)Weight370 g (0.82 lb)Void volume4 mm: 50 μL2 mm: 15 μLChemical SpecificationsTemperature Range115–40° CRecommended Backpressure30-100 psiMaximum Eluent Flow Rate3 mL/min (4 mm)0.75 mL/min (2 mm)Eluent Solvent Restrictions2100% solvent compatibleMaximum Regenerant EWM3 Flow Rate10 mL/min (4 mm)5 mL/min (2 mm)Modes of Operation SupportedChemical, DCR ModeMaximum Currentn/a1When installed outside the heated column enclosure, all suppressors can support applications up to 60 ?C.2Solvents for anion eluents include methanol. Solvents for cation eluents include acetonitrile and dioxane.3EWM = external water mode for eluents containing 40% solvent, use the chemical regeneration mode. Product Data SheetsRFIC Eluent Suppressors for Ion Chromatography Data SheetThermo Scientific Dionex Eluent Suppressors for Ion ChromatographyManualsDionex CRS 500 Suppressor Product Manual
  • 一次性粘度取样器
    一次性粘度取样器一次性粘度取样器用于取高粘度的物质,高达10000 cP. 一次性粘度取样器(直径:21cm) 一次性粘度取样器长度mm体积ml材质每包装个数起批量产品货号500100HDPE20105393-3320500100HDPE/无菌20105393-33211000190HDPE20105393-33301000190HDPE/无菌20105393-3331
  • 万慕仪器 平氏 玻璃粘度计
    粘度是衡量液体抵抗流动能力的一个重要的物理参数,粘度的测量和石油,化工,电力,冶金及国防等领域的关系非常密切,是工业过程控制,提高产品质量,节约与开发能源的重要手段。在物理化学,流体力学等科学领域中,粘度测量对了解流体性质及研究流动状态起着重要的作用万慕仪器 平氏 玻璃粘度计
  • 1835型附常数乌氏粘度计
    1835型附常数乌氏粘度计 0.38,0.3-0.4,0.4-0.5,0.5-0.6,0.7-0.8,0.9-1.0,1.0-1.1,1.1-1.2,1.2-1.3规格齐全,带鉴定证书。毛细管粘度计按结构、形状可分为乌氏、芬氏、平氏、逆流四种。它们测定的样品粘度是运动粘度。已广泛地运用在石油、化工、轻工、机电、国防、交通、煤碳、冶金医药、食品、造纸、纺织、科研、高等院校等单位。正确使用毛细管粘度计,对确保产品质量和科研数据的准确是很重要的。洗涤与烘干:使用前必需将粘度计洗净,一般先用能溶解粘度计内残留物的溶剂反复洗涤,再用酒精或汽油洗,然后用发烟硫酸洗或重铬钾洗液浸2-3小时,最后用自来水冲洗,蒸馏水冲一下,放放烘箱,升温至150℃左右即可,或在自然温度下倒置数天,蒸干为止。
  • Dionex ERS 500 电解再生抑制器 | 082540,082542
    Dionex ERS 500 电解再生抑制器该下一代抑制器拥有高容量、低噪音、耐高反压和快速启动的特点,可满足当前各种离子色谱应用需求。最新的电解抑制器是一款真正的主力设备,几乎适用于所有分析型 IC 应用。拥有高容量、低噪音、耐高反压、快速启动,该新一代抑制器专为 IC 新需求而设计。Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ERS™ 500 电解再生抑制器使峰扩散最小化,提高峰效率,配合4μm 色谱柱效果更佳。该抑制器与高效 4μm 离子交换色谱柱匹配而起开发,在保持卓越分辨率的情况下以更高的流速实现更快的分离,或在保持样品通量的情况下以相同流速实现更高分辨率。该高容量抑制器几乎支持所有分析型 的 IC 应用,可用于阴离子和阳离子分析,提供 2mm 和 4mm 两种规格。Dionex ERS 500 抑制器在标准孔 (4 mm) 和微孔 (2 mm) 规格下适用于碳酸盐(仅等度)、氢氧化物、甲基磺酸或硫酸淋洗液的等度或梯度应用。下一代抑制器——专为 IC 应用新需求而造由于其具有较高的反压耐受性(在高达 900 psi 的情况下无泄漏,在高达 200 psi 时进行操作),提高了联用检测技术的兼容性,特别是质谱仪较高的温度耐受性(在运输和储存中高达 80°C,操作时为 40°C)凭借其平面的填充床抑制槽,无电流操作后,无需试剂完全电解再生即可轻松恢复低峰扩散保持 4μm 色谱柱的峰形效率在无需化学再生的情况下重新启动之后,其高抑制容量可立即产生稳定的峰面积值低噪音特性使抑制器适用于痕量分析为更可靠定量提高灵敏度与 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CRD 300 碳酸盐去除装置配合使用时,Dionex ERS 500 抑制器在碳酸盐淋洗液条件下,能够降低背景电导和噪音、增强分析物响应和检测灵敏度,从而提高定量的可靠性。对实现Reagent-Free™ IC (RFIC™ ) 操作十分重要无需试剂的完全再生Dionex ERS 500 抑制器可直接替代 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ SRS™ 300 自再生抑制器。