仪器种类: 电液伺服疲劳试验机
产地类别: 进口
最大试验力: 20000KN
频率范围: 0.01-150赫兹
主机重量: 5000kg
For demanding dynamic testing tasks in development / research and quality assurance
Modular testing machine for demanding static and dynamic tests in research and development and quality control. The solid test frame with two columns ensures a high flexibility of adaption and fixing options. Test load: 1 - 50 kN
Modular testing machine for demanding static and dynamic testing tasks in research, development and quality assurance. The solid test frame in 2-column design guarantees a high flexibility of adaptation and specimen holding options. Test load: 1 - 3000 kN
static and dynamic testing; tensile, compression and bending testing; fatigue testing; force-, distance- and deformation controlled testing
UP 100 HK-2DH - Dynamic testing machine for the systematic examination of fatigue properties of metals and composite materials at high, service relevant operating temperatures
For testing structural components and assemblies. The T-slot plate allows an uncomplicated mounting and alignment of the test piece. With the hydraulically height-adjustable crosshead, the test cylinder can be quickly adjusted to different height requirements.
Testing machine for the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, rail vehicles and medical technology industries dynamic tensile, compression, bending and torsion tests, fatigue strength tests, cyclic tests, follow-up tests
Testing machine for the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, rail vehicles and medical technology industries dynamic tensile, compression, bending and torsion tests, fatigue strength tests, cyclic tests, follow-up tests
Dynamic testing machine for the systematic examination of fatigue properties of metals and composite materials at service relevant operating temperatures
Testing machine for the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, rail vehicles and medical technology industries dynamic tensile, compression, bending and torsion tests, fatigue strength tests, cyclic tests, follow-up tests
Precise, reproducible, demanding inspection tasks for a variety of different applications due to the flexible design Fatigue and fracture mechanics tests are selected and offered from the wide range of possibilities for this series, depending on the customer's applications and test procedures.
Precise, reproducible, demanding inspection tasks for a variety of different applications due to the flexible design Fatigue and fracture mechanics tests are selected and offered from the wide range of possibilities for this series, depending on the customer's applications and test procedures.
Testing machine for the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, rail vehicles and medical technology industries dynamic tensile, compression, bending and torsion tests, fatigue strength tests, cyclic tests, follow-up tests
Precise, reproducible, demanding inspection tasks for a variety of different applications due to the flexible design Fatigue and fracture mechanics tests are selected and offered from the wide range of possibilities for this series, depending on the customer's applications and test procedures.
FORM+TEST Seidner&Co. GmbH
Zwiefalter Stra?e 20
88499 Riedlingen
用户单位 | 采购时间 |
迪安集团 | 2021-08-04 |
保修期: 1年
是否可延长保修期: 否
现场技术咨询: 有
免费培训: 2人次培训
免费仪器保养: 我们的测试机器及其附件以及其他测试设备在您的设备或我们的工作中是否需要时进行检查
保内维修承诺: 在现场维修的同时,还可以提供其他服务,如DAkkS校准、维护和培训。
报修承诺: 24小时
型号:EM100.02 100万 - 200万阿尔法1-2000 S三轴试验机
型号:Testing Machine ALPHA 1-2000 S 200万 - 500万高载荷1-60MN疲劳试验机
型号:UP 1000 PK-4 T 200万 - 500万阿尔法10型压缩试验机
型号:阿尔法10型压缩试验机 面议FORM+TEST 和 HBK 设定了校准精度标准 新加坡国家计量研究所拥有一个校准实验室,其可为客户提供高达5000 kN的负载测试校准服务,包括力传感器的校准。这套由 FORM+TEST Prüfsysteme开发的ALPHA 2-5000 S压向试验机是一种面向实验室的设备。是一套可提供高达5000 kN的高精度测量校准系统。它的首个客户是达姆施塔特技术大学。 ALPHA 2-5000 S 提供极高精确的测量结果 FORM + TEST Seidner & Co. GmbH 拥有非常专业的知识,能够按照新加坡国家校准实验室的要求提供所需的高精度校准解决方案。来自德国 Riedlingen FORM+TEST 的材料试验机和试验系统专家为其开发的新系统是在久经考验的 ALPHA 2-5000 s 试验机基础上开发的。
新产品,为中国 德国formtest试验技术有限公司