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仪器信息网朗缪尔张力仪专题为您提供2024年最新朗缪尔张力仪价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括朗缪尔张力仪参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的朗缪尔张力仪您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器信息网还免费为您整合朗缪尔张力仪相关的耗材配件、试剂标物,还有朗缪尔张力仪相关的最新资讯、资料,以及朗缪尔张力仪相关的解决方案。


  • 界面张力测定仪配件铂金环
    A1200界面张力测定仪装 箱 单序号物品名称数量单位规格型号备注1自动界面张力测定仪1台A12002电源线1根3铂金环1套4挂件1个5砝码1个2克6打印纸1卷7张力杯2个8保险丝2个1A9说明书1本10合格证1份11装箱清单1份
  • 表面张力仪铂金板 其他配件
    铂金板法测量的是液体的表面(或界面)张力的平衡值,铂金环法测试的是液体的表面(或界面)的*大力值。相比较,铂金板法具有如下的优点:  1.铂金板法可测量液体表面(或界面)张力随时间的变化:铂金板法测量时是一直接触被测液体的,只要液体的表面张力发生变化,测试值就会有变化,如果选用数据处理软件还可观测的表面张力随时间的变化曲线。  2.可方便地测量中高粘度液体的表面张力:铂金环法测试时需要铂金环向上提升,在此过程中除了表面张力的作用外还有粘力作用。  3.测试精度高:铂金板不易变形,铂金环太容易变形。环的不规则圆、不平整会影响表面张力的测试精度4.使用方便:铂金板测试值就是表面张力值,不需换算;铂金环测试的是*大力值,需要换算。铂金板清洗方便,不易变形。
  • 表面张力仪铂金环 其他配件
    1. 铂金板、铂金环两种测试方法兼用2. 全自动测量,铂金板测试时,显示值即为表面张力值;3. 使用白金环测试方法时,显示值自动锁定试样的*大力值,然后通过附送的计算软件计算表面张力值或选用数据处理软件由计算机自动计算;4. 铂金环尺寸:丝半径为0.185mm,环半径为9.55mm,环周长为60mm; 铂金板法测量的是液体的表面(或界面)张力的平衡值,铂金环法测试的是液体的表面(或界面)的*大力值。相比较,铂金板法具有如下的优点:  1.铂金板法可测量液体表面(或界面)张力随时间的变化:铂金板法测量时是一直接触被测液体的,只要液体的表面张力发生变化,测试值就会有变化,如果选用数据处理软件还可观测的表面张力随时间的变化曲线。  2.可方便地测量中高粘度液体的表面张力:铂金环法测试时需要铂金环向上提升,在此过程中除了表面张力的作用外还有粘力作用。  3.测试精度高:铂金板不易变形,铂金环太容易变形。环的不规则圆、不平整会影响表面张力的测试精度4.使用方便:铂金板测试值就是表面张力值,不需换算;铂金环测试的是*大力值,需要换算。铂金板清洗方便,不易变形。
  • DMPY-2C 大气泡法表面张力仪II型
    DMPY-2C 大气泡法表面张力仪II型由上海书培实验设备有限公司提供,采用高硼硅玻璃材质加工,测定不同浓度正丁醇溶液的表面张力,计算吸附量。产品名称:DMPY-2C 大气泡法表面张力仪II型规格:DMPY-2C材质:高硼硅玻璃材质用途:测定不同浓度正丁醇溶液的表面张力,计算吸附量。图中各配件:总共三个配件(A/B/C)A:表面张力仪B:充满水的抽气瓶C:U型压力计(内盛比重较小的水或酒精、甲苯等,作为工作介质测定微压差)玻璃管F下端一段直径为0.2mm-0.5mm毛细管实验原理:从热力学观点来看,液体表面缩小是一一个自发过程,这是使体系总自由能减小的过程,欲使液体产生新的表面AS,就需对其做功,其大小应与AS成正比: -W= σx AS (2.18.1)如果LS为1m2,则-W=σ是在恒温恒压下形成1m2新表面所需的可逆功,所以o称为比表面吉布斯自由能,其单位为J-m2。也可将o看作为作用在界面上每单位长度边缘上的力,称为表面张力,其单位是Nm-1。在定温下纯液体的表面张力为定值,当加入溶质形成溶液时,表面张力发生变化,其变化的大小决定于溶质的性质和加入量的多少。水溶液表面张力与其组成的关系大致有三种情况: 一:随溶质浓度增加表面张力略有升高 二:随溶质浓度增加表面张力降低,并在开始时降得快些 三:溶质浓度低时表面张力就急剧下降,于某一浓度后表面张力几乎不再改变。 以上三种情况溶质在表面上的浓度与体相中的都不相同,这种现象称为溶液表面吸附。根据能量最低原理,溶质能降低溶剂的表面张力时,表面层中溶质的浓度比溶液内部大 反之,溶质使溶剂的表面张力升高时,它在表面层中的浓度比在内部的浓度低。在指定的温度和压力下,溶质的吸附量与溶液的表面张力及溶液的浓度之间的关系遵守吉布斯(Gibbs)吸附方程:引起溶剂表面张力显著降低的物质叫表面活性物质,被吸附的表面活性物质分子在界面
  • 现货供应销售德国克吕士Kruss便携式表面张力仪
    现货供应销售德国克吕士Kruss便携式表面张力仪,操作说明书,售后服务,国内办事处,总代,主要特点:销售热线,15300030867,010-82752485-815张经理,欢迎您的来电咨询!1.测量表/界面张力2.液体密度测量3.自动测量或手动测量(可选)4.测量结果直接显示在显示屏上5.自动存储测量参数、校准数据和结果6.内置充电电池,可便携现货供应销售德国克吕士Kruss便携式表面张力仪,操作说明书,售后服务,国内办事处,总代,主要特点,技术参数:测量范围:-表/界面张力范围:1 ... 999 mN/m-密度测量范围围:1 ... 2200 kg/m3-温度范围:-10 ... 100°C精度:-表/界面张力:+/- 0.1 mN/m-密度:1 kg/m3-温度:0.1°C (可选)样品:-测量台速度:0.15 ... 1.5 mm/s-移动距离75 mm环法校正公式: Zuideman& Waters, Harkins & Jordan显示分辨率: 320 x 240 pixel输出: RS232, USB功率: max. 10 W电压: 100 ... 240 VAC / 47 ... 63 Hz重量: 11 kg尺寸: 270 x 420 x 350 mm (WxHxD)
  • 现货供应德国克吕士/Kruss-k6表面张力仪K6
  • 现货销售供应德国克吕士/Kruss-K11质控型表面张力仪K11
    现货销售供应德国克吕士/Kruss-K11质控型表面张力仪K11,主要特点,操作说明书,现货供应,办事处:咨询热线,15300030867,010-82752485-815欢迎您的来电咨询!﹡全自动测量表面/界面张力,测量系统精确、耐用﹡位置移动快速、精确﹡液体密度测定﹡友好界面,操作简单﹡存储测量参数,数据输出到计算机和打印机中﹡软件进行数据管理现货销售供应德国克吕士/Kruss-K11质控型表面张力仪K11,主要特点,操作说明书,现货供应,办事处,技术参数:﹡测量范围:1-999mN/m,密度:1-2200kg/m3﹡测量分辨率:0.1 mN/m,0.01 mN/m (K11HRX);密度分辨率:1kg/m3﹡测量速度:12.5数据/秒﹡样品重量最大值:50g (K11),100g (K11HRX)﹡最大提升距离:110 mm;提升速度:0.1 - 500 mm/min;位置分辨率:0.1mm﹡温度范围:-10 to 130°C;温度测量:-60 to 450 °C,Pt100;温度分辨率:+/- 0.1 °C﹡仪器体积(LxWxH):370mm x 300mm x 540mm;重量:16kg﹡电源:85-264V AC, 40-60Hz;功率:40W(运行),5W(预热);接口:RS232C
