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ZZK-K-SULPH,游离亚硫酸盐总量检测试剂盒,Total and Free Sulphite Assay Kit

ZZK-K-SULPH,游离亚硫酸盐总量检测试剂盒,Total and Free Sulphite Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-SULPH产品品名:游离亚硫酸盐总量检测试剂盒英文品名:Total and Free Sulphite Assay Kit规格型号:40 assays (manual) / 400 assays (microplate) / 400 assays (auto-analyser)A rapid, simple, reliable and accurate method for the measurement oftotal sulphite (sulfite) and free sulphite in wine, beverages,foodstuffs and other materials. Supplied as a “ready to use” liquidstable formulation that is suitable for manual, autoanalyser andmicroplate formats.INTRODUCTION:Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is used widely as an additive in various forms,most commonly as sulphites (or sulfites), in the wine, beverageand food industries where it acts primarily as an antimicrobial andantioxidant preservative.During wine making sulphites are used as an essential additive, usuallyat post-malolactic fermentation, in the control of contaminationby Brettanomyces during aging and to also protect the wine againstdetrimental “oxidative and enzymatic browning”. SO2 is only activeas an antimicrobial and antioxidant preservative in the unbound“free” form. Given that SO2 becomes “inactive” when it binds thecolour pigments of wine, and with legal restrictions on SO2 levels inwine, it has become valuable to wine producers to measure both theFree SO2 (FSO2) and Total SO2 (TSO2). In addition to this, due tothe increased awareness of the adverse effects of sulphites and theprevalence of sulphite intolerance in some individuals, sulphite levelsin foods and drinks are strictly regulated by various governing bodiesand therefore there is a requirement for accurate determination ofthe level of sulphites in foods, beverages and wines.This kit (K-SULPH) is suitable for the specific measurement of both“Total Sulphite” and “Free Sulphite” especially in wines, beverages,foodstuffs and other materials.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 40 assays of each test in manual format(or 400 assays of each test in auto-analyser format) are available fromMegazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Total Sulphite Reagent 1 (40 mL)Contains sodium azide (0.05 % w/v) as a preservative.Stable for 大于 18 months at room temperature.Bottle 2: Total Sulphite Reagent 2 (20 mL)Contains sodium azide (0.05 % w/v) as a preservative.Stable for 大于 18 months at room temperature.Bottle 3: Free Sulphite Reagent 1 (40 mL)Stable for 大于 18 months at room temperature.Bottle 4: Free Sulphite Reagent 2 (20 mL)Stable for 大于 18 months at room temperature.Bottle 5: Sulphite StandardSodium Sulphite (5 g).Stable for 大于 5 years at room temperature.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-SUFRG,蔗糖/D-果糖/D-葡萄糖检测试剂盒,Sucrose/Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit

ZZK-K-SUFRG,蔗糖/D-果糖/D-葡萄糖检测试剂盒,Sucrose/Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-SUFRG产品品名:蔗糖/D-果糖/D-葡萄糖检测试剂盒英文品名:Sucrose/Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit规格型号:150 assays - (50 of each) per kitFor the measurement of sucrose, D-Glu cose and D-Fruc tose in plant andfood products.INTRODUCTION:Sucrose, D-Glu cose and D-Fruc tose are found in most plant and foodproducts. In plant materials, D-Glu cose and D-Fruc tose occur as freesugars in sucrose, and in a range of oligosaccharides(galactosyl-sucrose oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides) andpolysaccharides such as fructans (inulins), starch, 1,3:1,4-Beta-D-glucansand cellulose. In foods, they are present in significant quantities inhoney, wine and beer, and a range of solid foodstuffs such as bread andpastries, chocolate and candies. In the wine industry, the addition ofsucrose is only permitted in a few situations, for example in theproduction of champagne.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 50 determinations of sucrose, D-Glu coseand D-Fruc tose are available from Megazyme. The kits contain the fullassay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer 1 (25 mL, pH 7.6) plus sodium azide(0.02% w/v) asa preservative.Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: NADP+ plus ATP.Stable for大于5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: Hexokinase plus Glu cose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase suspension,(4.1 mL). Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: PhosphoGlu cose isomerase suspension (2.25 mL). Stable for大于2 years at 4°C.Bottle 5: D-Glu cose plus D-Fruc tose standard solution(5 mL, 0.2 mg/mLof each sugar).Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.Bottle 6: Beta-Fructosidase (pH 4.6), lyophilised powder. Stable for >2 years at -20°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-SUCC,琥珀酸/丁二酸检测试剂盒,Succinic Acid Assay Kit

ZZK-K-SUCC,琥珀酸/丁二酸检测试剂盒,Succinic Acid Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-SUCC产品品名:琥珀酸/丁二酸检测试剂盒英文品名:Succinic Acid Assay Kit规格型号:20 assays (manual) / 200 assays (microplate) / 270 assays (auto-analyser)For the specific assay of succinic acid in wine, cheese, eggs, sauceand other food products.INTRODUCTION:Succinic acid is found in all plant and animal materials as a result ofthe central metabolic role played by this dicarboxylic acid in theCitric Acid Cycle. Succinic acid concentrations are monitored in themanufacture of numerous foodstuffs and beverages, including wine,soy sauce, soy bean flour, fruit juice and dairy products (e.g. cheese).The ripening process of apples can be followed by monitoring thefalling levels of succinic acid. The occurrence of 大于5 mg/kg of thisacid in egg and egg products is indicative of microbial contamination.Apart from use as a flavouring agent in the food and beverageindustries, succinic acid finds many other non-food applications, suchas in the production of dyes, drugs, perfumes, lacquers, photographicchemicals and coolants.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 20 assays in manual format (or 270 assaysin auto-analyser format or 200 assays in microplate format) are availablefrom Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (8 mL, pH 8.4) plus sodium azide (0.02% w/v) asa preservative.Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: (x2) NADH plus stabiliser.Stable for 大于2 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: (x2) ATP plus PEP and CoA.Stable for 大于2 years at -20°C.Bottle 4: Pyruvate kinase plus L-lactate dehydrogenase suspension,0.55 mL.Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.Bottle 5: Succinyl-CoA synthetase suspension (0.55 mL).Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.Bottle 6: Succinic acid (~ 2 g).Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-SORB,山梨醇/木糖醇检测试剂盒,D-Sorbitol/Xylitol Assay Kit

ZZK-K-SORB,山梨醇/木糖醇检测试剂盒,D-Sorbitol/Xylitol Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-SORB产品品名:山梨醇/木糖醇检测试剂盒英文品名:D-Sorbitol/Xylitol Assay Kit规格型号:58 assays (manual) / 580 assays (microplate) / 700 assays (auto-analyser)For the measurement of D-sorbitol and/or xylitol in food products.INTRODUCTION:Sorbitol, a polyol (sugar alcohol), is a bulk sweetener found innumerous food products. Sorbitol is approximately 60% as sweetas sucrose with one-third of the calories. It has a smooth mouthfeel with a sweet, cool and pleasant taste. Sorbitol is non-cariogenicand finds many dietetic applications, but can cause gastrointestinalproblems in adults if large quantities are consumed (10-50 g per day).It has been safely used in processed foods for almost half a centuryand finds applications in the cosmetics and pharmaceuticals industries.Sorbitol occurs naturally in a wide variety of fruits and berries. It isproduced commercially by the hydrogenation of glucose. It has beenaffirmed GRAS (generally recognised as safe) by the U.S. Food andDrug Administration and has been approved for food use in Europeand many other countries around the world.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 58 assays in manual format (or 700assays in auto-analyser format or 580 assays in microplate format) areavailable from Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (40 mL, pH 8.6).Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: (x2) NAD+ plus INT.Stable for 大于2 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: Diaphorase suspension (1.25 mL).Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: (x3) Sorbitol dehydrogenase lyophilisate.Stable for 大于2 years at -20°C.Bottle 5: D-Sorbitol standard solution (5 mL, 0.10 mg/mL) in0.02% (w/v) sodium azide.Stable for 大于2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-RSTCL,抗性淀粉控粉检测试剂盒,Resistant Starch Control Flours Assay Kit

ZZK-K-RSTCL,抗性淀粉控粉检测试剂盒,Resistant Starch Control Flours Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-RSTCL产品品名:抗性淀粉控粉检测试剂盒英文品名:Resistant Starch Control Flours Assay Kit规格型号: 5 ControlsFor use with the Resistant Starch assay kit.Resistant starch controls:1. Regular Maize Starch.0.67% w/w RS (“as is” basis);13.6 % w/w moisture content (at time of packing).2. High Amylose Maize Starch (native).36.7 % w/w RS (“as is” basis);12.3 % w/w moisture content (at time of packing).3. ActiStarR (a resistant starch materialproduced by enzymic modification of tapiocastarch).48.3 % w/w RS; (“as is” basis);8.7 % w/w moisture content (at time of packing).4. Potato Starch (native)63.4 % w/w RS (“as is” basis);12.3 % w/w moisture content (at time of packing).5. Dried and Milled Kidney Beans4.7 % RS w/w (“as is” basis);~ 2 % w/w moisture content (at time of packing).温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-RAFGL,蜜三糖/棉子糖蔗糖/D-半乳糖检测试剂盒,Raffinose/Sucrose/D-Glucose Assay Kit

