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Atomic insights into the interfacial ion-water interaction 离子-水界面相互作用的原子洞察

主讲人:江颖(北京大学) 上传时间:2022/12/21 15:12
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Ion hydration and transport at interfaces are relevant to a wide range of applied fields and natural processes. Interfacial effects are particularly profound in confined geometries such as nanometre-sized channels, where the mechanisms of ion transport in bulk solutions may not apply. To correlate atomic structure with the transport properties of hydrated ions, both the interfacial inhomogeneity and the complex competing interactions among ions, water and surfaces require detailed molecular-level characterization. Using a noncontact atomic force microscopy (AFM) system, we were able to image the individual ion hydrates at surfaces with atomic resolution [1-3]. We found that the alkali ion with specific hydration numbers diffuses orders of magnitude more quickly than other ion hydrates, arising from the degree of symmetry match between the hydrates and the surface lattice. In addition, we found that the alkali ions can come into close contact with each other through the dehydration and water rearrangement process, which is driven by the effective ionic attraction due to the interplay between the water-ion and water-water interactions. These results not only help us to understand the nature of biological ion channels, but may also provide general design principles for artificial ion channels towards high permeation rate and selectivity. 1. Peng et al., Nature 557, 701 (2018) 2. Tian et al., Science 377, 315 (2022) 3. Tian et al., submitted (2022)


江颖,北京大学物理学院量子材料科学中心博雅特聘教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,国家“万人计划”领军人才,美国物理学会会士。研究方向为表面物理和扫描探针显微学,长期致力于尖端扫描探针显微术的自主研发,以实现电子态、核量子态、振动态、光子态、自旋态等单量子态的极限探测和操控,及其在单分子和低维材料方向的应用。曾获全球华人物理与天文学会“亚洲成就奖”、日本“仁科芳雄亚洲奖”、中国科学十大进展(2次)、北京市杰出青年中关村奖、陈嘉庚青年科学奖、中国青年科技奖等奖项或荣誉。发表文章 60 余篇, 包括: Science 2 篇、Nature 5 篇、Nature 子刊10篇。担任Journal of Chemical Physics、Chemical Physics、Advanced Quantum Technologies等国际期刊杂志编委。