  • 现货销售德国克吕士/Kruss-BP50便携式张力仪BP50
    现货销售德国克吕士/Kruss-BP50便携式张力仪BP50,销售办事处,操作说明书,总代,技术参数:销售热线,15300030867,010-82752485-815,张经理 欢迎您的来电咨询!﹡测量范围:15 - 100 mN/m,测量精度:±0.1 mN/m﹡表面年龄(由液体性质和所使用毛细管决定):15ms ~ 16s﹡温度范围:5~95℃﹡温度精度:0.1℃﹡接口:USB﹡仪器尺寸:70×250×40mm
  • Mounting Pin, Ultrasonic
    产品名称:OC Temporary Flow仪器厂商:HACH/美国 哈希价格:面议库存:是产品描述产品货号MOTOR,RUSTRACK,220 VOLT,50 HZ4748Mounting Bracket, Transensor 7960/96017478Mounting Clip Gasket, Ultrasonic Level3883MOUNTING FLANGE,LEVEL RAIN GAUGE2167Mounting Pin, Ultrasonic9539NEOPRENE,12 IN X 12 IN. X 1/16 IN.3370NOSE CONE,TRANSDUCER1738Nut, Spring, Bracket Ultrasonic3109NUT,1/4-40,BLACK,BLIND DRESS16307NUT,SAMPLE FITTING,14281429NUT,SELF SEALING,5/16-242766NUT,SELF SEALING,6-322732O-RING 910 FLOW METER4912O-RING,0144808O-RING,2654807O-RING,5.75 IN. ID X .1254863O-RING,BULKHEAD FITTING AS568-0142740O-RING,FRONT COVER2593O-RING,MAIN SEAL FLOW METER2542OPTION,HEATER KIT16412
  • 英斯特朗新一代触控测试系统
    更便捷 更智能 英斯特朗全新一代触控测试系统Bluehill Universal 基优化触控操作而开发。全新的纵向布局,专业的视觉设计,直观的工作区视图,配以色彩鲜明的大尺寸触控面板呈现。Bluehill Universal 的大尺寸触控点和连贯的操作步骤让用户获得更便捷,更智能的操作体验。易于理解的图标和工作步骤,简单的专业培训,即可让您快速开始试验。快速测试模式如果需要快速{t.38.1}得到测试结果,可以使用快速测试功能,只需输入几个关键参数,即可在几秒钟内完成测试。预设测试模板Bluehill Universal{t.40.1} 庞大的预设试验方法库满足常用的 ASTM,ISO和EN标准。这些方法根据特定的应用归类在不同的试验模块中。带提示测试指引用户依步骤{t.43.1}按步骤按步骤按步骤完成整个试验过程,以确保测试的可复验性和便捷性,并防止发生操作失误。提示内容可使用自定义的文本和图像。批量化试样测量可直接{t.46.1}将千分尺和游标卡尺连入系统,轻松导入试样尺寸以便进行应力测量。TestProfiler建立简单的{t.55.1}循环试验,包括斜坡型、保持型和三角波形。利用条件逻辑创建循环测试模式,从而模拟材料实际的受力状态。表达式生成器可利用{t.60.1}方法中的一组变量构建用户自定义函数。用户可以自定义编写函数,用于检测试验事件,定义新计算、测量,或者设置计算的域。导出工具无论是需要{t.65.1}生成专业的 PDF 报告,还是需要将自定义文件与实验室信息管理系统相集成,Bluehill Universal 的导出工具都能以各种格式灵活地输出:测试结果、操作员数据、原始数据和曲线图等。INSTRON{t.69.0}® {t.69.1} CONNECTInstron Connect 提供了一个强大的通信平台,让我们的支持工程师能够更好地为客户服务。加快远程技术响应安全的屏幕共享和内置{t.73.1}消息传送功能使试验结果的传输更加方便快捷。轻松发送试验方法和数据文件进行分析。定期提醒,降低风险定期标定{t.76.1}{t.76.2}提醒,便于确保实验室认{t.76.3}证有效性;预防性维护通知可避免停机风险。保持软件持续更新软件和固件的自动{t.78.1}更新通知,确保 Instron 试验系统以最佳状态运行。工业级触控操作面板Bluehill Universal 最具突破性的特性是采用触控架构,为用户操作提供一个高效、便捷的环境。测试系统现可通过操作员控制面板操作,并可非常便捷地安装在测试机架的一侧,采用全面人机工程学设计,操作便利,大幅提升测试效率。操作员控制面板包括一个触摸显示器和控制器,以及一个可调的安装支架,以便提高不同操作员的操作舒适性。无需再手忙脚乱地找键盘或鼠标!触控操作面板不仅能减少实验室中重复性动作造成的损伤,而且还能省去操作员往返于计算机与测试系统之间的时间。操作员控制面板侧装还可以节省实验室空间,不必使用台式PC。
  • Flange-Free™ 低压配件
    Flange-Free&trade 低压配件/Flange-Free&trade Low-Pressure Fittings&bull 方便的压环连接,无需翻边 &bull 兼容所有1/4-28UNF螺纹接口Flange-Free&trade 平底接头,1/4-28UNF螺纹,无翻边工具端口。手拧无泄漏密封,连接外径1 / 8&ldquo 聚四氟乙烯管可大500psig,连接外径1 / 16 聚四氟乙烯管可达1000psig&ldquo 。 六角螺钉可用于坚硬材质的管路,如聚醚醚酮,Tefzel ® ,或金属。Flange-Free&trade Fitting Specifications(参数) Material(材料): Varies, See Price Block Maximum Temperature(耐问): 100° C Maximum Pressure(耐压): 1/8" 500psig 1/16" 1000psig Thread Type(螺纹): 1/4-28 UNF Typical Use(管路): 1/16" or 1/8" o.d. Tubing ConnectionFinger-Tight&trade Nuts(空心螺钉) 图例:A 说明:White 材料:Delrin® 货号( 1/16"): 201101 货号( 1/8"): 201201 图例:A 说明: Black 材料:Delrin® 货号( 1/16"): 201122 货号( 1/8"):201211 图例:A 说明:White, Long 材料:Delrin® 货号( 1/16"): 201131 货号( 1/8"):201221 图例:A 说明: Black, Long 材料:Delrin® 货号( 1/16"): 201141 货号( 1/8"):201231 图例:A 说明: Natural 材料:PEEK 货号( 1/16"): 37065 货号( 1/8"):37075Hex-Head Nuts(六角头螺钉) 图例:B 说明:Aluminum 材料:Metal 货号( 1/16"): 200911 货号( 1/8"): 200901 图例:B 说明:Stainless 材料:Steel Metal 货号( 1/16"): 200936 货号( 1/8"):200926Flange-Free&trade Ferrules(压环) 图例:C 说明:Ferrules 材料:PEEK 货号( 1/16"): 201171 货号( 1/8"): 201271 图例:C 说明: 0.3mm Bore 材料:Kel-F® 货号( 1/16"): 200771 图例:C 说明: 0.8mm Bore 材料:Kel-F® 货号( 1/16"): 200781 图例:C 说明:Ferrules 材料:Kel-F® 货号( 1/16"): 201152 货号( 1/8"):201251 图例:C 说明: Ferrules 材料:Tefzel® 货号( 1/16"): 20240 货号( 1/8"): 20242
  • 英斯特朗 疲劳性能试验测试服务 其他物性测试仪配件
    可以进行金属以及复合材料进行静态以及疲劳寿命测试,出具s-n曲线,包含金属的高周疲劳、低周疲劳、裂纹扩展等试验。 可以开展项目如下: 陶瓷、复合材料的常温以及1500度高温三点、四点弯曲试验。 ISO 13003进行复合材料的疲劳寿命测试,出具s-n曲线。GB/T 16779复合材料拉-拉疲劳试验,出具s-n疲劳寿命曲线。ASTM 3479复合材料疲劳试验,出具s-n曲线。 GB/T 228 金属材料 拉伸试验GB/T 3075 金属轴向疲劳试验方法ASTM E467 轴向疲劳试验系统中等幅动态力的标定方法ASTM E739 疲劳数据应力-寿命和应变-寿命的线性或线性化统计分析ASTM E1942 用于循环疲劳和断裂力学试验的计算数据采集系统导则GB/T 13816 焊接接头脉动拉伸疲劳试验方法GB/T 15111 点焊接头剪切拉伸疲劳试验方法GB/T 6395-2000 金属材料疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验方法ASTM E606标准,ASTM E647标准,ASTM E399标准,ISO 12737-2005金属材料平面应变断裂韧度试验方法,ISO 12135-2002金属材料-准静态断裂韧性测试的方法 ,ISO 4965轴向载荷疲劳试验机动态力校准应变计技术,BS 7448-1:1991断裂结构韧性试验金属材料Kic临界CTOD值和J值得测试方法,BS 7448-2:1997断裂机械韧性试验金属材料Kic临界CTOD值和J值得测试方法,BS 7448-4:1997断裂机械韧性试验金属材料稳定裂纹延伸的抗断裂曲线和初始值得测定方法。合作、共赢!美国热电:直读光谱仪ARL8860、XRF、XRD ICP、电镜、电子能谱仪德国徕卡:金相显微镜、体视显微镜、电镜制样设备英斯特朗:疲劳试验机、万能试验机; 摆锤冲击试验机、落锤冲击试验机东京精密:圆度仪、轮廓仪、粗糙度仪、三坐标美国法如:激光跟踪仪、关节臂及扫描 日本奥林巴斯手持光谱仪 德国帕马斯颗粒计数器租赁检测:便携式三坐标、激光跟踪仪、3D扫描仪为客户提供专业的检测服务,帮客户挖掘新的赢利空间!上海澳信检测技术有限公司青岛澳信仪器有限公司青岛澳信质量技术服务有限公司联系地址:青岛市城阳区山河路702号上海地址:上海浦东新区川沙路1098号新美测(青岛)测试科技有限公司提供测试服务:静态力学测试主要包括拉伸、压缩、弯曲、剪切等;动态疲劳测试主要包括:拉拉疲劳、拉压疲劳、压压疲劳、裂纹扩展速率等
  • Fibers MFA-C-MOUNT
    Microscope Fber Adapter so C-mount accepts SMA 905
  • Flange-Free™ Plus高压配件
    Flange-Free&trade Plus高压配件/Flange-Free&trade Plus High-Pressure Fittings&bull 手拧密封可达5000psig &bull 连接到任何标准1/4-28端口 &bull 适用于1 / 16&ldquo 管路Flange-Free&trade Plus Fitting Specifications(参数) Material(材料): PEEK and Stainless Steel Maximum Temperature(耐温): 100° C Maximum Pressure(耐压): 5000psig Thread Type(螺纹): 1/4-28 UNF Typical Use(管路): 1/16"od tubings connectionFlange-Free&trade Plus Fittings 接头套件(每套包括:1个螺钉,1个垫圈,1个卡套), 数量:10套/包, 货号: 25020 Replacement Parts(替换部件) 不锈钢垫圈:数量:10个/包, 货号:25022 PEEK 压环:数量: 10个/包,货号: 25021
  • 类器官Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Kit (Differentiation)小鼠胆管类器官分化
    类器官(Organoids)是指将成体干细胞或多能干细胞在体外三维培养形成的具有一定空间结构的组织类似物。类器官在组织结构、细胞类型、自我更新能力和功能等方面与来源组织高度一致,从而在发育生物学、疾病造模、精准医学、药物研发、基因和细胞疗法、感染和免疫以及再生医学等生物医学的多个领域展现出独特的优势。产品介绍Product Description:bioGenousTMMouse Liver Ductal Organoid Kit is a chemically defined cell culture medium for establishment and maintenance of Mouse ductal organoids(mLDs) derived from adult stem cells. Self-renewal of the ductal epithelium is driven by the proliferation of stem cells and their progenitors located in liver. mLDs display all hallmarks of the ductal epithelium in terms of architecture, cell type composition, and self-renewal dynamics, therefore hold great promise for unprecedented studies of Mouse liver development and disease, mLDs could differentiate into hepatocyte like cell under the induction of differentiation medium.