TA仪器+差示扫描量热仪+NANO DSC
TA仪器+差示扫描量热仪+NANO DSC
TA仪器+差示扫描量热仪+NANO DSC
TA仪器+差示扫描量热仪+NANO DSC



TA 仪器





  • 白金
  • 第20年
  • 一般经销商
  • 营业执照已审核


DSC测量样品加热或冷却时吸收或释放的热量。传统的DSC仪器是为广泛的应用而设计,但是在生物样品的研究中往往缺少灵敏度。像蛋白质这样的大分子在特定的温度下通过去折叠对加热或冷却作出响应;生物聚合物固有的稳定性越高,其去折叠转化的温度变化中点就越高。这些过程往往伴随着微焦耳级热量的转换,Nano DSC的灵敏度是成功研究这些反应的关键。
任何热量计都是建立在热流转换器的基础上。Nano DSC采用创新的双重毛细管设计,在能量补偿模式下运行。毛细管设计能够延迟蛋白质团聚,直到去折叠过程完成为止,从而使DSC测量具有无与伦比的灵敏度、准确性和精密度。事实上,Nano DSC可以直接获得竞争设计无法得到的数据。另外,由于测量池整个内壁极易用清洗溶液冲洗,所以毛细管测量池能够迅速彻底地洗净。
Nano DSC采用固态热电元件来精密而准确地控制样品的温度。因为采用同样的元件进行加热和冷却,所以向上和向下的温度扫描均能得到相同的灵敏度。
Nano DSC压力控制是通过内置的由电脑控制的精确线性致动器来驱动的高压活塞获得的。DSC实验中采取恒压是为了获得恒压热容(Cp)以及防止起泡或沸腾。在压力微扰实验中,可根据用户可选择的模式改变压力,从而获得压缩系数和热膨胀数据。

Nano DSC的多样性及高精密度,能够用以表征分子稳定性,鉴别高亲和力的配体结合反应以及多域结构的去卷积。Nano DSCNano DSC Auto拥有其他DSC所不具备的专利技术、高性能以及样品处理量。



  • 高灵敏度和小样品池体积确保了无与伦比的性能

  • 毛细管样品池设计可用于具有聚集或沉淀倾向的样品分析

  • 内置精密加压系统维持样品池内准确、恒定的压力

  • 固态热电元件提供加热和冷却扫描过程中的精准温度控制

  • 仪器客胜极为配置HPLC级自动进样器,提供可靠的高样品通量


  • Although membrane proteins are very difficult to work with, ultra-sensitive calorimetry can overcome the limitations of many other physical characterization techniques to provide insights into the factors driving membrane protein/lipid assembly and controlling the stability of the complexes.

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  • The development of monoclonal antibody (Mab) based drugs has undergone considerable growth since the release of the first Mab in the mid-eighties. Intuitive biophysical tools that examine and quantify interactions and conformational dynamics are important in demonstrating and understanding local and global conformational changes. The structure of antibodies as well as other macromolecules is related to its function and efficacy therefore control over these parameters is essential. The association of antigens to antibodies or of antibodies to delivery assemblies such as liposomes or gold nanoparticles can be addressed by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) while the folding of antibodies can be assayed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Both techniques offer the advantage of using native solutions and both instruments are offered by TA Instruments.

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  • A combination of HDX –MS and DSC is capable of revealing important structural details for biopharmaceuticals that cannot be obtained using other techniques HDX can map changes in binding regions and define structure of weak binding sites DSC characterization ensures highest quality structural data for differentiating weak binding molecular variants HDX-MS & DSC provide powerful, flexible analysis tools for DD, R&D and QC

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  • Although membrane proteins are very difficult to work with, ultra-sensitive calorimetry can overcome the limitations of many other physical characterization techniques to provide insights into the factors driving membrane protein/lipid assembly and controlling the stability of the complexes.

    生物产业 2015-08-26

  • A combination of HDX –MS and DSC is capable of revealing important structural details for biopharmaceuticals that cannot be obtained using other techniques HDX can map changes in binding regions and define structure of weak binding sites DSC characterization ensures highest quality structural data for differentiating weak binding molecular variants HDX-MS & DSC provide powerful, flexible analysis tools for DD, R&D and QC

    生物产业 2014-07-31

  • The development of monoclonal antibody (Mab) based drugs has undergone considerable growth since the release of the first Mab in the mid-eighties. Intuitive biophysical tools that examine and quantify interactions and conformational dynamics are important in demonstrating and understanding local and global conformational changes. The structure of antibodies as well as other macromolecules is related to its function and efficacy therefore control over these parameters is essential. The association of antigens to antibodies or of antibodies to delivery assemblies such as liposomes or gold nanoparticles can be addressed by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) while the folding of antibodies can be assayed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Both techniques offer the advantage of using native solutions and both instruments are offered by TA Instruments.

    制药/生物制药 2015-07-16

  • 在中国,我们精心为广大高校设计了“高校应用讲座”。TA仪器优秀的应用专家们将深入高校, 进入课堂;将全球最先进的热分析、流变和微量热理论与莘莘学子们分享。更重要的是,在TA应用讲座中具有丰富业界应用经验的技术专家们,将会与大家一起进行各个行业的案例分析和应用探讨。令学子们能在踏出校门之前即能具备一定的实际技术能力,成为未来的业界栋梁。

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TA 仪器差示扫描量热仪NANO DSC的工作原理介绍

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TA 仪器NANO DSC多少钱一台?

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