Ê×Ò³> ÍøÂç½²ÌÃ> Scanning probe lithography for bottom-up built biomimetic nanostructures ÓÃÓÚ×Ô϶øÉϹ¹½¨·ÂÉúÄÉÃ׽ṹµÄɨÃè̽Õë¿ÌÊ´

Scanning probe lithography for bottom-up built biomimetic nanostructures ÓÃÓÚ×Ô϶øÉϹ¹½¨·ÂÉúÄÉÃ׽ṹµÄɨÃè̽Õë¿ÌÊ´

Ö÷½²ÈË£ºEider Berganza Eguiarte(¿¨¶û˹³¶òÀí¹¤Ñ§Ôº(KIT) ) ÉÏ´«Ê±¼ä£º2022/12/21 15:29
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Scanning Probe Lithography tools have opened a new paradigm in the creation of biomimetic structures, as they enable direct writing of lipid membranes or other biomaterials with spatial resolution down to 100 nm, that can be used as building blocks for chemical or biological sensors.1 We have used Dip-Pen Nanolithography with Phospholipids (l-DPN), which deposits nanosized elements, by transferring absorbed molecules on the AFM tip through a water meniscus onto the substrate, to create an in-vitro platform for the study of lipid membrane curvature driven effects.2 Although l-DPN has generally being conceived as a 2D lithography technique, by tuning the substrate properties, we have recently achieved to extend its capabilities to 3D writing. On the other hand, we have proposed the use of the Fluid Force Microscopy (FluidFM) technology to overcome some inherent limitations of l-DPN. FluidFM features a hollow AFM cantilever with submicron sized aperture that locally disperses a chosen solution3, combines the accuracy of force control positioning and the versatility of microfluidics. This allowed us to create other types of structures, which can mimic the extracellular matrix for in-vitro cell experiments.4 [1] Liu, H. Y.; Kumar, R.; Zhong, C.; Gorji, S.; Paniushkina, L.; Masood, R.; Wittel, U. A.; Fuchs, H.; Nazarenko, I.; Hirtz, M. Adv. Mater. 33, 2008493 (2021) [2] Berganza, E.; Ebrahimkutty, M. P.; Vasantham, S. K.; Zhong, C.; Wunsch, A.; Navarrete, A.; Galic, M.; Hirtz, M. Nanoscale, 13, 12642¨C 12650, (2021). [3] Berganza, E.; Hirtz, M. Direct-Write Patterning of Functional Biomimetic Lipid Membranes with FluidFM. ACS Appl. Mat. Int. 13, 43, 50774¨C50784 (2021). [4] Berganza, E.; Apte, G.; Vasantham, S. K.; Nguyen, T-H.; Hirtz, M. Polymers, 14, 7, 1327 (2022)


Eider Berganza Eguiarte graduated in Physics in 2012 from the University of the Basque Country. During her master studies in 2013, she worked at the Material Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) on ceramic materials with ferroelectric properties. She then came back to ICMM to carry out her PhD research studying magnetic domains in nanostructures using Magnetic Force Microscopy aided by micromagnetic simulations, under the supervision of Agustina Asenjo and Miriam Jaafar. She finished her PhD in June 2018, obtaining the highest mark (Cum Laude) from the Universidad Aut¨®noma de Madrid. After obtaining her PhD, she was working in the automotive industry in Stuttgart (Germany). In 2019 she was awarded with an Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) scholarship (Sept 2019- Sept 2021) and joined the group of Michael Hirtz at the Nanotechnology Institute (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Germany), where she started a new topic focused on the nanofabrication and study of biologically active surfaces using Scanning Probe Lithography based techniques, namely Dip-Pen Nanolithography and Fluid Force Microscopy. In 2021, she got into the Young Investigator Group Preparation Program, a 2-year program with 10% success rate awarded by the KIT, where she got supported with 100 k€ to prepare for a Junior Professorship and develop a new research line on lithography of magnetic nanostructures. In June 2022, she joined the group of Nanomagnetism of the ICMM-CSIC within the frame of the Juan de la Cierva Incorporaci¨®n postdoctoral fellowship. She has coauthored 20 scientific papers 8 as first author, including high impact factor journals such as ACS Nano, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces or Nanoscale and 1 book chapter.