技术参数Product Information:ComponentComponent Cat#VolumeStorage& StabilitybioGenousTMMouse Liver Ductal Organoid Basal Medium(Differentiation)K2006-MLH –A100/A500100mL/500mL4℃,12 monthsbioGenousTMMouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement B(50x)(Differentiation)K2006-MLH –B100/B5002mL/10mL-20℃,avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 monthsbioGenousTMMouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement C(250x)(Differentiation)K2006-MLH –C100/C5000.4mL/2mL-20℃, avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 monthsbioGenousTMMouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement D(250x)(Differentiation)K2006-MLH –D100/D5000.4mL/2mL-20℃, avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 monthsPreparation of Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Differentiation MediumUse sterile technique to prepare the mouse liver ductal organoid differentiation medium. mLDs grown in Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Expansion Medium overwhelmingly consisted of cholangiocytes. After changing the Expansion Medium to differentiation medium, the mLDs could differentiate into hepatocyte like cells, which display the markers of hepatocytes, including Albumin, Ttr, Cyp3a11 and Mup20. The following examples are for preparing 10 mL of Differentiation I Medium and Differentiation II Medium. If preparing other volumes, adjust accordingly.1.Thaw Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement B(50x) (Differentiation), Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement C(250x) (Differentiation) and Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement D(250x) (Differentiation) on ice.NOTE:Once thawed, use immediately or aliquot and store at -20°C for no more than 10 months. After thawing the aliquots, use immediately. Do not re-freeze.2.For Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Differentiation Medium I. Add 200 μL Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement B(50x)(Differentiation), 40 μL Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement C(250x)(Differentiation) to 10 mL Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Basal Medium (Differentiation). Mix thoroughly.3.For Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Differentiation Medium II. Add 200 μL Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement B(50x)(Differentiation)and 40 μL Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement C(250x)(Differentiation) and 10 μL Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement D (250x)(Differentiation) to 10 mL Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Basal Medium (Differentiation). Mix thoroughly.NOTE:If not use immediately, store complete medium at 2-8°C for no more than 2 weeks. bioGenousTMMouse Liver Ductal Organoid Supplement B (Differentiation) contains fungicide and antibiotics(50x).Protocol for Mouse Liver Ductal Organoids Differentiation1.Culture the mouse ductal organoids in Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Medium(Expansion) (K2006-MLD) for at least 3 days.2.Change the medium to Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Differentiation Medium I, and culture for 9 days. During this period, replace the medium every day.3.Change the medium to Mouse Liver Ductal Organoid Differentiation Medium II, and culture for 3 days. During this period, replace the medium every day.4.At the end of this period, the differentiation process is completed. The ductal organoid would differentiate into hepatocyte-like organoid with the expression of hepatic markers, such as Albumin, Ttr, Cyp3a11 and Mup20.