ZZK-K-RAFGL,蜜三糖/棉子糖蔗糖/D-半乳糖检测试剂盒,Raffinose/Sucrose/D-Glucose Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-RAFGL产品品名:蜜三糖/棉子糖蔗糖/D-半乳糖检测试剂盒英文品名:Raffinose/Sucrose/D-Glucose Assay Kit规格型号:120 assays of each per kitFor the measurement of D-Glu cose, sucrose and raffinose, stachyose andverbascose in seeds and seed meals. Based on the measurement ofD-Glu cose on enzymic hydrolysis of raffinose, stachyose and verbascoseto D-Glu cose, D-fructose and D-galactose.INTRODUCTION:Grain legumes are an important component of both human and livestockdiets. Galactosyl-sucrose oligosaccharides (raffinose, stachyose andverbascose) are major components in many food legumes1, and theantinutritional activity of grain legumes is frequently associated withthe presence of these oligosaccharides2. Galactosyl-sucroseoligosaccharides are not hydrolysed in the upper gut due to the absenceof Alfa-galactosidase. In the lower intestine they are metabolised bybacterial action, producing methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide, whichlead to flatulence and diarrhoea. Galactosyl-sucrose oligosaccharidesare thus a factor limiting the use of grain legumes in monogastric diets3.Several solvents have been employed for the extraction ofgalactosyl-sucrose oligosaccharides from legume-seed flours. These aregenerally water/alcohol mixtures. Before (or concurrent with)extraction, it is vital that endogenous Alfa-galactosidase and invertaseare inactivated. This can be achieved by refluxing the flour in ethanolor in an aqueous ethanol mixture before the flour is subjected toaqueous extraction.Identification and quantification of the extracted galactosyl-sucroseoligosaccharides have been achieved using an array of chromatographicprocedures, however many of these methods are, at best,semiquantitative. Chromatographic procedures employing high performanceliquid chromatography and low pressure liquid chromatography (usingBio-Gel P2) are quantitative, but can be time consuming, particularly inthe area of sample preparation.It is well known that raffinose, stachyose and verbascose arehydrolysed by Alfa-galactosidase to D-galactose and sucrose. Biochemicalkits for the measurement of raffinose are commercially available. TheAlfa-galactosidase used in these kits (from green coffee beans) rapidlyhydrolyses raffinose, but acts quite slowly on stachyose and verbascose,and thus does not give complete hydrolysis of these oligosaccharidesunder the incubation conditions recommended. In contrast, the enzymeused in the current procedure (from Aspergillus niger) readily andrapidly catalyses complete hydrolysis of raffinose, stachyose andverbascose to D-galactose and sucrose.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 120 assays of D-Glu cose, sucrose andraffinose-series oligosaccharides are available from Megazyme. The kitscontain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Alfa-Galactosidase suspension (A. niger; 2 mL) in ammonium sulphate.Stable for 大于5 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: Invertase solution (yeast; 6 mL) containing sodium azide(0.02%) as a preservative.Stable for 大于5 years at 4°C.Bottle 3: GOPOD Reagent Buffer. Buffer (48 mL, pH 7.4),p-hydroxybenzoic acid and sodium azide (0.04% w/v). Stable for 大于4years at 4°C.Bottle 4: GOPOD Reagent Enzymes. Glu cose oxidaseplus peroxidaseand 4-aminoantipyrine. Freeze-dried powder.Stable for 大于5 years at -20°C.Bottle 5: D-Glu cose standard solution (5 mL, 1.0 mg/mL) in 0.2% (w/v)benzoic acid.Stable for 大于5 years at room temperature.Bottle 6: Soy-Flour Reference Sample (containing Glu cose, sucrose andgalactosyl-sucrose oligosaccharides).温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com 



ZZK-K-PECID,胶质识别检测试剂盒,Pectin Identification Assay Kit

ZZK-K-PECID,胶质识别检测试剂盒,Pectin Identification Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-PECID产品品名:胶质识别检测试剂盒英文品名:Pectin Identification Assay Kit规格型号:500 assays per kit For the identification of pectin in food ingredients. This kit nowemploys a new pectate lyase from Aspergillus niger.INTRODUCTION:Pectins consist of the partial methyl esters of polygalacturonic acidand their sodium, potassium, calcium and ammonium salts, obtained byextraction in an aqueous medium of appropriate edible plant material,usually citrus fruits or apples. Pectin is recovered from solution byprecipitation with an appropriate organic solvent such as ethanol,methanol or isopropanol. In some pectins, a portion of the methyl estersmay have been converted to primary amide groups by treatment withammonia under alkaline conditions. Older methods for the identificationof pectin involve solvent precipitation. These methods are non-specific.The method described here measures the increase in absorption at 235 nmon cleavage of pectate by a highly purified and specific enzyme, pectate lyase1.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 500 assays are available from Megazyme andconsist of:1. Concentrated Pectate Lyase enzyme2. Low ester pectin extracted from citrus peel3. High ester pectin extracted from citrus peel4. Partly amidated low ester pectin from citrus peel5. Pectin from sugar beet pulp6. Iota carrageenan温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-XYLOSE,D-木糖检测试剂盒,D-Xylose Assay Kit

ZZK-K-XYLOSE,D-木糖检测试剂盒,D-Xylose Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-XYLOSE产品品名:D-木糖检测试剂盒英文品名:D-Xylose Assay Kit规格型号:100 assays (manual) / 1000 assays (microplate) / 1300 assays (auto-analyser)Novel method for the specific, convenient and rapid assay of D-xylosein plant extracts, culture media/supernatants and other materials.Suitable for manual, auto-analyser and microplate formats.INTRODUCTION:In nature, D-xylose occurs mainly in the polysaccharide form as xylan,arabinoxylan, glucuronoarabinoxylan, xyloglucan and xylogalacturonan.Mixed linkage D-xylans are also found in certain seaweed species and asimilar polysaccharide is thought to make up the backbone of psylliumgum. Free D-xylose is found in guava, pears, blackberries, loganberries,raspberries, aloe vera gel, kelp, echinacea, boswellia, broccoli, spinach,eggplant, peas, green beans, okra, cabbage and corn. In humans, D-xyloseis used in an absorption test to help diagnose problems that prevent thesmall intestine from absorbing nutrients, vitamins and minerals in food.D-Xylose is normally easily absorbed by the intestine. When problemswith absorption occur, D-xylose is not absorbed and blood and urinelevels are low. A D-xylose test can help to determine the cause of achild’s failure to gain weight, especially when the child seems to be eatingenough food. If in a polysaccharide, the ratio of D-xylose to other sugarsetc. is known, then the amount of the polysaccharide can be quantitatedfrom this knowledge plus the determined concentration of D-xylose inan acid hydrolysate. Xylans are a major portion of the polysaccharidesthat could potentially be hydrolysed to fermentable sugar for biofuelproduction.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 100 assays in manual format (or 1300assays in auto-analyser format or 1000 assays in microplate format) areavailable from Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (45 mL, pH 7.5) plus sodium azide (0.02% w/v)as a preservative.Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: (x2) NAD+ plus ATP.Freeze dried powder.Stable for 大于 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: Hexokinase suspension (2.2 mL).Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: XDH/XMR solution (5.6 mL).Stable for 大于 2 years at -20°C.Bottle 5: D-Xylose standard solution (5 mL, 0.25 mg/mL).Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-XYLS,木聚糖酶检测试剂盒,Xylanase (Xylazyme AX) Assay Kit

