Dionex™ DRS600动态再生抑制器 离子色谱应用 088666
Dionex DRS 600 Suppressors抑制器Use the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ DRS 600 Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor for electrolytically regenerated suppression in ion chromatography (IC) applications requiring high capacity, low noise, high backpressure resiliency, and fast startup. The Dionex DRS 600 Suppressor operates in constant voltage mode as well as the traditional constant current mode. By operating in constant voltage mode, the Dionex DRS 600 Suppressor self-governs electrical current as long as a constant voltage is applied. This suppressor is a fundamental component of a reagent-free ion chromatography (RFIC™ ) system.描述Dionex DRS 600 makes analysis easier for system operatorsMinimizes training and operation time by eliminating error-prone manual calculation of electrical currentsImproves gradient performance by improving signal-to-noise ratio with gradient eluents by dynamically adapting to the changing eluent compositionCompatible across a wide variety of applicationsThe Dionex ADRS 600 Anion Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor allows external water mode operation and enables analyses requiring IC coupled with mass spectrometry (MS).The Dionex DRS 600 Dynamically Regenerated Suppressor is a direct replacement for the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ERS™ 500 Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor. 1、Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088667For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (P/N 082541),Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6948), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061562), ASRS ULTRA (P/N 053947), ASRS I (P/N 043187),and the ASRS II (P/N 046078) suppressors.2、Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088666For use with 4 and 5 mm anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (4mm) P/N 082540,Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6949), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061561), ASRS (P/N 053946), ASRS I (P/N 043189), and theASRS II (P/N 046081) suppressors.3、Dionex CDRS 600 (2 mm) Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088670For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CERS 500 (2mm) P/N 082543,Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6950), CSRS ULTRA II (P/N 061564), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053949), CSRS I (P/N 043188),and the CSRS II (P/N 046080) suppressors.4、Dionex CDRS 600 (4 mm) P/N 082542 Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088668For use with 4 mm cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6951), CSRS ULTRA II(P/N 061563), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053948), CSRS I (P/N 043190), and the CSRS II (P/N 046079)suppressors. SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM