首页> 网络讲堂> 基于脱氧核酶的金属离子检测


主讲人:刘珏文(滑铁卢大学) 上传时间:2020/09/11 10:56
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Finding robust, reliable and cost-effective methods for highly sensitive and selective detection of contaminants in water is a long-standing analytical challenging. Here, the use of DNA for this purpose is discussed. Aside from its genetic function, DNA has been used as a sensing molecule in the last few decades due to its high stability, ease of modification and sequence-dependent chemical properties. DNAzymes are DNA-based catalysts, and they are highly attractive for biosensor development. In the last few years, my lab isolated a suite of new RNA-cleaving DNAzymes that are highly specific for various metal ions. Our work started with a series of lanthanide-dependent DNAzymes. A phosphorothioate (PS) modification refers to the substitution of one of the non-bridging phosphate oxygen atoms in nucleic acids by sulfur. We also developed PS-modified DNAzymes for recruiting thiophilic metals such as Cd2+ and Cu2+. By introducing a nitrogen-based ligand, we obtained DNAzymes specific for Zn2+ and Ni2+. Finally, we obtained Na+- and Ca2+-specific DNAzymes. Most of these DNAzymes were made into fluorescent biosensors for metal ions down to low parts-per-billion concentrations.


刘珏文,加拿大滑铁卢大学化学系教授,博士生导师。2000年获得中国科技大学化学本科学位。2005年获美国伊利诺伊大学化学系博士学位。自2009年起受聘于加拿大滑铁卢大学。获得加拿大化学会Fred Beamish奖,和McBryde奖章,并于2019年入选加拿大皇家学会(青年学院)。近年来发表期刊研究论文共计300余篇, 引用数达25000余次。H-index为76。担任Biosensors & Bioelectronics 核酸部分编辑,Trends in Analytical Chemistry (TrAC),《中国化学快报》和FACETS杂志副主编,Journal of Analysis and Testing 编委,和Langmuir,Sensors, 和 Particle and Particle Systems Characterization 编委会顾问。现主要从事核酸酶,纳米材料和软物质的分析化学,物理化学,以及表面性质的研究。






