
经验要求 1-3年| 博士| 上海市| 关注人数 488

五险一金 带薪年假 绩效奖金

Ⅰ、Key Responsibilities
• Develop and leverage key customer networks in line with business strategy
• Mentor junior members of Applications and Service Team
• Provide technical leadership for Cross BU training and collaboration
• Works with Applications and Marketing teams on long term product development and innovation
• Perform AFM demonstrations focused on the research interests and needs of prospective customers.
• Compile well-written demonstration reports that explain AFM data clearly and ensure maximum impact from the available AFM images.
• Assist and advise the sales and marketing teams on technical and scientific matters – e.g., fielding technical questions from prospective customers, interpreting technical claims by competitors, contributing to marketing materials, educating non-technical staff on new applications or capabilities.
• Perform AFM installations at customer sites throughout China. Train customers on instrument operation and experimental design.
• Provide expert technical support to customers (via phone, email, online and web forum).
• Develop new applications and techniques and author technical notes, application notes, and/ or scientific journal articles.
• Present new application developments and data at worldwide conferences and workshops, webinars and internal meetings.
• Help continually improve the AFM hardware and software by suggesting new features and by reporting bugs or user interface issues.

Ⅱ、Person Specification
1、Education / Qualifications:
• Engineering or science degree (biology, materials science, physics, or equivalent field) and/or extensive work experience in atomic force microscopy.
• At least 3 years of AFM experience
• Preferably a PhD, but relevant work experience will be considered.

2、Professional Skills/Abilities:
• Experience and extensive knowledge of the theory and operation of AFMs, ideally as a user of an Asylum Research AFM within a laboratory environment.
• Strong technical background and the ability to draw from this when interacting with customers, designing experiments, or troubleshooting.
• Friendly, agreeable and approachable, applicant must have excellent people skills with the ability to interact favourably with all personality types.
• Strong ability to be able to quickly gauge the experience and technical level of the customer/prospect and support/train at the best level to match.
• Strong problem solving and troubleshooting skills.
• Excellent technical writing skills with the ability to write clearly and effectively.
• Excellent time management skills with the ability to prioritise, plan, focus, and bring projects to completion within deadlines.
• Strong oral communication and presentation skills.
• Some teaching or tutoring experience preferred.
• Proficiency in English.

3、Personal Qualities
• Willingness to travel (up to 50%) is absolutely essential.
• "Can do" attitude – Decisive, flexible and able to work around issues to deliver required performance.
• Flexibility is key in a position where short notice changes to travel or laboratory plans are commonplace
• Proactive, self-starter, completes activities with minimal support. Initiates actions to develop new and better ways of working, using past experience and mistakes as positive opportunities for improvement.
• Positive personal impact. Listens effectively and actively seeks to understand views of others, providing a shared sense of purpose and direction by communicating effectively.
• Recognises the value of teamwork, developing positive, open relationships and shares knowledge between teams in order to achieve the company's business goals.
• Thinks "outside the box" to derive different, creative solutions to support the company's business strategy and growth.
• Team player – sees bigger picture as well as own priorities and needs.
• Outgoing personality, open to new experiences and challenges.

安全提示: 严禁招聘者做出任何损害求职者合法权益的违法违规行为,包括但不限于扣押求职者证照、索要求职者财物、诱导求职者异地入职、异地参加培训、违法违规使用求职者简历等,一经发现, 立即举报


100-499人 | 上海 | 外企

牛津仪器公司1959年创建于英国牛津,是英国伦敦证交所的上市公司,生产分析仪器、半导体设备、超导磁体、超低温设备等高技术产品。在五十多年的高速发展过程中,牛津仪器公司凭借自身的科研优势,以超前的技术、出色的管理和独树一帜的产品和服务为全球的科技发展作出了巨大的贡献。牛津仪器现已成为世界著名的科学仪器领域的跨国集团公司,拥有分布于英国、美国等的十几个工厂、数十个分公司和办事处分,业务遍及全球一百多个国家和地区。 牛津仪器始终关注和支持着中国的发展,其产品于40年前就进入了中国市场,目前在上海设有销售、研发和全国售后服务中心 ,在北京、广州设有分公司,旨在为广大中国用户提供及时、有效的服务。 为了进一步支持中国科研的发展,2013年牛津仪器设立了“马丁·伍德爵士中国奖”,迄今已举办四届,共有十位物理研究领域的年轻科学家获奖。牛津仪器先后在中国多所知名院校设立了“明日之星奖学金”,以鼓励在纳米科学领域有创新科研成果的优秀硕士或博士生。    选择牛津仪器的理由 我们是将最新科学技术导入实际应用领域的领先者 设计和研发创新的、高品质的分析仪器产品。你将与世界一流的仪器公司一起,将纳米技术和生物分子技术应用于分析仪器和工艺设备。我们每年都赢得英国女王创新技术奖。 我们是负责任的环境保护者 你将与为环境保护而提供先进分析仪器的公司一起工作,同时,我们也十分注重我们所在地的环境保护。我们会定期审查我们的相关生产行为,以确保无害于我们所在的社区。 我们关爱每一位员工 你将与一个注重创造多元化、包容宽松的工作环境的公司一起工作。 我们尊重每一位员工,提供具有吸引力和挑战的工作,平等的发展机会,具有竞争力的薪酬福利待遇。 牛津仪器公司承诺为所有牛津仪器员工实现工作机会平等。公司尊重每位员工的人格和尊严,为员工营造没有歧视、骚扰或欺骗的工作氛围。公司将依法进行经营管理,实现成为多元化和全球化公司的目标。 因此牛津仪器历来队伍团结,职员稳定。我们邀请拥有智慧、渴望成功的你加入牛津仪器,并与她共同成长。牛津仪器将使你梦想成真! 有意应聘者请提交中英文简历(注明期望薪资)及近照。 具体产品信息请参见牛津仪器公司中文网站及英文网站: https://www.oxinst.cn/ https://www.oxinst.com/





应用工程师 面议
经验不限| 硕士| 上海市


外企 100-499人

应用专员-上海市 10k-15k·13薪
3-5年| 硕士| 上海市


外企 100-499人

电镜应用工程师-上海市 10k-30k·12薪
在校/应届| 本科| 上海市


外企 100-499人

检测应用工程师 15k-25k·13薪
5-10年| 硕士| 北京市


民营 100-499人

应用工程师-广州市 15k-20k·12薪
3-5年| 大专| 广州市


民营 1-19人

应用技术支持-上海市 10k-15k·16薪
1-3年| 硕士| 上海市


外企 50-99人

仪器应用推广工程师(技术岗) 11k-15k·13薪
3-5年| 硕士| 苏州市



GDMS辉光放电质谱分析工程师-上海市 10k-15k·14薪
3-5年| 本科| 上海市


民营 50-99人

色谱耗材应用工程师-广州市 8k-12k·12薪
3-5年| 本科| 广州市


民营 100-499人