The Dionex ERS 500 suppressor designThe Dionex ERS 500 suppressor components and assembly订货信息:The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ERS™ 500 Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor is compatible with Thermo Scientific Dionex IC systems equipped with a suppressor power supply. The new Dionex ERS 500 suppressors directly replace the Dionex SRS 300 suppressors. Simply install the new Dionex ERS 500 suppressor into your current Dionex IC system.ERS 500 Electrolytically Regenerated SuppressorDionex AERS 500 (4 mm) Suppressor082540Dionex AERS 500 (2 mm) Suppressor082541Dionex CSRS 500 (4 mm) Suppressor082542Dionex CERS 500 (2 mm) Suppressor082543Introducing the Thermo Scientific Dionex ERS 500 SuppressorThermo Fisher Scientific is pleased to announce the introduction of the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ERS™ 500 Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor. The Dionex ERS 500 suppressor is a direct replacement for the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ SRS™ 300 Self-Regenerating Suppressor.The Dionex ERS 500 suppressors have the same fit, form and function as the Dionex SRS 300 suppressors they have been designed to directly address all the applications currently addressed by the Dionex SRS 300 suppressors with the following exception:The Dionex ERS 500 suppressor does not support the chemical regeneration mode. The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ MicroMembrane™ MMS 300 Suppressor is recommended for chemical regeneration mode.The key benefits of the new Dionex ERS 500 suppressor are:Improved peak efficiency for improved performance, particularly when coupled with 4 μm based columns.Improved back pressure resiliency for compatibility with a wider range of hyphenated detection techniques.Improved thermal stability to eliminate installation failures due to damage during shipment, handling and operation.Full electrolytic regeneration without reagents allowing easier recoveries after operation without current.With the introduction of the Dionex ERS 500 suppressor, sales of the Dionex SRS 300 suppressor are being discontinued. Thermo Fisher Scientific will no longer receive orders for the Dionex SRS 300 suppressor once it is discontinued.High-Capacity Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor for Use with IC EluentsThe Dionex ERS 500 Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor serves virtually all analytical scale1IC applications for both anions and cations. For anions, the preferred eluent is hydroxide. With Reagent-Free™ Ion Chromatography (RFIC)systems, the sample is determined using conductivity detection in the lowest possible background of high-purity water. AutoSuppression means ease of use you don’t need to make regenerant because the suppressor is constantly regenerated by the continuous electrolysis of water. The Dionex ERS 500 suppressor