
检测样品: 治疗类生物药品
检测项目: 含量测定
浏览次数: 197
发布时间: 2019-10-12
关联设备: 2种 查看全部



解决方案总数: 23 方案总浏览次数:
Fluorescence detection has been widely used as one of a practical detection method in HPLC analysis. It enables the selective detection of fluorescent substances, with sensitivity that can be up to 1000 times greater than with UV detection.


SFC 2017 -Rockville, Maryland High Sensitivity Fluorescence Detector for Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Satoe lijimal, Akitaka Terada1, DJ Tognarelli2, John Burchell2, Takeshi Kanomata1, Masao Bounoshita1, Yasuyo Sato1, Miki Kuwajima1 IJASCO Corporation, 2967-5 Ishikawa-machi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-8537 2JASCO Incorporated, 28600 Mary’s Court, Easton,MD 21601 E-mail: satoe.iijima@jasco.co.jp Introduction Fluorescence detection has been widely used as one of a practical detection method in HPLC analysis. Itenables the selective detection of fluorescent substances, with sensitivity that can be up to 1000 timesgreater than with UV detection. Fluorescence detection can also be applied to non-fluorescent substances with the use of derivatization,with many derivatization agents becoming commercially available in recent years. Therefore, this techniqueprovides the advantages of highly sensitivity and selectivity to many different classes of compound, andbroadens the range of applications in many industries. However, fluorescence detection has not been used in SFC analysis due to the difficulty of developing a suitable high pressure flow cell.We developed a fluorescence detector with a flow cell specifically constructed for operations at the high pressures required for SFC. This fluorescence detector is included in our newer SFC system (SFC-4000 series).In this presentation, we will introduce an application for the analysis of several compounds using SFCseparation with fluorescence detection. Experimental Apparatus Figure 1 shows the JASCO SFC system equipped with UV/Visible (UV) and fluorescence (FL) detectors usedin this experiment. Figure 2 also shows the schematic diagram of this system. This system enables method. scouting analysis to be performed on several mobile phases and columns.Figure 3 shows the structures and differences between a conventional and novel fluorescence detectorflow cell. We developed a unique quartz flow cell design and structure for use with high pressure (up to 20MPa). The outer surfaces of this flow cell are coated with aluminum, and provides high collection efficiencyof fluorescence by functioning as a reflector. CO, delivery pump : PU-4380 Modifier solventdelivery pump : PU-4180 (with SV*1, LV*2and MX*3 unit) Autosampler : AS-4350 Column oven : CO-4065 (with 2 switching valve unit*4) Detector 1: UV-4070 (with Analytical High Pressure cell)Detector 2: FP-4020 (with Analytical High Pressure cell)Back pressure regulator:BP-4340Chromatography data system :1: ChromNAVVer.2 *1Stop valve unit *2 Solvent switching unit *3 Mixing unit 410 position-11port valve uni Fig.11 The JASCO SFC system((EHIREMA 1: CO2 cylinder 4N一 2: Modifier solvents 14 3: Solvent switching valve 4: COdelivery pump s. 5: Modifier solvents delivery pump 6: Stop valve 7: Mixing unit 8: Preheat coil 9: Autosampleier 10:Column oven (with 2 switching valve units) 11:: Columns 12::UV/Vis detectoi 13 : Fluorescence detectoi Fig.2 Schematic diagram of the SFC-UV-FL. 14: Back pressure regulatoi . Fig.3 Structures and differences between the conventional and novel fluorescence flow cell. Results and Discussion SFC/UV vs. SFC/FL Fig.4 Sensitivity of anthracene by SFC/UV and SFC/FL. SFC/FL Applications of PAH by SFC/UVand SFC/FL. 13. Benzo[a]pyrenee14. Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 15. Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 16. Benzo[g,h,ilperylene Vitamin E (a, B,y,6-Tocopherol) Conclusion ·We developed a fluorescence detector with a flow cell specifically constructed for operation at the highpressures required for SFC SFC/FL provides highly sensitive detection (from fg to pg) for fluorescent substances, compared to UV/Visibledetector. ( ·SF C using fluorescence detection will open the door to new appl i cations fields ) References 1.V. R. Meyer, "Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography", 4th ed.,John Wiley & Sons, 2004, 92 and 279-2822.M. Bounoshita, T.Kanomata, CHROMATOGRAPHY, 2011, 32, 23-32.3.0. A. Adegoke, Afr.J. Pure Appl.Chem., 2012,6(14), 129-140. 4.T. Yarita, A. Nomura, K. Abe, Y. Takeshita,J. Chromatogr. A, 1994, 679,329-334. Fluorescence detection has been widely used as one of a practical detection method in HPLC analysis. It enables the selective detection of fluorescent substances, with sensitivity that can be up to 1000 times greater than with UV detection.







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