TA仪器+等温滴定微量热仪+ NANO ITC
TA仪器+等温滴定微量热仪+ NANO ITC
TA仪器+等温滴定微量热仪+ NANO ITC
TA仪器+等温滴定微量热仪+ NANO ITC



TA 仪器





  • 白金
  • 第20年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 微量热仪

产地类别: 进口


Nano ITC是专门为进行高灵敏分析纳摩尔级生物分子,提高实验室工作效率而设计。这些是通过结合高灵敏度的热量计、精确和稳定的温度控制和高效率的滴定来实现的。
Nano ITC的高灵敏度测量池是采用99.999%的黄金或哈司特镍碳合金制成,以适应绝大多数化学试剂。圆锤形的设计不仅使清洗变得容易,而且也使溶液的搅拌更为有效。
Nano ITC的绝热板封装在密闭真空室中,使得仪器不易受环境变化的影响,温度稳定性可达0.00005℃ at 25℃。

Nano ITC具备很多Affinity ITC的高性能技术特征。它是一款多功能的、高灵敏的、高性价比的等温滴定量热仪,在众多不同应用领域,都令其他竞争对手望尘莫及。



  • 标准体积(1.0 mL)或小体积(190 μL)的量热池可供选择

  • 通过主动式固态加热及冷却系统,实现真正的恒温控制

  • 高精度注射滴定器实现精确的样品传送

  • 独特的拆卸式注射针管可实现快速且可靠的装载和清洗

  • 强大的仪器控制软件ITC Run和数据分析软件Nano Analyze为方法优化、模型拟合、批量分析、图形和数据输出提供了最全面的应用工具


  • 2019年底在武汉爆发的新冠肺炎(2019 novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19)造成国内外乃至全球的大冲击,无论是医药、经济、贸易及各产业体系均受到巨大考验。藉由全球科学家们日以继夜的努力研究,发现新冠肺炎可能的致病基理;其中较为关键的是新冠病毒感染主要是藉由新冠病毒上的S蛋白(spike protein),专一性的识别攻击人类细胞受体ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2)进而引起后续的反应。相较于同是冠状病毒的SARS,COVID-19识别人类细胞受体的专一性更强高出20倍1-3。鉴于新冠肺炎启发,本文将回顾利用等温滴定量热法(isothermal titration calorimetry, ITC)及差式扫描量热法(differential scanning calorimetry, DSC)研究病毒相关的技术文献。期望能对抗病毒药物开发、疫苗、检验试剂及基础研究等领域,提供有用的信息。

    医疗/卫生 2020-03-16

  • Interactions between water and component materials take place in all steps of dosage from manufacture. These interactions can affect the mechanical, physical and chemical properties and consequently also the behaviour of the material of interest.

    制药/生物制药 2016-04-01

  • Proteomics research is uncovering a vast array of new proteins, including enzymes. It is now clear that the old assumption that one gene encodes one protein in incorrect. One gene can encode for several proteins, and many proteins have multiple functions: which function is displayed is controlled by the protein’s molecular environment. The structure and function of a protein are controlled by interactions with macromolecules such as other proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. Studying a protein in isolation (for example, obtaining the crystal or NMR structure of a purified protein) is critical to establishing a structural basis for the protein’s function(s). However, true functional characterization of the protein generally requires manipulation of multi-component systems under stringently-controlled conditions, and evaluating the roles of the physical characteristics of the protein. Proteomics has highlighted the need for a technique that can quantify the interactions between molecules under physiologically-relevant conditions.

    生物产业 2016-04-01

  • Although membrane proteins are very difficult to work with, ultra-sensitive calorimetry can overcome the limitations of many other physical characterization techniques to provide insights into the factors driving membrane protein/lipid assembly and controlling the stability of the complexes.

    生物产业 2015-08-26

  • Interactions between water and component materials take place in all steps of dosage from manufacture. These interactions can affect the mechanical, physical and chemical properties and consequently also the behaviour of the material of interest.

