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JH SunHS KimYY BahkY Park
Overview of conjugated linoleic acid formation and accumulation in animalproducts
【期刊】:Livestock Science
2017 , 195 :105-111
MF Weiss , FAM Pas , CL Lorenzen
REVIEWS: Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Historical Context and Implications
ProfessionalAnimal Scientist
2004 , 20 (2):118-126

A Zabala MP Portillo V Navarro MT Macarulla LJR Barron
Quantitative gas chromatographic method for the analysisof cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 isomers of theconjugated linoleic acid in liver
Journal ofChromatography B
2007 , 855 (2):152-8

【作者】:P Luna , M Juárez , MADL Fuente
【题名】:Gas chromatography and silver-ionhigh-performance liquid chromatography analysis of conjugated linoleic acidisomers in free fatty acid form using sulphuric acid in methanol as catalyst
【期刊】:Journal of Chromatography A
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:2008 , 1204 (1) :110-113
【作者】:P Luna , M Juárez , MADL Fuente
【题名】:Gas chromatography and silver-ionhigh-performance liquid chromatography analysis of conjugated linoleic acidisomers in free fatty acid form using sulphuric acid in methanol as catalyst
【期刊】:Journal of Chromatography A
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:2008 , 1204 (1) :110-113


L. Cossignani,      L.Giua,G. Lombardi,M. S. Simonetti,P. Damiani,F.Blasi
Analysis of CLA Isomer Distribution in Nutritional Supplements by SingleColumn Silver-Ion HPLC
Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society
2013 , 90 (3) :327-335
 回复  1# hstudent  回复于:2018/1/17 21:11:14
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