offers:Low background noise levelsExcellent peak efficiency for compatibility with 4 μm based columnsFast startup equilibration timesTrace anion and cation determinationsCompatibility with hyphenated detection techniques including mass spectrometry detectionCompatibility with all Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS chromatography modules2A three-fold increase in backpressure tolerance compared to previous generationsFull electrolytic regeneration without reagentsThe Dionex ERS 500 suppressor delivers low backgrounds and low noise levels for the full range of ion-exchange Dionex IonPac columns and eluents, even under high-concentration gradient conditions.When combined with the revolutionary Eluent Generator, the Dionex ERS 500 suppressor delivers truly automated, minimal-maintenance RFIC.1For capillary scale IC applications use the Thermo Scientific Dionex CES 300 Capillary Electrolytic Suppressor.2Excluding the Dionex ICS-90, ICS-90A, ICS-600 and ICS-900 systems. Older systems may require the Thermo Scientific Dionex RFC-10 or RFC-30 controller.Dionex ERS 500 Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor SpecificationsDionex AERS 500 SuppressorPhysical SpecificationsDimensions (l × w × d)12.1 × 4.5 × 4.8 cm (4.25 × 1.8 × 1.9 in.)Weight295 g (0.65 lb)Void volume4 mm: 2 mm: Chemical SpecificationsOperational Temperature Range115–40° CShipping Temperature Range20–70° CRecommended Backpressure30–60 psiMaximum Eluent Flow Rate3 mL/min (4 mm)1 mL/min (2 mm)Eluent Solvent Restrictions34Maximum Regenerant EWM4Flow Rate5 mL/min (4 mm)2 mL/min (2 mm)Modes of Operation SupportedRecycle, EWM4, MPIC5(recycle recommended)6Maximum Current500 mA for 4 mm,100 mA for 2 mmDionex CERS 500 SuppressorPhysical SpecificationsDimensions (l × w × d)12.1 × 4.5 × 4.8 cm (4.25 × 1.8 × 1.9 in.)Weight295 g (0.65 lb)Void volume4 mm: 2 mm: Chemical SpecificationsTemperature Range115–40° CShipping Temperature Range20–70° CRecommended Backpressure30–60 psiMaximum Eluent Flow Rate3 mL/min (4 mm)0.75 mL/min (2 mm)Eluent Solvent Restrictions34Maximum Regenerant EWM4Flow Rate5 mL/min (4 mm)2 mL/min (2 mm)Modes of Operation SupportedRecycle, EWM4, MPIC5(recycle recommended)6Maximum Current500 mA for 4 mm,100 mA for 2 mm1When installed outside the heated column enclosure, all suppressors can support applications up to 60 ?C.2Short-term only do not store or operate suppressors above 40°C for extended lengths of time.3Solvents for anion eluents include methanol. Solvents for cation eluents include acetonitrile and dioxane.4EWM = external water mode for eluents containing 40% solvent, use the chemical regeneration mode.5MPIC = Mobile Phase Ion Chromatography (or ion-pairing)6Recycle recommended for aqueous applications without solvent.