  • 英斯特朗 拉伸标样 探针
    试验机拉伸标样,17806282711合作、共赢!美国热电:直读光谱仪ARL8860、XRF、XRD ICP、电镜、电子能谱仪德国徕卡:金相显微镜、体视显微镜、电镜制样设备英斯特朗:疲劳试验机、万能试验机; 摆锤冲击试验机、落锤冲击试验机东京精密:圆度仪、轮廓仪、粗糙度仪、三坐标美国法如:激光跟踪仪、关节臂及扫描 日本奥林巴斯手持光谱仪 德国帕马斯颗粒计数器租赁检测:便携式三坐标、激光跟踪仪、3D扫描仪为客户提供专业的检测服务,帮客户挖掘新的赢利空间!上海澳信检测技术有限公司青岛澳信仪器有限公司青岛澳信质量技术服务有限公司联系地址:青岛市城阳区山河路702号上海地址:上海浦东新区川沙路1098号新美测(青岛)测试科技有限公司提供测试服务:静态力学测试主要包括拉伸、压缩、弯曲、剪切等;动态疲劳测试主要包括:拉拉疲劳、拉压疲劳、压压疲劳、裂纹扩展速率等
  • 光栅-朗奇刻线
    朗奇刻线,又称伦奇刻线Ronchi Rulings。玻璃基底,上面金属铬镀膜形成格栅,不透明的线条的宽度大约是线距的1/2。基底玻璃用的B270玻璃,折射率1.52,尺寸大小是50*50*1.5mm(R28除外),光栅刻线区域基本覆盖整个玻璃板(0R25、R26、R27除外,这3个的刻线区域的宽度大约30mm)。此类光栅主要用来检测光学分辨率、长畸变以及等焦距的稳定性,也可以作为光栅来产生干涉图样。欢迎登陆海德网站或来电获取详细信息。订购信息:货号产品描述规格68098-25Grating – Ronchi ruling 2 lines per mm.R1268098-26Grating – Ronchi ruling 8 lines per mmR1568098-27Grating – Ronchi ruling 20 lines per mm. R1668098-28Grating – Ronchi ruling 40 lines per mm. R1768098-29Grating – Ronchi ruling 50 lines per mm. 50mm x 50mmR2568098-30Grating – Ronchi ruling 100 lines per mm. 50mm x 50mm R2668098-31Grating – Ronchi ruling 125 lines per mm. 50mm x 50mm R2768098-32Grating-Ronchi ruling 200 lines per mm,外尺寸76*25mm,soda lime glass,木质盒子包装R28价格仅供参考,详情请电询
  • 欧司朗长寿命卤钨灯
  • L1270986 珀金埃尔默 Universal Demountable Cell Mount
    The following components of the Universal Demountable Cell are sold separately:Demountable (circular) cell windows, either 2 or 4 mm thick, are available in the following materials: NaCl, KBr, CaF2 BaF2, KRS-5, AgBr, and ZnSeSemi-Demountable (rectangular) cell windows, either 2 or 4 mm thick, are available in the following materials: NaCl, KBr, CaF2 BaF2, KRS-5, AgBr, and ZnSeDemountable (circular) Spacers, either lead or plastic, in a variety of thicknesses.Semi-Demountable (rectangular) Spacers, either lead or plastic, in a variety of thicknesses.?SpecificationsProduct GroupSample Holder SuppliesTechnology TypeIR
  • 德国WTW 氨氮电磁阀MOU3-13101000
    德国WTW 氨氮电磁阀MOU3-13101000Wissenschaftlich-TechnischeWerkstatten GmbHD-82362 Weilheim Dr.-Karl-Slevogt Straβe 1MagnetventilArt.-Nr.:MOU3-13101000电磁阀广泛应用于在线TresCon分析仪中,比如在线氨氮分析仪OA110,有4个电磁阀用于控制试剂或水样的抽取;在总磷分析仪P510,电磁阀的数量更多。 德国WTW 氨氮电磁阀MOU3-13101000
  • Super Flangeless 接头 M-250x
    Super Flangeless 接头在我们提供的平底接头系统中,Super Flangeless™ 具有最高保压能力。我们特有的设计可消除管路扭曲引起的接头松动,即使是在振动时,也能保持紧固。我们的高压接头非常适合做预装配管路以及经常需要断开连接的情况。我们提供的最高保压平底接头系统消除管路扭曲引起的接头松动非常适合预装配管路即使振动,也能保持紧固装配提示确保锁紧环定向正确!锁紧环平端应朝向螺母,套箍窄端朝向锁紧环。SUPER FLANGELESS接头系统一体式 Super Flangeless™ 接头全聚合物结构适用于1/16”及1/8” OD 管有 M6x1 和 1/4-28 两种选择手旋(2-3 in-lbs / 0.23-0.34 N?m)极易使用不需要型锻的可反复使用一件式设计Super Flangeless 管 OD / 螺纹对比1/32”1/16”1.8 MM2.5 MM1/8”3/16”6-40√6-32√10-32√M6x1√√√√√1/4-28√√√√√5/16-24√订货信息:Super Flangeless™ (超级无凸缘)及一体式 Super Flangeless 接头部件号描述端口压力额定值头端类型材质数量SUPER FLANGELESS 套箍,适用于 1/32”, 1/16”, 1/8”, 3/16”, 1.8MM, 2.0MM, 2.5MMM-250x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍10-32 平底1,000–5,000 psi (69–345 bar)—PEEK 天然色/不锈钢10个一包M-650x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍6-32 或 6-40 平底750–3,750 psi (52–259 bar)—PEEK 天然色/不锈钢10个一包P-248x1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍10-32 平底2,500 psi (172 bar)—ETFE 绿色/不锈钢10个一包P-250x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍1/4-28 或 M6 平底2,500 psi (172 bar)—PEEK 天然色/不锈钢10个一包P-259x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍1/4-28 或 M6 平底1,350 psi (93 bar)—ETFE 黄色/不锈钢10个一包P-260x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍1/4-28 或 M6 平底1,850 psi (128 bar)—PEEK 天然色/不锈钢10个一包P-350x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍1/4-28 平底2,500 psi (172 bar)—PEEK 天然色/不锈钢10个一包P-352x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍1/4-28 或 M6 平底2,500 psi (172 bar)—PEEK 黑色/不锈钢10个一包P-355x1.8 mm OD 管用S超级无凸缘套箍1/4-28 或 M6 平底2,500 psi (172 bar)—PCTFE 绿色/不锈钢10个一包P-357-2x2.0 mm OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍M6 平底5,000 psi (345 bar)—PEEK 天然色/不锈钢10个一包P-359x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍1/4-28 平底1,000 psi (69 bar)—ETFE 黄色/不锈钢10个一包P-360x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍1/4-28 平底1,500 psi (102 bar)—PEEK 天然色/不锈钢10个一包P-366x2.5” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍1/4-28 平底1,000 psi (69 bar)—PEEK 天然色/不锈钢10个一包P-140x3/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘套箍5/16-24 平底500 psi (34 bar)—ETFE 绿色/不锈钢10个一包1/16” OD管用6-40及6-32接头M-660x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母6-32 平底750–3,750 psi (52–259 bar)微型无头PEEK 天然色10个一包M-644-03x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母6-40 平底750–3,750 psi (52–259 bar)微型无头PEEK 绿色10个一包1/16” OD管用10-32接头M-652x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母10-32 