IonPac AS24A氢氧化物选择性阴离子交换 4 x 250 mm


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Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac AS24A Hydroxide-Selective Anion-Exchange 

For Separation of Haloacetic Acids and Bromate in Drinking Water 

The Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac AS24A is a high-capacity hydroxide-selective anion-exchange column optimized for the separation of haloacetic acids (HAAs) as well as a variety of environmental anions. The capacity and selectivity enables analysis of haloacetic acids in drinking water at low-μg/L concentrations. The Dionex IonPac AS24A 4 × 250 mm column is specifically designed for the first dimension separation of haloacetic acids in drinking water prior to the second dimension separation using the Dionex IonPac AS26 capillary column, followed by suppressed conductivity detection. The Dionex IonPac AS24A column is ideal for the development of specialized applications, including 2D-IC, providing excellent separation of environmental anions including inorganic anions, oxyhalides, oxyanions, and organic acids. The high capacity of the Dionex IonPac AS24A column allows injection of complex matrices without overloading the column while maintaining excellent peak shapes for lower concentration analytes. The Dionex IonPac AS24A capillary column offers users excellent retention time reproducibility and in addition, increased mass sensitivity and eluent conservation.

  • High capacity: 560 μeq per column (4 × 250 mm)

  • Determine HAAs in high-ionic strength matrices without sample pretreatment

  • Column selectivity is optimized for a 15 oC operating temperature

  • Compatible with HPLC organic solvents

  • Used as first dimension column in 2D-IC method for haloacetic acids (4 × 250 mm)

  • Extended application capabilities providing excellent separation of environmental anions

Dionex IonPac AS24A Anion Exchange Column Specifications
Substrate Characteristics:Bead Diameter and Pore Size:
7 μm (4 × 250, 2 × 250 and 0.4 × 250 mm); super macroporous resin (2000 ?)
11 μm (4 × 50, 2 × 50, and 0.4 × 50 mm); microporous resin (<10 ?)
Crosslinking (%DVB): 55%
Ion Exchange Group:Functional Group: Alkanol quaternary ammonium ion
Functional Group Characteristics:Ultralow Hydrophobicity
Capacity:560 μeq (4 × 250 mm analytical column)
6 μeq* (4 × 50 mm guard column)
140 μeq (2 × 250 mm analytical column)
1.5 μeq* (2 × 50 mm guard column)
5.6 μeq (0.4 × 250 mm capillary column)
0.06 μeq* (0.4 × 50 mm capillary guard column)
*Guard is packed with a low-capacity microporous resin.
Column Construction:PEEK with 10-32 threaded ferrule style end fittings.
All components are nonmetallic.
Dimensions:Dionex IonPac AS24A Analytical Column:
4 × 250 mm, 2 × 250 mm
Dionex IonPac AG24A Guard Column:
4 × 50 mm, 2 × 50 mm
Dionex IonPac AS24A Capillary Column:
0.4 × 250 mm,
Dionex IonPac AG24A Capillary Guard Column:
0.4 × 50 mm
Maximum Operating Pressure:3000 psi
Mobile Phase Compatibility:pH 0–14; 0–100% HPLC solvents
Analytical Columns
Dionex IonPac AS24A Analytical Column (4 × 250 mm)076010
Dionex IonPac AS24A Analytical Column (2 × 250 mm)078112
Dionex IonPac AS24A Capillary Column (0.4 × 250 mm)082536
Guard Columns
Dionex IonPac AG24A Guard Column (4 × 250 mm)076011
Dionex IonPac AG24A Guard Column (2 × 50 mm)082535
Dionex IonPac AG24A Capillary Guard Column (0.4 × 50 mm)078115

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