







  • 金牌
  • 第15年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核




1、    产品由专业麻醉机厂家设计生产,品质优秀,使用广泛,产品通过CE及ISO认证;

2、    一套设备同时支持完整的开放环路和闭合环路麻醉设计,并为两者提供独立的通路;

3、    为开放环路提供方便的混合气体输出端口(Fresh gas outlet);

4、    为闭合环路提供独立的进气口Inhalation和出气口Exhalation;

5、    配备开放环路和闭合环路所必需的管路各一套;

6、    提供专门的Pop-off阀门,一方面与废气回收系统连接,一方面为再呼吸气囊提供持续2cmH2O负压;

7、    为闭合环路再提供一个呼吸气囊,并由Pop-off阀门提供持续负压;

8、    提供精确的氧气流量计,显示范围:0.2至4LPM;

9、    可根据需要配备双流量计,可以选择笑气(N2O),氮气(N2),二氧化碳气体(CO2)等;

10、   吸收罐容量不小于900cc;

11、   采用原厂出品的100 series倒药式异氟醚麻醉挥发罐,其输出精度不低于0.5%;容量不小于250ml

12、    压力计量程:0-60cm H20;

13、    提供氧气旁通开关,以便在动物预处理、仪器测试或任何紧急状态下,让氧气直接导通;确保手术顺利进行和动物安全;

14、   采用硬铝制坚固外壳,并采用表面磨砂处理,更便于擦洗和消毒。


  • 围麻醉期动物的呼吸障碍主要见于上下呼吸道,按梗阻部位可分为上呼吸道梗阻(即舌下坠分泌物过多,喉痉挛等)及下呼吸道梗阻(即窒息, 支气管痉挛等),亦有部分动物可发生呼吸暂停。以下为几种常见的呼吸障碍及处理方法: 一舌下坠,二分沁物过多,三喉痉挛,四室息,五支气管痤挛,六呼吸暂停

    生物产业 2014-09-18

  • 影响实验动物麻醉的因素 实验动物的麻醉是一项复杂系统的工作。正确的麻醉处理,是动物实验成功的有力保障。而麻醉处理不当,会给实验结果带来难以分析的误差。要想获得良好的麻醉效果,除掌握实验动物麻醉的基本知识和技术、遵循科学的麻醉程序外,还应了解影响实验动物麻醉的各种因素,如动物因素、环境因素等。

    生物产业 2014-09-18

  • 大鼠及小鼠麻醉剂量参考 IM:肌肉注射 IV:静脉注射 SC:皮下注射 IP:腹腔注射 药 物 剂量 途径 麻醉前给药 Atropine 0.002-0.005 mg/100 gBW 0.12 mg/100 gBW IM, IV,SC* IP* 镇静剂 Acepromazine Diazepam Ketamine 0.075 mg/100 gBW 0.5 mg/100 gBW 2.0 mg/100 gBW IM IP IM 注射麻醉剂 Ketamine Pentobarbital Thiopental Thiamylal 2.2-4.4 mg/100 gBW 10 mg/100 gBW 2.5 mg/100 gBW 1.5 mg/100 gBW 6.0 mg/100 gBW 2.5 mg/100 gBW 5.0 mg/100 gBW 2.5-5.0 mg/100 gBW IM IP IV IV

    生物产业 2014-09-18

  •  实验动物安乐死问题一直困扰着动物实验工作者,什么是安乐死技术或方法? 如何实施安乐死?怎样的安乐死方法才能既保证动物福利、符合伦理 道德准则,又对实验者方便实用? 本文根据美国兽医学会(AVMA) 关于安乐死的评价准则阐述实验动物实施安乐死的若干问题。

    生物产业 2014-09-18

  • 围麻醉期动物的呼吸障碍主要见于上下呼吸道,按梗阻部位可分为上呼吸道梗阻(即舌下坠分泌物过多,喉痉挛等)及下呼吸道梗阻(即窒息, 支气管痉挛等),亦有部分动物可发生呼吸暂停。以下为几种常见的呼吸障碍及处理方法: 一舌下坠,二分沁物过多,三喉痉挛,四室息,五支气管痤挛,六呼吸暂停

