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当前位置: 研域试剂 > 抗体/抗原 > 丙型肝炎病毒NS4B(65kDa)抗体


供货周期: 一周
品牌: Abcam
规格: 多种抗体规
货号: YY-Ab-3506
CAS号: 详见产品说明
报价: 面议


别名:RNA-directed RNA polymerase; p68; RNA dependent RNA polymerase. 

产品介绍:丙型肝炎病毒NS4B(65kDa)抗体HCV is a positive, single-stranded RNA virus in the Flaviviridae family. The genome is approximately 10,000 nucleotides and encodes a single polyprotein of about 3,000 amino acids. The polyprotein is processed by host cell and viral proteases into three major structural proteins, and several non-structural proteins necessary for viral replication, of which NS5B is one. NS5B RNA-dependant RNA polymerase is responsible for replication of the hepatitis C viral genome, and is currently a principal target for chemotherapeutic inhibition of HCV replication. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) can cause chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. At present there is no vaccine effective against HCV. Host membrane insertion occurs after processing by the NS3 protease. 

Function : Core protein packages viral RNA to form a viral nucleocapsid, and promotes virion budding. Modulates viral translation initiation by interacting with HCV IRES and 40S ribosomal subunit. Also regulates many host cellular functions such as signaling pathways and apoptosis. Prevents the establishment of cellular antiviral state by blocking the interferon-alpha/beta (IFN-alpha/beta) and IFN-gamma signaling pathways and by inducing human STAT1 degradation. Thought to play a role in virus-mediated cell transformation leading to hepatocellular carcinomas. Interacts with, and activates STAT3 leading to cellular transformation. May repress the promoter of p53, and sequester CREB3 and SP110 isoform 3/Sp110b in the cytoplasm. Also represses cell cycle negative regulating factor CDKN1A, thereby interrupting an important check point of normal cell cycle regulation. Targets transcription factors involved in the regulation of inflammatory responses and in the immune response: suppresses NK-kappaB activation, and activates AP-1. Could mediate apoptotic pathways through association with TNF-type receptors TNFRSF1A and LTBR, although its effect on death receptor-induced apoptosis remains controversial. Enhances TRAIL mediated apoptosis, suggesting that it might play a role in immune-mediated liver cell injury. Seric core protein is able to bind C1QR1 at the T-cell surface, resulting in down-regulation of T-lymphocytes proliferation. May transactivate human MYC, Rous sarcoma virus LTR, and SV40 promoters. May suppress the human FOS and HIV-1 LTR activity. Alters lipid metabolism by interacting with hepatocellular proteins involved in lipid accumulation and storage. Core protein induces up-regulation of FAS promoter activity, and thereby probably contributes to the increased triglyceride accumulation in hepatocytes (steatosis). 

E1 and E2 glycoproteins form a heterodimer that is involved in virus attachment to the host cell, virion internalization through clathrin-dependent endocytosis and fusion with host membrane. E1/E2 heterodimer binds to human LDLR, CD81 and SCARB1/SR-BI receptors, but this binding is not sufficient for infection, some additional liver specific cofactors may be needed. The fusion function may possibly be carried by E1. E2 inhibits human EIF2AK2/PKR activation, preventing the establishment of an antiviral state. E2 is a viral ligand for CD209/DC-SIGN and CLEC4M/DC-SIGNR, which are respectively found on dendritic cells (DCs), and on liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and macrophage-like cells of lymph node sinuses. These interactions allow capture of circulating HCV particles by these cells and subsequent transmission to permissive cells. DCs act as sentinels in various tissues where they entrap pathogens and convey them to local lymphoid tissue or lymph node for establishment of immunity. Capture of circulating HCV particles by these SIGN+ cells may facilitate virus infection of proximal hepatocytes and lymphocyte subpopulations and may be essential for the establishment of persistent infection. 

P7 seems to be a heptameric ion channel protein (viroporin) and is inhibited by the antiviral drug amantadine. Also inhibited by long-alkyl-chain iminosugar derivatives. Essential for infectivity. 

Protease NS2-3 is a cysteine protease responsible for the autocatalytic cleavage of NS2-NS3. Seems to undergo self-inactivation following maturation. 