ZZK-K-XYLS,木聚糖酶检测试剂盒,Xylanase (Xylazyme AX) Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-XYLS产品品名:木聚糖酶检测试剂盒英文品名:Xylanase (Xylazyme AX) Assay Kit规格型号:200 assays per kitFor the measurement of endo-1,4-?-D-xylanase in enzyme preparations,bread improver mixtures and animal feeds. Contains Xylazyme AX Tabletsand xylanase enzyme controls (A. niger and Trichoderma longibrachiatum).INTRODUCTION:Arabinoxylan is the major endosperm cell-wall polysaccharide ofwheat and rye and is found in significant proportions in most cerealsolutions and slurries of high viscosity, and in animal nutrition itreduces the rate of nutrient absorption from the gut.endo-Beta-D-Xylanase (xylanase) is added to feeds to catalysedepolymerisation of this polysaccharide. It can be demonstratedthat endo-cleavage by xylanase of just one bond per thousand in thearabinoxylan backbone can significantly remove viscosity properties.Of the carbohydrase enzymes used as feed supplements, one of themost difficult to measure has been xylanase. These problems areattributed to several factors, including the low levels of enzymeadded to the feed, inactivation of enzyme during pelleting, bindingof the enzyme to feed components and the presence of specificxylanase inhibitors.The only biochemical methods which are sufficiently sensitive, specificand robust to measure xylanase in feeds are viscometric assays andthose employing dyed xylan or arabinoxylan polysaccharides.Viscometric assays are tedious, whereas assays employing dyedxylan substrates are rapid, reproducible and simple to perform.We recommend the use of either Xylazyme AX tablets or Azo-Wheat Arabinoxylan (Azo-WAX). Xylazyme AX based assaysare about 5-fold more sensitive than assays employing Azo-WAX.However, this latter substrate does have sufficient sensitivity in mostapplications, and results are slightly more reproducible than withXylazyme AX.It is generally accepted that xylanase enzymes which are best suitedto feed applications have optimal activity at pH 6.0. Consequently,these enzymes are generally assayed at this pH in 100 mM sodiumphosphate buffer. In recovery experiments, however, we found thatsodium phosphate buffer extracts only a small proportion (of the amount of enzyme added to the feed. Thus a wide range ofalternative extractants and extraction conditions have been evaluated.For feeds containing Trichoderma sp. xylanases, the best and mostconsistent results have been obtained using 100 mM acetic acidor 100 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.7) at room temperature.Optimal extraction of Humicola sp. xylanases was achieved with abuffer containing 100 mM MES buffer (pH 6.0) and 1 % w/v sodiumdodecyl sulphate (SDS).KITS:Kits containing the required reagents to measure xylanase in animalfeeds are available from Megazyme. These kits contain:1. Xylazyme AX test tablets (200 tablets).2. A. niger control xylanase (~ 295 mU/mL at 40°C and pH 4.7)in 50 % (v/v) glycerol (activity stated on vial).3. T. longibrachiatum control xylanase (~ 386 mU/mL at 40°C andpH 6.0) in 50% (v/v) glycerol (activity stated on vial).爱尔兰Megazyme公司是全球知名的酶及酶法分析试剂盒的生产厂家,其中大多数产品都被AOAC(Association of Official Analytical Chemists)、AACC(American Association of Cereal Chemists)、ICC(InternationalAssociation for Cereal Science and Technology)、EBC(European Brewing Convention)、RACI(Royal Australian Chemical Institute)等国际组织采用。其中欧洲检测果汁及葡萄酒等发酵产品基本都采用该公司产 品。其中全线产品及相关检测信息见:该公司产品分以下系列:1. 生物及食品酶法分析试剂盒 (Diagnostic Kits)  2. 试剂混合物(Reagent Mixtures) 3. 协同因子(Cofactors)4. 糖酶片剂试验(Carbohydrase Tablet Tests) 5. 蛋白酶片剂试验(Protease Test Tablets)   6. 可溶性呈色底物(Soluble Chromogenic Substrates) 7. 不可溶性(交联的)呈色底物(Insoluble (Crosslinked) Chromogenic Substrates)8. 酶(Enzymes)  9. 植物凝血素(Lectins)10. 多聚糖(Polysaccharides)11. 低聚糖(Oligosaccharides)12. 相关产品 (General)其中产品被国际机构采用,建立国际检测方法如下:总淀粉检测盒(Total Starch Assay Kit)  AOAC Method 996.11  AACC Method 76-13  ICC Standard Method no. 168  RACI Standard Method总膳食纤维检测盒(Total Dietary Fibre Assay Kit)  AOAC Method 985.29  AOAC Method 991.42  AOAC Method 993.19  AOAC Method 991.43  AACC Method 32.07  AACC Method 32.21  AACC Method 32.05 淀粉损失检测盒(Starch Damage Assay Kit)  AACC Method 76-31  ICC Standard No. 164  RACI Standard Method α-淀FEN酶检测盒Ceralpha (α-Amylase) Assay Kit     AOAC Method 2002.01    ICC Standard No. 303    RACI Standard Method    CCFRA Flour Testing Working Group Method 0018    AACC - under evaluation. Alpha淀FEN酶检测盒Amylazyme (α-Amylase Assay)  AACC Method 22.05  RACI Standard Method 果聚糖检测盒Fructan Assay Kit  AOAC Method 999.03  AACC Method 32-32木聚糖酶AX片剂(Xylazyme AX Tablets)  Xylazyme AX Tablets have been widely adopted in the fermentation andfeeds industries for the measurement of Xylanase. Beta-葡聚糖检测盒Beta-Glucan (Mixed Linkage) Assay Kit  AACC Method 32-23  EBC Methods 3.11.1, 4.16.1 and 8.11.1  AOAC Method 995.16  ICC Standard No. 166  RACI Standard Method 极限糊精酶和支链淀FEN酶检测片剂(Limit-Dextrizyme) RACI Standard Method Beta-葡聚糖酶检测盒(Beta-Glucanase (Malt and Microbial) Assay Kit)  RACI Standard Method Beta-淀FEN酶检测盒(Betamyl (Beta-Amylase Assay Kit))  RACI Standard Method.木聚糖酶检测底物(Azo-Wheat Arabinoxylan )  Azo-Wheat Arabinoxylan, Azo-CM-Cellulose and Ceralpha methods for theassay of Xylanase, cellulase and ?-Amylase, respectively, have beenadopted by the UK silage industry. 抗性淀粉检测盒(Resistant Starch Assay Kit)  AOAC Method 2002.02温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-ETOH,乙醇检测试剂盒,Ethanol Assay Kit

ZZK-K-ETOH,乙醇检测试剂盒,Ethanol Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-ETOH 产品品名:乙醇检测试剂盒英文品名:Ethanol Assay Kit规格型号:60 assays (manual) / 600 assays (microplate) / 600 assays (auto-analyser)A simple, reliable and accurate method for the determination of ethanolin beverages and foodstuffs.INTRODUCTION:Ethanol is ubiquitous in its natural occurrence, and thus its quantitativedetermination is not only important in the manufacture of intoxicatingwines, beers and spirits, but also for low-alcohol and non-alcoholicbeverages, fruit juices and a range of other foodstuffs, includingchocolates, sweets, jam, honey, vinegar and dairy products. A largerange of non-foods also contain significant quantities of ethanol, such ascosmetics and pharmaceuticals.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 60 assays in manual format (or 600assays in auto-analyser format or 600 assays in microplate format) areavailable from Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (15 mL, pH 9.0) plus sodium azide(0.02% w/v) as a preservative.Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: NAD+.Stable for 大于 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: Aldehyde dehydrogenase solution (3.25 mL).Stable for 大于 2 years at -20°C.3Bottle 4: Alcohol dehydrogenase suspension (1.3 mL).Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 5: Ethanol standard solution (5 mL, 5 mg/mL).Stable in a well sealed container (as supplied) for 大于 2years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-EBHLG,酵母葡聚糖酶检测试剂盒,Enzymatic Yeast Beta-Glucan Assay Kit

ZZK-K-EBHLG,酵母葡聚糖酶检测试剂盒,Enzymatic Yeast Beta-Glucan Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-EBHLG产品品名:酵母葡聚糖酶检测试剂盒英文品名:Enzymatic Yeast Beta-Glucan Assay Kit规格型号:50 assays per kitAn enzymatic procedure for the measurement of 1,3:1,6-beta-glucan inyeast. Also measures 1,3-Beta-glucan.INTRODUCTION:(1-3)-Beta-Glucans are widely distributed in nature, especially in algae,fungi and yeast, but also in higher plants. They serve a variety ofbiological functions. They form the major structural components ofcell walls, they act as storage carbohydrates and they sometimes playa protective role by forming at specific sites in response to particularstimuli such as wounding.1 Yeast Beta-glucan substantially enhances thefunction of the immune system by activating macrophages, one of theprimary defences of the immune system. Literature indicates that thepotent anti-tumour properties of polysaccharide fractions extractedfrom certain strains of mushrooms, in particular Grifola frondosaalso known as Maitake, can be attributed to linear 6-branched(1-3)-Beta-glucan.2-4 Similar properties have recently been assigned to(1-3)(1-4)-Beta-glucans from cereal grains (e.g. oats and barley).The presence in wine of a particular high molecular weight(~ 800 Kd) Beta-glucan, produced by the fungus, Botrytis cinerea (greyrot) leads to clarification and filtration problems.5 Scleroglucan(from Sclerotium rofsii), an industrial thickening agent with remarkablethickening properties, has a very similar structure.Megazyme offers an acid hydrolysis/enzymic procedure (K-YBGL)for the determination of Beta-glucan in yeast and mushroom. Thatmethod is based on acid hydrolysis to measure total Beta-glucan andspecific enzymic determination of α-glucan. Beta-Glucan is determinedby difference. A totally enzymic procedure specific for Beta-glucan hasbeen published by Danielson et al.6 The method employs Lyticasefrom Sigma-Aldrich and exo-1,3-Beta-glucosidase/Beta-glucanase fromMegazyme. This method works well, but its widespread adoptionis limited by the high cost of Lyticase. In this booklet we describean alternate, simple enzymic procedure for the measurement of(1-3)(1-6)-Beta-glucan in yeast. The method also gives quantitationmeasurement of Beta-glucan in curdlan, laminarin and cereal Beta-glucanpreparations. It does not give quantitative measurement of Beta-glucanin mushrooms, the reasons for which are currently being researched.KITS:Kits suitable for carrying out 50 assays are available from Megazyme.The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: GlucazymeTM preparation (exo-1,3-Beta-glucanase,endo-1,3-Beta-glucanase, Beta-glucosidase and chitinasesuspension), 2.2 mL.Stable for 大于4 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: GOPOD Reagent Buffer. Buffer (48 mL,pH 7.4), p-hydroxybenzoic acid and sodium azide(0.4% w/v).Stable for 大于4 years at 4°C.Bottle 3: GOPOD Reagent Enzymes. Glu cose oxidaseplus peroxidase and 4-aminoantipyrine. Freezedried powder.Stable for 大于5 years at -20°C.Bottle 4: D-Glu cose standard solution (5 mL, 1.5 mg/mL)in 0.2% w/v benzoic acid.Stable for 大于5 years at room temperature.Bottle 5: Control yeast Beta-glucan preparation (~ 2 g,Beta-glucan content stated on the bottle label).Stable for 大于5 years at room temperature.Bottle 6: Control starch preparation (~ 2 g, 96%starch dwb).Stable for 大于5 years at room temperature.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-DMAL,D-苹果酸检测试剂盒,D-Malic Acid Assay Kit

ZZK-K-DMAL,D-苹果酸检测试剂盒,D-Malic Acid Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-DMAL产品品名:D-苹果酸检测试剂盒英文品名:D-Malic Acid Assay Kit规格型号:100 assays (manual) / 1000 assays (microplate) / 1100 assays(auto-analyser) per kitFor the specific assay of D-malic acid (D-malate) in beverages and food products.INTRODUCTION:In Nature, essentially all malic acid is produced in the L-racemicform (the exception being a few micro-organisms which produceD-malic acid). Freshly pressed fruit juices contain D-malic acid atthe detection limit (~ 10 mg/L). Malic acid is produced commerciallyin the D-/L-racemic mixture by the catalytic hydration of maleicanhydride and can replace citric acid in food products as an acidulantand flavour enhancer. It finds application in flavoured fruit drinks,juices and wines. The detection of D-malic acid in juices or wineindicates that it has been added. The legal situation concerning theaddition of D-/L-malic acid to juice or wine varies between countries.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 100 assays in manual format (or 1100 assaysin auto-analyser format or 1000 assays in microplate format) are availablefrom Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (25 mL, pH 8.0) plus sodium azide (0.02% w/v)as a preservative.Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: (x2) NAD+.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: D-Malate dehydrogenase suspension (2.2 mL).Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: D-Malic acid standard solution (5 mL, 0.20 mg/mL).Stable for > 2 years at room temperature.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-CITR,柠檬酸检测试剂盒,Citric Acid Assay Kit