    生物产业 2014-09-18

  • 影响实验动物麻醉的因素 实验动物的麻醉是一项复杂系统的工作。正确的麻醉处理,是动物实验成功的有力保障。而麻醉处理不当,会给实验结果带来难以分析的误差。要想获得良好的麻醉效果,除掌握实验动物麻醉的基本知识和技术、遵循科学的麻醉程序外,还应了解影响实验动物麻醉的各种因素,如动物因素、环境因素等。

    生物产业 2014-09-18

  • 大鼠及小鼠麻醉剂量参考 IM:肌肉注射 IV:静脉注射 SC:皮下注射 IP:腹腔注射 药 物 剂量 途径 麻醉前给药 Atropine 0.002-0.005 mg/100 gBW 0.12 mg/100 gBW IM, IV,SC* IP* 镇静剂 Acepromazine Diazepam Ketamine 0.075 mg/100 gBW 0.5 mg/100 gBW 2.0 mg/100 gBW IM IP IM 注射麻醉剂 Ketamine Pentobarbital Thiopental Thiamylal 2.2-4.4 mg/100 gBW 10 mg/100 gBW 2.5 mg/100 gBW 1.5 mg/100 gBW 6.0 mg/100 gBW 2.5 mg/100 gBW 5.0 mg/100 gBW 2.5-5.0 mg/100 gBW IM IP IV IV

    生物产业 2014-09-18

  •  实验动物安乐死问题一直困扰着动物实验工作者,什么是安乐死技术或方法? 如何实施安乐死?怎样的安乐死方法才能既保证动物福利、符合伦理 道德准则,又对实验者方便实用? 本文根据美国兽医学会(AVMA) 关于安乐死的评价准则阐述实验动物实施安乐死的若干问题。

    生物产业 2014-09-18


保修期: 1年



免费培训: 1人次技术中心培训

免费仪器保养: 3月一次

保内维修承诺: 一年内免费更换零件

报修承诺: 3天内到达现场维修

  • Harvard Apparatus的动物麻醉机以其品种多、精度高和出色的可靠性而享誉世界由于Harvard动物麻醉机的型号及附件众多,不能一一罗列。若要进一步了解动物麻醉机相关产品信息,请与香港友诚生物科技有限公司联系。

    695MB 2014-09-24
  • Harness tethers, first developed by Instech in collaboration with Danny Jack at Covance Laboratories in 1997, are made of a soft elastomer saddle with a vented dome that protects the catheter exit site, ad - justable belly bands to secure the saddle to the ani mal, and a stainless steel spring to protect the fluid line and transmit torque to a swivel. Vascular Access Harness? for Rats The VAH? system permits quick and aseptic connection and disconnection of a catheterized rat and an infusion tether. Instech’s VAH is currently the most popular method tethering a rat for infusion or sampling. The system consists of a small external port housed in a harness which is installed at the same time that the catheter is implanted. The catheter is attached to a connector built into the port under the harness dome and then the port and catheter are filled with lock solution to maintain patency during transport. Access the harness manually to sample, dose or check patency using a syringe with a VAH6M injector with needlestick protection. To begin a continuous infusion or blood sampling study simply plug a mating VAH tether into the harness. A recessed needle built into the tether makes the fluid connection through the port. The VAH is a closed system: tether connection does not introduce contamination or air. Furthermore, retrograde flow, which can lead to occluded catheters, is virtually eliminated.

    2775MB 2014-09-23
  • Harness tethers, first developed by Instech in collaboration with Danny Jack at Covance Laboratories in 1997, are made of a soft elastomer saddle with a vented dome that protects the catheter exit site, ad - justable belly bands to secure the saddle to the ani mal, and a stainless steel spring to protect the fluid line and transmit torque to a swivel. Vascular Access Harness? for Rats The VAH? system permits quick and aseptic connection and disconnection of a catheterized rat and an infusion tether. Instech’s VAH is currently the most popular method tethering a rat for infusion or sampling. The system consists of a small external port housed in a harness which is installed at the same time that the catheter is implanted. The catheter is attached to a connector built into the port under the harness dome and then the port and catheter are filled with lock solution to maintain patency during transport. Access the harness manually to sample, dose or check patency using a syringe with a VAH6M injector with needlestick protection. To begin a continuous infusion or blood sampling study simply plug a mating VAH tether into the harness. A recessed needle built into the tether makes the fluid connection through the port. The VAH is a closed system: tether connection does not introduce contamination or air. Furthermore, retrograde flow, which can lead to occluded catheters, is virtually eliminated.

    2775MB 2014-09-23