  • Dionex SRS 300 再生抑制器 064554 | 064556
    2013年5月8日,戴安推出了Thermo Scientific Dionex ERS 500 系列电解再生抑制器,与此同时开始停产Thermo Scientific Dionex SRS 300 系列自再生抑制器。SRS 300 抑制器的订单将自动被对应的 ERS500 抑制器取代。受影响产品的产品号见本通知附表。Dionex ERS 500 抑制器是直接替换 Dionex SRS 300 抑制器的换代产品;与 SRS300 抑制器相比,其结构与功能并没有变化。Dionex ERS 500 抑制器的主要优势在于:更好的抑制器性能提供了更高的最佳效率,尤其是当该抑制器与4μm填料柱一起使用时;更高的柱压耐受能力,能适用于更多的检测器联用技术;更好的热稳定性,消除了因运输、处理、操作过程导致的安装故障;完全免试剂电解再生,不需要额外的流路就可轻松实现良好的抑制重现性。停产的 Dionex SRS 300 Suppressors 换代的 Dionex ERS 500 Suppressors 旧 P/N 旧名称新 P/N 新名称064554 ASRS 300 (4 mm) 082540 AERS 500 (4 mm) 064555 ASRS 300 (2 mm) 082541 AERS 500 (2 mm) 064556 CSRS 300 (4 mm) 082542 CERS 500 (4 mm) 064557 CSRS 300 (2 mm) 082543 CERS 500 (2 mm)戴安 SRS 300 离子色谱 再生抑制器High-Capacity Electrolytically-Regenerated Suppressor for Use with IC EluentsThe SRS 300 serves virtually all analytical scale1 ion chromatography applications for both anions and cations. For anions, the preferred eluent is hydroxide. With RFIC systems, the sample is determined using conductivity detection in the lowest possible background of high-purity water. AutoSuppression means ease of use you don&rsquo t need to make regenerant because the suppressor is constantly regenerated by the continuous electrolysis of water. The SRS 300 offers:Low background noise levelsFast startup equilibration timesTrace anion and cation determinationsCompatibility with mass spectrometry detectionCompatibility with all Dionex ICS and DX chromatography modules2A three-fold increase in backpressure tolerance compared to previous generationsThe SRS 300 delivers low backgrounds and low noise levels for the full range of Dionex ion-exchange IonPac columns and eluents, even under high-concentration gradient conditions.When combined with the revolutionary Eluent Generator, The SRS 300 delivers truly automated, minimal-maintenance Reagent Free Ion Chromatography (RFIC).1For capillary scale ion-chromatography applications use the Capillary Electrolytic Suppressor (CES 300).2Chemical suppression mode only with the ICS-90 and ICS-900 systems. Older systems may require the RFC-10 or RFC-30 controller.订货信息:Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor ASRS 300 4 mm,停产,新货号 082540旧货号 064554Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor ASRS 300 2 mm,停产,新货号 082541旧货号 064555Cation Self-Regenerating Suppressor CSRS 300 4 mm,停产,新货号 082542旧货号 064556Cation Self-Regenerating Suppressor CSRS 300 2 mm,停产,新货号 082540旧货号 064557Self-Regenerating Suppressor (SRS 300) SpecificationsASRS 300Physical SpecificationsDimensions (l x w x d)16.8 x 4.5 x 5.2 cm (6.6 x 1.8x 2.1 in.)Weight630 g (1.4 lb)Void volume4 mm: 2 mm: Chemical SpecificationsTemperature Range115~35 ℃Recommended Backpressure30~40 psiMaximum Eluent Flow Rate3 mL/min (4 mm)1 mL/min (2 mm)Eluent Solvent Restrictions23Maximum Regenerant EWM3 Flow Rate5 mL/min (4 mm)2 mL/min (2 mm)Modes of Operation SupportedRecycle, EWM3, chemical(recycle recommended)4Maximum Current300 mA for 4 mm,100 mA for 2 mmCSRS 300Physical SpecificationsDimensions (lx wx d)16.8 x 4.5x 5.2 cm (6.6 x1.8 x 2.1 in.)Weight630 g (1.4 lb)Void volume4 mm: 2 mm: Chemical SpecificationsTemperature Range115~40 ℃Recommended Backpressure30~40 psiMaximum Eluent Flow Rate3 mL/min (4 mm)0.75 mL/min (2 mm)Eluent Solvent Restrictions23Maximum Regenerant EWM3 Flow Rate5 mL/min (4 mm)2 mL/min (2 mm)Modes of Operation SupportedRecycle, EWM3, chemical(recycle recommended)4Maximum Current300 mA for 4 mm,100 mA for 2 mm1When installed outside the heated column enclosure, all suppressors can support applications up to 60 ?C.2Solvents for anion eluents include methanol. Solvents for cation eluents include acetonitrile and dioxane.3EWM = external water mode for eluents containing 40% solvent, use the chemical regeneration mode.4Recycle recommended for aqueous applications without solvent.
