赛默飞 ISQ EC单四极杆质谱
赛默飞 ISQ EC单四极杆质谱

¥100万 - 200万







  • 钻石
  • 第23年
  • 生产商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 单四极杆

产地类别: 进口

质量范围: -

灵敏度: -

分辨率: -

精确质量数: -

将质谱(MS)加入您的 IC 和 LC 分析中,以获取只有 MS 可提供的有价值数据。全新易用的 Thermo Scientific ISQ™ EC 单四极杆质谱仪无缝集成了离子色谱(IC)和高效液相色谱(HPLC)系统。新手和专家都可以快速掌握 MS,获取每个样本的更多信息。


  • 更高的灵敏度和更准确的定量

  • 色谱峰质量数确认,消除假阴性和假阳性


  • 提高复杂基质中分析物的分离度

  • 选择性更佳

  • 根据质荷比分离共洗脱峰


  • 通过集成工具节省用户培训时间,帮助掌握 MS

  • 体验与您 IC 或 LC 系统的无缝集成

  • 使用 Thermo Scientific™ Chromeleon™ 色谱分析数据系统(CDS)软件进行数据分析,从而节省时间,同时嵌入了对 ISQ EC MS 的控制


1、 高灵敏度。ISQ EC的离子源设计借鉴MSMS的HESI II技术,使得ISQ EC的灵敏度,尤其是低端质量数的灵敏度有大幅度的提高。

2、 耐受性。由于源的设计特点,90度喷雾,气路的设计(鞘气、辅助气、吹扫气)、锥孔外壳和离子传输管等,最终使得ISQ EC的耐受性能大大提升。

3、 维护非常方便,拆卸外锥孔,离子传输管无需任何工具。

4、 单变色龙软件控制,尤其适用于合规性需求强的制药领域。

5、 智能的方法编辑界面。有多种方法编辑界面可供选择,有easy mode等多种编辑界面,可满足各种不同需求的所有用户。

6、 扫描速率可最高达20000。

  • 利用双三元在线除盐技术,在保留原一维不挥发性流动相的基 础上,对样品中的主化合物及杂质进行分离,达到较好的分离 度,结合二维色谱柱切换技术实现在线脱盐,二维采用质谱兼 容性流动相,将收集环中馏分脱盐后转入质谱,通过去卷积软 件处理采集数据,可以了解寡肽样品电荷分布范围及其分子 量。该方法重现性良好,自动化程度高,值得推广

    制药/生物制药 2023-11-10

  • present data, and to our understanding is far better than any other software package ... With the Chromeleon Reports, we are seeing time and cost savings saving equivalent to four to five full time employees depending on the workload in each month. These savings are higher than anticipated.” Bernd Boscolo QC Improvement Projects Team Leader and CDS Administrator Douglas Manufacturing Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand Bernd Boscolo received an Engineering Diploma in chemistry from the University of Applied Sciences, Isny, Germany. He worked for more than three years at privately held pharmaceutical manufacturer Swiss Caps AG, Kirchberg, Switzerland before joining Douglas Manufacturing eight years ago. In his most recent position as QC Improvement Projects Team Leader, Bernd oversees Chromeleon CDS operation in his company’s Quality Control and New Product Development laboratories. His duties include the design and validation of Chromeleon Report Templates. Chromeleon 报告显著降低了新西兰 药品制造商的时间和成本投入 Chromeloen 报告设计器是一款用于计算和显示数据 的强大工具,据我们所知,此工具远胜于其它任意一种 软件包&#823&#823根据每月的工作量,使用 Chromeloen 报告所 节约的时间和成本相当于节省4 - 5 名全职雇员。其节约 的时间和成本高于预期。

    制药/生物制药 2018-06-07

  • The results presented demonstrate the successful development of an accurate, precise, and selective SPE-LC-MS/MS method for the analysis of desmopressin from human plasma. Use of micro-elution SPE allowed for concentration of the sample prior to analysis without the need for post-extraction processing. Utilizing SOLAµ mixed-mode SPE provided both a clean and repeatable extract across the concentration range.

    医疗/卫生 2018-03-13

  • 利用双三元在线除盐技术,在保留原一维不挥发性流动相的基 础上,对样品中的主化合物及杂质进行分离,达到较好的分离 度,结合二维色谱柱切换技术实现在线脱盐,二维采用质谱兼 容性流动相,将收集环中馏分脱盐后转入质谱,通过去卷积软 件处理采集数据,可以了解寡肽样品电荷分布范围及其分子 量。该方法重现性良好,自动化程度高,值得推广

    制药/生物制药 2023-11-10

  • present data, and to our understanding is far better than any other software package ... With the Chromeleon Reports, we are seeing time and cost savings saving equivalent to four to five full time employees depending on the workload in each month. These savings are higher than anticipated.” Bernd Boscolo QC Improvement Projects Team Leader and CDS Administrator Douglas Manufacturing Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand Bernd Boscolo received an Engineering Diploma in chemistry from the University of Applied Sciences, Isny, Germany. He worked for more than three years at privately held pharmaceutical manufacturer Swiss Caps AG, Kirchberg, Switzerland before joining Douglas Manufacturing eight years ago. In his most recent position as QC Improvement Projects Team Leader, Bernd oversees Chromeleon CDS operation in his company’s Quality Control and New Product Development laboratories. His duties include the design and validation of Chromeleon Report Templates. Chromeleon 报告显著降低了新西兰 药品制造商的时间和成本投入 Chromeloen 报告设计器是一款用于计算和显示数据 的强大工具,据我们所知,此工具远胜于其它任意一种 软件包&#823&#823根据每月的工作量,使用 Chromeloen 报告所 节约的时间和成本相当于节省4 - 5 名全职雇员。其节约 的时间和成本高于预期。

    制药/生物制药 2018-06-07

  • The results presented demonstrate the successful development of an accurate, precise, and selective SPE-LC-MS/MS method for the analysis of desmopressin from human plasma. Use of micro-elution SPE allowed for concentration of the sample prior to analysis without the need for post-extraction processing. Utilizing SOLAµ mixed-mode SPE provided both a clean and repeatable extract across the concentration range.

    医疗/卫生 2018-03-13


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赛默飞 ISQ EC单四极杆质谱信息由赛默飞色谱与质谱为您提供,如您想了解更多关于赛默飞 ISQ EC单四极杆质谱报价、型号、参数等信息,赛默飞色谱与质谱客服电话:400-611-9236,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


