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The importance of miniaturization: electronic phenomena at the nanoscale 小型化的重要性:纳米世界的电子现象

主讲人:Mario Lanza(阿卜杜拉国王科技大学) 上传时间:2022/12/21 15:39
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Multiple research articles fabricate large electronic devices (with lateral sized 大于10 ?m2) and claim that the behaviors observed are “promising” for applications like data storage or computing. Such claims are highly misleading because those technologies employ ultra-scaled electronic devices (e.g., transistors, memristors) with lateral sizes 小于0.01 ?m2. In small-size devices, the number of local defects in the materials can be remarkably different, which almost always affects switching voltages, energies and times, as well as state resistances may be remarkably different than in larger devices, which also affects yield, variability and reliability. Hence, the fact that a large device (大于10 ?m2) shows whatever performance does not imply that a small device (小于0.01 ?m2) with identical materials composition will also exhibit it. In this seminar, I will show multiple methods to characterize the electronic properties of different materials and devices at the nanoscale. I will describe some of the properties I have analyzed in metal-oxides, graphene, molybdenum disulfide, hexagonal boron nitride, and nanowires. I will describe the setups that I have developed in order to carry out these studies, with special emphasis in conductive atomic force microscopy. The main properties that I will discuss are related to leakage current, dielectric breakdown and resistive switching in thin dielectrics, as well as piezoelectricity in two-dimensional materials and nanowires.


Mario Lanza got a PhD in Electronic Engineering (with honors) in 2010 at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. In 2010-2011 he was NSFC postdoc at Peking University, and in 2012-2013 he was Marie Curie postdoc at Stanford University. In October 2013 he joined Soochow University as Associate Professor, and in March 2017 he was promoted to Full Professor. Since October 2020 he is an Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), in Saudi Arabia. Prof. Lanza has published over 120 research papers, including two Science, five Nature Electronics and 10 Advanced Materials, and has registered four patents (one of them granted with 1 million USD). He is a Distinguished Lecturer of the Electron Devices Society (IEEE-EDS), editor-in-chief of the journal Microelectronic Engineering (Elsevier), and serves in the board of many other journals and conferences, including IEEE-IEDM and IEEE-IRPS. He is also the chair of the Nanotechnology Committee of the Electron Devices Society. Prof. Lanza leads a research group formed by 10-15 PhD students and postdocs, and they investigate how to improve electronic devices and circuits using 2D materials, with special emphasis in memristive devices and circuits.