  • 斯派超粘度计移液枪枪头
    斯派超耗材移液枪枪头适用于斯派超运动粘度分析仪SpectroVisc Q300及便携式运动粘度计。
  • Dione ERS 500 电解再生抑制器82540
    该高容量抑制器几乎支持所有分析型 的 IC 应用,可用于阴离子和阳离子分析,提供 2mm 和 4mm 两种规格。 Dionex ERS 500 抑制器在标准孔 (4 mm) 和微孔 (2 mm) 规格下适用于碳酸盐(仅等度)、氢氧化物、甲基磺酸或硫酸淋洗液的等度或梯度应用。下一代抑制器——专为 IC 应用新需求而造由于其具有较高的反压耐受性(在高达 900 psi 的情况下无泄漏,在高达 200 psi 时进行操作),提高了联用检测技术的兼容性,特别是质谱仪较高的温度耐受性(在运输和储存中高达 80°C,操作时为 40°C)凭借其平面的填充床抑制槽,无电流操作后,无需试剂完全电解再生即可轻松恢复低峰扩散保持 4μm 色谱柱的峰形效率在无需化学再生的情况下重新启动之后,其高抑制容量可立即产生稳定的峰面积值低噪音特性使抑制器适用于痕量分析为更可靠定量提高灵敏度与 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ CRD 300 碳酸盐去除装置配合使用时,Dionex ERS 500 抑制器在碳酸盐淋洗液条件下,能够降低背景电导和噪音、增强分析物响应和检测灵敏度,从而提高定量的可靠性。对实现 Reagent-Free™ IC (RFIC™ ) 操作十分重要无需试剂的完全再生Dionex ERS 500 抑制器可直接替代 Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ SRS™ 300自再生抑制器。 产品规格 - Search Display Family Umbrella Brand Thermo Scientific™ 适用于 Modes of Operation Supported: -Recycle: Recommended for aqueous applications without solvent. -EWM: (External Water Mode) for eluents containing 40% solvent, use the chemical regeneration mode.-MPIC:( Mobile Phase Ion Chromatography) or ion-pairing 直径 4.8cm (1.9 in.) 流速 Maximum Eluent Flow Rate: 3mL/min 压力 Recommended Backpressure: 30-60 psi 溶剂 Less than 40% solvents in EWM External Water Mode Solvents for anion eluents include methanol. 长度(公制) 12.1cm (4.25 in.) 重量(英制) 0.65 lb 重量(公制) 295g 宽度(公制) 4.5cm (1.8 in.) 安培数 Maximum Current: 500 mA 物品描述 Dionex™ AERS™ 500 Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor (4mm) 温度范围 Operational Temperature Range: 15–40°C When installed outside the heated column enclosure, suppressors can support applications up to 60°C. Shipping Temperature Range:0–70 °C Short-term only do not store or operate suppressors above 40 °C for extended lengths of time. 孔隙体积 Less than 50μL 描述 Dionex™ AERS™ 500 Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor (4mm)
  • 汇诚仪器原装配件盒
  • U-Visc 系列粘度计专用油样杯
    油样杯用于放置油样,U-Visc专用油样杯是测量润滑油粘度的常用工具,使用前需准备材料和设备,选择合适的油样杯并准备样品。测量时控制温度、保持杯口清洁、避免振动和注意安全。为提高准确性,建议多次测量并取平均值。定期校准验证确保结果可靠。正确使用方法和注意事项保证测量准确,提高实验效率。U-Visc 系列粘度计专用油样杯信息由孚茂科技(北京)有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于U-Visc 系列粘度计专用油样杯报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应U-Visc 系列粘度计专用油样杯外,孚茂科技(北京)有限公司还可为您提供荷兰Omnitek专用粘度浴油等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。
  • 标准乌氏粘度计1834
    标准乌氏粘度计18341834 乌氏粘度计按ISO3105-76 玻璃毛细管粘度计标准制造,产品全长283mm,适用于石油等产品粘度范围的测定。乌氏粘度计是测定液体粘滞性及高聚物分子量的重要仪器。乌氏粘度计测量范围可达数万厘(mm2/S),使用方便,而且较其它类型粘度计精确,所以广泛应用子石油工业,化学工业,及其它工业部门和科学研究中。标准乌氏粘度计1834技术参数尺寸编号毛细管内径mm测定球容积ml运动粘度范围mm2/S00.241.00.3~10C0.362.00.6~30B0.463.01~50A0.503.01.5~710.584.02~10C0.734.06~301A0.884.010~5021.034.020~1002C1.364.060~3002B1.554.0100~5002A1.714.0150~75031.834.0200~10003C2.434.0600~30003B2.754.01000~500043.274.02000~100004C4.324.06000~300004A5.205.010000~5000056.255.020000~100000
  • 斯派超粘度计移液枪枪头
    斯派超耗材移液枪枪头适用于斯派超运动粘度分析仪SpectroVisc Q300及便携式运动粘度计。
  • 德国ERICHSEN301粘度尺
    德国ERICHSEN301粘度尺测试原理: 粘度尺符合Rossmann标准。由防腐蚀弹簧钢片制成,有两个精确尺寸槽,槽的 两个末端各有一个圆孔。此测量装置等同于一个投射到平面上的毛细管粘度计,槽代替毛细管,圆孔代替球体。两个不同宽度的槽等同于不同直径的毛细管,槽内的流动率取决于槽的宽度与液体的粘度和密度。使用301型粘度尺的流动时间和使用一个4 mm的DIN粘度杯的流动时间之间的关系如下:使用DIN粘度杯的流动时间大约是使用窄槽粘度尺的流动时间的5倍,或是使用宽槽粘度尺的流动时间的12倍。应用: 使用301型粘度尺,表面张力的影响因素相对较低,流动结束时间可精确确定。粘度尺设计用于迅速测定用于喷涂和刷涂的油漆的粘度,一方面在稀释油漆时,它为实用的搅拌工具,另一方面它可作为测量物质粘度的装置。粘度尺使用和清洗都较简单,这使得它在实际运用中为一方便的仪器。301型粘度尺的性能: 将粘度尺浸到被测液体中,槽被完全盖住,而上端的圆孔保持在空气中。将粘度尺迅速从液体中提起,保持垂直,测量时间直到槽中的弯液到达下端圆孔。此点清晰可见,因为盖在圆孔上的薄膜将在此刻破裂。槽中的流动速度也会受到尺上余留物流动速度的影响。所以浸入深度应保持很精确。要取得精确的测量结果,作为额外的准备功夫,刮刀在进行测试前应先湿润。油漆包括挥发性溶剂的流动时间不应超过10秒,所以要将因溶剂挥发所引起的测量错误保持在最小值。槽的宽度为流动时间5秒而设计,窄槽用于测试喷涂粘度,宽槽用于刷涂粘度,槽有相应的标记。德国ERICHSEN301粘度尺技术数据 尺寸: 长: 180 mm 宽: 20 mm 高: 0.5 mm 净重: 约0.015 kg
  • 美国凯能低温粘度标油CL090
    美国CANNON公司: 美国凯能ASTM粘度标准油作为一家粘度产品的生产厂家。美国实验室认可协会(A2LA)授权的粘度校准实验室。NIST授权粘度参比液校准和检测实验室、CIC(CANNON INSTRUMENT COMPANY)粘度能力验证实验室、美国国家粘度基准保存实验室适用范围: 美国Cannon标准粘度油,透明和不透明液体运动粘度测定法 (包括计算动力粘度) 适用校正粘度计之标准液。 一般用途的标准粘度液 (General Purpose Viscosity Standards) 高粘度的标准粘度液 (High-Viscosity Standards) 低温的标准粘度液 (Low-Temperature Viscosity) CCS的标准粘度液 (CCS Viscosity Standards) CMRV的标准粘度液 (CMRV Viscosity Standards) 粘度杯的标准液 (Viscosity Cup Standards) 高温的标准液 (High Temperature) THOMAS-STORMER的标准液 (Stormer Standards) 硅油粘度的标准液 (Silicone Viscosity Standards) 标准粘度油 (Viscosity Oil Standards)美国凯能低温粘度标油CL090 产品编码:9727-N04CCSViscosityStandardDynamicViscosityinmPa.s(Centipoise)CatalogViscosityNumberStandard-5℃-10℃-15℃-20℃-25℃-30℃-35℃9727-N02CL0808009727-N04CL09012009727-N06CL100(CL10)90017009727-N07CL110140025009727-N08CL120(CL12)800160032009727-N09CL1301500270048009727-N10CL140(CL14)8001600330070009727-N11CL15012002500450080009727-N12CL160(CL16)120025005500110009727-N13CL1701100180035006200110009727-N14CL190(CL19)900180035007400