ZZK-K-CITR,柠檬酸检测试剂盒,Citric Acid Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-CITR产品品名:柠檬酸检测试剂盒英文品名:Citric Acid Assay Kit规格型号:72 assays (manual) / 720 assays (microplate) / 840 assays (auto-analyser)A flexible and simple method for the rapid and reliable measurement ofcitric acid (citrate) in foods, beverages and other materials.INTRODUCTION:Due to its excellent acidulant, flavorant and preservative properties,citric acid (citrate) is found in a large number of natural andprocessed foods and beverages, such as fruit juice and other softdrinks, beer, milk, bread, candies, and dairy and meat products. Thisacid also finds many other applications, such as in paper manufacture,or in the wine industry, where the presence of significant quantitiesindicates the use of citric acid as an acidulant, a practice with anallowable upper limit of just 1 g/L (final concentration) in the EU.The quantification of citric acid is also important in clinical chemistry.Polyvinylpyrollidone (PVP) has been incorporated into the Megazymeassay format to prevent inhibition caused by tannins found in grapejuice, fermenting must and wine. In addition to a > 2 years shelf lifeand competitive price, manual (see page 5 “A”), auto-analyser (seepage 6 “B”) and microplate (see page 8 “C”) assay procedures aredescribed, making this product ideal for citric acid determinationapplications in laboratories of any size.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 72 assays in manual format (or 840assays in auto-analyser format or 720 assays in microplate format) areavailable from Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (40 mL, pH 7.5) plus sodium azide (0.02%) asa preservative. Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: NADH plus PVP.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: L-Malate dehydrogenase plus D-lactatedehydrogenase, 1.5 mL.Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: (x 3) Citrate lyase lyophilisate.Stable for > 2 years at -20°C.Bottle 5: Citric acid standard solution (5 mL, 0.20 mg/mL) in0.02% (w/v) sodium azide.Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-CERA,α-淀粉酶检测试剂盒,Alpha-Amylase (Ceralpha method) Assay Kit

ZZK-K-CERA,α-淀粉酶检测试剂盒,Alpha-Amylase (Ceralpha method) Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-CERA产品品名:α-淀粉酶检测试剂盒英文品名:Alpha-Amylase (Ceralpha method) Assay Kit规格型号:100 assays per kitAOAC Method 2002.01, AACC Method 22.02.01, ICC Standard No. 303, RACI Standard Method, CCFRA Flour Testing Working Group Method 0018. For the specific measurement of alpha-amylase in cereal grains and fermentation broths (fungal and bacterial).INTRODUCTION:Microbial α-amylases find widespread application in the modificationof starch in cereal products and in cereal processing. The level ofendogeneous α-amylase in cereal grains and products significantlyaffects the industrial exploitation of these commodities. In breadmaking,the level of α-amylase must be sufficient to producesaccharides which can be absorbed and utilised by yeast, but notso high as to cause excessive starch dextrinisation, which can leadto sticky crumb and problems in processing. In the brewing industry,the level of malt α-amylase is a key quality parameter. α-Amylasealso finds application as a silage additive, to assist in the degradationof starch and thus to provide fermentable sugars for bacterial growth.Bacterial, fungal and cereal α-amylases can all be measured withAmylase HR reagent, however, assay conditions (specifically pH) needto be modified to suit each particular enzyme. Amylase HR Reagentis specific for α-amylase. The substrate is absolutely resistant tohydrolysis by exo-enzymes such as β-amylase, amyloglucosidase andα-glucosidase.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 100/200 assays are available fromMegazyme, and consist of:-1. Full assay method2. Freeze dried BPNPG7 plus thermostable α-glucosidase3. Concentrated Extraction Buffer4. Concentrated Stopping Reagent5. Control Malt Flour温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-CELLG3,内切纤维素酶检测试剂盒,endo-Cellulase Assay Kit

ZZK-K-CELLG3,内切纤维素酶检测试剂盒,endo-Cellulase Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-CELLG3产品品名:内切纤维素酶检测试剂盒英文品名:endo-Cellulase Assay Kit规格型号:180/360A soluble substrate for the specific measurement of cellulase(endo-1,4-β-glucanase) in enzyme preparations and fermentation products.INTRODUCTION:Cellulase (endo-1,4-β-glucanase) plays a key role in the hydrolysisof cellulosic biomass to fermentable sugars. This enzyme also findswidespread industrial applications in the modification of cellulosicmaterials and in the degradation of mixed linkage 1,3;1,4-β-glucans.Numerous methods are available for the measurement of cellulase,including those based on increase in reducing sugar levels onhydrolysis of CM-cellulose or 1,3:1,4-β-glucan1. endo-Cellulasecan be specifically assayed using viscometric methods with solubleCM-cellulose 7M as substrate, or by employing soluble or insoluble(crosslinked) dyed cellulose or mixed-linkage β-glucan. In general,assays based on the use of dyed polysaccharides are standardisedagainst a reducing sugar method that employs either CM-cellulose orβ-glucan as substrate. The problem here is that these polysaccharidesubstrates are not completely defined and thus lead to some variationin the values obtained.The Megazyme CellG3, cellulase test reagent, employs high purityβ-glucosidase and benzylidene blocked, 2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl-β-Dcellotrioside(BClPNPβ-G3). The level of β-glucosidase used ensuresmaximum sensitivity of the assay. On hydrolysis of BClPNPβ-G3 tobenzylidene blocked cellobiose and 2-Cl-4-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucoseby cellulase, the 2-Cl-4-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucose is immediatelycleaved to D-glucose and free 2-Cl-4-nitrophenol (ClPNP) by theβ-glucosidase present in the substrate mixture (Scheme 1). Thus, therate of release of ClPNP relates directly to the rate of hydrolysis ofBClPNPβ-G3 by cellulase. The reaction is stopped, and the phenolatecolour is developed, on addition of Trizma base solution (pH 9).Standard curves relating enzyme activity to increase in absorbanceat 400 nm on hydrolysis of BClPNPβ-G3 by Trichoderma and A. nigercellulases are shown in Figures 1 and 2. A standard curve relatingenzyme activity on CM-cellulose 4M (Nelson/Somogyi reducingsugar assay2) to absorbance increase at 400 nm on incubationof Trichoderma cellulase with BClPNPβ-G3 is shown in Figure 3.Cellulase enzymes from different sources vary in their ability tohydrolyse BClPNPβ-G3, so it is necessary to establish a specificstandard curve for each cellulase to allow accurate quantitation. Theassay can be used at temperatures up to 80°C and in the pH range of4.5 to 8.0. With cellulase enzymes with activity at high pH values, itis necessary to terminate the reaction with tri-sodium phosphate(pH 11.0).Of the cellulases evaluated in the current study, that with the lowestrate of hydrolysis of BClPNPβ-G3 was the cellulase from A. niger(E-CELAN, Megazyme). BClPNPβ-G3 substrate solution as suppliedin dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) is very stable when stored at 4°C or1-20°C. The substrate, CellG3 is stable for at least 7 days at 4°C andfor > 2 years at -20°C.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 180 / 360 assays are available fromMegazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: (x2) Benzylidene blocked, 2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl-β-Dcellotrioside(BClPNPβ-G3; 3 mL) in DMSO.Stable for > 2 years at -20°C.Bottle 2: KCl solution (15 mL, 100 mM) plussodium azide (0.02% w/v).Stable for approx. 4 years at 4°C.Bottle 3: Thermostable β-glucosidase (0.40 mL, 400 U/mL) in50% w/v ammonium sulphate solution plus sodiumazide (0.02% w/v).Stable for approx. 4 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: Trichoderma cellulase standard solution (5 mL,~ 1.6 U/mL; actual value stated on the vial label) in50% aqueous glycerol plus sodium azide (0.02% w/v).Stable for approx. 4 years at -20°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-BGLU,β-葡聚糖[混联]检测试剂盒,β-Glucan (Mixed Linkage) Assay Kit

ZZK-K-BGLU,β-葡聚糖[混联]检测试剂盒,β-Glucan (Mixed Linkage) Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-BGLU产品品名:β-葡聚糖[混联]检测试剂盒英文品名:β-Glucan (Mixed Linkage) Assay Kit规格型号:100 assays per kitAACC Method 32-23.01, AOAC Method 995.16, EBC Methods 3.11.1, 4.16.1and 8.11.1, ICC Standard No. 166 and RACI standard method for themeasurement of 1,3:1,4-?-D-glucan in cereal grains, milling fractions,wort, beer and other food products. Recommended/Standard procedure ofthe Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), AmericanAssociation of Cereal Chemists (AACC), Royal Australian ChemicalInstitute (RACI) and International Association for Cereal Science andTechnology (ICC).INTRODUCTION:For some time the brewing, food and ingredient industries haveidentified the need to develop an accurate, convenient and reliablemethod for assaying mixed-linkage β-glucan in barley, malt, wortand beer. The Megazyme method meets all of these requirements.It is simple to use and fifty to one hundred (50-100) samples canbe assayed in a day. The method has now been adapted for themeasurement of β-glucan in oats and oat fibre products (see page 10).KITS:Kits suitable for performing 100 assays are available from Megazyme.The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Lichenase [specific, endo-(1-3)(1-4)-β-D-glucan4-glucanohydrolase] suspension (1 mL).Stable for > 3 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: β-Glucosidase (1 mL) suspension.Stable for > 3 years at 4°C.Bottle 3: GOPOD Reagent Buffer. Buffer (48 mL,pH 7.4), p-hydroxybenzoic acid and sodium azide(0.4 % w/v).Stable for > 4 years at 4°C.1Bottle 4: GOPOD Reagent Enzymes. Glucose oxidaseplus peroxidase and 4-aminoantipyrine. Freeze-driedpowder.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 5: D-Glucose standard solution (5 mL, 1.0 mg/mL) in0.2 % (w/v) benzoic acid.Stable for > 5 years at room temperature.Bottle 6: Standardised barley flour control. β-Glucan contentshown on vial label.Stable for > 5 years at room temperature.Bottle 7: Standardised oat flour control. β-Glucan contentshown on vial label.Stable for > 5 years at room temperature.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-BETA3,β-淀粉酶检测试剂盒,β-Amylase (Betamyl-3 method) Assay Kit

ZZK-K-BETA3,β-淀粉酶检测试剂盒,β-Amylase (Betamyl-3 method) Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-BETA3产品品名:β-淀粉酶检测试剂盒英文品名:β-Amylase (Betamyl-3 method) Assay Kit规格型号: 100/200 assays per kitFor the specific measurement of beta-amylase in malt flour.INTRODUCTION:β-Amylase plays a central role in the complete degradation of starch tometabolisable or fermentable sugars during the germination or maltingof cereal grains. It also finds considerable application, together withstarch debranching enzymes, in the production of high maltose syrups.β-Amylase is usually measured using non-specific reducing sugar assayswith starch as substrate. In some methods, the α-amylase is firstinactivated by treatment at low pH.A major advance in the assay of β-amylase was introduced byMathewson and Seabourn1 who found that the Calbiochem Pantrak?serum α-amylase reagent could be used to measure β-amylase in thepresence of cereal α-amylase. The reagent (Pantrak) consists of amixture of p-nitrophenyl-α-D-maltopentaoside (PNPG5) andp-nitrophenyl-α-D-maltohexaoside (PNPG6). These substrates arerapidly hydrolysed by β-amylase, but are only slowly cleaved by cerealα-amylase, which requires a longer stretch of α-1,4-linked D-glucosylresidues to satisfy the substrate sub-site binding requirements.Subsequently, Megazyme offered a product, Betamyl? (β-AmylaseAssay Reagent) that comprised just PNPG5 and α-glucosidase2,which gave greater specificity. This reagent is now superceded bythe Megazyme Betamyl-3?, β-Amylase assay reagent, which is morespecific and considerably more stable than the Betamyl? reagent.The Megazyme Betamyl-3?, β-amylase test reagent employs highpurity β-glucosidase and p-nitrophenyl-β-D-maltotrioside (PNPβ-G3).The level of β-glucosidase used ensures maximum sensitivity of theassay. On hydrolysis of PNPβ-G3 to maltose and p-nitrophenyl-β-Dglucoseby β-amylase, the p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucose is immediatelycleaved to D-glucose and free p-nitrophenol by the β-glucosidasepresent in the substrate mixture (Scheme 1). Thus, the rate of releaseof p-nitrophenol relates directly to the rate of release of maltoseby β-amylase. The reaction is stopped, and the phenolate colour isdeveloped, on addition of a high pH Trizma base solution.The PNPβ-G3 plus β-glucosidase mixture contains stabilisers whichsignificantly increase its stability. The blank absorbance value of theBetamyl-3? substrate solution, when stored at 4 or 20°C, increasesmuch more slowly than similar increases for Betamyl?. reagentKITS:Kits suitable for performing 100 assays are available from Megazyme.The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: (x2) Each vial contains p-nitrophenyl-β-D-maltotrioside(PNPβ-G3) plus β-glucosidase (50 U) and stabilisers.Stable for 大于 4 years at -20°C.Bottle 2: Tris/HCl buffer (25 mL, 1 M, pH 8.0) plus disodiumEDTA (20 mM) and sodium azide (0.02 % w/v).Stable for approx. 4 years at 4°C.Bottle 3: MES buffer (48 mL, 1 M, pH 6.2) plus disodiumEDTA (20 mM), BSA 10 mg/mL and sodium azide(0.20 % w/v).Stable for approx. 4 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: Cysteine hydrochloride (16 g).Stable for 大于 2 years at room temperature.Bottle 5: Malt flour of standardised β-amylase activity (asspecified on bottle label).Stable for 大于 4 years at room temperature.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-AZOWAX,木聚糖酶检测试剂盒,Aspartame Assay Kit

ZZK-K-AZOWAX,木聚糖酶检测试剂盒,Aspartame Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-AZOWAX产品品名:木聚糖酶检测试剂盒英文品名:Aspartame Assay Kit规格型号: 200 assays per kitFor the measurement of endo-1,4-?-D-xylanase in enzyme preparations, bread improver mixtures and animal feeds. Containing Azo-wheat arabinoxylan and a Trichoderma sp. xylanase control.INTRODUCTION:Arabinoxylan is the major endosperm cell-wall polysaccharide of wheat and rye and is found in significant proportions in most cereal solutions and slurries of high viscosity and, in animal nutrition, it reduces the rate of nutrient absorption from the gut.endo-β-D-Xylanase (xylanase) is added to feeds to catalysedepolymerisation of this polysaccharide. It can be demonstrated that endo-cleavage by xylanase of just one bond per thousand in the arabinoxylan backbone can significantly remove viscosity properties.Of the carbohydrase enzymes used as feed supplements, one of the most difficult to measure has been xylanase. These problems are attributed to several factors, including the low levels of enzymeadded to the feed, inactivation of enzyme during pelleting, bindingof the enzyme to feed components and the presence of specific xylanase inhibitors.The only biochemical methods which are sufficiently sensitive, specific and robust to measure xylanase in feeds are viscometric assays and those employing dyed xylan or arabinoxylan polysaccharides.Viscometric assays are tedious, whereas assays employing dyed xylan substrates are rapid, reproducible and simple to perform. We recommend the use of either Xylazyme AX tablets or Azo-Wheat Arabinoxylan (Azo-WAX). Xylazyme AX based assays are about 5-fold more sensitive than assays employing Azo-WAX. However, this latter substrate does have sufficient sensitivity in most applications, and results are slightly more reproducible than with Xylazyme AX.It is generally accepted that xylanase enzymes which are best suited to feed applications have optimal activity at pH 6.0. Consequently, these enzymes are generally assayed at this pH in 100 mM sodium phosphate buffer. In recovery experiments, however, we found that sodium phosphate buffer extracts only a small proportion(KITS:Kits containing the required reagents to measure xylanase in animal feeds are available from Megazyme. These kits contain:1. Azo-wheat arabinoxylan (100 mL, 1% w/v).2. Trichoderma sp. control xylanase [3700 milli-Units (mU)/mL; pH 6.0 and 40°C] in 50% glycerol.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-ASPTM,阿斯巴甜检测试剂盒,Aspartame Assay Kit

ZZK-K-ASPTM,阿斯巴甜检测试剂盒,Aspartame Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-ASPTM 产品品名:阿斯巴甜检测试剂盒英文品名:Aspartame Assay Kit规格型号: 50 assays (manual) / 500 assays (microplate) / 500 assays (auto-analyser)A simple and reliable method for the specific determination ofaspartame in beverages and foodstuffs.INTRODUCTION:Aspartame is a dipeptide sweetener comprising L-aspartate andmethyl esterified L-phenylalanine (Asp-Phe-O-Me). At 200 times thesweetness of sucrose, and with a structure similar to dipeptides foundin a normal diet, its use in low calorie carbonated drinks and otherfoodstuffs has been widely accepted since the early 1980s. However,due to its L-phenylalanine content, consumption of this compoundmust be strictly monitored by those suffering from phenylketonuria.There is also a significant level of concern voiced by some whobelieve this sweetener poses serious health problems relating to thethree components, L-aspartic acid, L-phenylalanine and methanol,though there is, as yet, no evidence to support such claims.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 50 assays in manual format (or 500assays in auto-analyser format or 500 assays in microplate format) areavailable from Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (12 mL, pH 8.0) plus 2-oxoglutarate andsodium azide (0.02% w/v) as a preservative.Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: (x2) NADH plus stabiliser.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: L-Malate dehydrogenase plus glutamate-oxaloacetatetransaminase suspension (1.1 mL).Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: Peptidase M suspension (1.1 mL).Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 5: Aspartame control powder (~ 1 g, ~ 2.5% w/waspartame on an “as is” basis. The exactconcentration of aspartame is given on the viallabel).Stable for > 5 years when stored dry at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-ASNAM,天冬酰胺、谷氨酰胺和氨快速检测试剂盒,L-Asparagine / L-Glutamine / Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit

ZZK-K-ASNAM,天冬酰胺、谷氨酰胺和氨快速检测试剂盒,L-Asparagine / L-Glutamine / Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-ASNAM产品品名:天冬酰胺、谷氨酰胺和氨快速检测试剂盒英文品名:L-Asparagine / L-Glutamine / Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit规格型号:100 Assays (50 of each)Novel method for the specific, convenient, cost effective and rapidassay of L-asparagine, L-glutamine and ammonia as acrylamide precursorsin the food industry, or as cell culture media / supernatant components,or in other materials.INTRODUCTION:The simple and rapid measurement of L-asparagine and ammonia togetherhas recently become of great significance with respect to two major applications:1. Cell Culture: L-Asparagine is an essential component of certain cellculture media. However, the incorporation of this amino acid into growthmedia presents two major problems; firstly, L-asparagine is labile, andspontaneously breaks down to L-aspartate and free ammonium ions.Secondly, the released ammonium ions are very toxic to the cells. Toovercome these issues L-asparagine is added just prior to use, and itsconcentration along with that of ammonia is frequently monitored during culturing.This kit (K-ASNAM), based on the use of advanced recombinant enzymes,is very rapid (~ 20 min), and also measures bothL-asparagine and ammonia in a very simple format. A value forL-glutamine is also produced as part of the method, that may also be ofsignificance in cell culture applications. Both manual (see page 6, “A”)and microplate (see page 9, “B”) formats are described. Other rapidtissue culture test kits are also available from Megazyme for ammonia(K-AMIAR), L-glutamine / ammonia (K-GLNAM), D-glucose (K-GLUHKR orK-GLUC), and L-lactic acid (K-LATE).2. Acrylamide Precursors: It is now well known that whenL-asparagine, ammonium ions, D-fructose and / or D-glucose are heatedabove approximately 160°C, significant levels of the carcinogeniccompound acrylamide are formed, with obvious concerns for human health.Food products affected include potato crisps and chips, roasted potatoesand other fried, toasted or roasted foods, such as bakery goods,breakfast cereals and coffee. Asparaginase, an enzyme that convertsL-asparagine into L-aspartic acid, thus has potential applications inthis area for reducing acrylamide levels. However, if asparaginasetreatment is adopted, it will be necessary to confirm that the freeL-asparagine has been successfully converted to L-aspartic acid. Thiskit (K-ASNAM) is ideal for this application, and along with the MegazymeD-fructose / D-glucose kit (K-FRUGL) enables the concentrations of allfour key acrylamide precursors to be determined both simply, and cost effectively.This kit is also suitable for the analysis of L-asparagine, L-glutamineand ammonia in a wide range of other samples. Most notably, this methodfirst converts / quantifies L-glutamine, an amino acid that wouldotherwise lead to interference due to the low but significant action ofasparaginase on this compound.KITS: Kits suitable for performing 50 assays each of L-asparagine,L-glutamine and ammonia are available from Megazyme. The kits containthe full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (11 mL, pH 4.9) plus sodium azide(0.02% w/v) asa preservative. Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: (x2) Buffer (25.5 mL, pH 8.0) plus 2-oxoglutarate and sodiumazide (0.02% w/v) as a preservative.Stable for> 2 years at 4°C.4Bottle 3: (x2) NADPH. Lyophilised powder.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 4: Glutaminase suspension (1.1 mL).Stable for> 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 5: Glutamate dehydrogenase suspension (2.2 mL). Stable for >2 years at 4°C.Bottle 6: Asparaginase suspension (1.1 mL).Stable for> 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 7: Ammonia standard solution (5 mL, 0.04 mg/mL) in 0.02% sodium azide.Stable for> 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 8: L-Asparagine control powder (~ 2 g).Stable for> 2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-ASCO,维生素C(L-抗坏血酸)检测试剂盒,Ascorbic Acid (L-Ascorbate) Assay Kit

ZZK-K-ASCO,维生素C(L-抗坏血酸)检测试剂盒,Ascorbic Acid (L-Ascorbate) Assay Kit产品货号:ZZK-K-ASCO产品品名:维生素C(L-抗坏血酸)检测试剂盒英文品名:Ascorbic Acid (L-Ascorbate) Assay Kit规格型号:40 assays (manual) / 400 assays (microplate) / 400 assays (auto-analyser)For the specific assay of L-ascorbic acid in beverages, meat, flour,dairy and vegetable products.INTRODUCTION:L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), an anti-oxidant and free radicalscavenger, is found ubiquitously in fruit and vegetables such as citrusfruits (oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines etc.), melons, tomatoes,peppers, broccoli, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, potatoes andturnips. Its quantitative determination is especially important in theproduction of wine, beer, milk, soft drinks and fruit juices, where itcan be a quality indicator. Given the essential role played in the humandiet, L-ascorbic acid (E300) and salt derivatives (E301-303) arecommonly used as food additives, with the additional advantage of theirantioxidant and flavour enhancing properties. In the wine industry,L-ascorbic acid can be added to prevent oxidation of wine.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 40 assays in manual format (or 400assays in auto-analyser format or 400 assays in microplate format) areavailable from Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (44 mL, pH 5.6).Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: MTT (18 mL, pH 3.5).Stable for > 2 years in the dark at room temperature.Bottle 3: (x2) PMS.Stable for > 2 years in the dark at 4°C.Bottle 4: Ascorbic acid oxidase suspension (0.85 mL).Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 5: L-Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) (~ 2 g).Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-ARGA,L-阿拉伯糖/D-半乳糖检测试剂盒,L-Arabinose / D-Galactose Assay Kit

ZZK-K-ARGA,L-阿拉伯糖/D-半乳糖检测试剂盒,L-Arabinose / D-Galactose Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-ARGA产品品名:L-阿拉伯糖/D-半乳糖检测试剂盒英文品名:L-Arabinose / D-Galactose Assay Kit规格型号:115 assays (manual) / 1150 assays (microplate) / 1150 assays (auto-analyser)A simple, reliable and accurate UV method for the measurement ofL-arabinose and/or D-galactose in various materials including foods,feeds, beverage and plant products.INTRODUCTION:Enzymic kits for the determination of L-arabinose and D-galactoseare very slow. This is due to the low rate of natural chemical“mutarotation” between the α- and β-anomeric forms of thesemonosaccharides. Only the β-form is recognised by β-galactosedehydrogenase. In incubations containing NAD+, L-arabinoseor D-galactose and β-galactose dehydrogenase, there is a veryrapid initial increase in absorbance due to the consumption of β-L-arabinose or β-D-galactose, and this is followed by a very slowapproach to the end-point. This very slow approach results fromthe very low rate of chemical “mutarotation” of the α-anomericconformation of these monosaccharides to the respective β-anomer.Using technology developed by Megazyme (patent pending), agalactose mutarotase has now been incorporated into the assayformat to rapidly catalyse this rate-limiting mutarotation step.The result is very rapid analysis times of approximately 6 min forD-galactose and approximately 12 min for L-arabinose (Figure 1).KITS:Kits suitable for performing 115 assays in manual format (or 1150 assaysin microplate or auto-analyser formats) are available from Megazyme.The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (25 mL, pH 8.6) plus sodium azide (0.02% w/v) asa preservative. Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: NAD+. Lyophilised powder.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: β-Galactose dehydrogenase plus galactose mutarotasesuspension, 2.4 mL. Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: L-Arabinose standard solution (5 mL, 0.4 mg/mL in0.02% w/v sodium azide).Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 5: D-Galactose standard solution (5 mL, 0.4 mg/mL in0.02% w/v sodium azide).Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-ARAB,阿拉伯聚糖检测试剂盒,Arabinan Assay Kit

ZZK-K-ARAB,阿拉伯聚糖检测试剂盒,Arabinan Assay Kit产品货号:ZZK-K-ARAB产品品名:阿拉伯聚糖检测试剂盒英文品名:Arabinan Assay Kit规格型号:100 assays per kit  For the measurement of arabinan in fruit juice concentrates.INTRODUCTION:In the processing of apples and pears, the yield of juice can bedramatically improved by using enzymes to degrade the pulppolysaccharides, together with more exhaustive extraction of thepulp with diffusion equipment. Of course, these processes alsosignificantly increase the amount of partially degraded polysaccharidewhich is solubilised. This polysaccharide material may be soluble asextracted, but subsequent changes in temperature and pH conditionscan directly lead to precipitation (or crystallisation) or to chemicalmodification followed by precipitation. Such a problem can beexperienced in the production of clear apple or pear juice, in whichcase, an arabinan haze material is produced. This material was shownto be microcrystalline 1,5-α-L-arabinan.Arabinans, as present in cell-wall pectic-substances, have been shownto consist of a main chain of 1,5-α-linked L-arabinofuranosyl residuesto which other L-arabinofuranosyl residues are linked 1,3-α and 1,2-αin either a comb-like or a ramified arrangement.It is generally accepted that the best solution to this “arabinanhaze” problem is to use pectinase enzyme preparations containinghigh levels of both α-L-arabinofuranosidase and endo-1,5-α-Larabinanase.The combined action of these two enzymes reducesarabinan to arabinose and lower degree of polymerisation, arabinooligosaccharides.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 100 assays are available from Megazyme.The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (25 mL, pH 8.6) plus sodium azide (0.02 %w/v) as a preservative (Buffer A).Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: NAD+.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: α-L-Arabinofuranosidase plus endo-arabinanasesuspension (2.2 mL).Stable for > 4 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: β-Galactose dehydrogenase plus galactose mutarotasesuspension, 2.2 mL.Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 5: L-Arabinose standard solution (5 mL, 0.5 mg/mL in0.02 % sodium azide).Stable for > 4 years at 4°C.Bottle 6: Arabinan control in mannitol: Arabinanconcentration on vial.Stable for > 5 years at 4°C.Component 7: Pharmacia PD-10 column.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-AMYL,直链支链淀粉检测试剂盒,Amylose/Amylopectin assay Kit

ZZK-K-AMYL,直链支链淀粉检测试剂盒,Amylose/Amylopectin assay Kit产品货号:ZZK-K-AMYL产品品名:直链支链淀粉检测试剂盒英文品名:Amylose/Amylopectin assay Kit规格型号:100 assays per kit  For the measurement of amylose/amylopectin ratio and content in cerealstarches and flours. Based on a Con A precipitation procedure.INTRODUCTION:Many of the properties of cereal starches that determine theirsuitability for particular end-uses are dependent upon theiramylose/amylopectin ratios. These properties include gelatinisation andgelation characteristics, solubility, the formation of resistant starch,and, for rice, the cooking and textural characteristics of wholegrains1-5. Thus, the measurement of the amylose content of starches isan important quality parameter for starch processing.Amylose is most commonly determined in cereal starches by thepotentiometric, ampometric or colourimetric measurement of the iodinebinding capacity of the amylose with the resultant formation ofamylose-iodine inclusion complexes6-10. However, these methods aresubject to uncertainties. Amylopectin-iodine complexes also form, andthese reduce the concentration of free iodine measured by thenon-colourimetric methods and may absorb at similar wavelengths toamylose-iodine complexes in colourimetric methods. These complexes leadto an overestimation of the amylose, requiring corrections to beapplied. Many of the other problems experienced in the use of thesemethods are detailed by Gibson et al.11.The specific formation of amylopectin complexes with the lectinconcanavalin A (Con A) offers an alternative approach to amylosemeasurement in starches, that is not subject to theseuncertainties12,13. Under defined conditions of pH, temperature andionic strength, Con A specifically complexes branched polysaccharidesbased on α-D-glucopyranosyl or α-D-mannopyranosyl units at multiplenon-reducing end-groups with the formation of a precipitate. Thus, Con Aeffectively complexes the amylopectin component of starch but not theprimarily linear amylose component.The procedure described in this booklet13 is a modification of a Con Amethod developed by Yun and Matheson (1990)13. It uses an ethanolpretreatment step to remove lipids prior to analysis [modified fromMorrison and Laignelet (1983)7].KITS:Kits suitable for performing 100 assays are available from Megazyme.The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Freeze dried Con A.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 2: Amyloglucosidase [200 U on p-nitrophenylβ-maltoside (i.e. 3300 U on starch at pH 4.5 at 40°C)] plus fungalα-amylase (500 U on Ceralpha Reagent at pH 5.0 and 40°C), 2 mL.Stable for > 5 years at 4°C.Bottle 3: GOPOD Reagent Buffer. Buffer (48 mL,pH 7.4), p-hydroxybenzoic acid and sodium azide(0.04% w/v).Stable for > 4 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: GOPOD Reagent Enzymes. Glucose oxidase plus peroxidase and4-aminoantipyrine. Freeze- dried powder.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 5: D-Glucose standard solution (5 mL, 1.0 mg/mL) in 0.2% (w/v)benzoic acid.Stable for > 5 years at room temperature.Bottle 6: Starch reference sample (with specified content of amylose).Stable for > 5 years at room temperature.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-AMIAR,氨(快速)检测试剂盒,Ammonia (Rapid) assay Kit