    制药/生物制药 2016-04-01

  • The development of monoclonal antibody (Mab) based drugs has undergone considerable growth since the release of the first Mab in the mid-eighties. Intuitive biophysical tools that examine and quantify interactions and conformational dynamics are important in demonstrating and understanding local and global conformational changes. The structure of antibodies as well as other macromolecules is related to its function and efficacy therefore control over these parameters is essential. The association of antigens to antibodies or of antibodies to delivery assemblies such as liposomes or gold nanoparticles can be addressed by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) while the folding of antibodies can be assayed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Both techniques offer the advantage of using native solutions and both instruments are offered by TA Instruments.

    制药/生物制药 2015-07-16

  • Proteomics research is uncovering a vast array of new proteins, including enzymes. It is now clear that the old assumption that one gene encodes one protein in incorrect. One gene can encode for several proteins, and many proteins have multiple functions: which function is displayed is controlled by the protein’s molecular environment. The structure and function of a protein are controlled by interactions with macromolecules such as other proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. Studying a protein in isolation (for example, obtaining the crystal or NMR structure of a purified protein) is critical to establishing a structural basis for the protein’s function(s). However, true functional characterization of the protein generally requires manipulation of multi-component systems under stringently-controlled conditions, and evaluating the roles of the physical characteristics of the protein. Proteomics has highlighted the need for a technique that can quantify the interactions between molecules under physiologically-relevant conditions.

    生物产业 2016-04-01

  • Although membrane proteins are very difficult to work with, ultra-sensitive calorimetry can overcome the limitations of many other physical characterization techniques to provide insights into the factors driving membrane protein/lipid assembly and controlling the stability of the complexes.

    生物产业 2015-08-26

  • 2019年底在武汉爆发的新冠肺炎(2019 novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19)造成国内外乃至全球的大冲击,无论是医药、经济、贸易及各产业体系均受到巨大考验。藉由全球科学家们日以继夜的努力研究,发现新冠肺炎可能的致病基理;其中较为关键的是新冠病毒感染主要是藉由新冠病毒上的S蛋白(spike protein),专一性的识别攻击人类细胞受体ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2)进而引起后续的反应。相较于同是冠状病毒的SARS,COVID-19识别人类细胞受体的专一性更强高出20倍1-3。鉴于新冠肺炎启发,本文将回顾利用等温滴定量热法(isothermal titration calorimetry, ITC)及差式扫描量热法(differential scanning calorimetry, DSC)研究病毒相关的技术文献。期望能对抗病毒药物开发、疫苗、检验试剂及基础研究等领域,提供有用的信息。

    医疗/卫生 2020-03-16

  • The development of monoclonal antibody (Mab) based drugs has undergone considerable growth since the release of the first Mab in the mid-eighties. Intuitive biophysical tools that examine and quantify interactions and conformational dynamics are important in demonstrating and understanding local and global conformational changes. The structure of antibodies as well as other macromolecules is related to its function and efficacy therefore control over these parameters is essential. The association of antigens to antibodies or of antibodies to delivery assemblies such as liposomes or gold nanoparticles can be addressed by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) while the folding of antibodies can be assayed using differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). Both techniques offer the advantage of using native solutionsand both instruments are offered by TA Instruments.

    897MB 2015-07-22
  • 为回馈广大消费者的厚爱,TA仪器年底推出促销活动,促销形式多种多样,包括:六折大优惠、买一送一、买仪器送配件等~详情请见附件~

    241MB 2014-11-06

TA 仪器差示扫描量热仪NANO ITC的工作原理介绍

差示扫描量热仪NANO ITC的使用方法?

TA 仪器NANO ITC多少钱一台?

差示扫描量热仪NANO ITC可以检测什么?

差示扫描量热仪NANO ITC使用的注意事项?

TA 仪器NANO ITC的说明书有吗?

TA 仪器差示扫描量热仪NANO ITC的操作规程有吗?

TA 仪器差示扫描量热仪NANO ITC报价含票含运吗?

TA 仪器NANO ITC有现货吗?

TA仪器+等温滴定微量热仪+ NANO ITC信息由TA仪器为您提供,如您想了解更多关于TA仪器+等温滴定微量热仪+ NANO ITC报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