172009727-N16CL2001200240043007400130009727-N18CL220(CL22)13002500500011000250009727-N20CL24017003400600010000200009727-N22CL250(CL25)90018003500730015900330009727-N24CL2601200250044007200140009727-N26CL280(CL28)130025005000930021000500009727-N28CL30017003500600011000180009727-N30CL320(CL32)18003500730015900320009727-N31CL340250042007000120009727-N32CL380(CL38)16002900580013000260009727-N33CL42050008500150009727-N35CL480(CL48)230045009500210009727-N35CL530590010000180009727-N36CL600(CL60)37007300156009727-N37CL68095009727-N38CL740(CL74)6000120009727-N43Setof14SetofCCS-2050/2100lowTempStandards(includesCL10,CL12,CL14,CL16,CL19,CL22,CL25(2)CL28,CL32,CL38,CL48,CL60,&CL74)9727-N42Setof8SetofCCSLowTempStandards(includesCL14,CL19,CL22,CL25,CL28,CL32,CL48,&CL74
  • Cannon粘度管支架
    Cannon粘度管支架Removable Holders for Cannon ViscometersAll CANNON viscometer holders fit holes 51 mm (2 inches) in diameter. Rubber holders are made of neoprene rubber. Plastic holders are self-aligning and hold the viscometer firmly by means of a spring clip. Metal holders are also self aligning, and are constructed of chrome-plated machined brass. All metal holders are provided with a handle.所有Cannon粘度计支架均安装直径为51 mm(2英寸)的孔。橡胶支架由氯丁橡胶制成。塑料支架通过弹簧夹牢牢固定粘度计。金属支架由镀铬机加工黄铜制成,并且有把手的。
  • Dionex CR-ATC连续-再生阴离子捕获柱
    Dionex CR-ATC连续-再生阴离子捕获柱连续去除阴离子污染物洗脱剂没有离线化学再生的需要,选择hermo Scientific? Dionex cr-atc连续再生阴离子捕集柱。这种高压、电解再生捕集柱是专门为免试剂离子色谱(RFIC)系统。当探测的Thermo Scientific Dionex EGC墨盒后,戴安cr-atc 500阱柱移除所有阴离子污染物(如碳酸盐)从去离子给水在梯度运算提供了低漂移。Dionex CR-ATC连续-再生阴离子捕获柱订货信息:CR-ATC Continuously Regenerated Anion Trap Column060477CR-ATC Continuously Regenerated Anion Trap Column (Capillary) (For use with Capillary Anions Columns)072078CR-ATC 500 Continuously Regenerated Anion Trap Column075550 Dionex Integrion HPIC System088662Dionex Integrion HPIC System088663Reduces Baseline Drift by Removing ContaminantsDesigned for eluent generators in Reagent-Free? (RFIC?) systems, Thermo Scientific? Dionex? CR-ATC 500 columns remove all anionic contaminants in the eluent continuously and provide very low baseline drift during gradient operations.The Dionex CR-ATC 500 offers:Contaminant-free deionized source water and eluentTime savings—no need to perform the regeneration off-lineVery low baseline drift for improved integration and increased sensitivityIncreased