平底1,000–5,000 psi (69–345 bar)1/4” 六角形PEEK 绿色10个一包M-653x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母10-32 平底1,000–5,000 psi (69–345 bar)无头滚花PEEK 绿色10个一包M-655x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘长螺母10-32 平底1,000–5,000 psi (69–345 bar)1/4” 六角形PEEK 绿色10个一包1/16”及1/32” OD管用M6X1接头P-213x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘短螺母M6 平底*无头滚花PEEK 黑色10个一包P-217x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母M6 平底*标准滚花PPS 黑色10个一包P-219x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘短螺母M6 平底*标准滚花PEEK 黑色10个一包M6X1接头,适用于1.8MM、2.0MM、2.5MM、1/18” OD管P-317x超级无凸缘,适用于1/16”–≤ 1/8” OD 管M6 平底*标准滚花PPS 黑色10个一包P-319x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘短螺母M6 平底*标准滚花PEEK 黑色10个一包P-337x超级无凸缘短型,适用于1/16”–≤ 1/8” OD 管M6 平底*无头滚花PEEK 黑色10个一包P-357x2.0 mm OD 管用超级无凸缘接头M6 平底*标准滚花PEEK 黑色, 天然色/不锈钢10个一包1/16”及1/32” OD管用1/4-28接头F-356x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母(平顶螺母)1/4-28 平底*平顶螺母不锈钢10个一包LT-105x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘短螺母1/4-28 平底*1/4” 六角形不锈钢10个一包LT-115x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘短螺母1/4-28 平底*标准滚花PEEK 天然色10个一包P-232x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘短螺母1/4-28 平底*标准滚花PEEK 天然色10个一包P-246x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母1/4-28 平底*标准滚花PFA 天然色10个一包P-255x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母1/4-28 平底*标准滚花PEEK 天然色10个一包P-281x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母1/4-28 平底*标准滚花PPS 天然色10个一包P-287x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母1/4-28 平底*无头滚花PPS 天然色10个一包P-420x1/16” 或 1/32” OD 管用超级无凸缘母螺母1/4-28 平底*母滚花PEEK 天然色10个一包1.8MM、2.5MM、1/8” OD管用1/4-28接头C-235x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母1/4-28 平底*1/4” 六角形不锈钢10个一包F-156x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘母螺母1/4-28 平底*母滚花PEEK 黑色10个一包F-364x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘 FlushNut™ 螺母1/4-28 平底*平顶螺母不锈钢10个一包LT-210x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母1/4-28 平底*双翼PEEK 天然色10个一包P-331x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母1/4-28 平底*标准滚花PEEK 天然色10个一包P-336x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘短螺母1/4-28 平底*无头滚花PEEK 天然色10个一包P-381x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母1/4-28 平底*标准滚花PPS 天然色10个一包P-387x1/8” OD 管用超级无凸缘螺母1/4-28 平底*标准滚花PPS 天然色10个一包1/16”、1/8”、3/16” OD管用5/16-24接头P-137x3/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘接头5/16-24 平底*标准滚花PEEK 黑色10个一包P-141x1/16” OD 管用超级无凸缘接头5/16-24 平底*标准滚花PEEK 天然色10个一包1/16”及1/8” OD管用一体式SUPER FLANGELESS接头P-229x1/16” OD 管用一件式超级无凸缘接头M6 平底1,000 psi (69 bar)标准滚花PEEK10个一包P-249x1/16” OD 管用一件式超级无凸缘接头1/4-28 平底1,000 psi (69 bar)标准滚花PEEK10个一包P-329x1/8” OD 管用一件式超级无凸缘接头M6 平底1,000 psi (69 bar)标准滚花PEEK10个一包P-349x1/8” OD 管用一件式超级无凸缘接头1/4-28 平底1,000 psi (69 bar)标准滚花PEEK10个一包*螺母的压力等级取决于使用的套箍。
  • C-Mount封装中红外激光器
    中红外QCL激光器Chip-on C-Mount产品介绍: 量青光电代理的美国ADTech 公司生产量的子级联激光器(quantum cascade laser diode),波长覆盖中远红外(4-12um)。产品有单模和多模,部分波长可以提供大功率(500mW以上输出功率)。提供C-Mount和包含制冷芯片的模块封装。产品广泛应用于国防,检测,医疗和环境监测。 ADTech生产的中红外激光器具有脉冲和连续工作方式,产品具有比较高的波长电流依赖性或者温度波长依赖性。在工作电流内(或者温度内)有大约50nm或者更高的调谐范围。产品非常适合用于气体和物质的监测。 其产品具有非常低的阈值电流和非常高的效率。 QCL激光器非常适合产生3.5-25um的中远红外激光光谱,进来也被用于产生THz的光源。QCL并没有传统的半导体激光器的P-N结,而采用了多层的反应区域(级联),这样每一个射入的电子都发射多个光子,从而增加了激光器的增益。每一个反应区域都是有一个精心设计的多层结构的半导体材料,让电子释放出特定的波长并且在纳米厚度上进行材料控制。产品应用:有害物质监测高精度的气体检测红外光谱研究产品特点:可以提供4-12um波长具有较高的电流波长依赖性(脉冲工作的激光器具有非常低的电流波长依赖性)产品提供C-mount,CS-mount,以及带制冷和密封的HHL封装典型的输出功率为100mW 请点击如下产品名称查看PDF资料MWIR DFB4.34um C-Mount4.54um C-Mount4.58um C-Mount4.72um C-Mount5.26um C-MountLWIR DFB6.23um C-Mount7.83um C-Mount9.47um C-Mount10.26um C-MountHIGH - POWER4.20um CS-Mount4.60um CS-Mount6.35um CS-Mount9.26um CS-Mount
  • Fitting, Flangeless, 1/8" Tube | 00101-18225
    Fitting, Flangeless, 1/8" Tube|00101-18225Fitting, Super Flangeless, 1/8"Tube, Peek适用仪器型号LCQ AdvantageLCQ Deca XP MaxLTQ VelosQuantum AccessQuantum UltraVantage UltraLCQ Advantage MaxLCQ Deca XP+LTQ XLQuantum Access MaxQuantum Ultra AMLCQ Deca XPLCQ FleetOrbitrap VelosQuantum DiscoveryQuantum Ultra EMR订货信息:部件号品名描述数量00101-18225Fitting, Flangeless, 1/8" TubeFitting, Super Flangeless, 1/8"Tube, PeekEA
  • Semi-demountable Torches
    产品名称:Semi-demountable Torches仪器厂商:Agilent/美国 安捷伦价格:面议库存:是DescriptionApplicationPart No.Semi-demountable inertaxial torch assembly kitSamples with free HF when used with an inertalumina injector (2410067590) for volatile organicsolvents, use narrow bore 0.8 mm ID quartz injector(2010077500)9910084700Semi-demountable inertradial torch assembly kitSamples with free HF when used with an inertalumina injector (2410067590) for volatile organicsolvents, use narrow bore 0.8 mm ID quartz injector(2010077500)9910056800