NS3 displays three enzymatic activities: serine protease, NTPase and RNA helicase. NS3 serine protease, in association with NS4A, is responsible for the cleavages of NS3-NS4A, NS4A-NS4B, NS4B-NS5A and NS5A-NS5B. NS3/NS4A complex also prevents phosphorylation of human IRF3, thus preventing the establishment of dsRNA induced antiviral state. NS3 RNA helicase binds to RNA and unwinds dsRNA in the 3' to 5' direction, and likely RNA stable secondary structure in the template strand. Cleaves and inhibits the host antiviral protein MAVS. 

NS4B induces a specific membrane alteration that serves as a scaffold for the virus replication complex. This membrane alteration gives rise to the so-called ER-derived membranous web that contains the replication complex. 

NS5A is a component of the replication complex involved in RNA-binding. Its interaction with Human VAPB may target the viral replication complex to vesicles. Down-regulates viral IRES translation initiation. Mediates interferon resistance, presumably by interacting with and inhibiting human EIF2AK2/PKR. Seems to inhibit apoptosis by interacting with BIN1 and FKBP8. The hyperphosphorylated form of NS5A is an inhibitor of viral replication. 

NS5B is a RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that plays an essential role in the virus replication.

Subunit : Core protein is a homomultimer that binds the C-terminal part of E1 and interacts with numerous cellular proteins. Interaction with human STAT1 SH2 domain seems to result in decreased STAT1 phosphorylation, leading to decreased IFN-stimulated gene transcription. In addition to blocking the formation of phosphorylated STAT1, the core protein also promotes ubiquitin-mediated proteasome-dependent degradation of STAT1. Interacts with, and constitutively activates human STAT3. Associates with human LTBR and TNFRSF1A receptors and possibly induces apoptosis. Binds to human SP110 isoform 3/Sp110b, HNRPK, C1QR1, YWHAE, UBE3A/E6AP, DDX3X, APOA2 and RXRA proteins. Interacts with human CREB3 nuclear transcription protein, triggering cell transformation. May interact with human p53. Also binds human cytokeratins KRT8, KRT18, KRT19 and VIM (vimentin). E1 and E2 glycoproteins form a heterodimer that binds to human LDLR, CLDN1, CD81 and SCARB1 receptors. E2 binds and inhibits human EIF2AK2/PKR. Also binds human CD209/DC-SIGN and CLEC4M/DC-SIGNR. p7 forms a homoheptamer in vitro. NS2 forms a homodimer containing a pair of composite active sites at the dimerization interface. NS2 seems to interact with all other non-structural (NS) proteins. NS4A interacts with NS3 serine protease and stabilizes its folding. NS3-NS4A complex is essential for the activation of the latter and allows membrane anchorage of NS3. NS3 interacts with human TANK-binding kinase TBK1 and MAVS. NS4B and NS5A form homodimers and seem to interact with all other non-structural (NS) proteins. NS5A also interacts with human EIF2AK2/PKR, FKBP8, GRB2, BIN1, PIK3R1, SRCAP, VAPB and with most Src-family kinases. NS5B is a homooligomer and interacts with human VAPB, HNRNPA1 and SEPT6.

Subcellular Location : RNA-directed RNA polymerase: Host endoplasmic reticulum membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein (Potential). Note=Host membrane insertion occurs after processing by the NS3 protease.

Post-translational modifications : Specific enzymatic cleavages in vivo yield mature proteins. The structural proteins, core, E1, E2 and p7 are produced by proteolytic processing by host signal peptidases. The core protein is synthesized as a 21 kDa precursor which is retained in the ER membrane through the hydrophobic signal peptide. Cleavage by the signal peptidase releases the 19 kDa mature core protein. The other proteins (p7, NS2-3, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A and NS5B) are cleaved by the viral proteases. 

Envelope E1 and E2 glycoproteins are highly N-glycosylated. 

Core protein is phosphorylated by host PKC and PKA. 

NS5A is phosphorylated in a basal form termed p56. p58 is an hyperphosphorylated form of p56. p56 and p58 coexist in the cell in roughly equivalent amounts. Hyperphosphorylation is dependent on the presence of NS4A. Human AKT1, RPS6KB1/p70S6K, MAP2K1/MEK1, MAP2K6/MKK6 and CSNK1A1/CKI-alpha kinases may be responsible for NS5A phosphorylation. 

NS4B is palmitoylated. This modification may play a role in its polymerization or in protein-protein interactions. 