productivity quality data soon after startupRemoval of carbonic acid contaminants from source waterCompatibility with Capillary RFIC-EG systemsSupport for HPIC? system pressures up to 5000 psi (34.5 MPa, Dionex CR-ATC Capillary and CR-ATC 500 only)The Dionex CR-ATC 500 column is compatible with all Thermo Scientific Dionex Eluent Generators including the RFC-30, ICS-2100 and ICS-5000+ IC systems. EG40 customers must first order the Dionex CR-TC Add-on Kit (P/N 060476). The Dionex CR-ATC (Capillary) column is compatible with all Dionex Capillary Eluent Generators such as the ICS-4000 and ICS-5000+ EG. The single format Dionex CR-ATC 500 is used with both microbore and standard-bore applications, while the Dionex CR-ATC (Capillary) is available for capillary scale applications. Continuously Regenerated Trap Column SpecificationsCR-ATC 500 SpecificationsHardware Dimensions( h × w × d)5.1 cm × 5.5 cm × 8.4cm(2.0 in. × 2.15 in. × 3.3 in.)Weight:60 g (0.13 lb.)Current Output: 125 mAConstant Voltage:24 V dcVoid Volume: 100 μLCR-ATC (Capillary) SpecificationsHardware Dimensions( h × w × d)5.1 cm × 5.5 cm × 8.4cm(2.0 in. × 2.15 in. × 3.3 in.)Weight:60 g (0.13 lb.)Current Output:1 mAConstant Voltage:12 V dcVoid Volume: 2 μLProduct ManualsContinuously Regenerated Trap (CR-TC) Column Product ManualProduct Data SheetsConcentrator and Trap Columns Data Sheet
  • Perkinelmer粘度参考标准品N5316026美国耗材厂家特价
    公司主营:美国PE、戴安DIONEX离子色谱耗材,PE元素灯/PE石墨管/PE氘灯/PE钨灯/PE基体改进剂/PE样品杯/PE GCMS灯丝/PE ICP火炬/PE氧化铝注入管/PE雾化器大量现货!美国Perkinelmer(珀金埃尔默)耗材常备现货:元素灯、石墨管、样瓶杯、取样毛细管、进样针、雾化器、矩管、中心管、泵管、顶空瓶、隔垫、瓶盖、色谱瓶、热脱附管、干燥剂、钨灯、氘灯、铝制等美国粘度参考标准品现货粘度参考标准品产品描述 基质 规格 部件编号粘度标准品30 烃油 1加仑 N5316025粘度标准品110 烃油 1加仑 N5316024粘度标准品130 烃油 1加仑 N5316026用于分析磨损金属的金属-有机标准品特点和优势:可分析烃油内的金属-有机型金属使用NIST® 标准谱库(如有的话)进行质量测试可确保结果准确每种标准品均附带一份《分析证书》每个rkinElmer原子光谱校准标准都提供了全面的分析证书,证明质量和可靠性。N5316026美国粘度参考标准品一级代理由于与其他元素不相容,汞作为单独的溶液被提供。这些解决方案使用可用的最高纯度材料制成,并在ELAN 6000上根据国际认可的ISO 9001质量保证程序进行测试。每个rkinElmer Pure Plus标准都提供全面的分析证书,该证书报告主要分析物和最多68种微量元素杂质在ppt水平的最终溶液中的实际测量值。每个证书还包括NIST文档和有关所使用方法的信息。设计用于几乎集中质谱中的每一个元素进行浓度检测。用于石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪的基质改性剂优质基质改性剂可为您提供zui佳分析性能和尽可能zui低的检出限。的基质改性剂可使分析物在受热时保持稳定,从而允许使用更高的热解温度并能减少背景吸收和消除潜在干扰。特点和优势:高纯度化合物可zui大限度减小受污染的风险由于分析物的挥发度降低,因此可采用zui佳的石墨炉程序方便、随时可用。
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