ZZK-K-AMIAR,氨(快速)检测试剂盒,Ammonia (Rapid) assay Kit产品货号:ZZK-K-AMIAR产品品名:氨(快速)检测试剂盒英文品名:Ammonia (Rapid) assay Kit规格型号:96 assays (manual) /960 assays (microplate) / 960 assays (auto-analyser) For the rapid assay of ammonia in all samples, including grape juice and wine (and other foods/beverages).Suitable for manual, auto-analyser and microplate formats.INTRODUCTION:Ammonia is a widely occurring natural compound, often produced asa consequence of microbial protein catabolism, and thus serves as aquality indicator of fruit juice, milk, cheese, meat, seafood and bakeryproducts. Unlike some other kits, this kit benefits from the use of agluta mate dehydrogenase that is not inhibited by tannins found in, forexample, grape juice and wine. K-AMIAR can be used to determineammonia manually (see page 4, “A”) or in auto-analyser format(see page 6, “B”). In the wine industry, ammonia determination isimportant in the calculation of yeast available nitrogen (YAN). YANcomprises three highly variable components, free ammonium ions,primary amino nitrogen (from free amino acids), and the contributionfrom the side chain of L-ar ginine1. Thus, for the most accuratedetermination of YAN, all three components should be quantified,and this is possible using Megazyme’s L-Arg inine/Urea/Ammonia kit(K-LARGE) and NOPA kit (K-PANOPA).KITS:Kits suitable for performing 96 assays in manual format (or 960 assaysin auto-analyser format or 960 assays in microplate format) areavailable from Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (36 mL, pH 8.0) plus 2-oxoglutarate andsodium azide (0.02% w/v) as a preservative.Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: (x 2) NADPH.Stable for 大于 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: Gluta mate dehydrogenase suspension (2.2 mL).Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.3Bottle 4: Ammonia standard solution (5 mL, 0.04 mg/mL) in0.02% (w/v) sodium azide.Stable for 大于 2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-AGLUA,α-葡萄糖醛酸酶检测试剂盒,α-D-Glucuronidase assay Kit

ZZK-K-AGLUA,α-葡萄糖醛酸酶检测试剂盒,α-D-Glucuronidase assay Kit产品货号:ZZK-K-AGLUA产品品名:α-葡萄糖醛酸酶检测试剂盒英文品名:α-D-Glucuronidase assay Kit规格型号:50 Assays per kitA simple, reliable and accurate method for the measurement ofalpha-D-glucuronidase in various enzyme preparations. Containing andaldouronic acid substrate and an α-D-glucuronidase control.INTRODUCTION:After cellulose, xylan is the second most abundant polysaccharidefound in nature. Xylan is a hemicellulose comprising a β-(1,4)-linked xylan back bone substituted with various side chains such asacetyl groups, α-(1-2/3)-linked L-arabinofuranose and α-(1-2)-linked4-O-methylglucuronic acid. A repertoire of enzymes are required toeffect the complete degradation of plant cell wall polysaccharides inthe utilisation of plant biomass. Hence, complete degradation of xylanrequires the concerted action of various enzymes including endo-β-(1,4)-xylanases, β-(1,4)-xylosidases, acetylxylan esterases,α-L-arabinofuranosidases and α-glucuronidases.The importance of carbohydrate degrading enzymes has increasedover recent years due to the growing focus of obtaining renewableenergy from plant biomass in the form of biofuels such as cellulosicand hemicellulosic ethanol. Various research programmes are strivingto develop optimised enzyme mixtures or modified microorganismsto increase the efficiency of biomass conversion and, as such, it isimportant that the various enzyme activities can be easily measured.Simple methods of measuring enzyme activity for some of the wellstudied carbohydrate degrading enzymes such as endo-β-(1,4)-cellulases, endo-β-(1,4)-xylanases, β-(1,4)-xylosidases exist. Howeverfor some enzymes such as α-glucuronidases, current available methodsare cumbersome.This kit (K-AGLUA) provides a simple method suitable for the specificmeasurement of α-D-glucuronidase activity (α-D-glucosiduronateglucuronohydrolase; EC and xylan α-1,2-glucuronosidase;EC suitable for performing 50 assays in manual format (or 200 assaysin microplate format) are available from Megazyme. The kits containthe full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Aldouronic acid mixture (tri:tetra:penta) (6 mL;10 mg/mL).Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 2: α-D-Glucuronidase solution (2 mL; ~ 1.0 U/mL, seelabel on bottle).Stable for > 2 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: Stop Buffer (28 mL, pH 10) plus sodium azide(0.02 % w/v) as a preservative.Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: NAD+ freeze dried powder.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 5: Uronate dehydrogenase suspension (1.1 mL).Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-ACHYD,乙醛检测试剂盒,Acetaldehyde assay Kit

ZZK-K-ACHYD,乙醛检测试剂盒,Acetaldehyde assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-ACHYD产品品名:乙醛检测试剂盒英文品名:Acetaldehyde assay Kit规格型号:50 assays (manual) / 500 assays (microplate) / 500 assays (auto-analyser)A simple, reliable and accurate method for the determination ofacetaldehyde in beverages and foodstuffs.INTRODUCTION:Acetaldehyde is generated in many metabolic processes and it thereforeoccurs in all living organisms1. Wherever fermentation processes playa role in the production of food and beverages, the concentration ofacetaldehyde rises considerably. Acetaldehyde has been found in wine atconcentrations up to 100 mg/L and beer at up to 20 mg/L. Acetaldehydein human blood originates from ethanol that has been ingested in foodsand beverages. Extreme ethanol consumption can lead to acetaldehydepoisoning following oxidation of the ethanol in the liver by alcoholdehydrogenase.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 50 assays in manual format (or 500assays in auto-analyser format or 500 assays in microplate format) areavailable from Megazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (12 mL, pH 9.0) plus sodium azide(0.02% w/v) as a preservative.Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: NAD+.Freeze dried powder.Stable for > 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: Aldehyde dehydrogenase solution (2.75 mL).Stable for > 2 years at -20°C.Bottle 4: Acetaldehyde control powder. Acetaldehydeammonia trimer (~ 2 g). Stable in a well sealedcontainer (as supplied) for > 2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-ACHDF,可吸收糖类和膳食纤维检测试剂盒,Available Carbohydrates/Dietary Fibre Assay Kit