The N-terminus of a fraction of NS4B molecules seems to be relocated post-translationally from the cytoplasm to the ER lumen, with a 5th transmembrane segment. The C-terminus of NS2 may be lumenal with a fourth transmembrane segment. 

Core protein is ubiquitinated; mediated by UBE3A and leading to core protein subsequent proteasomal degradation.

Similarity : Belongs to the hepacivirus polyprotein family.Contains 1 helicase ATP-binding domain.Contains 1 peptidase C18 domain.Contains 1 peptidase S29 domain.Contains 1 RdRp catalytic domain.



贮存: 贮存于-20℃


研究领域:细胞生物 免疫学 锌指蛋白

产品应用比例:WB=1:100-500 Elisa=1:500-1000 IP=1:20-100 IHC-P=1:100-500 IHC-F=1:100-500 Flow-Cyt=1/20-1/100 


丙型肝炎病毒NS4B(65kDa)抗体是用于化学反应、分析化验、研究实验、教学实验、化学配方使用的纯净化学品,产品品质卓越,价格实惠,多种规格供应,售后完善。我们能提供的抗体品牌有Everest Biotech、Osenses、Genesis Biotech、Acris、LifeSpan、Antibody Solutions、Abnova、SBA、QED Bioscience、Swant、Abcam、Atlas Antibodies、Leinco、BioLegend、Santa等抗体品牌。


Ab-(010)-00524 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/Alexa Fluor 350 Alexa Fluor 350标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00525 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/AP 碱性磷酸酶(AP)标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00526 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/HRP 辣根过氧化物酶标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00527 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/APC APC标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00528 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/PE-CY5 PE-CY5标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00529 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/PE-Cy3 PE-Cy3标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00530 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/PE PE标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00531 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/Cy7 Cy7标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00532 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/Cy5.5 Cy5.5标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00533 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/Cy5 Cy5标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00534 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/Cy3 Cy3标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00535 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/RBITC 罗丹明标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.3ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00536 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/Gold 胶体金标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 2ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00537 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgM/FITC FITC标记的兔抗鸡IgM ,规格: 0.3ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00538 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/PE-Cy7 PE-Cy7标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00539 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/PE-Cy5.5 PE-Cy5.5标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00540 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/APC APC标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00541 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/PE-CY5 PE-CY5标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00542 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/PE-Cy3 PE-Cy3标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00543 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/PE PE标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00544 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/Cy7 Cy7标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00545 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/Cy5.5 Cy5.5标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00546 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/Cy5 Cy5标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00547 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/Cy3 Cy3标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00548 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/FITC FITC标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.3ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00549 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/Gold 胶体金标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.5ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00550 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/RBITC 罗丹明标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.3ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00551 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/Alexa Fluor 555 Alexa Fluor 555标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00552 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/Alexa Fluor 488 Alexa Fluor 488标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00553 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/Alexa Fluor 350 Alexa Fluor 350标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00554 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/HRP 辣根过氧化物酶标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00555 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/AP 碱性磷酸酶(AP)标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00556 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/Alexa Fluor 647 Alexa Fluor 647标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00557 Rabbit Anti-chicken IgG/Bio 生物素标记的兔抗鸡IgG ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00558 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/Alexa Fluor 647 Alexa Fluor 647标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00559 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/Alexa Fluor 350 Alexa Fluor 350标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00560 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/APC APC标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00561 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/PE-CY5 PE-CY5标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00562 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/PE-Cy3 PE-Cy3标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00563 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/PE PE标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00564 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/Cy7 Cy7标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00565 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/Cy5.5 Cy5.5标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00566 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/Cy5 Cy5标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00567 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/Cy3 Cy3标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00568 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/Bio 生物素标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00569 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/Gold 胶体金标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 2ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00570 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/HRP 辣根过氧化物酶标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00571 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/Alexa Fluor 555 Alexa Fluor 555标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00572 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/Alexa Fluor 488 Alexa Fluor 488标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00573 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/PE-Cy7 PE-Cy7标记的兔抗牛IgM 丙型肝炎病毒NS4B(65kDa)抗体规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00574 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/PE-Cy5.5 PE-Cy5.5标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌

Ab-(010)-00575 Rabbit Anti-Bovine IgM/AP 碱性磷酸酶(AP)标记的兔抗牛IgM ,规格: 0.1ml ,品牌: 公司提供Santa、Abcam、MBL、CST等抗体品牌



















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