2014-06-27 16:42
This part of ISO 12219 specifies the sampling bag test method for measuring volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds which may diffuse from vehicle interior parts into the air inside road vehicles. This method is intended for evaluating and screening new vehicle interior parts and materials such as seats, the instrument panel, ceiling materials and so on. The test method specified in this part of ISO 12219 specifies a procedure for screening of VOCs, formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds using sampling bags. This part of ISO 12219 provides third party test laboratories and manufacturing industry with a cost-effective approach for: a) evaluating and screening prototype, “low-diffusion” materials or products during development; b) comparing diffusions from products within a range (e.g. different colours or patterns). This part of ISO 12219 specifies the design, construction, performance, evaluation, and use of sampling bags for testing vapour-phase organic emissions diffused from vehicle interior parts.
本标准按照GB/T1.1-2009给出的规则起草 本标准由国家发展和改革委员会提出 本标准由全国汽车标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC114)归口 本标准起草单位:东风汽车有限公司中国汽车技术研究中心、奇瑞汽车有限公司、南京汽车集团有限公司 本标准主要起草人:张娜生、宋先志、刘翔海、郭森、张春荣、包雪鹏、张家民
本方法确定了测定在白钢板或双面涂层(镀锌的和电镀锌的)的钢板上得到的磷酸盐的层重。 它适用于汽车车身的正三价的磷化。 已认可本方法用于确定含在1,5 g/m2 和4 g/m2之间的层重。