北京---China Biopharma Marketing Programs Manager

经验要求 3-5年| 本科| 北京市| 招聘人数 1| 关注人数 262

五险一金 交通补助 补充医疗 定期体检 弹性工作 带薪年假 工作居住证 绩效奖金 下午茶

1. Come and join the Life Science and Applied Markets Group (LSAG) Agilent's largest business group responsible for our broad portfolio of market-leading analytical instruments, software
2. Develop and execute biopharma marketing strategy in China by assuming overall responsibility for the implementation of marketing programs and activities in China. This includes:
- Developing and executing regional marketing plans based on deep and precise understanding upon China biopharma market and customers’ needs.
- Measuring and evaluating the short- and long-term impacts and return on investment of programs. Implementing corrective actions and continuous improvement of program strategy & design to ensure delivery of targeted results & objectives., as required.
- Design and execute local biopharma activities and consolidate China campaigns and new product launches.
- Have in-depth technical product and application discussions around campaigns and relavant new product launches with sales and Field Application champions, BDs PSs.
- Have technical product and application knowledge and discussions with customers at major and local events. KOL involvement.
- Managing budget in conjunction with campaign architect.
3. Works collaboratively with all channels including field sales, PSs/AEs, BDs to ensure marketing program deployment and that effectiveness meets field sales expectations.
4. Communicate and feedback to global marketing team on marketing planning, review, and resources coordination.
5. Engages to integrate One-Agilent biopharma solutions/sales tools with cross-functional teams at comprehensive portfolio level, including analytical instruments, cell analysis instruments, consumables and service etc.

• University education in Biology/ Molecular biology or comparable, MSc. or Ph.D. preferable.
• At least 5-year experience in sales and/or marketing within biopharma business.
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as presentation skills in both mandarin and English. Ability to convey Agilent's product solution vision and market strategy to internal and external partners.
• Must have a proven ability to plan and execute; to think strategically and translate to tactics that can be implemented to drive customer preference and demand for Agilent’s biopharma solutions.
• Worldwide experience developing marketing programs to drive demand for new and existing products and solutions.
• Effective project management and organizational skills.
• Demonstrated skills in teamwork, results-orientation and strong persistence to reach goals. Highly motivated creative.
• Ability to collaborate equally effectively throughout all hierarchical levels incl. KOL’s
• Ability to travel locally and internationally ~ 50% of the time.
• Preferably be located in Shanghai.
安全提示: 严禁招聘者做出任何损害求职者合法权益的违法违规行为,包括但不限于扣押求职者证照、索要求职者财物、诱导求职者异地入职、异地参加培训、违法违规使用求职者简历等,一经发现, 立即举报


1000人以上 | 北京 | 外企

安捷伦科技有限公司(纽约证交所:A)是生命科学、诊断和应用化学市场领 域的全球领导者,致力于为提升人类生活品质提供敏锐洞察和创新经验。安捷伦的 仪器、软件、服务、解决方案和专家能够为客户最具挑战性的难题提供更可靠的答 案。 安捷伦公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市。我们为全世界 100 多个 国家和地区的实验室提供仪器、服务、消耗品、应用与专业知识,以帮助客户获得 他们所寻求的深入见解。安捷伦将其专业技术聚焦于六个关键领域:食品,环境和 法医,制药,诊断,化工与能源和科研。 作为生命科学、诊断和应用化学市场领域的全球领导者,安捷伦也是改革开 放之后最早进入中国市场的高科技企业之一。上世纪八十年代,安捷伦就已经进入 中国。 多年来,我们始终坚持“在中国,为中国”的发展战略。公司的发展始终与中国 宏观发展高度一致。目前,中国市场已经占安捷伦全球业务收入的 20%。 在中国,我们长期致力于培养本地人才,推动科技创新,传承多元化文化, 并且助力健康中国 2030 等国家战略。我们见证、助力了中国“十三五”的成功,也 将在“十四五”和更长期的时期里,持续推动中国的科技创新和高质量发展。 目前,安捷伦在中国拥有两千多名员工,总部位于北京,在上海和杭州分别 设有工厂和研发中心,在中国众多城市设有子公司和办事处。业务涉及产品研发及 制造、市场推广、销售、和售后服务支持等。 除此之外,安捷伦始终践行“优秀企业公民”的理念,并一直致力于可持续发展 和环境保护。一直以来,安捷伦积极参与支持中国多项青少年科普及教育活动,资 助中国顶尖大学及科研机构,努力回报社会 , 为建立美丽中国奉献自己的力量





市场专员/经理 9k-15k·14薪
1-3年| 本科| 上海市


民营 50-99人

市场总监-青岛市 20k-30k·12薪
10年以上| 本科| 青岛市


民营 100-499人

大区销售总监-长沙市 20k-30k·13薪
5-10年| 本科| 长沙市



市场部经理-天津市 15k-26k·14薪
3-5年| 硕士| 天津市


民营 50-99人

光学仪器市场经理-青岛市 12k-25k·12薪
3-5年| 本科| 青岛市


民营 100-499人

市场开发 10k-20k·13薪
3-5年| 本科| 苏州市



医疗器械销售部经理-拉萨市 10k-13k·12薪
3-5年| 大专| 拉萨市


民营 50-99人

产品推广经理 面议
1-3年| 本科| 北京


民营 1000人以上