  • Mixer Mounting Clips | 063642
    Mixer Mounting Clips|063642Mixer Mounting Clips订货信息:部件号品名描述数量063642Mixer Mounting ClipsMixer Mounting ClipsEA
  • Mounting tool
    不锈钢镀层的 PEEK 毛细管是生物惰性液相色谱系统的主“命脉”。PEEK 实现了不含金属的样品流路,而不锈钢镀层则可耐受高达 600 bar 的压力。毛细管的机械联锁式 PEEK 尖端对横向或旋转张力具有高耐受性,可避免拧紧接头的过程中毛细管发生扭转。用于抓取接头顶部的工具使接头易于用手拧紧。使用在线选择工具 (www.agilent.com/chem/selectcapillaries) 轻松快速地查找合适的毛细管
  • 类器官Cholangiocarcinoma Organoid Kit(肝内胆管癌)
    类器官(Organoids)是指将成体干细胞或多能干细胞在体外三维培养形成的具有一定空间结构的组织类似物。类器官在组织结构、细胞类型、自我更新能力和功能等方面与来源组织高度一致,从而在发育生物学、疾病造模、精准医学、药物研发、基因和细胞疗法、感染和免疫以及再生医学等生物医学的多个领域展现出独特的优势。产品介绍Product Description:bioGenousTMCholangiocarcinoma Organoid Kit is a chemically defined cell culture medium for the establishment and maintenance of human cholangiocarcinoma organoids. Patient-derived cancer organoids recapitulate the genomic and pathological features of original tumors and therefore hold great promise for medical research and precision medicine.技术参数Product Information:ComponentComponent Cat#VolumeStorage & StabilitybioGenousTMCholangiocarcinoma Organoid Basal MediumK2104-LB-A100/A500100mL/500mL4℃,12 monthsbioGenousTMCholangiocarcinoma Organoid Supplement B (50x)K2104-LB-B100/B5002mL/10mL-20℃,avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 monthsbioGenousTMCholangiocarcinoma Organoid Supplement C (250x)K2104-LB-C100/C5000.4mL/2mL-20℃, avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, 12 monthsPreparation of Cholangiocarcinoma Organoid Complete MediumUse a sterile technique to prepare the cholangiocarcinoma organoid complete medium. The following example is for preparing 10mL complete medium. If preparing other volumes, adjust accordingly.1. Thaw Cholangiocarcinoma Organoid Supplement B(50x) and Cholangiocarcinoma Organoid Supplement C(250x) on ice. Mix thoroughly.NOTE:Once thawed, use immediately or aliquot and store at -20°C for not more than 10 months. After thawing the aliquots, use immediately. Do not re-freeze.2.Add 200μL Cholangiocarcinoma Organoid Supplement B(50x) and 40μL Cholangiocarcinoma Organoid Supplement C(250x) to 9.76mL Cholangiocarcinoma Organoid Basal Medium. Mix thoroughly.NOTE:If not used immediately, store the complete medium at 2-8°C for not more than 2 weeks. The Cholangiocarcinoma Organoid Supplement B contains fungicide and antibiotics (50x).Protocol for Establishment ofPatient-Derived Cholangiocarcinoma OrganoidsCAUTIONStudies involving primary human tissue material must follow all relevant institutional and government regulations. Informed consent must be obtained from all subjects before the collection of the primary human tissue material.Establishment of Organoids from Primary Tissue1.Collect primary human cholangiocarcinoma tissue pieces in ice-cold Primary Tissue Storage Solution (K601005) with conical tubes. Keep tissue samples at 4°C until the start of the isolation.2.Assess whether the obtained tissue pieces consist purely of epithelium. If fat or muscle tissues are present, remove these non-epithelial components as much as possible using surgical scissors or scalpels and forceps under a dissection microscope. If no fat or muscle tissues are present, continue to the next step immediately.3.Rinse the tissuewith Cancer Organoid Basal Medium (B213152) or DPBS twice.4.Mince the tissue into small fragments of 1-3 mm3in a cell culture dish using surgical scissors or scalpels.5.Digest the tissue fragments with 10mL of Tumor Tissue Digestion Solution (K601003) in a 15mL conical tube at 37°C, with variable incubation times ranging from 30 min to 1.5 h. Carefully monitor the digestion process, mixing the content of the tube every 5-10 min by shaking vigorously or pipetting the mixture up and down. The digestion process could be finished when most of tissue fragments are able to pass through the 1mL pipette tips.6.Add FBS to the tissuedigestion mixture to a final concentration of 2%, and filter using a 100 μm cell strainer.7.Collect and centrifuge the filtered cells at 250g for 3 min at 4 °C. In case of a visible red pellet, aspirate the supernatant, and resuspend the pellet using 2mL of Red Blood Cell Lysis Solution (E238010) to lyse the erythrocytes at room temperature for 1 min and centrifuge at 250g for 3 min at 4°C.8.Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend the pellet in Cancer Organoid Basal Medium, centrifuge at 250g for 3 min at 4°C,repeat this step once more time.9.Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend the pellet in Matrigel. The Matrigel should be kept on ice to prevent it from solidifying. Perform the process as quickly as possible. The amount of Matrigel used depends on the size of the pellet. Approximately 10,000 cells should be plated in 25 μL of Matrigel.CRITICAL:Do not overly dilute the Matrigel (Matrigel should be 70% (Matrigel vol/Total vol)), as this may inhibit the proper formation of the solid droplets.10.Plate the Matrigel containing organoids at the bottom of 24-well cell culture plates in droplets of ~30μL each around the center of the well..CRITICAL:Once the organoids are resuspended in Matrigel, proceed with plating as quickly as possible, as the Matrigel may solidify in the tube or pipette tip. Do not let the Matrigel touch the wall of wells.11.Place the culture plate into a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2for15-25 min to let the Matrigel solidify.12.Prepare the required amount of cholangiocarcinoma organoid complete medium.13.Once the Matrigel droplets have solidified (15-25 min), open the plate and carefully add 500 μL of organoid complete medium to each well.CRITICAL:Do not add the medium directly on top of the Matrigel droplets, as this might disrupt the droplets.14.Place the culture plate in a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2.15.Change the medium every 3-4 d by carefully aspirating the medium from the wells and replacing it with a fresh, pre-warmed organoid complete medium.16.Closely monitor the organoid formation. Ideally, patient-derived cholangiocarcinoma organoids should be passaged for the first time between 7 and 10 d after the initial plating.Splitting and Passaging of Organoids17.Pipette up and down to disrupt the Matrigel and transfer the organoid suspension to a 1.5 mL conical tube.18.Pipette the organoid suspension up and down to mix thoroughly by pipetting against the bottom of the tube to create pressure, which will aid the removal of Matrigel.19.Centrifuge organoids at 250g for 3 min at room temperature.20.Aspirate the supernatant and split organoids using either Organoid Dissociation Solution (E238001) or by mechanical disruption. For Organoid Dissociation Solution-based cell dissociation, resuspend the pellet in 0.2 mL of Organoid Dissociation Solution, pipette up and down and incubate at 37 °C until organoids fall apart. Pipette up and down with a filter tip for ≥8 times every 2 min to aid in the disruption of the organoids. Closely monitor the digestion to keep the incubation time inthe Organoid Dissociation Solution to a minimum. In case of mechanical disruption, resuspend the pellet in 1.5 mL ofCancer Organoid Basal Medium. Carefully pipette the organoid suspension up and down 30 times by pipetting against the bottom of the tube to create pressure, which will aid organoid disruption.CRITICAL:Do not dissociate in Organoid Dissociation Solution for 5 min, as this may result in poor organoid outgrowth or even loss of the culture. As a rule of thumb, digestion is complete if a mixture of small lumps of cells (consisting of 10–50 cells) can be observed.21.After shearing is complete, wash once by topping up with 1 mL ofCancer Organoid Basal Medium, and centrifuge at 250g for 3 min at room temperature.22.Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend the organoid pellet in 70% (vol/vol) Matrigel, and plate organoids in droplets at the bottom of a culture plate as described in Steps 10. After plating is complete, transfer the plate into a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2for 15–25 min.23.Pre-warm cholangiocarcinoma organoid complete medium at 37 °C.24.After the Matrigel droplets have solidified (15–25 min), carefully pipette pre-warmed medium into the wells.Place culture plates in a humidified incubator at 37 °C and 5% (vol/vol) CO2until the organoids are needed for further experiments.
  • Surveyor 配件:Nut, Flangeless | 2803-0583
    Nut, Flangeless .125|2803-0583Nut, Flangeless .125 Delrin Black适用仪器型号Surveyor System订货信息:部件号品名描述数量2803-0583Nut, Flangeless .125Nut, Flangeless .125 Delrin BlackEA
  • C-Mount系列光纤适配器
    C口光纤适配器 显微光谱联用 复享为客户提供各种连接光纤和显微镜/望远镜的转接口。光纤接口端为SMA905标准接口。显微镜/望远镜端最常见的为标准C口,如果您是其它标准接口我们也能提供。具体情况请联系我们。另外,C-Mount-1 C口光纤适配器带一个准直镜,能够更好的聚焦光线。更多优惠信息:http://www.ideaoptics.com/Products/PContent.aspx?pd=C-Mount系列型号型号描述C-Mount-1C口光纤适配器(带准直镜)C-Mount-2C口光纤适配器(不带准直镜)应用案例显微光谱分析显微角度分辨典型的C mount 应用更多信息:http://www.ideaoptics.cn
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