飞秒Ti:Sapphire激光器 Pulse One
飞秒Ti:Sapphire激光器 Pulse One





Basic Edition (BE)



  • 金牌
  • 第17年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核

Femtosecond Ti:Sapphire Laser System

The VENTEON | PULSE : ONE BASIC laser system is a compact, low-priced and robust source for ultrashort pulses < 8 fs on a compact footprint of only 260 mm x 600 mm. It is ideally suited for applications such as microscopy, spectroscopy or pump-probe experiments which require a reliable, simple and turn-key femtosecond laser source for ultrashort pulses with moderate average output power.

The monolithic design of this system is optimized for a low pump threshold and incorporates a 3 - 4 Watt DPSS pump laser without umbilical cable. The opto-mechanical components are directly mounted onto the solid, (optionally) water-cooled base plate, for which the number of adjustable components is reduced to the minimum. This makes the complete system very robust, portable, easy to set-up and long-term stable..

With the low pump power requirements, the VENTEON | PULSE : ONE BASIC laser system represents the ideal source to bring sub-8 fs pulses to your application even within a limited budget.


  • Integrated DPSS pump laser without umbilical
  • Spectral bandwidth: > 200 nm (@ -10 dBc)
  • Pulse duration: < 8 fs
  • Pulse energy > 2.5 nJ
  • Repetition rate: 80 MHz
  • RMS noise < 0.5 %

Technical Data
  • Novel monolithic, "rock solid" design for an exceptional long-term stability and hands-off operation.
  • Breadboard prepared for a water-cooling option, allowing improved thermal management for reliable operation even in extreme environmental conditions.
  • Robust external KLM starter
  • Beam height: 76.2 mm (3 inch)
  • Weight: ~40 kg (~88 lbs)
  • Dimensions: 608 x 268 x 117 (mm-values)


  • The molecular structure of the interfacial regions of aqueous electrolytes is poorly understood, despite its crucial importance in many biological, technological, and atmospheric processes. A long-term controversy pertains between the standard picture of an ion-free surface layer and the strongly ion specific behavior indicating in many cases significant propensities of simple inorganic ions for the interface. Here, we present a unified and consistent view of the structure of the air/solution interface of aqueous electrolytes containing monovalent inorganic ions. Molecular dynamics calculations show that in salt solutions and bases the positively charged ions, such as alkali cations, are repelled from the interface, whereas the anions, such as halides or hydroxide, exhibit a varying surface propensity, correlated primarily with the ion polarizability and size. The behavior of acids is different due to a significant propensity of hydronium cations for the air/solution interface. Therefore, both cations and anions exhibit enhanced concentrations at the surface and, consequently, these acids (unlike bases and salts) reduce the surface tension of water. The results of the simulations are supported by surface selective nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy(VSFG), which reveals among other things that the hydronium cations are present at the air/solution interface. The ion specific propensities for the air/solution interface have important implications for a whole range of heterogeneous physical and chemical processes, including atmospheric chemistry of aerosols, corrosion processes, and bubble coalescence.

    石油/化工 2008-04-26

  • The molecular structure of the interfacial regions of aqueous electrolytes is poorly understood, despite its crucial importance in many biological, technological, and atmospheric processes. A long-term controversy pertains between the standard picture of an ion-free surface layer and the strongly ion specific behavior indicating in many cases significant propensities of simple inorganic ions for the interface. Here, we present a unified and consistent view of the structure of the air/solution interface of aqueous electrolytes containing monovalent inorganic ions. Molecular dynamics calculations show that in salt solutions and bases the positively charged ions, such as alkali cations, are repelled from the interface, whereas the anions, such as halides or hydroxide, exhibit a varying surface propensity, correlated primarily with the ion polarizability and size. The behavior of acids is different due to a significant propensity of hydronium cations for the air/solution interface. Therefore, both cations and anions exhibit enhanced concentrations at the surface and, consequently, these acids (unlike bases and salts) reduce the surface tension of water. The results of the simulations are supported by surface selective nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy(VSFG), which reveals among other things that the hydronium cations are present at the air/solution interface. The ion specific propensities for the air/solution interface have important implications for a whole range of heterogeneous physical and chemical processes, including atmospheric chemistry of aerosols, corrosion processes, and bubble coalescence.

    石油/化工 2008-04-26


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