ZZK-K-ACHDF,可吸收糖类和膳食纤维检测试剂盒,Available Carbohydrates/Dietary Fibre Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-ACHDF产品品名:可吸收糖类和膳食纤维检测试剂盒英文品名:Available Carbohydrates/Dietary Fibre Assay Kit规格型号:100 assays of each componentAn integrated procedure for the measurement of available carbohydratesand dietary fibre in cereal products, fruit and vegetables and food products.INTRODUCTION:A need for information on the carbohydrate composition of foods fordiabetics prompted McCance and Lawrence1 to attempt to measure this togain results that would be of biological significance. They divided thecarbohydrates in foods into two broad groups, ‘available’ and‘unavailable’. The available carbohydrates, that is sugar plus starch,were defined as those that are digested and absorbed by the human smallintestine and which are glucogenic. The unavailable carbohydrates weredefined as those that are not digested by the endogenous secretions ofthe human digestive tract. These are now generally referred to asdietary fibre.The concept of ‘available’ and ‘unavailable’ carbohydrates drewattention to the fact that some carbohydrates are not digested andabsorbed in the small intestine but rather reach the large bowel wherethey are fermented. In the FAO/WHO report on “Carbohydrates in HumanNutrition”2, it was stated that these terms can be misleading since theso-called ‘unavailable’ carbohydrate can, in fact, provide energy to thebody through fermentation. This committee recommended use of the term‘glycemic’ (i.e. providing carbohydrate for metabolism) to replace‘available’. However, this term has not gained widespread acceptance,possibly because there is some confusion with the well recognised term‘glycemic index’. For this reason, we have decided to continue using theterm ‘available carbohydrates’ for carbohydrates that are digested andabsorbed by the human small intestine; these include D-glucose,D-fructose, sucrose, maltodextrins, non-resistant starch and theD-glucose component of lactose; all measured as D-glucose plusD-fructose following enzymic hydrolysis.Dietary fibre is a mixture of complex organic substances including arange of hydrophilic compounds such as soluble and insolublepolysaccharides and non-digestable oligosaccharides as well asnon-swellable, more or less hydrophobic compounds such as cutins,suberins and lignins. The procedures for the determination of totaldietary fibre as outlined in this booklet are based on the methods ofLee et al.3 and Prosky et al.4 (AOAC Official Method 991.43, AACC Method32-07). These methods do not measure non-digestible oligosaccharides, asthese remain soluble in the ethanolic solution used to precipitate highmolecular weight dietary fibre components.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 100 assays of each are available fromMegazyme. The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (11 mL, pH 7.6) plus sodium azide(0.02% w/v) as apreservative.Stable for > 3 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: NADP+ plus ATP.Stable for> 5 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: Thermostable α-amylase (6 mL, 3,000 U/mL)(no. E-BLAAM).Stablefor > 3 years at 4°C.Bottle 4: Protease (10 mL, ~ 350 U/mL)(no. E-BSPRT).Stable for > 3years at -20°C.Bottle 5: Amyloglucosidase (20 mL, ~ 3,300 U/mL)(no. E-AMGDF).Stablefor > 3 years at 4°C.Bottle 6: Sucrase plus β-galactosidase, freeze-dried powder.Stable for> 3 years at -20°C.Bottle 7: Hexokinase plus glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase suspension,2.25 mL.Stable for> 3 years at 4°C.Bottle 8: Phosphoglucose isomerase suspension (2.25 mL). Stable for> 3 years at 4°C.Bottle 9: D-Glucose plus D-fructose standard solution(5 mL, 0.2 mg/mLof each sugar).Stable for > 3 years at room temperature.EQUIPMENT (RECOMMENDED):1. Duran? bottles (250 mL volume).2. Fritted crucible, Corning No. 36060 Büchner, fritted disk, Pyrex60 mL, pore size, coarse, ASTM 40-60 μm, or equivalent. Prepare as follows:a. Ash overnight at 525°C in muffle furnace.b. Remove Celite and ash material by using a vacuum.c. Soak in 2% (v/v) Micro cleaning solution (reagent 6) at roomtemperature for 1 h.d. Rinse crucibles with water and then deionised water.e. For final rinse, use 15 mL acetone and air dry.f. Add approximately 1.0 g Celite to dried crucibles and dry at 130°Cto constant weight.g. Cool crucible in desiccator for approximately 1 h and record weightof crucible containing Celite.3. Filtering flask, heavy-walled, with 1-L side arm.4. Rubber ring adaptors for use on filtering flasks.5. Vacuum source: vacuum pump or aspirator with regulator capable ofregulating vacuum.6. Water bath, shaking, large-capacity (20-24 L) with covers; capableof maintaining temperature of 100°C; equipped with automatic timers foron-off operation.7. Balance, 0.1 mg accuracy.8. Ovens, two, mechanical convection, set at 103 ± 2°C and130 ± 3°C.9. Desiccator, airtight, with SiO2 or equivalent desiccant. Desiccantdried biweekly overnight in 130°C oven.10. pH meter.11. Pipettors and tips, 50-200 μL and 5 mL capacity.12. Dispensersa. 15 ± 0.5 mL for 78% (v/v) EtOH, 95% ethanol, and acetone.b. 40 ± 0.5 mL for buffer.13. Measuring cylinder, 500 mL.14. Magnetic stirrers and stirring bars.15. Rubber spatulas.16. Muffle furnace, 525 ± 5°C.17. Microfuge, capable of 12,000 g.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



ZZK-K-ACETRM,乙酸[乙酸激酶法]检测试剂盒,Acetic Acid (Acetate Kinase Manual Format) Assay Kit

ZZK-K-ACETRM,乙酸[乙酸激酶法]检测试剂盒,Acetic Acid (Acetate Kinase Manual Format) Assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-ACETRM产品品名:乙酸[乙酸激酶法]检测试剂盒英文品名:Acetic Acid (Acetate Kinase Manual Format) Assay Kit规格型号:72 assays (manual) / 720 assays (microplate)This rapid and reliable manual acetic acid kit is simple to perform(only two absorbance readings required), and because a true end-point ismeasured, does not involve complicated calculations like other kits.This product is very stable both during storage and use (> 2 years),has extended linearity (compared to ACS based kits), contains PVP toprevent tannin inhibition, and is performed at a relatively low pH(7.4), thus minimising ester hydrolysis related interference. Thismethod is suitable for the measurement of acetic acid/acetate in foods,beverages and other materials.INTRODUCTION:Given its importance and ubiquitous occurrence in foods, beverages andother materials, acetic acid ranks amongst the most measured analytes.However, unlike some other common analytes, traditional enzymaticmethods for this acid present significant limitations. For instance,manual acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (ACS) based formats are typified byunstable reagents during use, slow reaction times,multiple cuvetteadditions / absorbance readings and complexcalculations. While the advanced acetic acid kit (K-ACET) recentlydeveloped by Megazyme overcomes the key stability issue relating to thereconstitution of ACS for manual use, the overall format of the assay isstill relatively inconvenient, requiring multiple cuvette additions andtime-consuming data recording / processing. Thus Megazyme developed thecurrent kit (K-ACETRM) based on acetate kinase (AK) andphosphotransacetylase (PTA) specifically toovercome these limitations experienced by the analyst employing manualassay procedures. Unlike ACS based kits, this product is rapid (approx.4 min), does not present reagent stability issues,is simple to perform,has extended linearity and gives a change in absorbance stoichiometricwith the concentration of acetic acid (i.e. no complex equations arerequired and the raw absorbance data is processed like most otherenzymatic kits). In common with other Megazyme acetic acid kits,K-ACETRM also benefits from > 2 years stability during use, as thekey enzyme components are supplied as ready-to-use ammonium sulphatesuspensions. Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) has also been incorporated intothe assay system to prevent interference from particular tannins foundin wines (especially redwines). As the pH (7.4) of the buffer system employed is significantlylower than in traditional ACS based kits (8.4), interference fromspontaneous ester hydrolysis (causing creep reactions) is also minimised.KITS:Kits suitable for performing 72 assays in manual format (or 720 assaysin microplate format) are available from Megazyme. The kits contain thefull assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (24 mL, pH 7.4) and sodium azide (0.02% w/v) as apreservative.Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: Tablets (18) containing NADH plus ATP, PEP and PVP. Stablefor > 2 years at -20°C.Bottle 3: (x2) CoA, lyophilised powder.Stable for > 2 years at -20°C.Bottle 4: D-Lactate dehydrogenase, phosphotransacetylase and pyruvatekinase suspension (1.5 mL).Stable for >2 years at 4°C.Bottle 5: Acetate kinase suspension (1.5 mL). Stable for > 2 yearsat 4°C.Bottle 6: Acetic acid standard solution (5 mL, 0.10 mg/mL).Stable for> 2 years at 4°C.EQUIPMENT (RECOMMENDED):1. Glass test tubes (round bottomed; 16 x 100 mm).2. Disposable plastic cuvettes (1 cm light path, 3.0 mL).3. Micro-pipettors, e.g. Gilson Pipetman (20 μL and 100 μL).4. Positive displacement pipettor, e.g. Eppendorf Multipette?- with 5.0 mL Combitip [to dispense 0.5 mL aliquots ofNADH/ATP/PEP/PVP/buffer (solution 2)].- with 25 mL Combitip (to dispense 2.0 mL aliquots ofdistilled water).5. Analytical balance.6. Spectrophotometer set at 340 nm.7. Vortex mixer (e.g. IKA Yellowline Test Tube Shaker TTS2).8. Stop clock.9. Whatman No.1 (9 cm) and GF/A glass fibre filter papers.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物客服人员,我们将竭诚为您服务。甄准,甄心倾听您每一个标准!更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com




ZZK-K-ACETAK,乙酸【AK法】检测试剂盒,ACETIC ACID(ACETATE KINASE FORMAT) assay Kit产品识别号:ZZK-K-ACETAK产品品名:乙酸【AK法】检测试剂盒英文品名:ACETIC ACID(ACETATE KINASE FORMAT) assay Kit规格型号:550次(170.5 ml)Analyser format for the specific assay of acetic acid (acetate) inbeverages and food products. On calibration, the prepared reagent islinear to > 28 micrograms of acetic acid per mL of assay solution.INTRODUCTION:The most widely used method for enzymatic quantification of aceticacid is that employing acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (ACS). However,this method is based on the use of an indicator reaction catalysed byL-malate dehydrogenase that is in permanent equilibrium, and thereforea non-stoichiometric increase in absorbance is observed from theacetate present in the sample. Thus, a slightly non-linear responseto increasing acetate concentration is observed upon calibration,resulting in poor R2 values. In addition (depending on the supplier)reagents prepared for auto-analyser applications can have very limitedon-machine stability, due to rapidly increasing blank absorbance values.To overcome these issues, Megazyme developed this alternative aceticacid kit, based on the enzyme acetate kinase (AK; see equations 1-3below), especially for the auto-analyser user. This reagent has improvedon-machine stability, gives excellent linear calibration curves, and resultsin a stoichiometric change in absorbance due to the acetic acid presentin the sample.KITS:Kits suitable for performing a minimum of 550 assays in auto-analyserformat are available from Megazyme.The kits contain the full assay method plus:Bottle 1: Buffer (11 mL, pH 7.4) plus sodium azide (0.02% w/v ) as apreservative. Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.Bottle 2: NADH plus ATP, PEP and PVP.Stable for > 2 years at either 4°C or -20°C.Bottle 3: Acetate kinase plus pyruvate kinase and D-lactatedehydrogenase suspension, 4.1 mL.Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.温馨提示:需要详细的产品使用说明书,请联系甄准生物:更多产品,更多优惠!请联系我们!上海甄准生物科技有限公司免费热线:400-002-3832电话:021-6840 4353传真:021-5897 9353客服手机/QQ:15800340161客服手机/QQ:13795317828客服手机/QQ:13512172575客服手机/QQ:13818641861客服手机/QQ:13917991872客服手机/QQ:13916577892技术支持热线/QQ:13651665725服务监督与投诉:18918753302官网:www.zzstandard.comE:yangshuyan@zzstandard.com



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